
  • ESRC Co-op Students Work Across Niagara Region

    Another Spring/Summer term is ending, and another cohort of Master of Sustainability (SSAS) students in the major research paper and co-op pathway are approaching the end of their work placements. We caught up with Rebecca Anderson and Allegra Caballero and they shared with us the work they’ve been doing and how it’s inspired them to become sustainability professionals.

    Allegra Caballero

    Allegra Caballero is working with the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority (NPCA) as a Land Planning Associate. In this role, she supports the NPCA’s full-time Land Planning staff in their implementation of key land planning, acquisition, and public engagement activities, and has also been helping her team plan for the development of management plans for priority conservation areas. This is done through research, policy writing, and drafting text to populate the NPCA’s main webpage.

    When asked how her first year in the SSAS program prepared her for success in her co-op role, Allegra responded that “the coursework in the SSAS program has helped me gain valuable experience working on various management plans and working with others to reach a shared goal.

    Rebecca Anderson

    Rebecca Anderson is working for Brock University as the Sustainability Coordinator in the Facilities Management department. She described her role as being based significantly in sustainability education, “right now we are working on increasing the waste diversion rates on campus, so I am in the process of creating content like posters and online resources that will help educate staff and students on different waste streams”. Brock University is also preparing to submit for the 2025 THE Impact Rankings, and Rebecca has written a Brock News article highlighting Brock’s most recent submission.

    Like Allegra, Rebecca shared that her first year in the SSAS program helped to prepare her for her co-op position, “[my courses] familiarized me with concepts like the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and technical skills like preparing and responding to requests for proposals (RFPs). These were areas I was previously unfamiliar with, but that are now core elements that we use almost daily in my current workplace”.

    Allegra and Rebecca both shared how their co-op roles enriched their understanding of sustainability science and prepared them for careers in the sustainability field. “In just three short months, I have learned a tremendous amount” said Rebecca, adding “it has opened my eyes to other career options, as prior to this I had never considered working within an [academic] institution. I am appreciative of the administrative and legal concepts I have learned on the job that are crucial for tasks such as securing contracts or mandated reporting of our recycling data to the Resource Productivity and Recovery Authority.” Allegra echoed this sentiment, sharing that “working with a conservation authority has helped me reimagine sustainability, the value of nature, and where an individual with my skills and abilities can contribute to its protection – I have gained new skills and abilities that I hope to bring with me into a career at a conservation authority or environmental agency”.

    We are thrilled to see these students thriving in their workplaces, and look forward to hearing more from them when they return to begin their second year in the SSAS program!


    Categories: Blog, Co-Op, SSAS Program, Sustainability at Brock

  • Seen & Heard at the ESRC: Convocation Day!

    This year’s Spring convocation ceremony saw 11 students graduate from the Master of Sustainability program, and we were thrilled to celebrate with these nine students in person. Congratulations to everyone who celebrated this week!

    To learn more about each of these graduates, check out our blog post and alumni webpage!

    Categories: Blog, SSAS Program

  • Congratulations to the Spring Class of 2024!

    Top Row L-R: Kassie Burns, Anmol Burmy, Alexa Dolsky, Dana Harris Middle Row L-R: Shannon Heaney, Erin Isaac, Madison Lepp, Sydney McIntyre Bottom Row L-R: Zeal Pandya, Sebastian Roa, Evan Rodenburg

    On June 11, 2024, 11 students will graduate from the Master of Sustainability program at Brock University! These students have worked incredibly hard throughout their studies and have participated and thrived in various Environmental Sustainability Research Centre (ESRC) initiatives and programs. On behalf of the ESRC, we are honoured to have been a part of each of their academic journeys and cannot wait to hear more from these students in the future!

    Kassie Burns joined the SSAS program in 2022 after completing her undergraduate degree at Brock. Kassie was in Scheme A of the program and completed her MRP research under the supervision of Dr. Marilyne Carrey, titled “Strategies for Enhancing Community Science: A Sustainability Science Narrative”. Kassie also completed a co-op position as a summer student with the Niagara Parks Commission and worked as a Research Assistant with the now-complete Charter with Facilities Management partnership. In addition to her studies, Kassie participated in the Mapping New Knowledges Conference at Brock, and was a co-recipient of the Rotary Club of St. Catharines Environmental Sustainability Graduate Scholarship.

    Anmol Burmy joined the SSAS program in 2022 from Toronto Metropolitan University. Her MRP research focused on flood resilience and was titled “A Flood Tale of Two Cities: St. Catharines and London, ON” and was supervised by Dr. Diane Dupont. During her time as a SSAS student, Anmol took on the role of Project Manager for a consulting project with her fellow students for the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority. The results of this project will continue to be used by the NPCA for years to come. Anmol also completed a co-op position as a Planning Employment Surveyor with the Halton Region and was recently hired by the Township of North Stormont as a Junior Development Planner after successfully completing AMTCO’s Prime on Planning course with honours.

    Alexa Dolsky joined the SSAS program, virtually, from Alberta in 2020 and was one of the first students to join Scheme C of the SSAS program! Her MRP research was supervised by Dr. Ryan Plummer and titled “Applying an adapted sustainability framework to three government hydrogen roadmaps”. Throughout her time in the SSAS program, Alexa maintained a role with the Government of Alberta and is currently working there as a Senior Policy Advisor.

    Dana Harris joined the SSAS program as part of our third cohort in 2016. Her thesis research, titled “Characterizing intra-annual xylem cell formation and circadian cycle dynamics of Jack Pine (Pinus Banksiana) in the Northern Boreal Forest, Yellowknife, Northwest Territories” was supervised by Dr. Michael Pisaric and successfully defended by Dana on October 5, 2023. While completing her studies, Dana won the NSERC Science Exposed competition in 2018 and participated in several international conferences, including AAG in Boston, MA and the Le Studium conference on wood formation in Orleans, France. Dana also worked as an environmental officer at the Gahcho diamond mine in the Northwest Territories and currently works as a Fish and Fish Habitat Biologist with the Government of Canada. She currently lives in Yellowknife with her family.

    Shannon Heaney joined the program, virtually, from Alberta in 2021 and completed her thesis research under the supervision of Dr. Ryan Plummer. Shannon’s thesis was titled “Tactics to Engender Participation in Collaborative Environmental Management” and was successfully defended on October 20, 2023. During her studies, Shannon worked as a research assistant on the now-complete Excellence in Environmental Stewardship Initiative partnership with the Niagara Parks Commission. Shannon was also a recipient of the Ontario Graduate Scholarship and the Joan P. Nicks Sustainability Scholarship. She was recently hired by the University of Alberta’s Sustainability Council as a Project Planner – Special Projects.

    Erin Isaac joined the program in 2022 and completed her MRP, titled “Spotting Potential Threats: A Tool to Inform the Proactive Management of Invasive Insects on a Regional Scale” under the supervision of Dr. Marilyne Carrey. Erin completed a co-op work placement as a Climate Change Intern with the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority (NPCA) and also worked as a Research Assistant with the now-complete Brock-Lincoln Living Lab partnership. Erin was also a recipient of the Rovinelli Family Bursary and the Brock Horizon Scholarship. She is now working as a Project Assistant in Natural Asset Management with Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority (NPCA).

    Madison Lepp joined the program in 2021 and completed her thesis research under the supervision of Dr. Jessica Blythe. Her thesis, titled “Advancing Resilience and Equity in Canadian Municipal Climate Adaptation” was successfully defended on January 25, 2024. During her time in the SSAS program, Madison worked as a Research Assistant with the now-complete Charter with Facilities Management partnership and participated in the Mapping New Knowledges conference. Madison was also the successful co-recipient of a WWF Go Wild Grant with fellow SSAS alum Alexandra Cotrufo. They used these funds to start the Brock University Seed Library, which has been an incredibly successful initiative for the university.

    Sydney McIntyre joined the program in 2022 and completed her MRP research, titled “Paper Parks or Protection: Evaluating Atlantic Canada’s Marine Protected Areas” under the supervision of Dr. Jessica Blythe. Sydney completed a co-op work placement with the Niagara Parks Commission as an Environmental Education and Stewardship Student and continued working in this role while completing her research. She also worked as a Research Assistant with the now-complete Excellence in Environmental Stewardship Initiative partnership and was a co-recipient of the Rotary Club Environmental Sustainability Graduate Scholarship. Sydney is now working for the NPCA as the Coordinator for the Niagara River Remedial Action Plan. 

    Zeal Pandya travelled from Ahmedabad, India to join the SSAS program in 2022. She completed an MRP titled “Climate Change Vulnerability Analysis: A Case Study of the Town of Lincoln, Ontario, Canada” under the supervision of Dr. Marilyne Carrey. During her time in the program, Zeal completed a co-op work placement with the Ontario Department of Environment, Conservation, and Parks as an Environmental Officer. Her position was extended, and she completed her placement over the course of two terms. Zeal was also a successful recipient of the Ontario Paper-Thorold Foundation Graduate Award.

