The Chair is a collaborative initiative aimed at building capacity in sustainability science and its practical transfer to society.
The mandate is to strengthen initiatives in sustainable agriculture and community-based natural resource management in China, Africa and Ecuador with special emphasis on empowering women. In the coming years, the program should also be able to extend to Africa.
Specifically, the activities of the Chair will include:
- involvement in sustainability research and development projects in communities;
- facilitation of joint research and work in South and North-South-South collaborations;
- provision of support for the new Graduate Program in Sustainability Science and Society at Brock University including promotion of international students;
- encouragement of youth and women involvement in research for education, and;
- contributions to the network of UNESCO chairs in Canada and abroad in the fields of gender equality and sustainability.
Canadian Commission for UNESCO
The Canadian Commission for UNESCO (CCUNESCO) coordinates the network of UNESCO chairs in Canada. CCUNESCO actively advances UNESCO’s mandate by serving as a bridge between Canadians and the vital work of UNESCO. By promoting UNESCO values, priorities and programs in Canada and by bringing the voices of Canadian experts to the international stage, the Commission contributes to a peaceful, equitable and sustainable future that leaves no one behind.