Articles by author: amcbay

  • Fall Visa Art Stores & Equipment Kiosk Announcement.

    We are happy to announce Visa student access to the services of the Visa Art Stores & Equipment Kiosk for the coming semester has been approved by Brock Administration. Students will access these services on-line and will be able to pick up their materials orders or loan requests in person in the MWS151 Foundation Studio. Please enter the MIWSFPA via the main lobby entrance (east end), bring a mask and have your Brock ID with you. This service will commence Monday, September 14.

    How to file your orders/loans:

    Kiosk loan requests are done by visiting this link:

    Art Stores materials requests are done by emailing the Visa Art Stores at: [email protected]
    Important note re. Art Stores orders: Art Stores orders are only available to students who have studio fee funds remaining on account from previous years. As first year students (ie. Visa 1p93, 1p95, 1p96 etc.) do not have funds remaining on account they are not able to order materials.

    Once you’ve filed your request it will be processed and you will be emailed when it is ready for pickup in MWS151. Loan/order pickups are available on the following days in MWS151:

    Mondays: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
    Tuesdays: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
    Wednesdays: 9:00 am to 1:00 & 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm
    Thursdays: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm

    Categories: Announcements, Current Students, Faculty & Instructors, News

  • Humanities podcast features Visa Art History Associate Professor Linda Steer.

    The sixth episode of Foreword, a new podcast from the Faculty of Humanities, explores the complexities of drug photography with Linda Steer, Associate Professor of Visual Arts.

    Steer discusses her research on the complicated connections between empathy and photography in art and documentary photographs of drug use from the 1970s to present. Her research encourages people to engage more empathetically with issues of drug users and drug use. She has examined the work of drug photographers Chris Arnade and Tony Fouhse through the lens of entangled empathy, which encourages being responsive and responsible to others in a way that promotes agency and positive change.

    Episodes are released every Wednesday on AppleGoogle Podcasts, Spotify and Podbean. Transcripts are being made available on the Faculty of Humanities website.

    Categories: Alumni, Current Students, Faculty & Instructors, News

  • Summer student employment opportunites at Rodman Hall

    Rodman Hall Art Centre has three summer student positions available, please check the link below for details on these positions:

    Categories: Announcements, Current Students, Faculty & Instructors, Future Students, In the Media, News

  • Visa Gallery Call For Exhibit Submissions

    Call for submissions for the Visa Gallery for the 2019/2020 season. For more information please visit:…/important-informat…/visual-arts-gallery/

  • Applications being accepted for Visa Student Assistants/Monitors for Fall/Winter 2019-2020.

    Applications now being accepted for Visual Arts Student Assistants/Monitors for Fall/Winter 2019-2020.

    • Must be a Brock University Visual Arts major (priority given to upper year students)
    • Able to consistently lift up to 30 lbs
    • Knowledge and interest in the Arts
    • Strong communication skills
    • Team oriented, willing to support where the greatest need is
    • Flexible – hours may vary. Call-in shifts may occur

    Duties include: Monitoring/clean-up duties of assigned areas, and other related duties assigned by supervisor.
    Compensation: $14.00/hour. Apply by: Fri, April 26, 2019.

    To apply send resume & cover letter to Monika Lederich at [email protected] (please use your Brock student email account) with you student number, major, year of study & relevant qualifications.

    You may also apply on-line at the Brock HR page:

    Categories: Announcements, Current Students, Faculty & Instructors

  • New Visa staff member Max Holten-Andersen joins us

    Welcome aboard Max Holten-Andersen!

    We welcome Max Holten-Andersen who becomes our new Media Resource Coordinator of Brock Visual Arts Department. Max brings a wide range of talents to serve the needs of our students and faculty. He is a guitarist, composer, sound designer, sound design instructor, and is graduate of the Brock (BMus) and University of Ottawa (MA) music programs. Max is extremely active in the Niagara music and theatre scene! Go Max!!

    Originally hailing from Argentina Max brings with him a love of Latin Music, an excellent guitar solo, as well as a keen eye and ear when trouble-shooting audio-visual software and hardware. While his base of operations will be in the MWS Learning Commons (why not visit him in his MW229B office to welcome him?) Max’s busy schedule will see him bouncing between supporting our efforts in the Commons, the Visa Equipment Kiosk and the Digital Media Lab.

    Please join us in welcoming our new colleague as we embark on a new journey together.

  • Visa staff member Lesley Bell retires

    Lesley Bell, the Visual Arts Department Image Resources Librarian and our longest serving staff member is retiring at the end of this week after 34 years of exemplary service.

    Lesley began her relationship with Brock thirty-four years ago when she enrolled as a Major in the new Visual Arts Programme (which then operated out of a single studio). From the start Lesley was very motivated and exceptionally talented in both Art History and Studio Arts. Lesley always displayed a special fondness for detail in all her work as demonstrated in her exquisite drawings.

    Her interest in Art History eventually lead to a Masters Degree in Library Science (UWO) and she returned to us in a time of need when the Librarian and Art Historian Sylvia Osterbind retired and other faculty were hired. Lesley assumed the position of Visual Arts Resource Coordinator at a critical time when images needed to be made regularly for classes by way of finding the image in a book and photographing it, then manually putting it in a slide sleeve, documenting the image and filing it. It was a very demanding job at which she excelled. Lesley also taught studio classes in drawing and assisted students with preparing their Art History presentations and papers. Over the years her job evolved to include oversight of the Brock University Art Collection and the Shawn O’Sullivan Art Gallery on the main campus. Lesley conceived and helped design the Library Commons in the new Marilyn I. Walker School of Fine and Performing Arts where her duties expanded to include managing the equipment kiosk and supervising student monitors. At every turn Lesley was equal to the tasks assigned and she remained an integral part of the department’s success.

    Lesley will be sorely missed! Thanks Lesley for all your work and dedication to the department over the years!

    Categories: News

  • Visa instructor announces next exhibition.

    Visual Arts Department drawing instructor Lorène Bourgeois’ next exhibition “Large Drawings – Gathering” is opening at the One on One Gallery at Medicine Hat College.

    March 2 – March 27, 2018
    Opening reception: Thursday, March 2, 4:30 pm



    Categories: Announcements, Current Students, Faculty & Instructors, News, Uncategorised

  • Visa Gallery Monitor/Assistant needed immediately.

    Visual Arts Department Gallery Monitor/Assistant Needed Immediately
    The position is available to full time VISA students for Thursdays from 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm. Please send cover letter and resume to Professor Amy Friend at [email protected] and cc. Monika Lederich at [email protected]

    Categories: Announcements, Current Students, Faculty & Instructors, News

  • Visa Instructor featured in Canadian Art article

    Canadian Art has reviewed a recent exhibition that features the work of Visa Sessional Instructor Donna Akrey. Click HERE to read the article.

    Categories: Alumni, Announcements, Current Students, Faculty & Instructors, News