Social Sciences Research Colloquium

recognizing research excellence in the Faculty of Social Sciences

blue clay mug next to an open laptop featuring a gallery view of a large meeting

Friday, December 6, 2024
10 a.m. to 12: 30 p.m.

This event will feature presentations from the 2023 faculty recipients of the FOSS Distinguished Researcher and Early Career Researcher Awards.

Student presenters will be listed as confirmed.

Watch a video of the 2023 event.

This event was held online via Microsoft Teams with simultaneous ASL interpretation.

About this Event

The annual Social Sciences Research Colloquium is an opportunity to hear from the faculty recipients of two awards presented each year by the Faculty of Social Sciences: Distinguished Researcher and Early Career Researcher. Typically, the Colloquium features presentations by faculty awardees from the previous year.

In addition to faculty award winners, the Research Colloquium features presenters selected from among recent recipients of the FOSS Student Research Award. All awardees from the previous year are invited to apply; selected students are included in the final program.


Presenters at the 2019 Research Colloquium: Master’s student in Popular Culture Russ Martin, Professor of Child and Youth Studies Rebecca Raby, and Master’s student in Geography Aaron Nartey. (Read more.)

About the Awards

The faculty awards recognize members of FOSS who demonstrate consistent records of outstanding research achievements as reflected in the quality and quantity of refereed publications, grant awards and other research activities. The Distinguished Researcher award for tenured faculty considers accomplishments from the past five academic years. The Early Career Researcher (formerly called Untenured Researcher of the Year) award considers accomplishments within the previous academic year. As part of the award, each recipient is invited to deliver a research presentation to the Brock community. More information on these awards, including how to submit a nomination, is available here (Brock faculty/staff login required).

The Student Research Award recognizes student research that contributes to, and advances research and scholarship in, the Social Sciences. The award is open to PhD candidates and to senior undergraduate and MA students whose programs include a research component. All awardees are to be congratulated for their achievements. More information on the award, including how to apply, is available here.

Summaries of past Social Sciences Research Colloquia

2023 Research Colloquium

Faculty presenters included Tony Volk, Professor of Child and Youth Studies and 2022 Distinguished Researcher, and Pascal Lupien, Associate Professor of Political Science and 2022 Early Career Researcher

Student presenters selected from among recent winners of the FOSS Student Research Award included MA candidates Idris Khan (Geography) and Patrick Segawa (Child and Youth Studies), and undergraduate Megan Vlahiotis (Psychology).

2022 Research Colloquium

Faculty presenters included Robert Dimand, Professor of Economics and recipient of the 2021 award for Distinguished Researcher, as well as Chelsea Jones and Naomi Andrews, both Assistant Professors in the Department of Child and Youth Studies and recipients of 2021 Early Career Researcher awards. 

Student presenters selected from among recent winners of the FOSS Student Research Award included Sulemana Saaka (MA in Political Science), Tannaz Sattar (Master of Sustainability), and Ege Kamber (PhD in Psychology).

2021 Research Colloquium

The Research Colloquium on December 8, 2021, was held online and live streamed to a virtual audience. Faculty presenters included two recipients of the 2020 Early Career Researcher award (formerly called Untenured Researcher of the Year): Julia Baird (Environmental Sustainability Research Centre; Geography and Tourism Studies) and Jessica Blythe (Environmental Sustainability Research Centre)

Faculty presenters were joined by Jillian Booth (Candidate, Master of Sustainability), Alec Moore (Candidate, MA in Child and Youth Studies) and Niruba Rasuratnam (Candidate, MA in Applied Disability Studies)

Andrea Doucet, Professor of Sociology and recipient of the 2020 award for Distinguished Researcher was unavailable to participate in this event.

2020 Research Colloquium

The 2020 Research Colloquium included presentations from Distinguished Researcher Mike Pisaric from the (Geography and Tourism Studies), with recipient of the 2019 award for Untenured Researchers of the Year Karen Louise Smith (Communication, Popular Culture Film) and recipient of the 2018 award Nicole Goodman (Political Science).

Faculty presenters were joined by students Appiah Bonsu, Candidate (MA in Critical Sociology), Jessica Falk (Candidate, MA in Social Justice and Equity Studies) and Pulkit Garg (Candidate, MS in Sustainability Science and Society).

2019 Research Colloquium

The Colloquium held in Sankey Chamber featured presentations by Rebecca Raby (Child and Youth Studies), recipient of the 2018 Distinguished Researcher award, as well as student Research Award winners Russ Martin, MA in Popular Culture, and Aaron Nartey, MA in Geography.

2018 Research Colloquium

The 2018 Research Colloquium, held in Sankey Chamber featured presentations from the co-recipients of 2017 awards for Distinguished Researcher, Larry Savage (Labour Studies) and Charles Conteh (Political Science), and Untenured Researcher of the Year, Danielle Sirianni Molnar (Child and Youth Studies) and Caitlin Mahy (Psychology).