Open Resources


A discussion with the founders of the Brock cricket team on their stories & the impact of bringing cricket to the Brock community.

Hosted June 6, 2022

Cricket & The Power of Sport

Speaker Liv Yoon discusses sports’ impact on the environment and the environments growing effect on sports.

Hosted March 31, 2022

Sport and the Environment Webinar: Envisioning Alternative Socio-Environmental Futures Through Sociocultural Kinesiology

A presenter series highlighting how different sport organizations harness innovation and creativity to achieve organizational objectives

Hosted March 24th, 2022

Innovation and Creativity in the Sport Industry

Speaker Dan Wilcock discusses the measures that Canadian Sport Organizations must take to create a more sustainable environment

Hosted: March 3, 2022

Sport and the Environment: Tackling Environmental Issues in Canadian Sport

A panel discussion on the emerging sport gambling industry in Canada

Hosted: February 9, 2022

Sport Gambling

Speaker David Goldsblatt discusses the growing impact sport has on the environment and what measures need to be taken to preserve sports in society.

Hosted February 3, 2022

Sport and the Environment: Politics Practices and Preferred Futures

A panel discussion on the direction and growth of a billion-dollar industry


Unveiling E-sports Webinar

A conversation about coaching team culture during COVID-19 with Margot Page and Willy Manigat

HOSTED: MARCH 23, 2021

Planning and Building Through Challenging Circumstances

A conversation about playing high-performance sports in Canada


Starting at Love: (Re)discovering Tennis as a Lifelong Sport – A Tennis Story with Gianluca Agostinelli

A discussion around programming decisions and adjustments for youth sport and recreation organizations during the COVID-19 pandemic


Pivoting Youth Sport and Recreation Programming in the Wake of COVID-19: Recommendations and Resources

A discussion of the way soccer is taught at all levels within Canada


A Panel Discussion on Soccer in Ontario

A conversation about delivering gender equal opportunities through the Same Game Toolkit


Understanding Same Game: The Self-Guided Gender Equity Toolkit

A conversation about the legal implications of the COVID-19 pandemic on sport organizations

HOSTED: APRIL 30, 2020

COVID-19 Legal Issues Facing Sport and Recreation Organizations

Member Resources

Dr. Hilary Findlay discusses addressing organizational factors contributing to systemic maltreatment in Canadian Sport. To read to the PDF click here.

Abstract: Abstract – Finding a way forward

Summary: Summary – Finding a way forward

Dr. Julie Stevens discusses how sport can play a role in economic development.

Hosted February 14, 2022

Dr. Julie Stevens, Dr. Martha Barnes, Sarah Ane, and Dr. Carol Phillips discuss their research findings: Parks and Recreation as an Essential Service: Using a health equity lens to strengthen provision in Niagara

Hosted: June 9, 2021

DR. Michele Donnelly, looks at the challenges and successes that women face in their struggle for equity in sport.

Hosted: November 10, 2020

Student Research

Ryan Gillies’s SPMA 3P99 research project examined diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) within athletic spaces in Ontario University Athletics (OUA). View PDF here.

Connor Graham’s SPMA 3P99 research project reviewed the Ontario University Athletics (OUA) websites presented information about the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) strategy of each OUA school. View PDF here.

Community Projects