EVENT: Social Innovation Forum: Agrobiodiversity to Sustain Community Food Systems on March 5

Liette Vasseur will be participating in the Social Innovation Forum at Lakehead University on March 5, from 9 a.m. until 11 a.m.

The Social Innovation Forum will open Lakehead University’s 2018 Research and Innovation Week, “Connections.” The Forum is designed to showcase innovative approaches to community-university partnerships and the impact such connections can have on social justice and innovation.  The day’s events will create a dialogue that will address how Lakehead University’s research capacity can be utilized to inform and address challenges confronting community organizations and our city.  This public event is expected to draw local organizations and researchers, as well as leading research experts who are passionate about the power of community-university partnerships as a vehicle for societal change.

Learn more about the forum

Categories: Updates of the Chair