Aaron Mauro


Dr. Aaron Mauro is Associate Professor of Digital Media at Brock University in the Centre for Digital Humanities. He teaches in both Interactive Arts and Science (IASC) and the PhD in Interdisciplinary Humanities (HUMA) programs on topics relating to digital culture, natural language processing, and app development. He has published articles on U.S. literature and culture, which have appeared in Modern Fiction StudiesMosaic, and Symploke among others. Dr. Mauro has also published on issues relating to digital humanities in both Digital Studies and Digital Humanities Quarterly. He has recently authored a book-length study of the cultural consequences of cyber security called Hacking in the Humanities: Cybersecurity, Speculative Fiction and Navigating a Digital Future (Bloomsbury 2022).

Areas for Supervision:

  • human factors of cyber security
  • natural language processing
  • misinformation and disinformation
  • data visualization
  • digital publishing and knowledge mobilization
  • user interface and user experience
  • full stack application development
  • digital media, including games, photography, social media, and others