Brock University offers recycling bins for a variety of items. You will find recycling locations across campus both indoors and out. All indoor bins are labelled and can be found in all food service areas, hallways and a number of offices. For more information on how Brock University is recycling, please see below.
Surplus cardboard or box board should be flattened and placed inside the Modern cardboard recycling bins located outside at the following locations:
- Tower loading dock
- DeCew dining hall
- Walker Complex – across from tennis courts
- Campus Store loading dock
- Lowenberger dining hall
- Shipping and Receiving area in Mackenzie Chown G-Block
Do not leave boxes in the halls. If you are in an office area, however, you may leave your flattened cardboard or box board beside or on top of the recycling receptacles on your floor and a member of the Custodial Services’ unit will collect it at some point in the day.
- bristol board
- construction paper
- file folders
- tissue boxes
- cereal boxes
- shoe boxes
- corrugated cardboard
- tubes from paper towels
- paper food container (if unable to remove food residue, place in the garbage)
- paper cups and plates
- napkins and tissue
“New green initiative
handles Brock’s several tons of
cardboard a week”

- The University produces approximately 357,000 kgs of cardboard yearly
- Custodial Services, Sodexo and the Campus Store generate and handle cardboard on campus
- Custodial Services employees are trained to bale cardboard
- It’s anticipated that during the school year two to three bales of cardboard will be generated daily
Savings/Revenue of using leased bailer
- Yearly operating costs savings of $9,500
- Waste hauler Bins Yearly Revenue $18,000
In the fall of 2011, the University and Cascade Recovery Inc., entered into an agreement to provide Cascade Recovery with baled cardboard in exchange for revenue.
As a subsidiary of Cascades, Cascades Recovery acts as an integral part of Cascades’ process of turning discarded materials into new products. The majority of the cardboard collected is processed at their refinery and turned into recycled content products sold to consumers.
This revenue generating venture also afforded the university savings to its operating budget for the contracted services of cardboard waste bins.
A new leased baler was installed at the Arthur Schmon Tower loading dock in November 2011; the baler weighs 4,300 lbs and can produce bales of cardboard weighing 700lbs. The bales are stored behind Parking Lot “V” and Cascade collects them on a weekly basis.
Corrugated cardboard boxes can be reused for shipments when appropriate within departments.
Last year’s annual waste audit identified 32 tonnes of coffee cups were generated and only 1 ton was recycled for a capture rate of 1.5 per cent.
Coffee cups are not recyclable. Place cups in designated coffee cup disposal stations wherever coffee is sold on campus. Remember, no lids! The images below are the bins you will find around campus to properly dispose of coffee cups AND coffee lids (side of the bin in the second image).
“Intiative aims to curb wasteful coffee cup clutter” – The Brock News
“Student waste audit identifies coffee cup confusion” – The Brock News

When possible, bring your own reusable food and drink containers. If you need to discard a recyclable container, blue bins are available in public corridors, lunchrooms and dining halls. Custodial Services empties these containers on a set frequency, depending on room type.
- aluminum cans
- glass bottles and jars
- tin cans
- aluminum foil
- plastic bottles
- milk and juice cartons
Not acceptable
- paint/aerosol containers
- broken mirror or window glass
- broken plates, cups and ceramics
- test tubes
- polystyrene
- scrap metal
- latex gloves
- garbage bags or sandwich bags
- plastic wrap

Used inkjet and laser printer cartridges can be recycled. In the 2020 Fall Waste Audit, it was found that Brock reused over 900 lbs of ink cartridges across campus!
Students can bring their used cartridges to the collection bins located in Computer Commons, or at the North and South Service desks in Residence.
For more information, refer to Greentec’s list of acceptable electronic waste products.
Recycled paper can be placed in office/classrooms small blue bins or in blue recycle receptacles in corridors. Photocopy stations have large blue recycling totes on wheels where paper can be recycled.
USED TEXTBOOKS can be returned to the Campus Store during their buy back periods. Alternatively, there are Textbooks for Change drop off boxes across campus, where students can donate their books. Click here to view a list of their locations.
If you’re moving, cleaning out your work area and have a large quantity of recycling, call ahead to Custodial Services at 905 688 5550 x4450 to arrange for a large-wheeled recycling tote.

