September 12, 2019 – Feminism Reloaded? The Serial Debate on Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence, or: What’s New about #MeToo with Dr. Sabine Sielke

In addition to captivating society and dominating news headlines, the #MeToo movement has earned its place in the history books. Renowned German scholar Dr. Sabine Sielke will explore how #MeToo fits into a larger cultural context during the upcoming talk “Feminism Reloaded? The Serial Debate on Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence, or: What’s New about #MeToo.”

Thursday, September 12, 2019, from 2:30pm to 4:00pm EST
Sankey Chamber, A-Block, Mackenzie Chown Complex at Brock University

The free public talk was spearheaded by the Department of English Language and Literature with support from Social Justice and Equities Studies; Social Justice Research Institute; Department of History; Centre for Canadian Studies; Department of Political Science; Centre for Women’s and Gender Studies; Department of Communications, Popular Culture and Film; Human Rights and Equity Office; and President’s Advisory Committee on Human Rights, Equity and Decolonization (PACHRED).

Learn more about the Dr. Sielke below:

Significant shifts in media culture since the 1990s, such as increased digitization, have intersected with important feminist methods, goals, and conflicts. Dr. Sielke’s talk will situation the #MeToo moment within this broader context. Her work on sexual violence in North American literature and culture brings a unique perspective to the topic of #MeToo.

As Director of the North American Studies program at Germany’s University of Bonn, Dr. Sielke’s research expertise spans 19th and 20th century American literature, modernist and postmodernist culture, as well as 20th century art and popular culture. She also works in literary and cultural theory, gender studies, African American studies and the dialogues between cultural studies and the natural sciences.

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