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View some of our students’ completed MA & PhD thesis titles below:

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Student NameYearAdvisorAreaThesis Title
Hanna Puffer2024HodsonSP Exploring secondary transfer generalization effects from Black and gay contact
Melissa Beaucage2024BusseriSP Beliefs about life unfolding over time predict and impact intentions to make the world a better place
Sunny Qureshi2024Raineki & Duarte GutermanBCNImpact of Prenatal Alcohol Exposure on Cognition and Inflammation in Aging Male and Female Rats: A Longitudinal Approach
Perla Matusof2024VolkSP Academic Competition in the School System: At What Cost?
Rachel Christopher2024VolkBCNHonesty-Humility and Economic Games: The Role of Power
Emily Davis2024CampbellBCNAttention-memory interactions in children and young adults
Meghan Borg2024WilloughbyBCNUnderstanding the Link Between Affinity for Solitude and Psychosocial Adjustment During Adolescence
Jennifer Roters2024BookSPThe song remains the same? Responses to adversity in childhood
Holly Lockhart2024EmrichBCNProperties of a flexible visual short-term memory resource
Andrew Chung2024ArnellBCNThe influence of affect on cognitive breadth
Nathalie Gauthier2024BookSP Investigating the Role of Parental Care and Executive Function in the Neurodevelopment of Psychopathy: A Moderated Expression Model of “Successful” Psychopathy
Elvira Prusaczyk2023HodsonSP Consuming Pornography Predicts Sexual Harm Against Women, but Only When Consumers Are Higher in Hostile or Benevolent Sexism: Multimethod Research Evidence
Ashley Dawn Ryan2023CampellBCNMechanisms of episodic simulation of helping behaviour in younger and older adults
Tori Dykastra2023Evans/WilloughbyLDLie-telling during adolescence: A multi-method approach
Brent Pitchford2023ArnellBCNThe influence of reward associations in the facilitation and impairment of attention and conflict processing
Kristen Baker2023MondlochLDUnfamiliar and newly learned face identification: An examination of individual differences
Tiago Guardia de Souza e Silva2022CampbellBCNLifestyle factors and neuroimaging metrics as predictors of cognitive performance in healthy aging
Kiana LaPierre2022DaneLDInvestigating the Conditional Adaptiveness of Adolescents’ Aggression from an Evolutionary Perspective
Jordan Power2022BookSP Using the HEXACO to Capture Psychopathy:Development and Initial Validation of the Power Proxies of Psychopathic Traits
Tessa Mazachowsky2022MahyLDNovel ways to measure future-oriented cognition: Using parent-report measures and openended responses to explore young children’s future thinking development
Alison O'Connor 2022EvansLD Do we become more honest as we age? A Multi-Methodological Approach to Studying Dishonesty Across Adulthood
Breanne Wylie 2022EvansLDChildren’s Developing Use and Understanding of Coercive Language: Applications in a Legal Setting
Taylor Heffer2022WilloughbyLDThe development of sensitivity to threat among children and adolescents
Elliott MacDonell2021BookSPAn In-depth Examination of Personality and Aggression Across Different Contexts
Megan Earle2021HodsonSPExtending Intergroup Contact Theory to Men’s Anti-Women Biases
Joel Robitaille2021EmrichBCNThe mental representation of visual information
Caitlyn Gallant2021GoodBCNUnderstanding the Complex Mental Health Challenges of Children and Adolescents Seeking Community-based Care
Claire Matthews2021MondlochLDLearning and recognizing faces across variability in appearance: An examination of children and older adults
Kari Lustig2021CoteBCNThe interaction of sleep and hormones on emotion functioning
Christine Salahub2020EmrichBCNElectrophysiological measures of flexible attentional control and visual working memory maintenance
Sean Robb2020GoodBCNDistinct forms of depression and somatization following head injury: A neuropsychological framework and exploratory treatment paradigm for somatic symptoms and executive dysfunction following mild head injury
Kevin MacDonald2020CoteBCNTesting a Hypothesis of Non-REM Sleep Reinforcement and REM Sleep Refinement for the Benefits of Post-Learning Sleep on Memory Retrieval
Tabitha Jones2019Brudzynski/McCormick BCNINHUMAN TARGETS:Psychopathy, Dehumanization, and Sexist and Violent Attitudes Towards Women
Gurprince Attlas2023Duarte GutermanBCNEffects of cross-fostering on behaviour and neural development in Octodon degus pups
Victoria Vella2023RainekiBCNDysregulation of Immune Function, Gut Microbiota Composition and Short-Chain Fatty Acid Production Following Prenatal Alcohol Exposure: A Developmental Perspective
Smit Patel2023GoodBCNInfluence of Head Injury on Episodic Memory, Meta-memory, and Cannabis Use
Francesco Amodeo2023GoodBCNEffects of a Disengagement Intervention on Cognitive Performance in Those with a Mild Head Injury
Jacob Stirpe2023ArnellBCNInvestigating Individual Differences in the Aftereffects of Self-Control Exertion
Oya Pakkal2023ShulmanLD Emotion Regulation: Is it more taxing for adolescents than for adults?