- Newsprint
- Photocopy paper, bond paper
- Wrapping paper
- NCR business forms
- Magazines and catalogues
- Posters and flyers
- Calendars (remove spiral binding)
- Blue prints
- Post-it notes
- Telephone books
- Books (remove covers)
Not acceptable
- Corrugated cardboard
- Carbon copy paper
- Tissue
- Paper towels
- Paper cups/plates
- Soiled paper (fast food wrappers)
Conservation tips
- Print on both sides of each sheet
- Subscribe to electronic news/journals
Scrap metal cannot be recycled in the regular recycling bins.
Within the University staff & faculty with large metal items or office appliances can have their scrap metal removed and recycled via special bins.
To arrange, call Custodial Services at 905 688 5550 x4450 and specify that your item is for scrap metal recycling. Arrangements will be made by Facilities Management to decommission and move.
The scrap metal bin is located at the South Campus Grounds Yard.
It is our hope that individuals help us recycle by placing materials in the correct bins. Facilities Management provides and services recycling containers and garbage containers outside with a dual stream system in every outdoor garbage location and in some cases a 3 stream system is available.
Click on the images below to download the recycling guideline posters:
Waste Disposal
Brock works with The Waste Reduction Group Inc. to conduct an annual waste audit to help identify overall waste composition and the most significant waste offenders on campus. Click here to access the University’s sustainability plans, policies, and waste audits.
Custodial Services has installed two waste compactors on campus. These compactors are designed to compact waste and reduce the frequency of trips by the waste hauler, thus resulting in operational savings.
- These compactors reduce operational costs associated with servicing and pick-up of waste
- The Tower waste compactor cost $30,000 with a pay back period of 4 years
- The Mackenzie Chown waste compactor cost $15,000 with a pay back period of 4 years
Custodial Services and Sodexo staff are the main users of the waste compactors that were purchased from Reaction Distributing Inc. The first compactor, at the Schmon Tower loading dock, has a capacity of 28 cubic yards and requires service (emptied) every two week; the previous waste containers were serviced daily. This unit has a sealed container reducing odours and controls wildlife in this area.
The waste compactor at Mackenzie Chown G Block is smaller, it has a capacity of 8 cubic yards and requires service (emptied) weekly; the previous container was serviced daily.
Batteries are highly toxic and should not be placed in the garbage. Brock collects used batteries across campus and recycles them. During the 2020 Fall Waste Audit, it was found that over 550 lbs of used batteries were collected and recycled!
Brock has several drop off locations for used batteries across campus. Batteries are picked up regularly by the recycler, Raw Materials Company. Nothing from the battery goes to the land fill!
To view a complete list of locations across campus, please click here. Prominent drop off locations include:
- Computer Commons
- Library Help Desk
- General Brock Store
- Campus Store
Brock employees can request for pails for battery collection for their area by contacting Kevin Lawr at [email protected]. They may drop off acceptable used work batteries at the Central Receiving and Mail Services in MCG 207, the Science Stores in MCE 304 or any other collection location noted on page 2 of the below flyer:
Expanded Recycling Program for Safe Disposal of Batteries at Brock University
- Nickel Hydride
- Nickel Lithium Ion
- Nickel Cadmium
- Small sealed lead acid
- Standard A,AA,AA,C,D,9v
- Lithium
- Mercury
- Large lead acid batteries
For more information, refer to Greentec’s list of acceptable electronic waste products.

E-waste accounts for added waste that ends by in landfills. By proper recycling, we can change that. In the 2020 Fall Waste Audit, it was found that Brock recycled over 18,000 lbs of electronic waste, diverting it from landfills!
Cell phones disposal
Brock University faculty, staff and students can turn in their unwanted cellular devices at the ITS Help Desk in the Campus Store or to the Central Receiving and Mail Services in MCG 207. These devices are then recycled and disposed off in appropriate channels.
Computer equipment
Computer equipment can be discarded with the assistance of University Services and ITS. An online form for this service is available. Complete the form and send it to Central Receiving and Mail Services. Any device with a plug or battery can be recycled. For more information contact Kevin Lawr at 905 688 5550 x3511.
For more information, refer to Greentec’s list of acceptable e-waste products

Hazardous waste cannot be placed in the regular waste stream, so the Hazardous Waste Management System (HWMS) was developed.
The HWMS is a joint initiative between Brock University’s Health, Safety & Wellness department and Science Stores. It consists of the proper separation, identification, and packaging of waste at the lab level; transport, facilitated by trained technicians and detailed record-keeping to meet regulatory guidelines. Hazardous waste removal procedures (calendar of pick up dates, forms and instructions) can be found on the Science Stores website.
For further information, please contact:
Science Stores
Irene Palumbo 905 688 5550 x3407
Environmental Health and Safety
Jennifer Booker 905 688 5550 x5390
Types of Hazardous Waste

Organic Waste Disposal & Composting
Organic food waste is collected currently at the following locations: Market Hall, DeCew Cafeteria, Student Centre, Lowenberger Cafeteria, Brock General, Hungry Badger, and at the International Centre.
The most convenient location to dispose of organic waste is the conveyor belt in Market. For staff and faculty, there are small compost bins in their lunch rooms that are emptied daily.
During the 2020 Fall Waste Audit, it was discovered that approximately 14.3% of waste sent to landfill was organic material. In an effort to improve the organic capture rate, we are asking you to participate in this program and help improve our waste diversion rate.