Minor in Sustainability

  • Fall Term Provides Experiential Education Opportunities for ESRC Students

    This Fall, students studying Environmental Sustainability at both the graduate and undergraduate level had multiple opportunities to learn in their community and engage with sustainability initiatives across the Niagara Region. Experiential education is an important aspect of both graduate and undergraduate-level education at Brock, and particularly within the ESRC. Amanda Smits, Centre Administrator at the ESRC, states “Providing experiential opportunities for students to get out into the field and create real-world connections with the content they are learning in the classroom is really foundational to our academic program offerings.”

    Below we’ve outlined the different types of experiences our students have taken part in over the course of this semester.

    SSAS 5P01: Foundations in Sustainability Science

    This is a core course for students in their first year of the Master of Sustainability program, but often includes Masters students from other programs at Brock and PhD students in the Sustainability Science program. This term, students enrolled in the course participated in three experiential education excursions. Their first excursion took them on a tour of various areas of Brock’s campus to learn about the university’s commitment to low carbon energy. First, the students hiked on the Bruce Trail through the Niagara Escarpment Biosphere Network, both of which border Brock’s campus. They were then taken to Brock’s Central Utilities Building (CUB) where Mary Quintana, Director, Asset Management & Utilities, and Drew Cullen, Manager, District Energy provided the students with a tour of Brock’s District Energy System and the tunnels that support the delivery of low-carbon utilities across Brock’s main campus. To learn more about the District Energy Efficiency Project please visit here or check out this Youtube Video.

    On their second excursion, the students learned about climate action in Niagara. They met with Beatrice Perna, Climate Change Specialist with the Niagara Region’s Corporate Strategy Services, and Alexandra Cotrufo, Climate Change Intern at Niagara Region and recent Master of Sustainability graduate. The students once again visited the Bruce Trail and utilized the fire pit area at Brock to have an informal conversation with both Beatrice and Alexandra about the climate change work being undertaken by Niagara Region and their career evolution. The students also got to learn more about the Niagara Climate Change Action Network, on whose steering committee Brock participates.

    For their final course excursion, the students left Brock’s campus and were taken on a tour of ecological restoration sites that are managed by the Niagara Parks Commission. NPC’s Project Manager of Forest Health, Corey Burant, and Master of Sustainability student Sydney McIntyre led the students around the various sites and explained how stewardship and biodiversity preservation is being prioritized in each, including the Chippawa Grassland Restoration Project, the Ussher’s Creek Coastal Wetland Restoration Project, and the Gonder’s Flats Wetland Restoration Project.

    SSAS 5V82: Nature Based Solutions in Sustainability

    In another graduate-level course, students got to witness a unique form of invasive species management. The students traveled to Niagara Falls to visit one of Ontario Power Generation’s (OPG) properties to see how they are utilizing goats to manage the spread of invasive phragmites. Here they met with Nancy Laser, Environmental, Chemical and Safety Tech with OPG to tour the site and learn more about how the goats are helping to clear OPG lands surrounding hydro stations and other areas. Clearing these lands allow staff to safely obtain readings of water flow rates, water quality, and water level readings at their sites while managing the spread of these invasive species. Fascinated by this innovative project, the course instructor, Marilyne Carrey, noted that it is “through these experiential education opportunities that graduate students gain the essential knowledge and practical skills needed to cultivate a deeper understanding and enthusiasm for developing impactful solutions to complex environmental challenges. Dealing with invasive plant species demands innovative approaches, such as those being implemented by the OPG.”

    You can learn more about the work being undertaken by OPG here.

    ENSU 3P90: Contemporary Environmental Issues

    ESRC graduate students weren’t the only ones to participate in experiential education this term, our undergraduate students also took part. This group of students took a trip out to Gonder’s Flats Wetland Restoration Project in late October 2023. There, they met up with Master of Sustainability student Sydney McIntyre, who introduced them to the iNaturalist app and demonstrated how Niagara Parks is encouraging members of the Niagara community to use the app to catalogue different plant and animal species in the region. The students used the app to participate in a mini bio-blitz, where they took photos and logged various species around Gonder’s Flats, which assists in growing NPC’s species database. The students then participated in a tree planting initiative in the area to increase biodiversity in the wetland.

    Dr. Jessica Blythe reflected “We often hear from students that these experiential education opportunities are some of the most memorable experiences of their program. Being able to connect directly with people in the fields that many of our students go on to work in provides an unrivalled opportunities for learning and networking”.

    Categories: Blog, Experiential Education, Minor in Sustainability, SSAS Program

  • Congratulations to the Spring Class of 2023!

    Top row L-R: Kamran Abbasov, Kelly Bute-Seaton, Alexandra Cotrufo, Tasha Gunasinghe Middle row L-R: Kristin Palilionis, Lauren Patterson, Shannon Ruzgys, Tannaz Sattar Bottom row L-R: Savannah Stuart, Tyler Thomson

    On June 12, 2023, 10 students will officially graduate from the Master of Sustainability program at Brock University! Each of these students joined the program at various points throughout the COVID-19 pandemic and have shown incredible resilience and tenacity throughout their studies. On behalf of the ESRC, we are thrilled to have been a part of each of their academic journeys and cannot wait to see all that these students accomplish in their careers!

    Kamran Abbasov joined the SSAS program, virtually, from Ganja, Azerbaijan in Fall 2020. He later relocated to St. Catharines in Winter 2021 to continue his thesis research under the supervision of Dr. David Fennell. Kamran’s research was titled Income “Inequality, Distributive Justice, and Sustainable Development: Implications for Niagara Peninsula Aspiring Global Geopark”. He successfully defended his research on January 24, 2023, and later presented his findings alongside Niagara Aspiring Geopark Founder Darren Platakis at the Government of Canada’s International Development Week in February.

    Kelly Bute-Seaton joined the program from Trinidad & Tobago in 2021. Prior to joining the program, Kelly received degrees in Biological Sciences and Business Administration, both of which informed her Master’s research. Kelly’s major research paper was supervised by Dr. Todd Green and was titled “An Assessment of Best Practices of Corporate Sustainability Strategies in Canadian SMEs [Small Medium Enterprises]”.

    Alexandra Cotrufo joined the program in 2021 and worked as a research assistant with the Charter with Facilities Management partnership. During her time as an RA, Alexandra was the successful co-recipient of a WWF Go Wild Grant with fellow SSAS student Madison Lepp. Alexandra and Madison used these funds to start the Brock University Seed Library, which was an incredibly successful initiative for the university. Alexandra’s research was also supervised by Dr. Todd Green and was titled “The Risk of Greenwashing in Corporate Social Responsibility Communications”.

    Tasha Gunasinghe joined the program in 2021 with a background in Biology. Her knowledge in the field served her well as she completed her major research paper under the supervision of Dr. Liette Vasseur. Tasha’s MRP was titled “Exploring Collaborative Frameworks to Assess and Monitor Conservation Outcomes of Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas”. During her time in the program, Tasha also completed a co-op placement as a research assistant with Plenty Canada, and now works for Plenty full-time as a Conservation Governance Researcher.

    Kristin Palilionis joined the program in 2021 and worked as an RA with Dr. Julia Baird on a project about Niagara Irrigation Governance. Dr. Baird supervised Kristin’s major research paper, which was titled “Assessment of Water Resilience Principles in Water Policies and Plans: Niagara Region”. During her time in the program, Kristin worked for the Regional Municipality of Halton as a Summer Sustainability Student and was named a co-recipient of the Geoffrey F. Bruce Fellowship in Canadian Freshwater Policy from Ryerson University. The fellowship is designed to support the next generation of freshwater leaders, policy researchers and practitioners to ensure the sustainability of Canada’s freshwater resources.

    Lauren Patterson joined the program in 2021 with a background in Anthropology and Environmental Studies. This knowledge was helpful during her time as a research assistant for the Excellence in Environmental Stewardship Initiative. Lauren’s research was supervised by Dr. Jessica Blythe and was titled “Evaluating Public Participation in Canadian Municipal Climate Change Adaptation Plans”. Lauren’s research informed her co-op position as a Sustainability Student with the Town of Lincoln, and later her full-time position with the Halton Region as the Climate Change Response and Sustainability Intern.

    Shannon Ruzgys joined the program in 2020 after completing her undergraduate degree in Psychology at Brock. Dr. Gary Pickering supervised Shannon’s undergraduate thesis and continued to supervise her at the master’s level. Her thesis was titled “Gen Z and Sustainable Diets: A Holistic Perspective. Understanding Perceptions of and Engagement with the Social, Economic and Environmental Dimensions of a Sustainable Diet”. In 2022, Shannon was the recipient of the Best Poster award at the New Zealand and Australian Sensory & Consumer Science Symposium for a poster based on her thesis research, which was later successfully defended by Shannon on October 24, 2022.

    Tannaz Sattar joined the program in 2021 from Esfahan, Iran with a BSc. and an MSc. In Architecture. Her academic background was helpful in securing a co-op position with Agile Construction Inc. as a Drafter/Designer, and informed her major research paper, which was titled “Examining Types and Performance of Urban Green Space: Case Studies of Toronto, Milan, and Isfahan” and supervised by Dr. Ryan Plummer. In 2022, Tannaz was named a recipient of the Faculty of Social Sciences Student Research Award and presented her MRP at the annual FOSS Research Colloquium in December 2022.

    Savannah Stuart joined the program in 2020 with a background in Environmental Science and Ecology. Like fellow graduate Lauren Patterson, Savannah worked as a Research Assistant with the Excellence in Environmental Stewardship Initiative and this partnership became the basis of her thesis research. Savannah’s thesis was supervised by Dr. Ryan Plummer and was titled “Exploring people-place relationships through place attachment and wellbeing in the context of the abrupt social and ecological change associated with the COVID-19 pandemic”. She successfully defended this research on August 31, 2022 and has since began her PhD studies at the University of Waterloo.

    Tyler Thomson joined the program in 2021 from Western University with a background in Business Management. He worked as a research assistant for the ESRC’s partnership with the Town of Lincoln, the Brock-Lincoln Living Lab and later took on a co-op position with the Regional Municipality of Niagara. Tyler’s MRP research was supervised by Dr. Marilyne Carrey and was titled “Urban forest management planning: A case study of municipalities in Southern Ontario”.

    In addition to our 10 SSAS graduates, we’d also like to offer our sincere congratulations to the 10 undergraduate students who will be graduating with a Minor in Environmental Sustainability: Jared Boles, Allegra Caballero, Olivia Davies, Joseph Evans, Lily Piccolo, Meghan Rados, Emma Smith, Claire Taller, Easton Thibeault, and Holly Warren.

    Congratulations to all of these students, and best wishes to all of you in your future academic endeavours!

    Categories: Blog, Minor in Sustainability, SSAS Program

  • Study Options for Sustainability Science at Brock

    Blog Contributor: Alexandra Cotrufo

    Study abroad education in Global ideas: Graduated cap on top global model on open textbook in library. Concept of studying international educational,reading book bring success degree in life

    Climate change, depletion of resources, increased gas emissions, and poverty are all issues we are currently faced with. These complex problems require integrated and innovative solutions from multiple perspectives that take into consideration the urgency of the climate crisis.

    Studying environmental sustainability provides students with the skills and resources needed to be more environmentally conscious and helps create sustainable solutions to meet the needs of both society and the planet.

    The field of Environmental Sustainability is transdisciplinary in nature and combines theory from economics, social science, and environmental science to protect the natural environment, sustain ecological health, and improve the quality of life.

    Brock University offers many environmental sustainability study options, from a Minor in Sustainability to a brand-new PhD program in Sustainability Science. Keep reading to find out more about each option and what they have to offer!

    1. Minor in Sustainability 

    The Minor in Sustainability program provides students with the core skills necessary to solve complex problems regarding environmental sustainability. These skills are necessary in today’s modern world as businesses and governments adapt to new legislation and society becomes more aware of the impact we have on the environment.

    Through the courses available in the minor, student will have the opportunity to study sustainability issues from a transdisciplinary perspective and gain practical insight into how Canada and the world is moving forward to address environmental issues.

    1. Micro-certificate in Environmental Sustainability

    The certificate program introduces students to conceptual and applied aspects of environmental sustainability. The micro-certificate is designed for people who either already have a degree or who do not wish to pursue a degree and consists of two undergraduate courses.

    1. Master of Sustainability

     The Master of Sustainability program aims to facilitate society’s transition towards sustainability and provides graduate students with a high-quality education. The program offers enriching research, applied experiences, and engagement in problem-solving through innovative pedagogy.

    Students can tailor the program to their specific career and research interests through enriching classroom learning with practical experience in the form of a Co-op, or partake in an intensive research experience.

    Are you interested in applying for 2022/2023? Applications are currently being accepted until February 4th, 2022!

    1. PhD in Sustainability Science

     Brock has recently announced a new PhD in Sustainability Science program, which will launch in Fall 2022. This aim of the program is to cultivate a sustainable and equitable future and offer a state-of-the-art education. The program integrates rigorous scientific practice with an understanding of the unique relationship between humans and the environment. Upon successful completion of the requirements for the program, students will earn the designation of Doctor of Philosophy.



    Categories: Blog, Experiential Education, Innovative Partnership, Minor in Sustainability, SSAS Program, SSAS Student Contributor, Sustainability at Brock

  • Environmental Sustainability Spring and Summer Courses Available in 2021

    As the weather here in St. Catharines continues to get nicer, we can’t help but think about the Spring and Summer 2021 terms – registration opened earlier this month! If you’re interested in taking a Spring or Summer course this year, but you’re not sure where to start, read on to learn more about ENSU 2P01 and ENSU 2P02 and how to use these courses to declare a Minor in Environmental Sustainability!

    ENSU 2P01: Introduction to Environmental Sustainability is being offered in the Spring 2021 term and is taught by Christine Janzen. In this course, students will get an overview of the concepts and importance of environmental sustainability. You’ll explore the impact of various factors on the state of the environment, including human interaction, biodiversity, climate change, and you’ll learn about the implications of the current state of our environment.

    ENSU 2P02: Environmental Sustainability in Practice, also taught by Christine Janzen is being offered in the Summer 2021 term. This course examines applications of environmental sustainability, including education, communication, nature-based solutions, and more! You’ll explore how principles and concepts of environmental sustainability are applied in a variety of fields and appreciate environmental sustainability as a transdisciplinary subject of study.

    These courses are both offered entirely online and can be counted towards the Minor in Environmental Sustainability. With a Minor in Environmental Sustainability, you will gain core skills necessary for problem-solving in the modern world as businesses and governments adhere to new environmental legislation, and society adapts to a changing world. By taking the courses mentioned above, as well as a variety of credits from other disciplines, you will have the opportunity to study sustainability issues from a transdisciplinary perspective, thinking outside the traditional boundaries of your discipline, and gain practical insight into how Canada and the world is moving forward to address these issues. Past students who have taken the minor appreciate the transdisciplinary perspective, including Mikellena Nettos, who is currently pursuing her Masters in Sustainability Science. Mikellena said of the program, “Taking the Minor of Sustainability at Brock taught me the importance of caring for our planet as well as our people! I loved the program so much it changed my life path and led me to the Master of Sustainability where I am now conducting research to influence real change towards a more sustainable future”

    If you have questions about these courses, or are interested in declaring a Minor, please reach out to [email protected], or come visit us at the Brock Spring Open House on March 31st, 2021 from 5:00 – 6:00pm EST.

    Categories: Blog, Minor in Sustainability

  • Implementing Experiential Education in a Virtual World

    Blog Contributor:  Erica Harper  

    Jess tweet

    Dr. Jessica Blythe is an assistant professor in the Environmental Sustainability Research Centre who teaches courses to Minor in Environmental Sustainability (undergraduate) and Master of Sustainability (graduate) students who are keen to learn more about climate change, environmental policy, and how to achieve transformational change within our societies’ systems. To take on the challenge of engaging her students in a virtual world, Dr. Blythe has continued to implement experiential education into course work through the Fall 2020 semester.

    Dr. Blythe has used social media to get ideas for assignments before, but this time she inspired others on Twitter with her creativity to further her students’ understanding of climate change adaptation. Dr. Blythe posted about an assignment related to climate change adaptation that she gave her students enrolled in the capstone course of the Minor of Sustainability program, Contemporary Environmental Issues (ENSU3P90). Her Twitter post explains that she asked her students to generate tools to create workshops that would help people find solutions for climate change adaptation and transformation using Rob Hopkins and Rob Shorter’s Imagination Sundial. Dr. Blythe’s Twitter post received attention online and even managed to reach both the creators of the Imagination Sundial who were impressed by her creativity and ability to implement their Imagination Sundial into her course work.

    The Imagination Sundial acts as a design tool for rebuilding the imaginative capacity of people, organizations, or countries to help generate solutions for adapting to climate change. This tool resonated with Dr. Blythe because her research investigates how we can achieve transformational change in society and the Sundial is a great tool to help catalyze this type of change. Dr. Blythe approaches the ENSU390 course with the expectation that many of her students are finishing their degrees at Brock, and the course is therefore designed to help them become sustainability professionals or implement sustainability into their careers after graduation. Although her experiential assignments usually consist of working with real partners within the university, Dr. Blythe still wanted to provide her students with experiential learning opportunities in a virtual world. Using the Sundial, students had to explain who they would target for their climate adaptation workshop (e.g., farmers, residents, organizations, etc.), the purpose of their workshop such as what transformation they would like to walk participants through, and finally, students had to map out the logistics of their workshop.

    Dr. Blythe emailed both Rob Hopkins and Rob Shorter to explain the assignment in more depth and provide some examples from the students in her class. They were inspired that she had been using their Imagination Sundial for experiential education during this challenging time and they thought it was novel to be using their tool at the undergraduate level. All in all, Dr. Blythe has demonstrated a great example of how to implement experiential education in a virtual world and has surely inspired many of her colleagues online to do the same.

    To learn more about the Minor in Environmental Sustainability at Brock, please visit: https://brocku.ca/esrc/minor-in-sustainability/

    Categories: Blog, Experiential Education, Minor in Sustainability

  • Congratulations to our Spring 2020 Graduates!

    The ESRC is very proud to announce that three students have officially completed the SSAS program and are graduating on June 19th, 2020. Jocelyn Baker, Qurat Shahzad, and Connor Thompson have all worked exceedingly hard throughout their time in the program, and we are so proud to have been a part of each of their academic journeys.

    Jocelyn Baker joined the SSAS program in 2018 and brought with her a number of previous degrees and certifications, including a BA in Geography and Fine Art (Guelph University), a certificate in Terrain and Water Resources (Sir Sanford Fleming College), and a certified Project Management Professional. Jocelyn’s research was supervised by Dr. Liette Vasseur and investigated Management in Canadian Ramsar sites and sustainability through adaptive governance. Jocelyn’s interest in Canadian Ramsar sites was also reflected in her co-op placement, where she worked as a Project Manager, Niagara River Ramsar Designation for the Niagara Restoration Council.

    Qurat Shahzad travelled to St. Catharines all the way from Dubai, UAE to join the SSAS program in 2017. Her research was supervised by Dr. Marcel Oestreich and built on the knowledge she had through her Bachelor of Science degree in Environmental Science from the American University of Sharjah, UAE. Qurat’s final research investigated the dynamics between the current economic system and sustainability goals.

    Connor Thompson joined the SSAS program in 2018 with an Honours Bachelor of Arts in Political Science (Western University). His research interests aligned with those of Dr. Todd Green, who supervised Connor’s MRP research about the attitude/behaviour gap in low-impact housing development. In addition to his work on his MRP research project and as a research assistant on the ESRC’s Charter with Facilities Management partnership, Connor spent his co-op placement working as an Educator with the Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup.

    In addition to these three SSAS graduates, we would also like to congratulate our 10 undergraduate students who have completed the Minor in Sustainability. All 13 of our graduates have worked extremely hard to reach this important academic milestone, and we hope you’ll join us in expressing our heartfelt congratulations!

    Categories: Blog, Minor in Sustainability, SSAS Program

  • Master of Sustainability Reflection

    Nolan Kelly

    Blog Contributor: Nolan Kelly


    It is very hard to believe that it has been 8 months since I started my journey as a Master of Sustainability student at Brock. Although I am all done my in-class portion of the program, I still have the Major Research Paper and co-op placement to look forward to. While this is exciting, it also marks the end of my time attending classes at Brock University after 5 years here. As a result, I have decided to reflect on this time by looking back at how I got to where I am, and the influence that the program has had on me. The route I decided to take in my undergrad and masters was a little bit different, and I think that by highlighting my experience and the pathway I took, I can help other students who don’t know what to do next or need a little guidance. Hopefully this can also give students some perspective on the Master of Sustainability program itself to see if it is the right fit for them. This blog will reflect on my background, how I became interested in sustainability and some of the main takeaways that I have learned.

    Minor in Environmental Sustainability

    One of the most difficult and important decisions a person has to make is deciding what educational path they want to take. I was heavily torn between choosing the Sport Management program at Brock or choosing an environmentally based program elsewhere. I ended up choosing the Sport Management program and although I was happy with my decision, I was unsure of how I was going to have any environmental component to my education. During my first year I was thrilled to find out there was an environmental sustainability minor being introduced. I jumped on the opportunity and was really pleased with the amount of choice and diversity there was amongst these minor credits. The two introductory environmental courses were online and did a great job at building up my base of knowledge and first showed me the transdisciplinary aspect of sustainability. In researching this minor, I discovered that there were aspects of science, history, geography, sociology and political science that all came together to give me a better understanding of sustainability science. In fourth year, the contemporary environmental issues course that was the last mandatory credit needed for the environmental sustainability minor, really drew me in. The course was extremely engaging, informative, and left me feeling inspired every time I left. The combination of all the minor courses and especially this last course paved the way for me committing to the Master of Sustainability program.

    Sport Management

    As mentioned above, I came to Brock for their Sport Management program and I really enjoyed it. As I progressed with each year, I found myself drawing upon the knowledge I learned in my environmental sustainability minor and applying it to sport. By third and fourth year I really became interested in the intersection between sport and the environment and took sport management classes that would let me further explore this topic. There were also professors along the way that highlighted the importance of sustainability and the environment which furthered my interest in the topic. When I told people what I was minoring in most would have the same reaction of thinking it was an interesting topic but very different than my major. While I could see how many would think this, I saw the correlation between the two and wanted to explore the ways in which this gap between sport and the environment could be bridged. As a result, I researched the impact and reliance that sport has on the environment and the opportunities that exist within sustainability in sport. I took this interest into my master of sustainability program and decided to make it the central focus of the major research paper that I am writing this summer. While sport management is just one example, it highlights that sustainability has a place in everything.


    My experience in the master of sustainability program has only solidified this as the transdisciplinary nature of the program was very evident. This allowed me to develop new perspectives in many different areas and further expand my knowledge in sustainability. At the start of the year I was a little reserved and felt like because my background was not more closely related with sustainability science, that it would be an area of weakness for me. However, this was not the case as I learned that my different background added to the conversation and offered a different perspective. While the imposter syndrome many students feel can be difficult to overcome, the professors did a great job at encouraging our ideas and reinforcing the transdisciplinary nature of sustainability. Collaborating with my cohort on projects and assignments was definitely one of the most enjoyable aspects of the program. Not only were we able to play to our strengths and be creative but it was a great example of how sustainability works in the real world. We were able to further see this firsthand in our transdisciplinary seminars with professionals in the field. Without collaboration and different perspectives, sustainability could not be successful.

    Categories: Blog, Minor in Sustainability, Program Reflections, SSAS Program, SSAS Student Contributor

  • Sustainability scholarship recipients meet with community donors to share impact of their support

    Through a combination of community backing and word spreading across campus, wind is picking up in the sails of Brock’s sustainability programming.

    The University’s minor in sustainability, launched in fall 2017 and offered through Brock’s Environmental Research Centre (ESRC), will see its first cohort of students graduate in June.

