
  • The Presumably Absent Meeting Place

    Name of Artist: Becca Marshall
    April 11 – June 2, 2017
    Opening Reception: April 13 from 5 – 7 pm
    Art Gallery, Marilyn I. Walker School of Fine and Performing Arts
    15 Artists’ Common, St. Catharines
    Gallery Hours: Tues. – Sat. from 1 pm – 5 pm
    Free community event

    Made possible by the generosity of The Huron County Museum and Archives in Goderich, ON.

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  • Time and Space

    Thursday, March 30, 2017 from 8 – 10 pm
    Market Square, 91 King St., Downtown St. Catharines
    Free community event!

    An Intermedia exhibition featuring new media, performance art, sound art, and installation by VISA 2P98 Students.

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    Categories: Events, Exhibitions

  • Denouement

    Department of Visual Arts Honours Exhibition
    March 25 – April 30, 2017
    Opening Reception: Friday, March 24, 2017 at 7 pm
    Artist Talk: Friday, April 21, 2017 at 7 pm
    Rodman Hall Art Centre, 109 St. Paul Crescent, St. Catharines
    Gallery hours: Tues.-Fri. 10 am – 5 pm, Sat./Sun. 12 noon – 5 pm
    Free community event

    This exhibition displays the work of selected graduating Brock University Visual Arts students. Occupying Rodman Hall’s third floor studios during the academic year, students in the Honours Studio course are mentored by gallery staff and professors Murray Kropf and Shawn Serfas, and learn to develop a focused body of work from concept to public exhibition.

    Such exhibits from the Department of Visual Arts are a key part of the Marilyn I. Walker School of Fine and Performing Arts’ mandate to build connections between the community and the breadth of talent and creativity at Brock University.

    Image: Kylie Mitchell, bracelets, 2017, video still

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  • Common Groundz

    Department of Visual Arts Exhibition
    March 14 – April 7, 2017
    Opening reception: Wednesday, March 15 from 6 – 9 pm
    Art Gallery, Marilyn I. Walker School of Fine and Performing Arts
    15 Artists’ Common, St. Catharines
    Gallery Hours: Tues. – Sat. from 1 pm – 5 pm
    Free community event

    Image 1: Cold Feet by Stephanie Handy

    Image 2: Venezia by Stephanie Rogers

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    Categories: Events, Exhibitions

  • Upcoming exhibition at Rodman Hall: Donna Akrey’s “Also Also”

    (Source: Rodman Hall Art Centre)

    Also Also

    Curated by Marcie Bronson

    February 11 to April 30, 2017

    Opening Reception: Saturday, February 11, 3 pm

    HOT TALK: Thursday, March 2, 7 pm
    Donna Akrey in conversation with Marcie Bronson

    Donna Akrey is interested in how habit shapes the way we experience and engage with the world around us. Rooted in her astute observation of patterns of communication and consumption, her work humorously intervenes to raise discussion about social and environmental issues, often responding directly to a particular site or community. Using common, surplus, and discarded materials to construct sculptures and installations that she describes as “ruminations on the spectacle of the unspectacular”, Akrey draws attention to the futility of the notion of “the ultimate” and the richness in the space between intention and result. Akrey explains: “I imagine the absurd as real, because sometimes the real is so absurd.” Alongside selected works from the last 15 years of her practice, this exhibition presents a site-specific outdoor installation created in collaboration with neighbourhood residents.

    Donna Akrey, Middle Ground, 2016, mirror, wood, foam, casters.

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    Categories: Events, Exhibitions, Faculty & Instructors, News

  • Brock Talks: “Finding Photographs” by VISA Professor Amy Friend

    Brock Talks Logo“Finding Photographs” by Brock Visual Arts Professor Amy Friend
    The process artists undertake in their studio practice involve various amounts of experimentation and discovery. Professor Amy Friend, Department of Visual Arts, will present behind-the-scenes aspects of studio practices by several photographic artists working with found photographs and highlight the complex navigation and issues related to the specific act of ‘finding photographs.’

    Wednesday, February 15, 7 – 10 pm
    St. Catharines Public Library
    54 Church Street, St. Catharines

    For more information, connect with us on our Facebook event page.

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    Categories: Events, Faculty & Instructors, News

  • The Contemporary Body: A Photo-Based Exhibit

    February 4 – 28, 2017
    Opening Reception: Saturday, February 4, 2017, 7 – 10 pm
    Mahtay Café and Lounge, 241 St. Paul Street, St. Catharines

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    Categories: Events, Exhibitions

  • Dropped Threads

    VISA 3F99 Independent Study
    February 9 – March 10, 2017
    Opening Reception: Thursday, February 9 from 6 – 9 pm

    A Fibre Arts installation created from community donations – come out and be a part of the opening reception and see how the donations have been recycled!

    The opening will be held in the Art Gallery in the Marilyn I. Walker School of Fine and Performing Arts on Feb 9th from 6 – 9 pm. The exhibition will be installed until March 10th, 2017. Gallery Hours: Tues. – Sat. from 1 – 5 pm

    Want more information? Connect with us at our Facebook event page.

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    ART BLOCK showcases the artwork of Brock University students and is hosted by the Brock Art Collective. All artwork has been created on 6″x6” panels in a variety of mediums and will be for sale starting at $40.
    January 10 – February 3, 2017
    Opening Reception: Thursday, January 12, 2017 from 6 – 9 pm
    Art Gallery, Marilyn I. Walker School of Fine and Performing Arts, 15 Artists’ Common, St. Catharines
    Gallery hours: Tuesday – Saturday from 1 pm – 5 pm
    Free community event

    See a preview of the exhibition courtesy of TVCogeco:

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  • Abstract/Abstracted: “This is not a tree”

    December 3, 2016 – February 12, 2017
    Opening Reception: Thursday 8 December (18:00/19:30)

    Location: Rodman Hall Art Centre,
    109 St Paul Crescent, St. Catharines, ON
    Curators: Catherine Parayre and Shawn Serfas

    Reflecting on the exhibition A Painter’s Country: Canadian Landscape Paintings Selected from the Permanent Collection (curator: Stuart Reid) presented at Rodman Hall during the summer of 2016, Abstract/Abstracted: ‘This is not a tree’ presents works by Karel Appel, Frederick S. Coburn, Hans Hartung, Kazuo Nakamura, Carl Schaeffer, and Tony Tascona. Put together, these artworks, also from Rodman Hall’s permanent collection, explore a different problematic. How much abstraction is there in representation? In turn, to what extent is an abstract work abstract? Abstract/Abstracted highlights, but also questions the contrasts between abstract and figurative art.

    Brock University students in “Intermediate Painting” respond in selected artworks, while students in “Interpretive and Critical Writing in the Arts” provide critical texts that explore these questions.
    The catalogue will appear in the 2017 issue of A Journal of Text-and-Image Criticism/Creation

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