Richard Mitchell


Richard Mitchell head shot.

905-688-5550 x5085

Dr. Mitchell is a graduate of the University of Victoria in British Columbia, and completed his Ph.D in Sociology and Social Policy with Scotland’s University of Stirling. His dissertation is entitled ‘The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child in Postmodernity: A Grounded Systemic Analysis of Children’s Rights Educational Policies in Scotland and Canada’. He has taught courses within childhood and youth studies, social work and qualitative research. In a previous career, Dr. Mitchell worked as a child and youth counselor in British Columbia education, mental health and specialized foster-care for two decades. His research and consultancy focus upon international and transdisciplinary approaches to implementing the human rights of children and young people within institutional and community-based settings.

  • Theoretical, Social, and Legal Constructions of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
  • Human Rights Theory, Policy, Law and Practice
  • Citizenship and Social Policy Discourses for Young People
  • Transdisciplinarity in Theory and Methodology
  • Critical Social Pedagogy
  • Participatory action, ethnographic and grounded theory approaches to research with Children and Young People
  • Sociology of Childhood
  • Sociology of Human Rights
  • Autopoietic Systems Theory
  • Waboso, K, Davis, S. & Mitchell, R. C. (2023) “A Transdisciplinary Analysis of International School Climate Strikes: Or ‘Pay No Attention to that Man Behind the Curtain’ ”, In Press, in Alfonso Montuori and Gabrielle Donnelly (Eds. 2023) Routledge International Handbook for Creative Futures (Chapter 26)-pp. 1-15. London and New York: Routledge – Taylor/Francis Group.
  • Goodwin-DeFaria, C., Bendo, D. & Mitchell, R.C. (2021) “ ‘Post-covid’ Childhoods?: Transdisciplinary Reflections on Participatory Praxis for Children and Youth”, International Journal of Children Rights 29(3): 371-399.
  • R.C. Mitchell & N. Maharjan (2020) “The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and Global Childhoods: Transdisciplinary Reflections from Nepal”, World Futures, 76(1): 62-80. DOI:10.1080/02604027.2019.1698235
  • Podcast interview with former CHYS UG and MA students now at Western and Trent Dr. Daniella Bendo and Dr. Christine Goodwin-De Faria. Child Rights-Right Now –
  • R.C. Mitchell (2021) Children’s rights and Climate Change Podcast Children’s Rights and the Climate Strike Podcast 
  • R.C. Mitchell (2020) UK ResearchPod – Childhood and Climate Change Podcast
  • R.C. Mitchell & N. Maharjan (2020) “The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and Global Childhoods: Transdisciplinary reflections from Nepal“, World Futures – Journal of New Paradigm Research 76(1): 62-80.
  • R.C. Mitchell (2019) The Conversation – Teaching young people what really matters
  • Volk, A. A., R.C. Mitchell & T. Khan (2019) “The power of civility: A Transdisciplinary examination of adolescent social power and bullying”, Journal of Childhood Studies 44(3): 120-138.
  • R.C. Mitchell (2019) Why should we listen to child activists?
  • R.C. Mitchell & S.A. Moore (2018) “Transdisciplinary Child and Youth Studies: Critical Praxis, Global Perspectives”World Futures – Journal of New Paradigm Research 74(7-8): 450-470.
  • D. Bendo & R.C. Mitchell (2017) “The Role of Canada’s Child and Youth Advocates: A Social Constructionist Approach”, The International Journal of Children’s Rights 25(3): 1-24.
  • R.C. Mitchell & S.A. Moore (2015) “Muse, Ruse and Subterfuge: Transdisciplinary Praxis in Ontario’s Post-Secondary Bricolage?”The Review of Education, Pedagogy and Cultural Studies, 37(5): 393-413.
  • R.C. Mitchell & S.A. Moore (Eds. 2015) Planetary Praxis and Pedagogy: Transdisciplinary Approaches to Environmental Sustainability. Rotterdam, Boston and Taipei: Sense Publishers.