    Sebastian Roa travelled from Bogota, Colombia to join the SSAS program in 2021. His thesis research, titled “Understanding youth attitudes, preferences, and the role of cultural values on intention to use carbon labels on food products: a case study of Argentinian and Canadian consumers” was supervised by Dr. Gary Pickering and successfully defended on September 12, 2023. Sebastian later published his thesis research in the journal Sustainable Production and Consumption and worked for Liberty Utilities, where he was tasked with supporting their ESG strategy. During his time as a SSAS student, Sebastian presented his research at the Mapping New Knowledges conference, served as a Brock International Student Ambassador, and was a successful recipient of the 2022 Spring Fellowship award.

    Evan Rodenburg joined the program in 2022 and became a member of Dr. Julia Baird’s Water Resilience Lab to complete his MRP research under her supervision. His MRP was titled “Understanding the Dimensions of Climate Change Misinformation”. As a Scheme A student, Evan completed a co-op work placement and was hired by Brock’s Facilities Management department as a Sustainability Data Analyst working on Brock University’s STARS submission.

    In addition to our 11 SSAS graduates, we’d also like to offer our sincere congratulations to the 11 undergraduate students who will be graduating with a Minor in Environmental Sustainability, several of whom were successful recipients of the TD Bank Group Scholarship in Environmental Sustainability: Cameron Burgess, Kiara Calder (scholarship recipient), Ruth Elysee, Lea Formicuccia (scholarship recipient), Julia Gardner, William L’Ecuyer, Taylor Partel, Vikki Rossiter, Suel Sakha, Aryan Tiwari, and Naomi Tufts (scholarship recipient).

    Congratulations to all of you, and best wishes in your future endeavours!

    Categories: Awards, Blog, Conferences, Event, SSAS Program

  • ESRC Graduate Students Complete First Year of Studies

    Another academic year has gone by, and two more cohorts of Environmental Sustainability Research Centre (ESRC) graduate students have successfully completed the first year of their respective programs. This year marked a significant milestone for the Master of Sustainability  (SSAS) program, as this year’s cohort is the 10th to join the ESRC! We were also excited to welcome our second cohort of PhD in Sustainability Science (SSCI) students to the program and have greatly enjoyed working with them as they transition into  sustainability scientists! We ended the year on a positive note with a variety of student presentations and several different course-based experiential education learning opportunities.

    On Tuesday, March 26th, the SSAS students presented their MRP and Thesis research proposals to a group of their student peers and ESRC faculty and staff. This group has been working towards their research proposals since the beginning of the year and all did a wonderful job describing their research topics. ESRC Graduate Program Director Dr. Jessica Blythe shared that the presentation topics ranged from environmental injustice in Canada’s cancer valley to Anthropocene narratives and guidelines for animal welfare, and that “it was a wonderful day that provided an opportunity to celebrate this significant milestone!”

    Next, on April 3rd, the Master of Sustainability students were tasked with delivering their final presentation on Brock University’s transition towards sustainable practices for their elective course SSAS 5V83: Just Transitions in Sustainability. The course instructor, Dr. Jen Holzer said of the presentation, “their work and insights were met with great enthusiasm and a desire to share their report with Brock administrators and stakeholders this summer. This project showed that there is a hearty appetite for student leadership on campus sustainability at Brock!”. With this presentation successfully behind them, the students had just one more final project to complete!

    On Friday, April 5th, the SSAS students were joined by their peers in the SSCI program to present their final projects in SSAS 5P03/SSCI 7P02: Problem Solving in the Environment/Engaging with Community in Sustainability Science. Since January, the SSAS students have been working closely with the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority (NPCA) to develop what course instructor Dr. Marilyne Carrey described as a “comprehensive month-by-month information repository that can be used for internal communications to educate and engage staff on key sustainability topics, organizational practices, and individual staff behaviours.” Meanwhile, their colleagues in the SSCI program collaborated with members of the Niagara Climate Change Action Network (NCCAN) to create, as Dr. Carrey explained, “a stakeholder engagement plan that will facilitate participation in the development of the Niagara Region Community Energy Plan.” Dr. Carrey added that the results of both projects will be of great value to their respective stakeholders and community organizations.

    It’s been a busy year for these graduate students, and we are very proud of them for all the great work that they have completed and the milestones accomplished! We wish this group all the best as they head into the Spring and Summer terms to begin comprehensive exams, co-op work terms, and data collection for their thesis research projects!

    Categories: Blog, SSAS Program

  • Reflecting on our Week in the Northwest Territories

    Blog Contributor: Samantha Witkowski

    Embarking on a journey to the Northwest Territories, Yellowknife, in the heart of winter, proved to be a frosty yet rewarding experience for Amanda Smits, myself, and our team at the Environmental Sustainability Research Centre. The primary purpose of our trip was to foster connections with our esteemed partners at the Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT) and to host three impactful events.

    Day 1: The Chill of -40°C and Strategic Planning

    Our adventure began on a bone-chilling Monday, January 8th, as Amanda and I landed in Yellowknife amidst a temperature of -40 degrees Celsius. After taking a day to acclimate and meet with our lead partner from the GNWT, Vincent Casey, we strategically planned the week ahead, ensuring every detail was in place for our series of events.

    Day 2: A Thought-Provoking Sustainability Seminar

    The highlight of day two was our Sustainability Seminar panel discussion, centered around preserving culture in the face of a changing climate. Four insightful panelists, Nicole Lawson, Frank McKay, Jason McNeill, and Vincent Casey, shared their perspectives on this topic, engaging in a genuine and impactful conversation. Broadcasting the discussion back to Master and PhD students at Brock and the general public amplified the reach of the event, making it a resounding success. Click the link here to watch this informative seminar on the ESRC YouTube channel.

    Day 3: Course Feedback Session and Culinary Delights

    On the third day we hosted a feedback session for the “Introduction to Northern Climate Resilience” pilot course, co-created with the GNWT as part of the broader Leadership in Environmental Sustainability Certificate program. Learners joined us in-person and online to share about their experience in the course, which ran for a period of six week between October and December 2023. The positive feedback from learners, combined with constructive insights, provided valuable input for shaping future course offerings. Following the session, in-person participants were treated to a delectable catered lunch by a local restaurant, Sun Dogs, allowing for informal networking and relationship building.

    Day 4: Second Course Launch and Exploring Yellowknife

    The fourth day marked the launch of our final event – an exciting course launch! The “Ways to Engage” course is our second co-created course with the GNWT, and focuses on working together for the environment and how to frame the uncertainty that accompanies collaborative engagement. The course specifically considers community engagement through a northern lens, specifically drawing upon multiple perspectives, knowledge systems, and experiences. Course learners gathered in-person and online for the course launch session, where they were able to meet one another and learn about the course in greater detail. The course officially started on January 15th and runs for six weeks, until the end of February.

    On day four we also explored more of Yellowknife with Vincent Casey, taking in the breathtaking views, learning more about the local cuisine, and witnessing the construction of a snow castle on the frozen Yellowknife Bay, located on the shores of Great Slave Lake – a testament to the unique experiences Yellowknife has to offer!

    Day 5: Farewells and Gratitude

    Our final day took us to the GNWT offices to bid farewell and express our sincere appreciation to our partners. The trip not only allowed us to host successful events but also provided a profound learning experience, deepening our understanding of the Northwest Territories. We left with stronger connections, cherished memories, and a greater appreciation for the remarkable region we were fortunate to explore.

    Our work trip to Yellowknife was more than just a professional endeavor—it was an immersive journey into the heart of the Northwest Territories, leaving us inspired, enlightened, and eager to continue our collaborative efforts and return again in the future.

    Categories: Blog, Collaborations, Innovative Partnership

  • Fall Term Provides Experiential Education Opportunities for ESRC Students

    This Fall, students studying Environmental Sustainability at both the graduate and undergraduate level had multiple opportunities to learn in their community and engage with sustainability initiatives across the Niagara Region. Experiential education is an important aspect of both graduate and undergraduate-level education at Brock, and particularly within the ESRC. Amanda Smits, Centre Administrator at the ESRC, states “Providing experiential opportunities for students to get out into the field and create real-world connections with the content they are learning in the classroom is really foundational to our academic program offerings.”

    Below we’ve outlined the different types of experiences our students have taken part in over the course of this semester.

    SSAS 5P01: Foundations in Sustainability Science

    This is a core course for students in their first year of the Master of Sustainability program, but often includes Masters students from other programs at Brock and PhD students in the Sustainability Science program. This term, students enrolled in the course participated in three experiential education excursions. Their first excursion took them on a tour of various areas of Brock’s campus to learn about the university’s commitment to low carbon energy. First, the students hiked on the Bruce Trail through the Niagara Escarpment Biosphere Network, both of which border Brock’s campus. They were then taken to Brock’s Central Utilities Building (CUB) where Mary Quintana, Director, Asset Management & Utilities, and Drew Cullen, Manager, District Energy provided the students with a tour of Brock’s District Energy System and the tunnels that support the delivery of low-carbon utilities across Brock’s main campus. To learn more about the District Energy Efficiency Project please visit here or check out this Youtube Video.

    On their second excursion, the students learned about climate action in Niagara. They met with Beatrice Perna, Climate Change Specialist with the Niagara Region’s Corporate Strategy Services, and Alexandra Cotrufo, Climate Change Intern at Niagara Region and recent Master of Sustainability graduate. The students once again visited the Bruce Trail and utilized the fire pit area at Brock to have an informal conversation with both Beatrice and Alexandra about the climate change work being undertaken by Niagara Region and their career evolution. The students also got to learn more about the Niagara Climate Change Action Network, on whose steering committee Brock participates.

    For their final course excursion, the students left Brock’s campus and were taken on a tour of ecological restoration sites that are managed by the Niagara Parks Commission. NPC’s Project Manager of Forest Health, Corey Burant, and Master of Sustainability student Sydney McIntyre led the students around the various sites and explained how stewardship and biodiversity preservation is being prioritized in each, including the Chippawa Grassland Restoration Project, the Ussher’s Creek Coastal Wetland Restoration Project, and the Gonder’s Flats Wetland Restoration Project.

    SSAS 5V82: Nature Based Solutions in Sustainability

    In another graduate-level course, students got to witness a unique form of invasive species management. The students traveled to Niagara Falls to visit one of Ontario Power Generation’s (OPG) properties to see how they are utilizing goats to manage the spread of invasive phragmites. Here they met with Nancy Laser, Environmental, Chemical and Safety Tech with OPG to tour the site and learn more about how the goats are helping to clear OPG lands surrounding hydro stations and other areas. Clearing these lands allow staff to safely obtain readings of water flow rates, water quality, and water level readings at their sites while managing the spread of these invasive species. Fascinated by this innovative project, the course instructor, Marilyne Carrey, noted that it is “through these experiential education opportunities that graduate students gain the essential knowledge and practical skills needed to cultivate a deeper understanding and enthusiasm for developing impactful solutions to complex environmental challenges. Dealing with invasive plant species demands innovative approaches, such as those being implemented by the OPG.”

    You can learn more about the work being undertaken by OPG here.

    ENSU 3P90: Contemporary Environmental Issues

    ESRC graduate students weren’t the only ones to participate in experiential education this term, our undergraduate students also took part. This group of students took a trip out to Gonder’s Flats Wetland Restoration Project in late October 2023. There, they met up with Master of Sustainability student Sydney McIntyre, who introduced them to the iNaturalist app and demonstrated how Niagara Parks is encouraging members of the Niagara community to use the app to catalogue different plant and animal species in the region. The students used the app to participate in a mini bio-blitz, where they took photos and logged various species around Gonder’s Flats, which assists in growing NPC’s species database. The students then participated in a tree planting initiative in the area to increase biodiversity in the wetland.

    Dr. Jessica Blythe reflected “We often hear from students that these experiential education opportunities are some of the most memorable experiences of their program. Being able to connect directly with people in the fields that many of our students go on to work in provides an unrivalled opportunities for learning and networking”.

    Categories: Blog, Experiential Education, Minor in Sustainability, SSAS Program

  • Starting my time at Brock with an adventure

    Blog Contributor: Hannah Lübker

    Artwork Credit: Rachel Derrah (

    During my second week of the SSCI programme, my supervisor Dr. Julia Baird and I flew to New Brunswick to attend the annual Wələstəq/ Saint-Jean/ St. John River Summit.

    After an extended breakfast with our colleagues from WWF-Canada, with whom we are collaborating in a partnership for freshwater resilience, we went on a little road trip along the river. I was very excited to finally see the river that my research will be centered around – it is beautiful in pictures, but truly stunning in person. As we drove through the countryside, we took breaks to take in the scenery, buy handmade pottery, or drink tea at a village bakery. As someone who is new to Canada, I was quite surprised by the friendly and talkative nature of the people we met, who showed interest in our project and immediately recommended people we should contact to talk about it.

    The summit began on Friday morning at the Nashwaak Meadows Centre for Ecology, which consists of two cozy barns, surrounded by nature. The event kicked off with a welcome from Simon Mitchell (leader of WWF-Canada’s Resilient Habitats team), who stressed that the UN Decade of Restoration should not only focus on ecological restoration, but on the restoration of language, culture, and relationships as well. Before we got too comfortable and sleepy in our chairs, we were led to the Nashwaak Meadows restoration site, to experience the restoration efforts, instead of just hearing about them. I really enjoyed this part, as it reminded me of the practical “getting your hands dirty” spirit of my undergraduate studies. There is something so satisfying about being in nature and seeing the tangible results of your work (for example the growth of the trees you planted), which is sometimes missing from my life in academia.

    The summit continued with presentations from the Canadian Rivers Institute, the Nashwaak Watershed Association, ACAP Saint John, the NB Invasive Species Council, WWF-Canada, and members of the Wolastoqey Nation in NB. While it was fascinating to learn about barriers to re-forestation on wetlands, how to identify invasive zebra mussels or how the indigenous value system applies to restoration, my favorite aspect of the summit was the atmosphere. The prolonged coffee and lunch breaks offered plenty of opportunities for informal conversation (and an impressive selection of food and drinks) and people were generally approachable, interested and kind.

    Unfortunately, our travels were cut short by an approaching hurricane, which lead to the cancellation of all summit activities on Saturday, and to us opting for an early-but-safe return home. Needless to say, I am already planning my return to New Brunswick to explore more places along the Wələstəq and connect to even more future friends and colleagues in the area.

    Why do we use the name Wələstəq? Visit if you’re interested in learning more about this.

    Categories: Applied Research, Blog, Conferences, SSCI Student Contributor

  • Master of Sustainability Students Engage in Co-op Work Across the Niagara Region

    Every Spring/Summer term, students in Scheme A of the Master of Sustainability program take the skills and knowledge gained in the classroom out into the field as they begin their co-op work terms. This year, six SSAS students have secured employment across the Niagara Region and GTA. We caught up with two of our students, Kassie Burns and Evan Rodenburg, and spoke to them about their co-op experiences thus far.

    Master of Sustainability student Kassie Burns.

    Kassie Burns is working for the Niagara Parks Commission as an Environmental Stewardship Student Labourer. Kassie is part of the Environmental Stewardship Team at NPC, which works toward creating a healthy environment along the Niagara River Corridor. Some of the main tasks she’s worked on concern invasive species management and tree planting. In addition to these activities, Kassie has participated in community outreach projects to help deliver educational programming, communications, and demonstrations.

    When asked about how her first year in the SSAS program has contributed to her success in her co-op job, Kassie responded “My course work in the Master of Sustainability program has significantly contributed to the success I have experienced thus far in my co-op role. I regularly use the skills and knowledge I gained from my studies, particularly from Landscape Ecology and Ecosystem Management (SSAS 5P13) utilizing geospatial technologies and project planning and management in Problem Solving in the Environment (SSAS 5P03)”.

    Master of Sustainability student Evan Rodenburg

    Evan Rodenburg is working for Brock University as a Sustainability Data Analyst. In this role, Evan has been tasked with overseeing and collecting data for Brock University’s annual STARS assessment. STARS (the Sustainability Tracking, Assessment, and Rating System) is a platform that is used by higher education institutions to measure and track sustainability across the entire campus.

    Evan also spoke about feeling prepared for his role in part due to the coursework he completed in his first year of the SSAS program, “It was through this classroom learning that I began to understand the intricacies of sustainability and how transferable it is to any and all fields.  It was this understanding that helped with my comprehension of the highly extensive assessment framework I am currently working with. In addition, the consultancy project we worked on in SSAS 5P03 introduced me to STARS which was highly beneficial for the transition into my co-op job.”

    As Kassie and Evan prepare to enter their second year of the SSAS program, they are beginning to consider their careers and both have found that their co-op positions have helped them consider what they will bring to their careers. When asked what lessons they’ve learned that they hope to bring to their future jobs, Evan reflected on his experience working as part of a team “Your working environment matters when pursuing a career. I currently work with a supportive and collaborative team, which has been instrumental to my learning. This is something that I would hope to have in my future career”.

    Kassie spoke of opportunities she’s had in her co-op role when asked about lessons from her current role that she’d like to bring into her career, “[I’ve learned that] balance can exist with theory and practice. I have been privileged to attend different workshops/seminars in my role to learn different management techniques and bring them into use on the job. It highlights the positive action that can come with effective communication, collaboration, and willingness to learn/adapt.”.

