Nancy DeCourville

Professor, Ph.D. (Waterloo)

profile picture of DeCourvillle N

Office: MC B313
905-688-5550 x4084

Forgiveness and Apology

  • meanings of forgiveness
  • measurement of forgiveness
  • psychological models of forgiveness
  • psychological and health implications of forgiveness

Adult attachment, alcohol use, intimacy
Quantitative applications

Michelle Green, Nancy DeCourville, & Stanley Sadava (2012). Positive Affect, Negative Affect, Stress, and Social Support as mediators of the Forgiveness-Health Relationship. The Journal of Social Psychology, 152:3, 288-307.

Malcolm, W., DeCourville, N., & Belicki, K. (Eds.) (2007). Women’s perspectives on the complexities of forgiveness. New York: Taylor and Francis.

DeCourville, N., Belicki, K., & Green, M. (2007). Subjective experiences of forgiveness in a community sample: Implications for understanding forgiveness and its consequences. In Malcolm, W., DeCourville, N., & Belicki, K. (Eds.) Women’s perspectives on the complexities of forgiveness. New York: Taylor and Francis.

Sadava, S.W., Busseri, M.A., Molnar, D.S., Perrier, C., & DeCourville, N.H. (In Press) Adult attachment orientation and health: Investigating a four-pathway model in university undergraduate and adult clinical samples. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships.

Busseri, M.A., Sadava, S.W., Molnar, D.S., & DeCourville, N.H. (In Press). A person-centered approach to subjectve well-being. Journal of Happiness Studies.

Busseri, M., Sadava, S., & DeCourville, N. (2007). A Hybrid Model for Research on Subjective Well-being: Examining Common- and Component-specific Sources of Variance in Life Satisfaction, Positive Affect, and Negative Affect. Social Indicators Research, 83, 413-445.

Molnar, D.S., Reker, D.L., Culp, N.A., Sadava, S.W., & DeCourville, N.H. (2006). A mediated model of perfectionism, affect, and physical health. Journal of Research in Personality, 40, 482-500.