Articles tagged with: Presentations

  • September 12, 2019 – Feminism Reloaded? The Serial Debate on Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence, or: What’s New about #MeToo with Dr. Sabine Sielke

    In addition to captivating society and dominating news headlines, the #MeToo movement has earned its place in the history books. Renowned German scholar Dr. Sabine Sielke will explore how #MeToo fits into a larger cultural context during the upcoming talk “Feminism Reloaded? The Serial Debate on Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence, or: What’s New about #MeToo.”

    Thursday, September 12, 2019, from 2:30pm to 4:00pm EST
    Sankey Chamber, A-Block, Mackenzie Chown Complex at Brock University

    The free public talk was spearheaded by the Department of English Language and Literature with support from Social Justice and Equities Studies; Social Justice Research Institute; Department of History; Centre for Canadian Studies; Department of Political Science; Centre for Women’s and Gender Studies; Department of Communications, Popular Culture and Film; Human Rights and Equity Office; and President’s Advisory Committee on Human Rights, Equity and Decolonization (PACHRED).

    Learn more about the Dr. Sielke below:

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  • November 22, 2018 – Special Presentation for Transgender Day of Remembrance with Gwen Benaway

    Join us in a special presentation for Transgender Day of Remembrance with special guest speaker Gwen Benaway. This presentation explores the work of Layli Long Soldier’s collection Whereas, and provides an interdisciplinary reflection of what it means to be a trans woman and a poet inside the world.

    Thursday, November 22, 2018, from 3:00pm to 5:00pm
    Thistle Complex Room 248 at Brock University

    Co-sponsored by the Centre for Women’s and Gender Studies, Human Rights and Equity Office, Tecumseh Centre for Indigenous Research and Education Student Justice Centre, Brock Price, and Student Justice Centre.

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    Categories: News and Events

  • October 22, 2018 – “How Discrimination Affects Our Mental Health,” presented by Uppala Chandrasekera for the Yosif Al-Hasnawi Memorial Lecture Series: Promoting Racial Justice in Health Care

    How Discrimination Affects Our Mental Health,” presented by Uppala Chandrasekera, Director of Public Policy, Canadian Mental Health Association Ontario.

    The Yosif Al-Hasnawi Memorial Lecture Series: Promoting Racial Justice in Health Care is named in memory of a first-year Medical Sciences student who died in the service of another in 2017. Yosif Al-Hasnawi had dreams of becoming a doctor and hoped to one day make a difference in the world.

    Those of us who work in health care often believe that because we are part of a helping profession, we are immune to discrimination. Yet discrimination persists – it impacts service users, service providers, organizations, and the entire health care system.

    This lecture will explore the causes and impacts of discrimination on mental health and identify opportunities and resources for addressing discrimination at an individual, organizational and systems level.

    Opening remarks provided by Brock President Gervan Fearon, with special thanks provided by Director, Human Rights & Equity Leela MadhavaRau.

    Monday, October 22, 2018, from 11:00am to 1:00pm
    South Block Room 203 at Brock University

    The Department of Health Sciences and Centre for Women’s and Gender Studies are committed to his memory and his dream.

    Co-sponsored by the President’s Advisory Committee on Human Rights, Equity and Decolonization (PACHRED); Faculty of Applied Health Sciences; Faculty of Social Sciences; Centre for Women’s and Gender Studies, Brock University Human Rights and Equity Office; Tecumseh Centre for Indigenous Research and Education; and Brock University Students’ Union.

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    Categories: News and Events