Lincoln Story Map

If Coastlines Could Talk: A story of Lincoln, Ontario

Meredith DeCock-Caspell | September 3, 2020

Using historical maps, striking photography and clear, concise commentary to show where and how the coast has changed since 1934, MEOPAR researcher  and Brock University alumna Meredith Caspell has created:  “If Coastlines Could Talk: A Story of Lincoln, ON,” an interactive ArcGIS StoryMap that was recently awarded the 2020 Esri Canada scholarship for Brock University.

StoryMap Online Q&A Events

MEOPAR researchers Liette Vasseur, Meredith Caspell and Bradley May will be hosting three online Q&A sessions in October to reconnect with you on the progress of the project, share a summary of the newly launched StoryMap “If Coastlines Could Talk,” and take your questions.

Wednesday Oct. 14 from 12 – 1 p.m
Thursday Oct. 15 from 12- 1 p.m.
Saturday Oct. 17 from 3 to 4 p.m.,

The online events are free and open to the public but an RSVP is required to

Please select visit the Community Outreach Events webpage for more details.

About The StoryMap

Shoreline circa 1930

Shoreline in 2020

Coastlines erode. This is a natural process. But sometimes this process can be accelerated or interrupted by the actions humans take. To better understand what sections of a coastline have been eroding faster and to determine what sections are the most vulnerable to erosion, coastline change analyses can be conducted.

A coastline change analysis was conducted for the Town of Lincoln. This included the study of historical air photographs that dated as far back as possible to present day to calculate the rate the coastline was changing over time. This helps identify areas that have been eroding at a faster rate than others. In addition to this, select factors were investigated that may have contributed to the changes. These factors were both climatic/physical (storm events, water levels, ice cover) and human-induced (land use changes, coastline protection measures) in nature.

Find out More

All data presented in the StoryMap is based on the results of Master of Sustainability thesis research, “Visualizing climatic and non-climatic drivers of coastline change in the Town of Lincoln, ON”, conducted by Meredith DeCock-Caspell.

If you have any questions about the data presented,
please contact her directly: