Experiential education awards

Experiential Education Student(s) of the Year Award(s)  

The Experiential Education Students of the Year Awards recognize student achievements in all facets of experiential education.  

Nominate a student 

We are calling Brock University students from various cultures, backgrounds & abilities to consider applying for this award.  

Contributions to the broader community, host organization, and Brock University will be considered, as well evidence of student growth and development as a result of their experience(s). Students may be nominated by an experiential learning community partner/supervisor, an Experiential Education staff member, or a faculty member at Brock University.  

If your experience is a co-op education work term, please see the co-op student of the year award.  


Nominees must be enrolled full-time and have participated in at least one experiential learning opportunity (other than co-op) within the 2023 calendar year.  

Selection Criteria  

  • Outstanding achievements in experiential learning  
  • Evidence of impact on the three main stakeholders of experiential learning:  
  • Host organization or community partner  
  • Student(s)  
  • Brock University  
  • Involvement in extra-curricular activities at school and/or within the community, such as membership in a cultural organization or volunteer work  
  • Submission of an application package  
  • All resumes must be reviewed by CareerZone, and proof of review must be included in the application package  
  • Recommendation by an Experiential Education staff member, faculty member, and/or host organization/community partner (only if applicable)  

All applications must meet the guidelines to be considered for this award.  

Adjudication committee 

Applications are adjudicated by a neutral committee consisting of:   

  • the Director of Co-op, Career and Experiential Education  
  • a Brock University faculty member  
  • a member of senior administration   
  • a campus partner, as well as   
  • representation from across Co-op, Career and Experiential Education, serving as ex-officio.  

All decisions by the selection committee are final and may not be appealed

Submission details and deadline 

Students are limited to one submission per year and must agree to allow Co-op, Career & Experiential Education to use their name, application package, and photograph for publication and promotional purposes. 

The deadline to submit this application package is 8:00am on December 15th.  

Please submit completed application packages to experiential@brocku.ca

Other awards: