Articles by author: mdonald

  • PhD Defence – Lisa Whittingham – April 30, 2024

    Lisa Whittingham, PhD candidate, Child and Youth Studies, will defend their dissertation “Is It Better to Be Known?: Understanding the Vulnerability of Autistic Individuals in Registry-based Programs Used by Police Services in Ontario, Canada” on Tuesday, April 30, 2024, at 10:00 am in person at Brock University.

    The examination committee includes Dr. Brian Roy, Chair; Dr. Voula Marinos, Supervisor; Dr. Roxanna Dehaghani, External Examiner (Professor, Cardiff University); Dr. Kimberley Zonneveld, Internal-External Examiner (Associate Professor, Applied Disability Studies, Brock University); Dr. Maureen Connolly and Dr. Jennifer Lavoie, Committee Members.

    Categories: News

  • PhD Defence – Abneet Atwal – April 16, 2024

    Abneet Atwal, PhD candidate, Child and Youth Studies, will defend their dissertation “Moving through the system: The ruling relations of migration, mobility, and childhood disability” on Tuesday, April 16, 2024, at 9:00 am in person at Brock University.

    The examination committee includes Dr. Elizabeth Vlossak, Chair; Dr. Donato Tarulli and Dr. Kathryn Underwood, Co-Supervisors; Dr. Jay Dolmage, External Examiner (Professor, Department of English, University of Waterloo); Dr. Sandra Della Porta, Internal-External Examiner (Associate Professor, Department of Educational Studies, Brock University); Dr. Dan Cui and Dr. Chelsea Jones, Committee Members.

    Categories: News

  • CHYS Colloquium – March 28, 2024

    Please join us on Thursday, March 28, 2024, from 11:00am – 1:00pm for CHYS’ sixth colloquium event of the 2023-2024 school year! We have Lacey Bobier, Post-Doc from the University of Toronto, speaking about “Dealing with Dress Codes: Girls’ Bodies as Sites of Risk and Distraction”.

    This will be a hybrid event, held in room CRN 207 and on Lifesize. The faculty and staff will be putting on a potluck lunch with also coffee and tea for those that are able to attend in person.

    If you are attending in person, please be there for 11am to get your food and seated. If you are attending virtually, please log on for 11:15am.

    We hope you all can make it whether it be in person or virtually via Lifesize.

    Categories: Events

  • MA Defence – Sarah Epp – January 12, 2024

    Sarah Epp, Masters of Arts candidate, Child and Youth Studies, will defend their thesis “Moving forward: Perspectives of adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities regarding the effectiveness of Individual Support Plans” on January 12, 2024 at 1:00 p.m. via video conference.

    The examination committee includes Dr. Dawn Zinga, Chair; Dr. Donato Tarulli , Supervisor; Dr. Heather Lawford , External Examiner (Department of Psychology, Bishop’s University); Dr. Maureen Connolly and Dr. Tricia Vause, Committee Members.

    Categories: News

  • MA Defence – Patrick Segawa – October 10, 2023

    Patrick Segawa, Masters of Arts candidate, Child and Youth Studies, will defend their thesis “Drawing on Lived Experience of Peer Support Workers in provision of substance and addiction services: A Case study of ABC Health Centre.” on Tuesday, October 10, 2023 at 7:00 pm via video conference.

    The examination committee includes Dr. Dawn Zinga, Chair; Dr. Rebecca Raby, Supervisor; Dr. Magenta Simmons, External Examiner (Senior Research Fellow, Head of Youth Involvement Research at Orygen and the Centre for Youth Mental Health, University of Melbourne); Dr. Heather Ramey and Jeff Sica, Committee Members

    Categories: Events

  • Microsoft Teams meeting

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  • MA Defence – Jiayi Li – March 30, 2023

    Jiayi Li, MA candidate, Child and Youth Studies, will defend their thesis “Sociodemographic Homophily Within Friendships and Sequential Peer Victimization: A Longitudinal Dyadic Perspective” on Thursday, March 30, 2023, at 10:00 am via video conference.

    The examination committee includes Dr. Dawn Zinga, Chair; Dr. Naomi Andrews, Supervisor; Dr. Tony Volk, Co-Supervisor; Dr. Ann Farrell, Committee Member and Dr. Michael Savage, External Examiner, Associate Professor, Faculty of Education, Brock University.

  • January 19, 2023 – Double, Double, Toil And Trouble: Colonialism, Climate Justice & Reconceptualizing The Role Of Women & Children Within The [Caribbean’s] Climate Cauldron/(Conundrum)? – Colloquium Series


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  • MA Defence – Kelly McCowell – January 11, 2023

    Kelly McCowell, MA candidate, Child and Youth Studies, will defend their thesis “The time(s) of our lives: Exploring and opening up alternative temporalities through the experience of disability” on Wednesday, January 11, 2023, at 10:00 am via video conference.

    The examination committee includes Dr. Dawn Zinga, Chair; Dr. Donato Tarulli, Supervisor; Dr. Hannah Dyer, Committee Member; Dr. Heather Ramey, Committee Member and Dr. Yani Hamdani, External Examiner, Associate Professor, Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy, University of Toronto; Clinician-Scientist, Azrieli Adult Neurodevelopmental Centre, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH).