
  • 2018 Sustainability Poetry Contest accepting submissions!

    In celebration of UNESCO Poetry Day, Brock University’s Environmental Sustainability Research Centre (ESRC), and the UNESCO Chair in Community Sustainability would like to invite you to submit your original, unpublished, poem to our sustainability poetry contest.

    The theme this year is ‘The Future We Want’ and the contest is open to all elementary, secondary and post-secondary students in the Niagara region as well as to the general public. The contest is accepting submissions both in English and in French.

    Submissions are open until Monday, February 19 at 5 p.m.

    Submit your poem today!

    English submission form
    French Submission form

    More about this year’s theme:
    The United Nations (UN) General Assembly in its Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 27 July 2012 during the Rio +20 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, adopted the outcome document entitled “The future we want” as a vision for what has become in 2015 the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.

    As mentioned: Poverty eradication is the greatest global challenge facing the world today and an indispensable requirement for sustainable development. In this regard, we are committed to freeing humanity from poverty and hunger as a matter of urgency… We therefore acknowledge the need to further mainstream sustainable development at all levels, integrating economic, social and environmental aspects and recognizing their interlinkages, so as to achieve sustainable development in all its dimensions.”

    Complete contest rules available here.

    Get inspired by reading submissions from past contests!
    Check out our Sustainability Poetry Contest E-Book.

    Categories: Updates of the Chair

  • Vasseur publishes new article on gut immunity in the diamondback moth

    Liette Vasseur has published, as co-author with Junhan Lin, Xiaofeng Xia, Xiao-Qiang Yu,Jinhong Shen,  Yong Li, Hailan Lin, Shanshan Tang and Minsheng You, a new article, “Gene expression profiling provides insights into the immune mechanism of Plutella xylostella midgut to microbial infection” in Gene.

    Read the publishers abstract:

    Insect gut immunity plays a key role in defense against microorganism infection. The knowledge of insect gut immunity has been obtained mostly from Drosophila melanogaster. Little is known about gut immunity in the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella (L.), a pest destroying cruciferous crops worldwide. In this study, expressions of the immune-related genes in the midgut of Pxylostella orally infected with Staphylococcus aureusEscherichia coli and Pichia pastoris were profiled by RNA-seq and qRT-PCR approaches. The results revealed that the Toll, IMD, JNK and JAK-STAT pathways and possibly the prophenoloxidase activation system in Pxylostella could be activated by oral infections, and moricins, gloverins and lysozyme2 might act as important effectors against microorganisms. Subsequent knock-down of IMD showed that this gene was involved in regulating the expression of down-stream genes in the IMD pathway. Our work indicates that the Toll, IMD, JNK and JAK-STAT pathways may synergistically modulate immune responses in the Pxylostella midgut, implying a complex and diverse immune system in the midgut of insects.

    Read the article 

    Categories: Updates of the Chair

  • OIA Niagara and Hamilton Branch Meeting

    Mark your calendar for a special joint meeting of the Ontario Institute of Agrologists (OIA), Niagara and Hamilton Branches.  Agrologists from other branches of OIA (with a special invitation to the Hamilton branch) and all interested friends of OIA, spouses, partners, colleagues and students are cordially invited to attend the meeting on Tuesday, December 12.

    Liette Vasseur will be the speaker at the meeting, discussing the topic of “Development of Sustainable Agriculture in China and lessons for Canada.”

    The meeting location is the Innsville Restaurant, 1143 Highway 8, Stoney Creek (west of Fifty Road exit from QEW and on the corner of Lewis Rd and Highway 8. A Google Maps link is attached below).

    Please confirm attendance no later than Friday, December 8th to Mary Jane Combe or 905 682-0086.

    Date:  Tuesday, December 12, 2017
    Gathering time:   5:30 p.m.
    Dinner:   6:00 p.m.
    Cost: Order from the menu

    For those wishing to car pool from Niagara, the plan is to meet at the Victoria Ave carpool lot (east of Victoria Ave on the South Service Road) at 5:00 p.m.  (Please indicate if you plan to carpool in your RSVP).,+Stoney+Creek,+ON+L8E+5G7/@43.210617,-79.6694178,15z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x882ca39d2e01e693:0xc32f5c3f6ced072!8m2!3d43.2099914!4d-79.6615643

    Categories: Updates of the Chair

  • Sustainable Development Goals: Youth Training, held at Brock’s Pond Inlet

    Close to 200 students from across Niagara learned about sparking change in the world during a
    training day hosted at Brock University by the United Nations on Saturday, Nov. 11.

    The United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals: Youth Training event brought attendees
    together at the campus’ Pond Inlet to address the root causes of poverty and increase awareness
    of local and global initiatives.

