Gain a competitive edge through your graduate co-op journey.
The Co-op Program allows graduate students to gain relevant, paid work experience while completing their studies at Brock University. Learn how the Graduate Co-op Program works.
Why co-op
- 40+ co-op programs offered at Brock Co-op.
- 90% of Co-op students rated their work term experience satisfaction 8 and above on a scale of 1 to 10.
- 98% of Co-op employers rated our Co-op students’ work term performance as “Good” and above.
As a graduate student in Brock’s Co-op Program, you will gain:
Relevant work experience
Build an impressive portfolio that’s relevant and meaningful to your graduate studies. Gain paid, professional work experience with our vetted employers.
Earn from your work
Get paid for your work as a graduate co-op student. Typically, work terms under the co-op program are paid employment experiences.
Expansive career network
Explore your career pathways after your graduate studies with access to a vast network of industry professionals who are available for mentorship, networking events, and informational conversations.
Access to career resources
Connect with our team of career development professionals who can help you explore your career possibilities, including application reviews, one-on-one interview preparation, and ongoing support during your work terms.
Personalized career coaching
Meet 1:1 with your talent coach or in small group workshops to reflect on your skills and experiences, including resumes, cover letters, interviews, LinkedIn, and networking.
How co-op works
Co-op is a structured program for graduate students to gain professional experience by alternating between work and study terms.
At Brock University, the Co-op Program offers direct entry at the time you are applying for your graduate studies. Students are admitted directly to the co-op stream of the graduate program.
Learn how to apply »
Graduate co-op students must complete a set number of four-month full-time co-op work terms. The number of co-op terms is set by their graduate program according to the University Calendar .
Each co-op work term requires a minimum of 420 hours.
Once students are registered in a co-op work term, they are expected to fulfill their commitment. Each four-month co-operative education work term must be registered and a “Satisfactory” (SA) grade will be assigned to a work term course when a student fulfills their work term performance expectations and submits all required work term reflection assignments listed below on-time in satisfying quality. The required work term reflection assignments are:
- Learning Objectives
- Mid-point Self Reflection
- Work Term check-in
- A satisfactory evaluation from their work term supervisor
- Final reflection.
Graduate co-op students are required to register for and complete a Co-op Professional Preparation course (5N90) comprising of lectures, presentations and industry specific information.
This non-credit course is a mandatory prerequisite requirement for graduate co-op students to complete with an “SA” (Satisfactory) grade in order to continue on with their co-op journey.
Your co-op work term sequence is pre-determined based on your degree program. Look for your respective degree program in the University Calendar to find your work and study schedule for co-op.
You may also refer to our program information brochure to find program-specific work term sequences.
You will be registered in a mandatory professional preparation course with a tuition fee of $813.75 $8383.00 Each time you participate in a co-op work term, you will pay an additional $. $838.00. All co-op fees are non-refundable and subject to change each year.
Fee | Amount |
5N90 Professional Preparation Course | $838.00 |
Work terms (per term) | $838.00 |
Learn more about graduate co-op fees »
To attain the co-op distinction on your graduate degree program, graduate students in co-op must:
- Complete 5N90 – Professional Preparation course with a “Satisfactory” (SA) grade
- Satisfactory completion of all registered co-op work terms that are 12-16 weeks of full-time experience;
- Attain a “Satisfactory” (SA) grade for each registered work terms.
It is the responsibility of all co-op students to adhere to co-op program procedures and regulations which are outlined in the Graduate Co-op Students Terms and Conditions.
Co-op work terms are typically paid opportunities. Pay varies by program and industry and generally increases with experience. The amount you are paid while on a work term is determined by the employer.
As outlined by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC), international students can apply and take part in Co-op programs at designated learning institutions that require work Co-op/internship experiences as part of the degree requirements.
Learn more about co-op as an international student »
Learn from those in the know
Our own students share their co-op experiences and insights with you.
Your co-op journey at a glance
A view of the co-op cycle and what you can expect during the different phases of the program.

Planning Ahead: Explore your talents
Spend your first year engaging with fellow graduate co-op students. Gain insight of what to expect in your co-op journey and how you can start building your skills and experiences.
Getting Prepared: Analyze your skills and competencies
Complete the mandatory 5N90 Professional Preparation Course, which will provide training so that you are able to confidently compete for job opportunities with a polished resume and cover letter.
Building Your Brand: Understand your professional image
Before and during your job search, our team will help you to identify and articulate your relevant skills as you prepare for your graduate co-op job search.
Getting Hired: Secure your Co-op work term
During your job search, you will work closely with a Talent Coach together to secure your co-op work term. Your Talent Coach will be there to support you along the way and answer all your questions.
Gaining Experience: Start your Co-op work term
On your work term, take everything you’ve learned and put it into action in a professional environment. Your Talent Coach will continue to support you as you complete your work term.