OIA Niagara and Hamilton Branch Meeting

Mark your calendar for a special joint meeting of the Ontario Institute of Agrologists (OIA), Niagara and Hamilton Branches.  Agrologists from other branches of OIA (with a special invitation to the Hamilton branch) and all interested friends of OIA, spouses, partners, colleagues and students are cordially invited to attend the meeting on Tuesday, December 12.

Liette Vasseur will be the speaker at the meeting, discussing the topic of “Development of Sustainable Agriculture in China and lessons for Canada.”

The meeting location is the Innsville Restaurant, 1143 Highway 8, Stoney Creek (west of Fifty Road exit from QEW and on the corner of Lewis Rd and Highway 8. A Google Maps link is attached below).

Please confirm attendance no later than Friday, December 8th to Mary Jane Combe mjcombe@primus.ca or 905 682-0086.

Date:  Tuesday, December 12, 2017
Gathering time:   5:30 p.m.
Dinner:   6:00 p.m.
Cost: Order from the menu

For those wishing to car pool from Niagara, the plan is to meet at the Victoria Ave carpool lot (east of Victoria Ave on the South Service Road) at 5:00 p.m.  (Please indicate if you plan to carpool in your RSVP).


Categories: Updates of the Chair