Our Students

Genevieve (Evie) Jones
Thesis: On Receiving Motherhood: Mommy Shark in Radical Vulnerability, Auto-Theory and Staging You
Supervisor: Jennifer Roberts-Smith
Website: www.genevievejoneswrites.com
Email:  gj07rl@brocku.ca

Alison Innes

Alison Innes
Thesis: Podcasting Humanities
Supervisor: Aaron Mauro
Website: https://podcastologist.ca/
Podcast: On Apple https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/project-phdcast/id1710468998?i=1000630245614 or Youtube https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVSQoAvLyn3NELocSIUD5IVKlbIcpHmlx
Email: Ainnes@brocku.ca

A photo of Long Hong Vu at Brock University

Long Hoang Vu
Thesis: The Cultural Politics of Giftedness
Supervisor: Trevor Norris
Website: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2540-3223
Email: lvu2@brocku.ca

John Hickman standing with sunglasses and holding a camera in a museum.

John R. Heckman
Thesis: “Inscribed in Code: Reimagining War Memorial Narratives through Digital Exploration”
Supervisor: Elizabeth Vlossak
Website: https://linktr.ee/TheTattooedHistorian
Email: jheckman@brocku.ca

Bilge Ece Cizmeci

Bilge Ece Cizmeci
Thesis: Expanded Art: Nonhuman Animal Subjectivity and Umwelt(s) at the Intersection of Veganism and Posthumanism
Supervisor: Christine Daigle
Websites: www.ecenada.com and www.animalgazeproject.com
Email: ecizmeci@brocku.ca

Zixuan Liao

Zixuan Liao
Thesis: The Representation Paradigm of the Mother-daughter Relationship in Images Created by Female Artists
Supervisor: Christine Daigle

Teresa A. Galbraith

Teresa A. Galbraith
Thesis: Case study of the discursive production of whiteness, health, and heteronormativity through the anthropomorphization of Elsie the Borden Cow.
Supervisor: Lynn Arner
Email: ts92mr@brocku.ca

Anna Roshni Jose

Anna Roshni Jose
Thesis: Therapeutic Mnemotechnics: A Study on Cultural Memory in Select Palestinian Short Fiction in English
Supervisor: Susan Spearey
Email: ar22qv@brocku.ca 

Marley Liepert

Marley Liepert
Thesis: Not With a Flash But a Whimper: Digital Disappearance and the End of Adobe Flash
Supervisor: Jennifer Roberts-Smith
Email: mliepert@brocku.ca

Alia Md. Wazzan

Alia Md. Wazzan 
Thesis: Muslim Women’s Scholarship: Discursive Decolonization of Human/Women Rights
Supervisor: Lynn Arner
Email: aw21us@brocku.ca

Veronique Rousseau

Veronique Rousseau
Thesis: Heuristic Models and Practices for the Posthuman Self/ves
Email: vr21qs@brocku.ca

Maya Karanouh

Maya Karanouh
Thesis: Enhancing Growth of Canadian Small and Medium-sized Enterprise (SME) through the Disruptive Application of Artificial Intelligence
Supervisor: Jason Hawreliak
Email: mkaranouh@brocku.ca

Soji Cole

Soji Cole
Thesis: “Look Black in Anger”: African Black Immigrants and Specters of Otherness
Supervisor: David Fancy
Websites: https://brocku.academia.edu/SojiCole, https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Soji-Cole
Email: sc18ad@brocku.ca

Camila Mugan

Camila Mugan
Thesis: The Literary Non-Voice: Female Silence and Individuation
Supervisor: Christine Daigle
Email: cm17ae@brocku.ca

Julie Gemuend

Julie Gemuend
Thesis: Becoming World: A Reimagining of the Material Self
Supervisor: Christine Daigle
Email: jg08zn@brocku.ca

Venus Torabi

Venus Torabi
Thesis: “Phi-ludology: The Technological Sublime and Thanatos in ISIS Video Games”
Supervisor: Jason Hawreliak
Email: venus.torabi@brocku.ca

Brett Robinson

Brett Robinson
Thesis: “Kayfabe” Lives: Wrestling with Performance, Affect, and Selfhood
Supervisor: Christine Daigle
Email: brett.robinson@brocku.ca

Joshua Manitowabi

Joshua Manitowabi
Thesis:  Anishinaabek Knowledge and Power on Manitoulin Island
Supervisor: Dr. Daniel Samson
Website: Joshua Manitowabi – History (brocku.ca)
Email: joshua.manitowabi@brocku.ca

Miroslav Zovko

Miroslav Zovko
Thesis: Tropics of Economic Discourse
Supervisor: Dr. Andrew Pendakis
Website: https://brocku.academia.edu/MiroslavZovko
Email: mzovko@brocku.ca

Trudy Tattersall

Trudy Tattersall
Thesis: Negotiating Space, Gender and Identity at Home in Settler-Colonial Canada
Supervisor: Dr. Daniel Samson
Email: ttattersall@brocku.ca