Internal Room Bookings

Brock’s Campus Portal allows faculty and staff the ability to view real-time schedules and submit room booking requests for most lecture or seminar rooms campus-wide.

To log in please visit:

At the top-right corner of the screen, you may log in using your Brock campus login and password – please do not include ‘’ after entering your user name. Instructions about how to submit a room booking request may be found here.

We recommend using the latest versions of Chrome or Firefox for the best user experience.

For assistance, please contact our team at

Faculty and Staff: To submit a room booking request for spaces not currently available on the Campus portal, please use one of the following emails:

Pond Inlet Booking Requests:

  • Bookings can be accepted on the portal if they are a minimum of 3 weeks (21 days) in advance. If the booking is sooner than 21 days, you will need to contact us via email at
  • Bookings must be a minimum of 3 hours, and must include the mandatory 1.5 hrs. setup and 1.5 hrs. takedown time for Custodial reset of furnishings. For example, if your event is 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. (5 hours) please submit the booking start time for least at 7:30 a.m. and the end time at 3:30 p.m. (8 hours).
  • You will be asked if you are aware of your furniture setup/configuration. You may select: Yes, No, or Unsure at this time.
  • Sample room configurations are available on our SharePoint site for your review
  • Room setup requests should be made 3 weeks prior to the event, or no later than 7 business days
  • You can review the weekly calendar availability here, prior to requesting a booking

If you have questions about spaces managed by Room Bookings, please contact us via email at

*Please note that academic bookings take priority. Although it is unlikely, your booking may be moved or cancelled if a change to a course impacts your booking. 

If you are an external organization with questions about campus space bookings, please contact our Conference Services team.

Brock University Risk Management offers insurance coverage to third-party individuals and/or groups who use Brock University’s facilities for non-University sanctioned events and who have inadequate or no insurance coverage, including vendors, fitness instructors, and Brock employees who use the University’s facilities for personal business or outside community events. Facility Users will need to complete a Certificate of Insurance form provided to them by the responsible function at Brock. Contact University Risk Management at for further inquiries.

All space bookings policies may be accessed here.