OSC3 events

Monitor this page for community events, town halls and other opportunities to learn more about the project through engagement with the research team.



Smithville Christian High School visits the vineyard.

The team welcomed a local high school class to learn about OSCIII research in the vineyard. Alysha (pictured below) gave the class a crash course on insect trapping methods. Educating the upcoming generation on sustainable farming practices and research is an important part of the project!

Harvest time at Huebel Grapes Estates

The team was welcomed to Huebel Grapes Estates to share research knowledge and themselves learn about harvesting practices in the vineyard.

From left to right are Habib, Alysha, Diana, and Kasia (Kathryn Carter, OMAFRA, in the background).

Sharing research with OMAFRA

The team met with Kathryn Carter and Anne Verhallen of OMAFRA for reciprocal visits of one another’s research sites. Our OSCIII project involves below vine cover cropping, as does Kathryn and Annes. Pictured is crimson clover thriving under the vine at our OSCIII research site.