    The event was led by special guest Christian Courtis, Human Rights Officer, United Nations
    Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, and gave youth practical training to
    develop a deeper understanding of sustainable development in the areas of health, economic
    growth, social inclusion and environmental protections.

    “The event was very well attended,” said Liette Vasseur, who was present at the event to speak
    about her work as the university’s United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural
    Organization (UNESCO) chair. “They came and spent their whole Saturday learning what the 17
    Sustainable Development Goals, defined by the United Nations, are and
    understanding how the United Nations works.”

    Other presentations and collaborators of the event included: Ana Sanchez, Brock University,
    Chair, Department of Health Sciences (Moderator); Irene Podolak, Action Africa Help
    International and Brock University Health Sciences Adjunct Professor; James Reid, Director and
    Producer; Lillian Lincoln Foundation; Kathryn Baker-Reed, Skills for Change of Metro Toronto;
    Ben Brisbois, Healthier Cities and Communities Hub, Dalla Lana School of Public Health,
    University of Toronto; and Steven Lee, Executive Director of FES (Foundation for
    Environmental Stewardship) and its 3% Project.

    Vasseur shared the work she is doing with the UNESCO chair in the area of sustainable
    development (specifically in relation to climate change) in a panel discussion that afternoon.
    Drawing from her book, Adaptation to Coastal Storms in Atlantic Canada, she discussed the
    priorities and options available to coastal communities as they work to mitigate the effects of
    climate change and how successful initiatives in Atlantic Canada can be applied to other coastal
    communities such as Saint Barthélemy and Ecuador.

    The event finished with a screening of Reid’s documentary, Minutes to Die, Snakebite: The
    World’s Ignored Health Crisis. The film takes a deeper look at how snakebites are killing more
    than 500,000 people every year – many of which reside in rural areas and developing countries
    where access to hospitals and life-saving anti-venom is severely limited. It outlines the clear link
    between this health crisis and poverty, inequity, and social justice and what is being done to
    develop new, cost-effective treatments.

    Vasseur said she was inspired by the insight and enthusiasm of all of the youth attendees.

    “I think a lot of students were highly inspired by the event and I’m hoping there will be
    momentum on campus now as the students seem quite interested to contribute.”

  • Liette Vasseur attends Gender Summit North America

    Liette Vasseur was among more than 600 advocates of gender equality from various science,
    innovation and development affiliations who participated in the Gender Summit North America
    2017 earlier this month.

    Vasseur attended the summit, which took place in Montreal from November 6 to 8,  as a
    representative of the Canadian Council for the United Nations Educational, Scientific and
    Cultural Organization (CCUNESCO).

    This marked the 11th year of the international summit and the first time that it was
    held in Canada. It was organized by Natural sciences and Engineering Research Council and
    Fonds de recherché du Québec, with the partnership of the CCUNESCO.

    The summit works to promote gender equality and diversity in research and innovation, with this
    year’s theme focusing on “Embracing pluralism and thriving through diversity – shaping science
    and innovation.”

    Attendees ranged from students, educators and policy makers to government officials such as the
    the Honourable Kirsty Duncan, Minister of Science.

    “It was a very good meeting,” Vasseur said, “There was a very clear message that we need more
    desegregated data, and that it needs to be better utilized to understand the challenges and barriers
    to inclusivity in the sciences.”

    She added: “There was also a clear message from Minister Duncan that we need to have
    universities clearly stating their policies in regards to gender equality and inclusion and that the
    government will really be pushing the issue to the higher level.”

    At the summit, Vasseur was part of a large panel discussion entitled, “Best Practices: Global
    Perspectives on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in STEM.” During this discussion, Vasseur
    explored global initiatives that aim to better promote, support, and contribute to the rise of
    women in STEM fields.

    Vasseur discussed the UNESCO STEM and Gender Advancement (SAGA) initiative and her work with the Canadian Coalition of Women in Engineering, Science, Trades and Technology (CCWEST).

    “We must combat the decline of women in the sciences and the bias that exists – by both men
    and women – against their potential and capabilities,” she said. “It’s about recruitment first,
    getting more women into STEM fields, but then also ensuring they stay in these fields and
    progress through their masters, PhD and eventually into the working world. Then, when we get
    to hiring, ensuring there is a diverse pool of women to be selected and closing the gender gap in
    these disciplines.”

    Vasseur also spoke on behalf of the CCUNESCO when five Canadian researchers were
    honoured and rewarded through the LOréal-UNESCO for Women in Science program. The
    L'Oréal-UNESCO 2017 Excellence in Research Fellowships, each worth $20,000, are awarded
    to support major postdoctoral research projects undertaken by young Canadians at a pivotal time
    in their career. They were awarded to Dr. Marie-Ève Lebel, PhD, Post-doctoral Fellow, Melichar
    Laboratory, Hôpital Maisonneuve-Rosemont Research Centre and Dr. Kelly Suschinsky, PhD,
    Post-doctoral Fellow, SAGE Laboratory, Queen’s University. Three other awards were also
    awarded at the same time.