Tia Greto2023HallSPIgnored Inequities: The Case of British Columbia’s “Stop Overdose” Anti-Stigma Campaign
Estera Houshang Tehrani2023HallSPExperiences With Social Identity Threat: Investigating Threat’s Impact on the Self
Rebecca Anderson2023HallSPInstitutional signals of inclusion: Increasing perceptions of possibilities available for the self and others in STEM
Alyssa Thibeault2023EmrichBCNInvestigating the effects of perceptual complexity versus conceptual meaning on the neural correlates of visual working memory
Vanessa Turchio2023EvansLDMoral evaluations of children’s truths and lies in prosocial contexts: The role of reputation
Pratik Nath2023DwivediBCNAn Electrophysiological Study of Noisy Channel Sentence Comprehension
Nadia Ganesh2023HodsonSP“Invisible” Black Women Being Denied, Passed Over, and Ignored as a Function of Racism (not Sexism) Among White People
Matthew Rollins2022Segalowitz/LibbenBCNExamining the Bilingual Mental Lexicon Through Associative Priming
Shealin Murray2022McCormickBCNCharacterizing The Development of Reward Evaluation Across Adolescence in Female and Male Long-Evans Rats
Rosa Torres Hernandez2022Campbell/EmrichBCNAge Differences in Working Memory Filtering of Distracting Information
Taissa Fuke2022MahyLDExecutive and Retrospective Memory Processes in Preschoolers’ Prospective Memory
Mirna Batanic2022BookSPLinkage Behaviours and Outcomes for Serial Sex Offenders
Hamnah Shahid2021WilloughbyLDThe Association Between Puberty, Emotional Difficulties, and Sleep Problems
Chelsie Resch2021ShulmanLDExamining the Role of Physiological Arousal in Laboratory Risk-Taking in Social and Non-Social Contexts
Hannah McDowell2021Dane/VolkLDHe Said, She Said: The Role of Self and Peer Rated Attractiveness in the Personality Victimization Relationship
Tori Wattam2021BookSP Psychopathy and Fear Enjoyment: The Role of Invincibility
Samantha Moeller2021MahyLDAdults’ perceptions of forgetful children: The impact of child age, domain, and memory type 
Sophia Thierry2021MondlochLDFirst impressions of child faces: Facial trustworthiness influences adults’ interpretations of children’s behaviour in ambiguous situations
Anita Twele2021MondlochLDDimensions Underlying First Impressions of Older Adult Faces by Young and Older Adult Perceivers
Blake LaRiviere2021GoodBCNInvestigating the Relationship Between MHI, Cognitive Fatigue, and EDA
Valerie Rothwell2020ShulmanLDUnder scrutiny: comparing the effects of peer ratings on risk-taking
Racheal Herlehy2020McCormickBCNDevaluation of Sucrose Caused by Social Instability Stress in Adolescent Male Long-Evans Rats in the Presence of an Unfamiliar Peer
Nivetha Prabaharan2020DaneLDVictimization by bullying and non-bullying aggression: An evolutionary psychological perspective
Brock Degagne2020BusseriSP My life compared to others: Examining the impact of better or worse off comparisons on young adults’ beliefs about how their life satisfaction is unfolding over time
Lydia Lavis2020MahyLDThe Relation Between Young Children’s Memory and Metacognition
Sarah Henderson2020CampbellLDAlpha suppression as a neural marker of task demands in voluntary vs involuntary retrieval in older and younger adults
Emily Davis2020CampbellLDImplicit associative memory remains intact with age and extends to target-distractor pairs
Jennet Baumbach2019McCormickBCNthe Expression of Locomotor Sensitization in Ovariectomized and in Intact Female Rats
Laura Murray2019GoodBCN
Dawn Ryan2019CampbellBCN Stereotype-threat, explicit memory, and cortisol in older adults
Jennifer Roters2019BookSP Responses to adversity in childhood: The effect of sex on attachment style and personality disorder traits
Kevin Mulvihill 2019Brudzynski/McCormick BCNBehavioural, Pharmacological, and Immunohistochemical Investigation of 50 kHz USVs as an Expression of Positive Emotional Arousal in the Long Evans Rat
Owen Daly2019Willoughby LD A longitudinal person-centered examination of affinity for aloneness among children and adolescents
Victoria Dykstra 2019EvansLD Lying to parents and peers: A longitudinal investigation of the relation between lying, relationship quality, and depression in late-childhood and early adolescence
Xiaoyang Xia 2019AshtonSP An Alternative Measure for Attitudes towards Bisexual People
Alison O'Connor 2018EvansLD Understanding How Undergraduate students and seniors perceive jury duty and child witnesses
Andrew Chung2018ArnellBCNNaturally Occurring Affect Predicts Verbal and Spatial Working Memory Performance
Ann Farrell2018Ashton/VolkSP Who Bullies and When? Concurrent, Longitudinal, and Experimental Associations between Personality and Social Environments for Adolescent Bullying Perpetration
Breanne Wylie 2018EvansLD Exploring Children’s Pragmatic Understanding of How and Why Causality Questions
Brent Pitchford2018ArnellBCNSelf-Control and its Influence on Global/Local Processing: An Investigation of the Role of Frontal Alpha Asymmetry and Dispositional Approach Tendencies
Cari Drolet2018HaferSP Cognitive Dissonance, Hypocrisy, and Reducing Toleration of Human Rights Violations
Elvira Prusaczyk2018HodsonSP Women’s Internalization and Rejection of Sexist Humour
Joshua Black2018BelickiSP Dreams of the Deceased: Who Has Them and Why?
Khadija Dairywala2018ShulmanLD The Development of Reward Sensitivity – Exploring the Role of Culture and Parental Education on Adolescent Development
Kristen Baker2018MondlochLD Recognition and discrimination: Is there a role for context in face learning?
Thalia Semplonius 2018Willoughby LD The associations among sleep problems, emotion dysregulation, and adjustment over time
Travis Hodges2018McCormickBCNPatterns of Endocrine, Behavioural, and Neural Function Underlying Social Deficits after Social Instability Stress in Adolescent Rats
Brook, Tina2017WilloughbyLDSocial anxiety & psychosocial functioning: Investigating relations across emerging adulthood
Earle, Megan2017HodsonSPShaping responses to terrorism, Muslims, & Syrian refugees: The role of right-wing adherence & news media exposure
Gallant, Caitlyn2017GoodBCNExploring Theory of Mind following repeated subconcussive impact exposure
Heffer, Taylor2017WilloughbyLDA count of coping strategies: A longitudinal study investigating an alternative method to understanding coping and adjustment
Higgs, Erin2017BelickiSPThe impact of childhood sexual abuse on adult sleep
Hoffarth, Mark2017HodsonSPWhen & why is religious attendance associated with anti- gay bias? A justification-suppression model approach
Hosker-Field, Ashley2017BookSPPsychopathic traits and impulsivity subtypes: An examination of two complex multifaceted constructs
LaPierre, Kiana2017DaneLDCyberbullying in relation to adolescents’ dating & sexual behaviour: An evolutionary psychological perspective
Lockhart, Holly2017EmrichBCNNeural mechanisms underlying the flexible & continuous allocation of visual short-term memory resources
Logue, Michael2017BookSPEffective Police Interviewing
MacDonell, Elliott2017McCormickSPInvestigating the relationship between the facial width-to- height ratio & physical & psychological threat potential
Matthews, Claire2017MondlochLDVerifying other-race identity in forensic settings: Increasing tolerance for variability in appearance
Mazachowsky, Tessa2017MahyLDThe development of the children’s future thinking questionnaire: Establishing validity & reliability
Naisani-Samani, Mojan2017BusseriSPGaining perspective: Evaluating links between mindfulness, temporal perspective, & subjective trajectories for life satisfaction
