Articles tagged with: Colleen Patterson

  • Launching their Website: An Exciting Step for the CSC

    On Thursday, August 6th, the Centre for Sport Capacity (CSC) launched their brand new website, unveiling it to their members, staff and faculty at Brock, and the general public for the first time.

    By all accounts the launch was a success. After months of hard work, the CSC was able to see their vision come to life, and they were incredibly happy to share it with the world.

    “I believe that the website both highlights and contributes to our commitment as a Centre to research & knowledge mobilization, student experiential learning, and practical support to community and industry organizations,” said Centre Director Dr. Julie Stevens regarding the site.

    “I’m extremely excited to see the website launch! It’s been a long wait and a lot of work to get the full site built out,” said Centre Coordinator Cole McClean. “Everyone involved, including our dedicated members and students, did a fantastic job.”

    The CSC sees the website as a key element to their success and continued growth in the long-term.

    “We needed more of a presence online…We can do so much more in terms of building awareness for the CSC in the community, and this website will let us do that,” said McClean. “If we want to grow and be successful long-term, we have to be able to promote what we are doing to a wider audience. Increasing our online presence was a necessity in order to do that.”

    They expect to be able to grow very soon and they plan to do so at a rapid rate. Something Dr. Stevens notes is that the website is designed with this in mind.

    “Due to the nature of the work that we do, the site will not be a museum,” said Dr. Stevens. “It’s designed in a way to accommodate our continued growth, as we will be able to build out the site with content on a regular basis to highlight new members, new projects, new events, and more. With that said, be sure to check back often for updates.”

    Last and most importantly, Dr. Stevens and McClean both wanted to thank everyone involved in making the CSC the success that it is today, and who will help it to continue to grow going forward.

    “I wish to thank a small but mighty team who worked hard to bring this project to fruition – it has required over a year of time and energy,” said Dr. Stevens. “Thank you to Cole for leading this project and working with members, students and staff to coordinate all the parts needed to get this done. Thank you to Sean Maddeaux and T.J. Paul, SPMA 3P02 placement students for the help they provided with early planning, and to Noah Nickel, our CSC Communication and Marketing Assistant for running with the project and getting the content and logistics finalized. I am also grateful to Dean Tiidus for his financial support, and thank you to Colleen for her encouragement to promote the CSC and our members.” 

    “We’re not a centre without our members, and we really want to highlight all of the interesting research and projects that they are working on,” said McClean. “And I cannot forget all of the amazing students that have done placements or volunteered with us.”

    McClean also wanted to thank Dr. Peter Tiidus, Dr. Nota Klentrou, Colleen Patterson, and the entire team at Marketing and Communications for their support along the way.

    For those who have not yet seen the new website for themselves, please explore the site by clicking here.

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