    “It was very inspiring seeing so many bright and driven women working
    toward the goal of inclusivity” Vasseur said. “But, we know that we have to keep up the
    momentum that was created there, that’s something that was very clear. We need to continue to
    discuss this issue and figure out ways to move ahead in many aspects because there is much
    work to still be done.”

    Categories: Updates of the Chair

  • Vasseur publishes new article in Ambio: A Journal of the Human Environment

    Liette Vasseur has published a new article, “Complex problems and unchallenged solutions: Bringing ecosystem governance to the forefront of the UN sustainable development goals” in Ambio: A Journal of the Human Environment. The article was co-authored with Darwin HorningMary Thornbush, Emmanuelle Cohen-Shacham, Angela Andrade, Ed Barrow, Steve R. Edwards, Piet Wit, and Mike Jones.

    Read the publisher’s abstract:

    Sustainable development aims at addressing economic, social, and environmental concerns, but the current lack of responsive environmental governance hinders progress. Short-term economic development has led to limited actions, unsustainable resource management, and degraded ecosystems. The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) may continue to fall short of achieving significant progress without a better understanding of how ecosystems contribute to achieving sustainability for all people. Ecosystem governance is an approach that integrates the social and ecological components for improved sustainability and includes principles such as adaptive ecosystem co-management, subsidiarity, and telecoupling framework, as well as principles of democracy and accountability. We explain the importance of ecosystem governance in achieving the SDGs, and suggest some ways to ensure that ecosystem services are meaningfully considered. This paper reflects on how integration of these approaches into policies can enhance the current agenda of sustainability.

    Read the article

    Categories: Updates of the Chair

  • 16th biennial CCWEST conference report now available

    A report on the success of the 16th Biennial Canadian Coalition of Women in Engineering, Science, Trades and Technology (CCWESTT) Conference, which was held in Ottawa in May of 2016, is now available for viewing.

    The national CCWESTT Conference has always been recognized for its ability to bring together top industry and academic leaders to address topics of women in engineering, science, trades, and technology. The conference and associated workshops provided a forum for participants to develop leadership skills, network with dynamic colleagues, and celebrate women’s achievements in engineering, science, trades, and technology. Close to 200 delegates came from across Canada to participate in the 70 presentations, panel discussions, and workshops held during the four days of the 2016 conference.

    The conference themes were inspired by two major documents: “Seizing Canada’s Moment: Moving Forward in Science, Technology and Innovation” and by our engagement with the United Nations new sustainable development goals, documented in “Transforming Our World: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.” These documents included topics such as indigenous knowledge and science advancement, youth engagement, innovating in the workplace to promote the inclusion of women and advancement of women’s leadership, and preparing women for innovation.

    The event was important for CCWESTT, as the organization has started transitioning to a new era, where members will provide calls to action at regional, provincial, and national levels, in order to move the agenda of women forward in fields that are highly relevant for Canada and the world. To this effect,a policy forum was also held at the conference, where discussions were quite animated and provided the ingredients needed to move towards a national strategy that will recruit and retain women in the job market.

    Read the report
    Learn more about other activities and conferences affiliated with the UNESCO Chair
    Learn more about the Canadian Coalition of Women in Engineering, Science, Trades and Technology (CCWESTT)

    Categories: Updates of the Chair

  • Liette Vasseur appointed as president of CCUNESCO’s Natural, Social, and Human Sciences Sectoral Commission

    Vasseur, right, is pictured here with Sébastien Goupil, General Secretary of CCUNESCO, centre, and Louise Vandelac, former Chair of the Canadian Commission for UNESCO’s Sectoral Commission on Human, Social and Natural Sciences.

    Congratulations to UNESCO Chairholder Liette Vasseur, who was appointed as the new President of the Canadian Committee for the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (CCUNESCO)’s Natural, Social, and Human Sciences Sectoral Commission last week!

    The Natural, Social, and Human Sciences Sectoral commission is an 11-member group of Canadian scientists, academics and others providing knowledge and expertise on a range of issues. These include: social and environmental impacts of climate change; conservation of natural heritage and water resources; inclusion of newcomers and vulnerable groups; reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people; youth engagement; and measures to fight discrimination, racism, violence, bullying and radicalization.

    “We’re producing refection papers on some of the topics we believe are important, to come up with a long-range vision of how Canadians and the federal government can implement various actions related to sustainability,” Vasseur said.