    Kassie and Evan also both spoke highly of the co-op experience overall, both in terms of preparedness for their future careers and in terms of applying their knowledge. When asked how their co-op roles have enriched their understanding of sustainability, both agreed that their respective roles have taught them a lot in different areas of sustainability. Kassie spoke about her new knowledge about the maintenance of healthy shorelines to the Niagara River, as this “helps recover native species and increase biodiversity to the area while maintaining cultural and economic benefits to the public, tourists, and its residents”. Evan also spoke about applications of sustainability in his role, “I can say that I have learned so much about sustainability in this role. Working on a campus wide assessment has opened my eyes to more avenues of sustainability aside from solely operations, emissions, etc. I began to understand how important wellbeing, engagement, equity, diversity etc. is to developing sustainability as a whole”.

    We are thrilled to see our students thriving in their respective workplaces, and look forward to hearing more from each of our students when they return to begin their second year in the SSAS program!

    To learn more about the Master of Sustainabiltiy Program please visit: 

    Categories: Blog, Co-Op

  • Congratulations to the Spring Class of 2023!

    Top row L-R: Kamran Abbasov, Kelly Bute-Seaton, Alexandra Cotrufo, Tasha Gunasinghe Middle row L-R: Kristin Palilionis, Lauren Patterson, Shannon Ruzgys, Tannaz Sattar Bottom row L-R: Savannah Stuart, Tyler Thomson

    On June 12, 2023, 10 students will officially graduate from the Master of Sustainability program at Brock University! Each of these students joined the program at various points throughout the COVID-19 pandemic and have shown incredible resilience and tenacity throughout their studies. On behalf of the ESRC, we are thrilled to have been a part of each of their academic journeys and cannot wait to see all that these students accomplish in their careers!

    Kamran Abbasov joined the SSAS program, virtually, from Ganja, Azerbaijan in Fall 2020. He later relocated to St. Catharines in Winter 2021 to continue his thesis research under the supervision of Dr. David Fennell. Kamran’s research was titled Income “Inequality, Distributive Justice, and Sustainable Development: Implications for Niagara Peninsula Aspiring Global Geopark”. He successfully defended his research on January 24, 2023, and later presented his findings alongside Niagara Aspiring Geopark Founder Darren Platakis at the Government of Canada’s International Development Week in February.

    Kelly Bute-Seaton joined the program from Trinidad & Tobago in 2021. Prior to joining the program, Kelly received degrees in Biological Sciences and Business Administration, both of which informed her Master’s research. Kelly’s major research paper was supervised by Dr. Todd Green and was titled “An Assessment of Best Practices of Corporate Sustainability Strategies in Canadian SMEs [Small Medium Enterprises]”.

    Alexandra Cotrufo joined the program in 2021 and worked as a research assistant with the Charter with Facilities Management partnership. During her time as an RA, Alexandra was the successful co-recipient of a WWF Go Wild Grant with fellow SSAS student Madison Lepp. Alexandra and Madison used these funds to start the Brock University Seed Library, which was an incredibly successful initiative for the university. Alexandra’s research was also supervised by Dr. Todd Green and was titled “The Risk of Greenwashing in Corporate Social Responsibility Communications”.

    Tasha Gunasinghe joined the program in 2021 with a background in Biology. Her knowledge in the field served her well as she completed her major research paper under the supervision of Dr. Liette Vasseur. Tasha’s MRP was titled “Exploring Collaborative Frameworks to Assess and Monitor Conservation Outcomes of Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas”. During her time in the program, Tasha also completed a co-op placement as a research assistant with Plenty Canada, and now works for Plenty full-time as a Conservation Governance Researcher.

    Kristin Palilionis joined the program in 2021 and worked as an RA with Dr. Julia Baird on a project about Niagara Irrigation Governance. Dr. Baird supervised Kristin’s major research paper, which was titled “Assessment of Water Resilience Principles in Water Policies and Plans: Niagara Region”. During her time in the program, Kristin worked for the Regional Municipality of Halton as a Summer Sustainability Student and was named a co-recipient of the Geoffrey F. Bruce Fellowship in Canadian Freshwater Policy from Ryerson University. The fellowship is designed to support the next generation of freshwater leaders, policy researchers and practitioners to ensure the sustainability of Canada’s freshwater resources.

    Lauren Patterson joined the program in 2021 with a background in Anthropology and Environmental Studies. This knowledge was helpful during her time as a research assistant for the Excellence in Environmental Stewardship Initiative. Lauren’s research was supervised by Dr. Jessica Blythe and was titled “Evaluating Public Participation in Canadian Municipal Climate Change Adaptation Plans”. Lauren’s research informed her co-op position as a Sustainability Student with the Town of Lincoln, and later her full-time position with the Halton Region as the Climate Change Response and Sustainability Intern.

    Shannon Ruzgys joined the program in 2020 after completing her undergraduate degree in Psychology at Brock. Dr. Gary Pickering supervised Shannon’s undergraduate thesis and continued to supervise her at the master’s level. Her thesis was titled “Gen Z and Sustainable Diets: A Holistic Perspective. Understanding Perceptions of and Engagement with the Social, Economic and Environmental Dimensions of a Sustainable Diet”. In 2022, Shannon was the recipient of the Best Poster award at the New Zealand and Australian Sensory & Consumer Science Symposium for a poster based on her thesis research, which was later successfully defended by Shannon on October 24, 2022.

    Tannaz Sattar joined the program in 2021 from Esfahan, Iran with a BSc. and an MSc. In Architecture. Her academic background was helpful in securing a co-op position with Agile Construction Inc. as a Drafter/Designer, and informed her major research paper, which was titled “Examining Types and Performance of Urban Green Space: Case Studies of Toronto, Milan, and Isfahan” and supervised by Dr. Ryan Plummer. In 2022, Tannaz was named a recipient of the Faculty of Social Sciences Student Research Award and presented her MRP at the annual FOSS Research Colloquium in December 2022.

    Savannah Stuart joined the program in 2020 with a background in Environmental Science and Ecology. Like fellow graduate Lauren Patterson, Savannah worked as a Research Assistant with the Excellence in Environmental Stewardship Initiative and this partnership became the basis of her thesis research. Savannah’s thesis was supervised by Dr. Ryan Plummer and was titled “Exploring people-place relationships through place attachment and wellbeing in the context of the abrupt social and ecological change associated with the COVID-19 pandemic”. She successfully defended this research on August 31, 2022 and has since began her PhD studies at the University of Waterloo.

    Tyler Thomson joined the program in 2021 from Western University with a background in Business Management. He worked as a research assistant for the ESRC’s partnership with the Town of Lincoln, the Brock-Lincoln Living Lab and later took on a co-op position with the Regional Municipality of Niagara. Tyler’s MRP research was supervised by Dr. Marilyne Carrey and was titled “Urban forest management planning: A case study of municipalities in Southern Ontario”.

    In addition to our 10 SSAS graduates, we’d also like to offer our sincere congratulations to the 10 undergraduate students who will be graduating with a Minor in Environmental Sustainability: Jared Boles, Allegra Caballero, Olivia Davies, Joseph Evans, Lily Piccolo, Meghan Rados, Emma Smith, Claire Taller, Easton Thibeault, and Holly Warren.

    Congratulations to all of these students, and best wishes to all of you in your future academic endeavours!

    Categories: Blog, Minor in Sustainability, SSAS Program

  • Reflecting on my First Year Experience

    Blog Contributor: Natalie Seniuk

    In the fall of 2022, I stepped away from my career as an environmental planner and project manager to pursue a graduate degree. When I found the Master’s of Sustainability Science and Society program at Brock, I knew it was the fit I had been looking for: a program focused on sustainability and climate change but through a social sciences lens. Beyond the academic fit, Brock is also my hometown university, and I am the second generation in my family to attend, following in the footsteps of the women in my family.

    Coming into the program as a mature student with a background in the environmental field, I didn’t know what exactly I would be adding to my knowledge bank. To say I have learned new things during this past year would be an understatement. Beyond acquiring new knowledge, I have been challenged to think in a new way: to dig deeper and question the potential impacts of sustainability and climate actions when value isn’t placed on the interconnectedness of the social and natural systems we live within. Having access to research, knowledge, and perspectives that are generally inaccessible outside of academic environments has reminded me of all that is happening, not just in industry, but in knowledge development and research. Working to further connect these two worlds is where I see myself applying my education when I complete my thesis next year.

    As a mature student and parent to a tiny person, it was a challenging first year. Needing to juggle academic and parental responsibilities felt overwhelming at times and making choices to step back from participating in things at school and home often felt like a sacrifice. Looking back, I recognize the benefits of having a full academic and personal life at the same time, it just looks a little different than it did when it was only me. With the support of my family, and faculty and staff at the university I have been able to achieve so much…and with my second year approaching, I am looking forward to new opportunities that I’m sure will continue to challenge me both academically and personally.

    This coming year, I am hoping to make a trip out of province to support my thesis project, and will be participating a graduate student experiential learning program through the university of Guelph.

    Categories: Blog, Program Reflections, SSAS Program, SSAS Student Contributor