
Programs offered

BA Honours in Dramatic Arts,
with Co-op program option.

Concentrations are available in Theatre Creation, Performance, and Design and Production.

Concurrent BA (Honours, Dramatic Arts)/BEd

Concurrent BA Integrated Studies (Honours)/BEd

BA with Major Dramatic Arts degree (four-year program)

BA (three-year program)

Minor in Dramatic Arts

Learn more about Dramatic Arts

Two students painting chairs in the production studio


Concentration in Theatre Creation

Students in the Concentration in Theatre Creation focus on dramaturgy and directing, devising and producing, and take a variety of courses that intersect with the concentrations in both performance and design and production.

Concentration in Performance

Students in the Concentration in Performance develop the foundations of stage performance, while engaging in script analysis, critical and reflective writing and speaking and creative research, allowing them to develop as “actor creators,” theatre artists who can create their own work.

Concentration in Design and Production

Students in the Concentration in Design and Production develop a fundamental understanding of, and ability to apply, approaches to scenography, stagecraft, technology and the management and administration skills that make it all happen. They respond to dramatic texts and creative processes, engage with emerging and innovative technologies and study visual and spatial histories.