    The Sectoral Commission advises CCUNESCO on the organization’s programs and activities in these areas. In turn, CCUNESCO, operating under the Canada Council for the Arts, seeks to connect Canadians to the broader work of UNESCO, whose work “contributes to a peaceful, equitable and sustainable future that leaves no one behind.”

    Categories: Updates of the Chair

  • Vasseur publishes new book: Adaptation to Coastal Storms in Atlantic Canada

    UNESCO Chairholder Liette Vasseur has published a new book based on an analysis that was performed on a series of winter storms in 2010/ 2011 that caused considerable damage to coastal communities in Atlantic Canada.

    Adaptation to Coastal Storms in Atlantic Canada,
    which was co-authored by Brock University’s Mary J. Thornbush and PI Steve Plante, of the Université du Québec à Rimouski, summarizes the results of the project and provides a perspective on how people in 10 coastal communities perceive and experience extreme weather events, and enhance their capacity to adapt and improve their resilience. It describes the outcome of two series of interviews and activities that were conducted during the project, as well as the lessons learned and general elements that should be considered when researchers collaborate with communities to define adaptation and resilience strategies.

    With coastal storms increasing both in frequency and intensity, the book provides a guide that allows communities to better understand the priorities and options available to them in order to then take an active role in adaptation to climate change in their communities.

    “We tried to find ways that the tools would be simple enough that the communities can use them and use a participatory approach,” said Vasseur. “It’s not only for coastal zones and it can be used in other countries. Because this was a large project of six years, we were able to develop a lot of tools that are now being used in other places, such as in a project in Ecuador.”

     To learn more or purchase the e-book, visit the publisher’s website


    Categories: Updates of the Chair

  • Make Canada a world leader in renewable energy production and use: national research group

    26 May 2017

    A Brock biologist is among a large group of university researchers calling on the Canadian government to become a world leader in the production and use of renewable energy.

    The Sustainable Canada Dialogues research group made up of 71 researchers, including Brock’s Liette Vasseur, released the Re-Energizing Canada: Pathways to a Low-Carbon Future report Friday, May 26 that says Canada can use the “global low-carbon energy transition” as an economic engine for the country.

    The report outlines ways Canada could speed up its shift to low-carbon energy systems from its current reliance on fossil fuels.

    “We’re highly reliant on oil and gas,” says Vasseur, a UNESCO Chair in Community Sustainability: from Local to Global. “We need to look at changing the way that we are working: how we move away from oil, gas, coal and other fossil fuels and move toward forms of low-carbon electrification like hydro-electricity and other renewable energy.”

    The researchers identify three ways Canada could transform itself into a low-carbon economy:

    • Cut down on the demand for energy through conservation and efficiency
    • Increase electrification and switch to electricity that emits low levels of carbon
    • Replace high-carbon petroleum-based fuels with low-carbon options

    “The future competitiveness and success of companies will be influenced by their readiness to engage in the low-carbon energy transition,” says the report.

    Sources of alternative energy include: hydroelectricity; solar, wind, wave and tidal power; geothermal power; and biofuels produced from plant materials, animal waste and other organic material.

    Vasseur contributed to sections of the report that deal with social acceptability, social justice and culture, and how these are key factors in determining what Canada’s energy systems will look like in the future.

    “There’s the issue of changing lifestyles,” says Vasseur. “People in general have a fear of change and might resist using new sources of energy.”

    She says people with lower incomes tend to bear a disproportionately higher cost of clean energy.

    “We already know the debate that occurred in Ontario when electricity prices went up. If you can’t afford it, you’ll have a tougher time,” says Vasseur.

    “One of the suggestions is how to better distribute the revenue coming from new energy sources so that it is more fair, such as a rebate given to families that have lower incomes,” she says.

    The report lays out a plan that will result in Canada slashing its 2005 carbon emission levels by 80 per cent by 2050. The presence of carbon dioxide has been steadily and sharply increasing since the 1950s as a result of burning fossil fuels and other human activities. Carbon dioxide is one of the greenhouse gases that trap heat in the atmosphere, increasing the Earth’s surface temperature.

    Vasseur and the other authors of the Re-Energizing Canada: Pathways to a Low-Carbon Future say the steps they’re suggesting will help meet a goal set by 196 countries in 2015 to avoid a global temperature increase of two degrees celsius from pre-industrial levels. Scientists report that a two-degree rise would have a range of serious impacts, including increases in heat waves, rainstorms, water levels and the total destruction of tropical coral reefs.

    For more information or for assistance arranging interviews:

    * Dan Dakin, Media Relations Officer, Brock University, 905-688-5550 x5353 or 905-347-1970

    Brock University Marketing and Communications has a full-service studio where we can provide high definition video and broadcast-quality audio.

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    Categories: Media releases