    Two of the soon-to-be grads, as well as three graduate students in the Sustainability Science and Society program introduced by the ESRC in 2014, received scholarships for their studies through a $5,000 donation from Toromont Cat


    Photo: Brock students who will soon graduate with a minor in sustainability were celebrated recently by the Environmental Sustainability Research Centre. Pictured is student Nolan Kelly, Faculty of Social Sciences Dean Ingrid Makus, ESRC Director Ryan Plummer, and students Mikayla Richards and Abbey Faris.

    Officials from the construction company were on campus last week to meet with students whose lives were impacted by their support.

    Providing funds for sustainability scholarships was a natural progression from the long-standing partnership Toromont has had with the University and its co-generation facility, said Lou Colangelo, the company’s General Manager.

    “We’ve been working with Brock for many years through its power plant and supporting students by giving them exposure to the industry,” he said.

    The company, he added, is pleased to provide financial support as well as mentorship opportunities that connect students with professionals who have decades of experience in the energy and sustainability field.

    “The industry is constantly evolving, so getting exposure to fresh thinking and to young minds that have not been focused on the path we’ve been looking at is also a huge benefit.”

    The financial boost allowed graduate student Meredith DeCock to begin pursing her sustainability studies at Brock last fall.

    “The scholarship enabled me to take on projects and an extra course in addition to focusing on my program requirements,” she said. “Providing me with the ability to focus on my full-time studies, the Toromont scholarship enriched my learning and research experience over the past year.”

    Other scholarship recipients included graduate students Brooke Kapeller and Leaya Amey, and undergraduate students Nolan Kelly and Kaitlyn James.

    ESRC Director Ryan Plummer said the partnership with Toromont “serves as a powerful illustration to students, faculty and staff of the innovation that can be achieved through meaningful collaboration.”

    The minor in environmental sustainability was created “to respond to pressing social and ecological challenges and opportunities in Niagara, nationally and globally,” he said. “Units across the University worked collaboratively with the ESRC to make this important program part of Brock’s curriculum. The enthusiastic response by students far exceeds our initial expectations. It is very rewarding to see our first cohort of students graduating with the minor and I am incredibly proud of them.”

    Brock has been collaborating with Toromont for more than 25 years to “provide reliable, cost-effective energy to our campus community,” said Scott Johnstone, Associate Vice-President, Facilities Management. “We’re now advancing this partnership with a new generation of high efficiency equipment. In addition, we are conducting research together to test new engine oils and additives to extend equipment life, all while making our plant more sustainable.”

    Story from The Brock News

    Categories: Event, Innovative Partnership, Minor in Sustainability

  • Exciting Scholarship Opportunity for Brock’s Environmental Sustainability students!

    By: Shanen D’Souza

    Toromont CAT Scholarship Presentation

    Photo: Cheque presentation by ToromontCAT representatives to Scott Johnstone, AVP Facilities Management and Dr.Ingrid Makus, Dean of FOSS at the reopening of Theal House in February 2018.

    The Environmental Sustainability Research Centre (ESRC) along with Brock Facilities Management is offering $5,000 in scholarships for the upcoming year! ToromontCAT Construction donated these funds to the University to encourage and foster sustainability education and research at Brock.

    For students enrolled in the Master of Sustainability program, three scholarships of $1,000 each will be awarded to students in good academic standing. The three designations are as follows: one current student in Scheme A, one current student in Scheme B and one incoming student who will begin studies in the Fall of 2018. For students who have declared a Minor in Environmental Sustainability, two scholarships of $1,000 each will be awarded to students in good academic standing.

    For more information on the scholarships and applications please visit our website.

    This scholarship is another indicator of the quality research and education that is carried out through these Environmental Sustainability courses. It also displays Brock’s commitment to becoming a national leader in sustainability, while striving to create beneficial educational opportunities for its students. According to Ryan Plummer, Professor and Director of the ESRC, these scholarships recognize as well as support excellence in Environmental Sustainability.

    Applications include an essay question to be answered in 1500 words or less and the applicant’s unofficial transcripts. All completed applications must be submitted via email by August 22, 2018 by 11:59pm to [email protected]. Successful recipients will be notified via email by September 7, 2018.

    Categories: Awards, Innovative Partnership, Minor in Sustainability, SSAS Program, Sustainability at Brock