  • S.A. Moore & R.C. Mitchell (2015) “Introduction and Overview of Volume” in R.C. Mitchell and S.A. Moore (Eds. 2015), Planetary Praxis and Pedagogy: Transdisciplinary Approaches to Environmental Sustainability, pp. 1-8. Rotterdam, Boston and Taipei: Sense Publishers.
  • R.C. Mitchell & S.A. Moore (2015) “Planetary Praxis and Pedagogy: Transdisciplinary Approaches to Environmental Sustainability”, in R.C. Mitchell and S.A. Moore (Eds. 2015), Planetary Praxis and Pedagogy: Transdisciplinary Approaches to Environmental Sustainability, pp. 9-40. Rotterdam, Boston and Taipei: Sense Publishers.
  • S.A. Moore & R.C. Mitchell (2015) “Restorative Justice and Transdisciplinary Praxis: An Investigation in Ontario Schools” in J. Waller (Ed. 2015) Mental Health Promotion in Schools: Special Topics, Special Challenges, 2nd Volume, an E-Series by Bentham Science eBooks.
  • R.C. Mitchell (2015) “Re-theorizing child citizenship through transdisciplinarity” in New Handbook on Children’s Rights [Studies] (Eds. W. Vandenhoule, E. Desmet, D. Reynaert & S. Lembrechts, 2015), Routledge: New York and London.
  • R.C. Mitchell (2013) “Reflections on the UNCRC from a Transdisciplinary Bricoleur”, Special Issue on The Future of Children’s Rights in The International Journal of Children’s Rights 21(3): 510-522.
  • R.C. Mitchell & S.A. Moore (Eds. 2012) Politics, Participation & Power Relations: Transdisciplinary Approaches to Critical Citizenship in the Classroom and Community. Rotterdam, Boston and Taipei: Sense Publishers.
  • S.A. Moore & R.C. Mitchell (2012) “Transdisciplinary Approaches to Young People’s Citizenship: From Bystanders to Action” in R.C. Mitchell and S.A. Moore (Eds. 2012) Politics, Participation & Power Relations Transdisciplinary Approaches to Critical Citizenship in the Classroom and Community, pp. 183-205. Rotterdam, Boston and Taipei: Sense Publishers.
  • S.A. Moore & R.C. Mitchell (2012) “Rights-based Restorative Justice in Canada: From Silence to Citizenship” in Oxford Law and Childhood Studies Current Legal Issues Vol. 14, Edited by Michael Freeman, Faculty of Laws, University College London, pp. 202-218. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • R.C. Mitchell, B. May, S. Purdy & C. Vella (2012) “UNESCO Biosphere Reserves: Towards Common Conceptual Ground” in The Biosphere, Dr. Natarajan Ishwaran (Ed. 2012), pp. 285-302. Shanghai and Rijeka: InTech Open Access Publishers.
  • S.A. Moore & R.C. Mitchell (2011) “Theorising Rights-based Restorative Justice: The Canadian Context”, The International Journal of Children’s Rights 19(1): 81-105.
  • S.A. Moore & R.C. Mitchell (2011) “Human Rights Within/Without Education: A Critical Pedagogy for Troubling Times”, in An Ethics of Care: Educating the Young, Jeanne Kentel (Ed. 2011), pp 189-210. Oxford: Peter Lang Publishing.
  • R.C. Mitchell (2011a) “Sustaining Change on a Canadian Campus: Preparing Brock University for a Campus Sustainability Audit”, International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 12(1): 7-21.
  • R.C. Mitchell (2011b) “Human Rights and Health Promotion: A Canada Fit for
    Children?”, International Journal of Child, Youth and Family Studies 3/4: 510-526.
  • R.C. Mitchell (2010) “Who’s Afraid Now? Reconstructing Canadian Citizenship Education through Transdisciplinarity”, Review of Education, Pedagogy and Cultural Studies 32(1): 37-65.
  • R.C. Mitchell (2009) Book Review on “A Commentary on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child published by the Martinus Nijhoff affiliate of Brill Academic Publishers”, The International Journal of Children’s Rights 17(1): 171-175.
  • S.A. Moore & R.C. Mitchell (2009) “Rights Based Restorative Praxis: Promoting compliance with International Standards”, Youth Justice: A Sage International Journal 9(1): 27-43.
  • R.C. Mitchell & S.A. Moore (Eds. 2008) Power, Pedagogy and Praxis: Social Justice in the Globalized Classroom. Rotterdam, Boston and Taipei: Sense Publishers.

