What is the Sport for Life Regional Summit of Niagara?
As a part of the Sport for Life 2023 Summit Series, the Centre for Sport Capacity participated and supported the 2023 Sport for Life Summit of Niagara. The event highlighted a variety of thought leaders from the Niagara region who have prominent roles in their respective communities and are knowledgeable about key aspects of the Sport for Life model. Without the efforts of these high-quality individuals and the organizations they represent, creating an environment for sustainable sport to occur would not be possible. The sharing of information from experts in various fields is crucial to enable community sport organizations, coaches and parents to provide environments to help sport retain their current members and grow their participation. Getting to witness so many passionate individuals discussing concepts such as inclusion, open communication, and the Niagara region’s status in sport participation resulted in the sharing of knowledge for all who attended.
To learn more about this event and its speakers, read the 2023 Sport for Life Summit Conference Program