Interview with Chris Charlebois – Innovation and Creativity in Sport Webinar

We asked Chris Charlebois to answer some questions about the upcoming Innovation and Creativity in Sport Webinar taking place on Thursday, March 24th from 1:00pm – 2:30pm EST. 

He spoke about his connection with sports innovation, why participants should attend the webinar, and what the format will look like.

1) What is your connection with sports innovation, and why is this topic important to you?

My connection to sports innovation stems from my professional life as an entrepreneur. From a young age, I have always had a curiosity and drive to find more efficient ways to execute simple or complex tasks. The topic is important to me because many sports organizations have recently been forced to become more innovative due to external influences (e.g., COVID-19 pandemic). Moreover, with a shifting amount of people working freelance or multiple jobs, being creative can lead young people to identify ways to provide a higher degree of value to sports organizations but understand how organizations and individuals can embrace innovation and creativity.

From my professional experience, many sports organizations in Canada specifically have not always embraced change or innovation because it is seen as ‘scary’ or there is resistance within the organization or its leadership. I hope that for any sports leaders, we can start to educate them on the value of embracing innovation and creativity within their organizations as there are several ancillary benefits for the organization’s business and its people; which should lead to resources for the company/organization to drive more revenue or serve more members.

2) Why should people attend this webinar?

People should attend this webinar as it will demonstrate practical examples of how organizations embrace innovation and an entrepreneurial spirit, whether they are private, not-for-profit or another type of organization. It will also provide examples of how SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises) can embrace these principles. Often we learn or hear through popular media about innovations being adopted at the pro-sports level by the “Big 4”. In Canada specifically, the majority of sports organizations are not-for-profit organizations that lack the same resources and must find alternative ways to be creative and innovative; as such, this will provide an invaluable way for students or other sports organization leaders to learn how to implement innovative practices in all areas of sport.

3) What can participants expect this webinar to look like? 

Panelists will be providing a 10-minute ‘case study’ outlining how their business or organization has embraced innovation/creativity. Following the presentations, there will be a moderated panel with questions for the panelists and then an opportunity for any attendees to ask questions of the presenters.


Categories: Blog, Webinars/Forums