Power, Jordan2017BookSPPerceptions of psychopathy & criminal responsibility
Rubel, Alicia2017HaferSPInvestigating a potential function of belief in a just world: Providing purpose in life as a pathway to subjective well- being
Shapira (Farrell), Marina2017Rose- KrasnorLDAffinity for aloneness & shyness in childhood & adolescence: Differential longitudinal associations with socio-emotional adjustment
Stoner, Amanda2017DaneLDA longitudinal examination of indirect effects involving parenting, temperament, & antisocial behavior in adolescence
Weissflog, Meghan2017SegalowitzBCNAffective Traits of Psychopathy & the role of early visual attention: An electrophysiological study
Zhou, Xiaomei2017MondlochLDRecognizing own- and other-race faces: Cognitive mechanisms underlying the other-race effect
Barry, Nicole2016GoodBCNInvestigating the contribution of personality & neurological disruption to postinjury outcome in athletes with mild head injury
Geniole, Shawn2016McCormickSPThe Facial Width-to-Height Ratio and its Role in advertisements and assessments of threat potential
Lustig, Kari2016CoteBCNThe Role of Sleep and Hormones in Processing Emotional Information
Robitaille, Joel2016EmrichBCNEncoding Induced Alpha EEG Activity Reveals Visual Working Memory Representations and their Manipulations
Salahub, Christine2016EmrichBCNAn Investigation into ERP Measures of Attention and Awareness Using Object-Substitution Masking
Sharan, Tanvi2016GoodBCNEmpathy & emotion processing in mild head injury and sub-clinical psychopathy
Skorska, Malvina2016BogaertSPPhysical Correlates of Sexual Orientation: The Association of Height, Birth Weight, and Facial Structure with Sexual Orientation
Stoakley, Elizabeth2016CoteBCNThe Role of Cardiac Vagal Tone in Predicting of Individual Differences in Attention and Emotion Processing After Sleep Restriction
Stokes, Kirk2016ArnellBCNAttention Capture: Stimulus, Group, Individual, and Moment-to-Moment Factors Contributing to Distraction
Van Noordt, Stefon2016SegalowitzBCNA Domain-General Perspective on Medial Frontal Brain Activity During Performance Monitoring
Adachi, Paul2015WilloughbyLDDemolishing the competition: The association between competitive video game play & aggression among adolescents & young adults
Campopiano, Allan2015SegalowitzBCNBlocking top-down awareness of Kanizsa figures: An ERP investigation into bottom-up processing of illusory contours
Hamza, Chloe2015WilloughbyLDNonsuicidal self-injury & suicidal risk: An examination among young adults
Jones (Methot), Tabatha2015BookSPPsychopathy & the ability to detect cheaters: An evolutionary perspective
Lackner (Malyk), Chrissy2015SegalowitzBCNGenetic & electrophysiological correlates of self-regulation in adolescence
Robb, Sean2015GoodBCNSocial competence following mild head injury & moderate traumatic brain injury: Investigating the neuropsychological relationship between arousal, social decision-making & depression
Worth, Narnia2015BookSPPlayers & avatars: The connections between player personality, avatar personality, & behavior in video games
Baker, Julie (St.Cyr)2014GoodBCNIndices and implications of emotional underarousal for persons with a history of head trauma
Bender, Jasmine2014EvansLDChildren’s lie-telling and self-awareness as an honesty
Bolger, Amanda2014MartiniLDRespiratory sinus arrhythmia and emotional responding to dyadic discussions of a disagreement as predictors of helping related subjective well-being in older mothers and their adult daughters
Capuana, Lesley2014DywanBCNAutonomic and Electrophysiological Correlates of Cognitive Control in Aging
Drolet, Caroline2014HaferSPPerceived deservingness and the toleration of human rights violations: The problem and a possible solution
