USC revels in sustainable partnership with Canadian uni

From the Sunshine Coast Daily

THEY have only been together for three years, but the University of the Sunshine Coast and Brock University knew their relationship was meant to be.

USC Professor Tim Smith and Brock Professor Gary Pickering signed a memoriam of understanding to build on existing collaborations between the Sustainability Research Centre at USC and the Environmental Sustainability Research Centre at Brock.

Prof Smith said the university’s respective sustainability centres had already joined a consortium of 10 partners from seven countries to participate in the Climate Adaptation and Water Governance project.

CADWAGO has received more than one million Euros in funding from three European philanthropic organisations; Riksbankens Jubileumsfond, Volkswagen Foundation, Compagnia di San Paolo and has seen key researchers advise European governments about best practice for dealing with flooding events based on researching events from around the world.

A 14 minute joint video developed by the two universities was showcased at the world’s oldest academy, the Royal Society in London.

The MoU also signals the introduction of a new PhD scholarship being offered by USC, which people can apply for until April 29.

It is anticipated the agreement will foster closer collaboration between USC and Brock to maximize research opportunities and provide richer student experiences in the global and regional sustainability domains…

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Categories: Sustainability