R.C. Mitchell & N. Maharjan (26 July, 2019). “The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and Global Childhoods: Transdisciplinary Reflections from Nepal”, paper presented for The Annual Kathmandu Conference on Nepal and the Himalaya24-26 July, 2019, Kathmandu, Nepal. 

R.C. Mitchell & S.A. Moore (13 October, 2017). “Transdisciplinarity in Post- Secondary Educational Reform: Meanings and  Values”, paper presented at Conceptualizing Childhood and Youth, Brock University, Oct 12-14, 2017, St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada.

R.C. Mitchell & S.A. Moore (28 April, 2017). “Transdisciplinarity in Post-Secondary Educational Reform: Meanings and Values”, paper presented for Child and Youth Care Practice, at International Child and Youth Care in Action V: Embracing Challenge Conference. University of Victoria, 27-29 April, 2017, Victoria, B.C., Canada.

S.A. Moore & R.C. Mitchell (28 April, 2017). “Restorative Justice in Education, Policy & Practice: Critical Reflections on a Transdisciplinary Approach to Child and Youth Care Practice”, paper presented for International Child and Youth Care in Action V: Embracing Challenge Conference. University of Victoria, 27-29 April, 2017, Victoria, B.C., Canada.

R.C. Mitchell (30 January, 2017). Guest Lecture entitled: “Rights-based Ethics & Adoption of UNICEF’s Ethical Research Involving Children (ERIC) Framework in Canadian Research”, Carleton University, Ottawa, ON, Canada.

R.C. Mitchell & S.A. Moore (6 January, 2017). Workshop for Child Health professionals and NGOs “Transdisciplinarity in Post-Secondary Educational Reform: Meanings and Values”, paper presented for Hawaii International Conference On Education, 3-6 January, 2017, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.

S.A. Moore & R.C. Mitchell (4 January, 2017). “Restorative Justice Education, Policy & Practice: Critical Reflections on Implementation and Mental Health Outcomes”, paper presented for Hawaii International Conference On Education, 3-6 January, 2017, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.

R.C. Mitchell (8 October, 2015) Keynote talk entitled: “Transdisciplinary Praxis in Child and Youth Protection” for Tensions of Child Welfare/Child Protection Knowledge National Social Work Conference 8-9 October, 2015, Helsinki, Finland.

R.C. Mitchell (7 October, 2015). Workshop for Child Health Professionals and Non-Governmental Organizations hosted by SOSNET (Finnish University Network for Childhood Studies) including UNICEF Finland, Finnish Office of Children’s Ombudsman, and the National Institute for Health and Welfare, Helsinki, Finland.

R.C. Mitchell & S. A. Moore (23 June, 2014) “Rights-Based Restorative Praxis: De-Colonising Restorative Justice in Canadian Schools”. Paper presented during Scottish Universities Insight Institute Seminar Series 2013-14: Children’s Rights, Social Justice and Social Identities in Scotland: Intersections in Research, Policy and Practice – University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland.

R.C. Mitchell & S. A. Moore (25 June, 2014) “Politics, Participation & Power Relations: Transdisciplinary Reflections”. Paper presented for doctoral seminar at Moray House School of Education, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland.

R.C. Mitchell & S. A. Moore (27 June, 2014) “Politics, Participation & Power Relations: Transdisciplinary Reflections”. Paper presented during International Centre for Education and Democratic Citizenship (ICEDC) 8th Annual Conference: Education for Human Rights and Democratic Citizenship in Schools and Society, Birkbeck, University of London, London, England.

R.C. Mitchell (2 May, 2014) “Reflections on the Future of the UNCRC”. Paper presented during IV International Child and Youth Care Conference – Responding to our Current Times – University of Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.

R.C. Mitchell (2011) “Social-ecological Inventories: Building Resilience to Environmental Change within Biosphere Reserves”. Experts Workshop with Swedish and Canadian climate change scientists/social scientists/students 7-8 March, 2011 at Brock University in partnership with Environment Canada Adaption & Impacts Research Section (AIRS), Stockholm Environmental Institute, and Environmental Sustainability Research Unit.

R.C. Mitchell (11 February, 2011) “Human Rights and Health Promotion: A Canada Fit for Children?” Paper presented during Promoting Health Equity: Action on the Social Determinants of Health at Ryerson University, Toronto, Ontario.

R.C. Mitchell and S.A. Moore (11 June, 2010) “The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child: A Transdisciplinary Tool for Democratic Citizenship Education” Research paper presentation for International Journal of Arts and Sciences Interdisciplinary Conference, Aix-en-Provence, France 8-11 June, 2010.

R.C. Mitchell & J. Parmar (2010) “Research Report for Brock University GHG (Carbon) Footprint”, Executive Summary for 2008 presented during Environmental Sustainability Research Unit first annual seminar series Rodman Hall – St. Catharines, March, 2011.

S.A. Moore & R.C. Mitchell (6 July, 2010) “Rights-based Restorative Justice in Canada: From Silence to Citizenship”, University College London Law and Childhood Studies Colloquium 5-6 July, 2010 Convenor: Michael Freeman, UCL, London, England.

S.A. Moore & R.C. Mitchell (20 November, 2009) “Why Canadian Educators are Violating the CRC – and 3 actions CRAN member might undertake in response”. Report Submitted to Child Rights Academic Research Network (CRAN) AGM, 2009, Shaking the Movers III, Carlton University, Ottawa.

    Canadian Coalition for the Rights of Children (2001-Present)
  • Niagara Region Public Health Department REACT program – (consultant 2005-Present)
  • United Nations Non-Governmental Representative 2000-2002 for the “Special Session of the General Assembly on Children” and its Preparatory Committee Sessions
  • Results-Resultats Canada: Non-Governmental Organization “creating the political will to end hunger and the worst aspects of poverty” (1999-Present)