Articles by author: hmoralesnewman

  • Congratulations Grace Channer!

    On November 15, Grace Channer successfully defended her thesis entitled, “TEMPLE: Resistance Embodied as a Diaspora Aesthetic Strategy.”

    Another proud moment for HUMA!

    Grace Channer with Dr. Margot Francis

    Left to right: Dr. Cathy van Ingen, Dr. Jason Hawreliak, Grace Channer and Dr. Margot Francis

    Categories: HUMA Grad Students, Uncategorised

  • “Shadow Companions” by Julie Gemuend

    Exhibit display by artist-researcher Julie Gemuend, “Shadow Companions”  will be featured at the Marilyn I. Walker School of Fine & Performing Arts – Museum in the Hallway/Boîte-en-valise from November 2 – December 13.


    Categories: HUMA Grad Students