
President emeritus:

  • Alan J. Earp, OC, BA Toronto, MA Cincinatti, MLitt Cambridge, LLD Brock, LLD New Brunswick, LLD Trent

Professors emeriti/ae:

Sharon Abby, BA Toronto, MEd Brock, EdD TorontoEducation
Jack Adams-Webber, BA Haverford, MA Ohio State, PhD BrandeisPsychology
Denise Armstrong, BA West Indies, MA Toronto, PhD TorontoEducational Studies
Barbara Austin, BA McMaster, MA Bishop’s, MBA, PhD ConcordiaBusiness
Carl Baar, BA California, AM, PhD ChicagoPolitical Science
A. Tansu Barker, BSEE Robert College, MSEE St. Louis, MBA Wake Forest, DBA IstanbulMIBS
Thomas Barnes, BA Loyola, Montréal, MBA Pittsburgh, DBA KentuckyFinance
Sandra Beckett, BA Wilfrid Laurier, MA, PhD ManitobaFrench Studies and Popular Culture
Kathy Belicki, BA Brock, PhD Waterloo, MTS TorontoPsychology
Howard Bell, BS Union College, Schenectady, MS, PhD WisconsinMathematics
John Benjafield, BA, MA Western Ontario, PhD BrandeisPsychology
Sheila M. Bennett, BEd, BSpecEd Memorial, MEd, EdD, TorontoEducation
John E. Black, BEng McGill, MSc Queen’s, PhD SaskatchewanBiological Sciences and Physics
Terry Boak, BSc, MEd Manitoba, PhD CalgaryEducation
Lesley Ann Boldt, BA Brock, MA, PhD SUNY, BuffaloFrench Studies
Shyamal Bose, PhDPhysics
Alan Bown, BSc, PhD LiverpoolBiological Sciences
Leah Bradshaw, BA Bishop’s, MA York, PhD YorkPolitical Science
Douglas Bruce, BSc Simon Fraser, PhD Simon FraserBiological Science
Stefan Brudzynski, MSc, PhD Lodz, DSc WarsawPsychology
Robert Carlone, BA Amherst, MSc New Hampshire, PhD New HampshireBiological Sciences
Alan Castle, BA, PhD WesternBiological Sciences
Wing-Cheuk Chan, BA, MA Chinese HK, PhD OttawaPhilosophy
Ralph D. Connelly, BSc, MSc SUC, Buffalo, PhD Kent StateEducation
Janet Conway, BA Memorial, MA Toronto, PhD YorkSociology
June Corman, PhDSociology
Nancy H. DeCourville, BA New Brunswick, MA, PhD WaterlooPsychology
Vince DeLuca, BSc Concordia, MSc Queens, PhD ConcordiaBiological Sciences
David DiBattista, AB Brown, MA, PhD WaterlooPsychology
Mohammed H. I. Dore, BA Zambia, MPhil, DPhil OxfordEconomics
Rosemary Drage Hale, BA Kent State, MA Eastern Michigan, MTS, PhD, HarvardHistory
Ann Duffy, BBA, MA, PhD McMasterSociology
Ivo Duntsch, Dipl. Math, Dr.rer.nat, Habil, BerlinComputer Science
Jane Dywan, BA Brock, PhD WaterlooPsychology
Anne Elliott, BA. MEd Brock, EdD TorontoEducation
Dennis F. Essar, BA, MA Saskatchewan, PhD Western OntarioFrench
Corrado Federici, BA, MA, PhD TorontoModern Languages, Literatures and Cultures
Maurice Feldman, BA City University of New York, PhD McMasterApplied Disability Studies
Candace Figg, BSc North Texas, MLS Texas, PhD TexasEducational Studies
Nancy Francis, BEd Alberta, MSc Oregon, EdD TorontoKinesiology
Hugh Gayler, BA Leicester, MA London School of Economics, PhD British ColumbiaGeography
Daniel Glenday, BA Sir George Williams, MA McGill, PhD CarletonSociology
Barry K. Grant, BA, PhD SUNY, BuffaloCommunication, Popular Culture and Film
Dorothy Griffiths, BA Brock, MA Guelph, PhD TorontoChild and Youth Studies
Carolyn Hafer, BA McGill, MA Western, PhD WesternPsychology
Yousef Haj-Ahmad, BSc, MSc Brock, PhD McMasterBiological Sciences
John Robert Hanrahan, BComm St. Mary’s, MBA HarvardFinance
J. Steven Hartman, BS Queen’s, MS Ottawa, PhD McMasterChemistry
John Hay, BA/BPHE Queen’s, MA Alberta, PhD McMasterCommunity Health Sciences
James Heap, BA California, MA, PhD British ColumbiaEducation
Jane Helleiner, BA Toronto, MA Toronto, PhD TorontoSociology
Colleen Hood, BA Calgary, MA Chicago, PhD ChicagoRecreation and Leisure Studies
Mei Ling Huang, BA Hobei, MSc Windsor, PhD WindsorMathematics and Statistics
Harry Hunt, BA Harvard, PhD BrandeisPsychology
Peggy Hutchinson, BA/BPHE Queen’s, MA Dalhousie, EdD BostonRecreation and Leisure Studies
Ana Isla, BA Universidad Nacional Mayor the San Marcos; MA Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico; PhD Ontario Institute for Studies in EducationSociology/Women’s and Gender Studies
Ron Kerman, BA, MA Manitoba, PhD TorontoMathematics
Philip J. Kitchen, BA, MA Manchester, MA UMIST, PhD KeeleProfessor of Marketing
Jane Koustas, BA Queen’s, MA Montreal, PhD Queen’sModern Languages, Literatures and Cultures
Zisimos Koustas, BA Athens, MA, PhD Queen’sEconomics
Murray Knuttila, BA University of Saskatchewan; MA University of Regina; PhD University of TorontoSociology
Charles F. Laywine, BASc Toronto, MSc Waterloo, PhD CalgaryMathematics
James Leach, BA Exeter, MA, PhD BirminghamCommunications, Popular Culture and Film
Jack Lighstone, BA Brown, MA Brown, PhD BrownHistory
Ken Loucks, BA, MBA, PhD Western OntarioBusiness
Daniel Madar, BA San Francisco, MA, PhD TorontoPolitical Science
Michael Manley-Casimir, BA Exeter, MEd British Columbia, PhD Chicago, LLM British ColumbiaEducation
Dorothy Markiewicz, BA, MA, PhD Ohio StatePsychology
Felice Martinello, PhDEconomics
Neil McCartney, BEd Exeter, PhD McMasterKinesiology
Hedy McGarrellApplied Linguistics
Ron McTavish, BSc London, MA, PhD StrathclydeMarketing
Joffre MercierBiological Sciences
Coral Mitchell, BEd, BA, MEd, PhD SaskatchewanEducation
Bozidar Mitrovic, PhDPhysics
John Mitterer, PhDPsychology
Anthony Mollica, BA, MA TorontoEducation
Ralph D. Morris, BSc Saskatchewan, DipEd Colorado, PhD SaskatchewanBiological Sciences
Merrijean Morrissey, BFA Illinois, Urbana/ChampaignVisual Arts
David C. Moule, BSc, PhD McMasterChemistry
Eric Muller, MSc Natal, PhD SheffieldMathematics
Catherine Nash, BA Carleton (incomplete); M.PL. Queen’s University; PhD Queen’s UniversityGeography
Joe Norris, BA Saint Mary’s, MA Mount Saint Vincent, PhD University of AlbertaDramatic Arts
John Novak, BA Ohio, MA Western Carolina, EdD FloridaEducation
Robert Nunn, BA Carleton, MA California, Berkeley, PhD TorontoDramatic Literature
Tom O’Neil, BFA York, MA McMaster, PhD McMasterChild & Youth Studies
Patrick O’Neill, BA Wilfrid Laurier, MEd, PhD TorontoEducation
Robert Ogilvie, BA Carleton, MA Hollins, PhD CambridgePsychology
Fran Owen,Child & Youth Studies
Carmela Patrias, BA British Columbia, MA Sussex, PhD TorontoHistory
Sandra Peters, BSc McMaster, MSc, PhD GuelphKinesiology
Mike Plyley, BSc, PhD WesternKinesiology
Edward W. G. Pomeroy, BA Victoria (BC), MA, PhD ColoradoPsychology
Joan Preston, BA, MA, PhD Western OntarioPsychology
R. Peter Rand, BSc Carleton, MSc, PhD Western Ontario, FRSCBiological Sciences
Merle Richards, BA Mount Allison, MA Queen’s, PhD TorontoEducation
A. William Richardson, BSc, PhD, MBA McMaster, FCMAAccounting
Roberta Robb, BA Memorial, MA British Columbia, PhD EssexEconomics
Linda Rose-Krasnor, BA Boston University; MASc University of Waterloo; PhD University of WaterlooPsychology
Leonard Rosmarin, BA, MA , McGill, PhD YaleFrench
Stuart M. Rothstein, BSc Illinois, MSc, PhD MichiganBiotechnology, Chemistry and Physics
David Rupp, BA Michigan, MA Pennsylvania, PhD Bryn MawrClassics
Stan Sadava, BA Carleton, PhD ColoradoPsychology
Carol Sales, BA Western Ontario, MEd Toronto, MASc, PhD WaterlooBusiness
Sid Segalowitz, PhD CornellPsychology
Anthony Shaw, BA Wilfrid Laurier, MA, PhD Western, OntarioGeography
David Siegel,BSc University of Louisville; MA Carleton University; PhD University of TorontoPolitical Science
John Sivell, BA Toronto, PGDip Cambridge, MEd Cardiff, PhD E. AngliaApplied Linguistics
Murray Smith, BA Manitoba, MA Manitoba, PhD British ColumbiaSociology
John Sorenson, PhDSociology
Martin Tammemagi, BSc Toronto, MA Toronto, PhD Guelph, PhD TorontoHealth Sciences
Robert R. Taylor, BA, MA British Columbia, PhD StanfordHistory
Susan A. Tilley, BA Western, BEd, MEd Windsor, PhD Simon FraserEducation
Paul Tyson, BA, MA Miami, PhD WaterlooPsychology
Donald J. Ursino, BA Pomona College, DipEd Toronto, MSc, PhD Queen’sBiological Sciences
Art Van Der Est, BSc UBC, PhD UBCChemistry
Alan Wheeler, BSc, BEd, MEd, PhD AlbertaEducation
Sybil Wilson, BA Western Michigan, MA Columbia, PhD TorontoEducation

Librarian emeriti/ae:

  • Colleen Beard, BSc Brock, MLS Toronto
  • Karen Bordonaro, BA, St. Bonaventure, MLS Buffalo
  • Marci Jacklin, BSc Guelph, MLIS McGill