Articles by author: lbaliukas

  • Nov. 24 – CHYS International Speaker Series

  • CHYS 4th Year Information Session

  • PhD Defence – Bishop, Courtney – September 19, 2022

    Courtney Bishop, PhD candidate, Child and Youth Studies, will defend their dissertation “Are We There Yet? An Examination of the Effectiveness of Individual Support Plans in Promoting the Human Rights and Quality of Life for Persons With Intellectual and/or Developmental Disabilities” on Monday, September 19, 2022 at 3:00 pm in person at Brock University.

    The examination committee includes Dr. Brian Roy, Chair; Dr. Maureen Connolly, Supervisor; Dr. Frances Owen, Supervisor; Dr. Donato Tartulli, Committee Member; Dr. Tricia Vause, Committee Member, Dr. Preethy Samuel, External Examiner (Associate Professor, Department of Occupational Therapy, Wayne State University) and Dr. David Ditor, Internal External Examiner (Professor, Kinesiology, Brock University)

  • CHYS 4th Year Honours Poster Fair

    CHYS 4th year Honours
    Virtual Poster Fair 2022

    Monday, March 14th
    from 6 pm to 7:15 pm – Via MS Teams

    Students in their 4th year Honours CHYS OR CHYS BA/BEd will be presenting on their research and sharing their experiences through either an Individual Thesis OR Applied Research Project.

    If you are a CHYS or CHYS BA/BEd Major see announcement on the CHYS Major Sakai site. Here is the URL for this event via MS Teams at URL:

    For more information please contact Chelsea Jones at

  • PhD Defence – Natalie Spadafora – Tuesday, June 1 at 11:00

    Natalie Spadafora, PhD candidate, Child and Youth Studies, will defend her dissertation “Talking during class, packing up books and name calling: Is it really that big a deal? An exploration of classroom incivility” on Tuesday, June 1 at 11:00 a.m. via video conference.

    The examination committee includes Brian Roy, Chair; Tony Volk, Supervisor; Danielle S. Molnar and Heather Chalmers, Advisory Committee; Christina Rinaldi, External Examiner (University of Alberta); Michael Savage, Internal External Examiner.

  • Exploring Careers in Child and Youth Studies Event

    Exploring Careers in Child and Youth Studies Event
    Are you interested in working with children and youth? The CHYS Department, in partnership with Co-op, Career & Experiential Education, are holding an “Exploring Careers in … Child and Youth Studies” event
    When? Monday, November 4th from 5 pm to 7 pm (Student registration will occur from 4:45 pm to 5 pm)
    Where? Pond Inlet – see link to Brock Interactive Map at
    What? Round table discussions with industry experts/employers, graduate students and alumni

    Gain insights into: Career paths/options, Industry trends, Strategies for securing a job.
    All interested Brock University students are invited to join us for this event. Registration is required and limited. Please register through > Campus Career > Events


    Categories: News

  • CHYS Meet & Greet

    CHYS Meet & Greet – hosted by the CHYS Association
    Come out to meet CHYS Faculty, Staff and Students. Free Food at this event.
    When? Tuesday, October 22nd from 12 pm to 2 pm
    Where? Skybar Lounge (Isaac’s)