
Provides students with the opportunity to work with a faculty member on one of their ongoing research projects and/or within the community.

  • Completion of all degree requirements from year one to year three
  • 75 percent major average
  • 75 percent combined average in CHYS 3P10 and 3P15
  • 60 percent non major average 
  • CHYS 4F95 and 4P70 (see program note 6) 
  • one CHYS credit numbered 3(alpha)90 or above 
  • one-half CHYS credit numbered 4(alpha)00 or above 


Theses based in Special Needs Activity Program (SNAP) may be an empirical study using analysis of collected data from the program site and /or participants, may be conceptual / literature based, may be descriptive–interpretive—this depends on the student’s interests, disposition, and organizational and planning skills. 

Regardless of the approach and design, SNAP is an activity program for children, youth, teens and young adults with various disabilities, and offers developmentally appropriate, relevant and meaningful movement experiences in a Station Based Pedagogy approach. 

Students interested in exploring issues related to and/or experiences of children, youth, teens and young adults with disabilities, and in particular in active play contexts, will enjoy this type of thesis experience.

This applied research project is a partnership between Heather Ramey’s research team and the Centre of Excellence for Youth Engagement at the Students Commission of Canada ( The Students Commission works with many other partner organizations. Their purpose is to ensure that young people are valued, heard and their ideas for improving themselves, the lives of their peers and communities are put into action. This work focuses on various topics, such as healthy relationships, climate change, and youth leadership.

As a research team member, you will work as part of the research team on one of a number of possible applied projects. Project could involve designing or facilitating youth programs, evaluating programs, or analyzing existing data. Your project will be decided upon after a meeting with Heather and the Students Commission.

This applied research project represents a partnership between Dr. Voula Marinos and (Youth Resources Niagara) The David. S. Horne Supportive Reintegration Residence.  The Residence provides accommodation, educational and social programs and supports for justice-involved male youth ages 16-18 who are experiencing or at risk of homelessness. Residential programming is part of a culturally competent, youth-centred service delivery system that aims to reduce risk of homelessness, justice involvement and will target risk and resiliency factors of youth. Programming has the primary goal of instructing youth in developing skills and knowledge in order to enhance their ability to return to and live successfully in the community. The applied project provides students interested in justice-involved youth and community supports with experience in data collection (e.g., surveys, interviews) with staff and youth within the Residence ultimately leading to the development of an evaluation tool. The tool will be used to understand youth expectations and needs at intake, and then follow-up evaluations.
*Police check required.

For this applied research project students will conduct research in the Developmental Processes in Health and Well-Being lab aimed at understanding how perfectionism is experienced by teens and their families. As a research team member, students will work as part of a research team on one of a number of possible applied projects. Projects could involve working with physiological and behavioural data to understand how young perfectionists experience stress; interviewing young people and family members about their lived experiences of perfectionism; designing and facilitating a photo exhibition about how young people and their parents experience perfectionism day-to-day, or design and facilitate educational workshops aimed at decreasing perfectionism among student

Apply for fourth year

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