
Click on the links below to learn more about recent and past webinars featuring Dr. Vasseur.

  • Vasseur, L. 2023. Nature-based solutions and climate: How to implement through the Global Standard. NetZero Atlantic webinar series. April 20, 2023. Watch video
  • Niagara Connects. 2023. Living in Niagara and the Sustainable Development Goals. January 24, 2023.  Watch video
  • Vasseur, L. 2022. Exploring different cover crops to adapt to climate changes. CCOVI Lecture Series. Brock University. March 14, 2022. Watch video
  • Smits, A. 2022. An interview with Dr. Liette Vasseur, UNESCO Chair on Sustainability. Environmental Sustainability Research Centre. Brock University. February 8, 2022. Watch video
  • International Science Council. 2021. Open Science for the 21st century I Science ouverte: la science au XXIe siecle.  INSGA 2021 Satellite Workshop. September 9, 2021. Watch video
  • Vasseur, L. and T. Zuklin. 2021. Defining the principles of ecosystem governance. Sixth Dialogue of the Commission on Ecosystem Management of the International Union for Conservation of Nature. April 23, 2021. Watch video
  • Vasseur, L. 2021. Ethics of publishing. (virtual). Graduate Seminar Series in Math and Science. Brock University. March 18, 2021.
  • Vasseur, L. 2021. Life after a PhD. (virtual) Science and Policy Exchange. February 18, 2021.
  • Vasseur, L. and J. Baker. 2021. Dialogue of Women in STEM, from life after a PhD to strategic orientations. (virtual). Brock University. February 11, 2021.
  • Andrade, A., C. Zambrana-Torrelio, A. Luis, L. Vasseur, A. Eagle, I. Convery, C. Nelson (order of presentations). 2020. Exploring Restoration, Rewilding, and Human Health. Restoration Thematic Group of the Commission on Ecosystem Management of IUCN Webinar Series. June 19, 2020.
  • YourTVNiagara. 2020. COVID-19 Niagara Update for April 17: Liette Vasseur. April 17, 2020. Watch video
  • Vasseur, L. 2020. Bringing public engagement in landscape restoration: importance of ecosystem governance. Restoration Thematic Group of the Commission on Ecosystem Management of IUCN Webinar Series. March 13, 2020. Watch video
  • Vasseur, L. 2020. Why is it important for women to be in the sciences? Brock University, February 10, 2020. Watch video
  • CCUNESCO. 2020. Open Science & the Decolonization of Knowledge, Caribbean Region Webinar. October 29, 2020. Watch video
  • Andrade, A., E. Cohen-Shacham, C. Nelson, J. Siikamäki, L. Vasseur, P. McElwee, R. Murto and D. Hessenberger (order of presentations). 2020 IUCN Global Standard for Nature-based Solutions. Second Dialogue of the Commission on Ecosystem Management. November 17, 2020.
  • Fougères, D., A. Andrade, S. Maginnis, M. Jones, E. Cohen-Shacham, C. Nelson, D. Keith, E. Nicholson, L. Vasseur and P. McElwee. 2020. Transformative Conservation in Social-Ecological Systems. First Dialogue of the Commission on Ecosystem Management. November 3, 2020.
  • MadhavaRau, L., L. Vasseur and M. Francis. (order of presentations). 2020. Equity, diversity, and inclusion at Brock. Building Better Research Workshop Series. (virtual). December 9, 2020.
  • Vasseur, L., A. Necakov, C. Longboat and G. Forsythe. 2020. Dialogue on Open Science. Building Better Research Workshop Series. (virtual). December 15, 2020.
  • Vasseur, L. 2019. Assessing ecosystem services in biosphere reserves : presentation of the tool. Canadian Biosphere Reserve Association. June 10, 2019.
  • Vasseur, L. 2019. L’adaptation basée sur les écosystèmes : une solution plus durable pour faire face aux changements climatiques. Webinar for Res-Alliance. May 1, 2019.
  • Vasseur. L. 2018. UNESCO Chair on Community Sustainability: From Local to Global, Brock University. CCUNESCO. February 9, 2018. Watch video
  • Vasseur, L. 2018. Meet the ESRC Faculty Affiliates: Dr. Liette Vasseur. Environmental Sustainability Research Centre. Brock University. October 29, 2018. Watch video
  • Vasseur, L. 2013. Research Cafe II: Environmental Sustainability in a Changing Climate. Brock University. May 21, 2013. Watch video
  • Vasseur, L. 2012. 2011 Latornell Pioneer Liette Vasseur. Latornell Conservation Symposium. January 5, 2012. Watch video