Nominations open for Chancellor’s Chair for Research Excellence

Nominations are now open for the 2021 Chancellor’s Chair for Research Excellence (CCRE).

The CCRE award recognizes scholarly excellence in early to mid-career faculty at the Assistant or Associate level. The award value is $20,000 per year for three years.

The awardee will undertake a defined, three-year research program that will lead to a significant development in scholarship, such as a scholarly monograph or a state-of-the-art review that may lead to a series of scholarly lectures.

The proposed research program may be integrated within a broader research and scholarly focus.

CCRE recipients deliver a public lecture, podcast interview or other presentation as a way of sharing their contributions to scholarship with the University and wider community. Recipients often receive invitations to present at other universities and events.

To initiate the process, two nominators and the nominee must complete the nomination form.

The nomination form and supporting documents must be emailed to Agata D’Innocenzo, Research Officer, at by Friday, May 21 at noon.

Once the Office of Research Services receives the nomination packages, it will contact referees and facilitate the peer review process. Nominations will be forwarded to the Adjudication Committee after the receipt of external reports.

More details can be found in the nomination guidelines and award conditions.

Questions can be directed to Agata D’Innocenzo at

Categories: March 2021