Dzyundzyak, Angela2014SegalowitzBCNTop-Down and Bottom-Up Influences on ACC Activation: Evaluation of a Proposed Model of the Feedback-related Negativity
Gauthier, Nathalie2014BookSPPsychopathy and antisocial behaviour: The moderating effects of maternal neglect and warmth
Hardman, Tina2014BelickiSPPosttraumatic growth: A mediated-moderation model
Hill, Jolena2014BelickiSPThe differential prediction of outcome following interpersonal offenses versus impersonal tragedies by attachment to people and attachment to God
Hodges, Travis2014McCormickBCNEffects of social context on endocrine function and Zif268 expression in response to an acute stressor in adolescent and adult rats
MacDonald, Kevin2014CoteBCNThe role of sleep in the selective reconsolidation of declarative memories
Metler, Samantha2014BusseriSPInforming the structure of subjective well-being through examining changes in life satisfaction, positive affect, and negative affect
Mise, Taysa-Rhea2014BusseriSPTwo levels of motivation and two types of well-being: Relations between general and goal-specific motivations and eudaimonic and hedonic well-being
Mulvihill, Kevin2014BrudzynskiBCNInvestigation of the role of the nucleus accumbens in amphetamine-induced 50 kHz ultrasonic vocalizations in the rat
Quinlan, Kathryn2014DaneLDThe dynamic interplay of attachment and temperament in relation to dimensions of aggression
Short, Lindsey2014MondlochLDThe Role of Experience in the Organization and Refinement of Face Space
Tavernier, Royette2014WilloughbyLDA Longitudinal Examination of Biodirectional Associations between Subjective Sleep Characteristics and Psychosocial Functioning Among University Students
Zhao, Junru2014Rose- KrasnorLDAutonomy and Relatedness in Mainland Chinese Adolescents: Social or Personal? Accommodation or Distinctiveness?
Dale, Gillian2013ArnellBCNIndividual Differences in Global/Local Processing Bias and the Attentional Blink
Green, Matthew2013McCormickBCNDisambiguating the effects of social instability stress in adolescence on learning and memory tasks that involve the medial prefrontal cortex and hippocampus
Hoffarth, Mark2013HodsonSPSubjective ambivalence and the expression of anti-gay bias
Khan, Beenish2013HodsonSPSubliminal exposure to empathy primes: A new method to reduce intergroup bias?
MacInnis, Cara2013HodsonSPExploring the impact of outgroup membership discoveries on individual outcomes & intergroup relations
MacLean, Mary2013ArnellBCNAn electrophysiological investigation into the role of cognitive control in the attentional blink
Morden, Alexa2013BrudzynskiBCNThe role of orexin-A in anxiety & the emission of ultrasonic vocalizations in rats
Semplonius, Thalia2013MondlochLDAn investigation of the role of attention in the cross-race effect: An ecological approach
Costello, Kimberly2012HodsonSPDeterminants and consequences of dehumanization: An interspecies model of prejudice
DesRoches, Andrea2012WilloughbyLDLongitudinal associations between passions and adjustment in adolescence: Positive mood and unstructured leisure as mediators
Fortner, Adrian2012WilloughbyLDThe co-occurrence of depressive symptoms and alcohol use for adolescent boys and girls” An investigation of the role of self-regulation and approach behavior
Geniole, Shawn2012McCormickSPPsychopathic traits and endocrine function as predictors of costly and non-costly reactive aggression
Horner, Matthew2012MondlochLDThe effects of body posture on emotion perception: A developmental and theoretical analysis
Macintosh, Ashley2012Rose- KrasnorLDPrecursors to successful youth-adult partnerships: The role of adult warmth and expertise
Pozzebon, Julie2012AshtonSPVocational interests: Construct validity and measurement
Renn, Ryan2012CoteBCNFrontal lobe function and performance monitoring following total sleep deprivation
Rubel, Alicia2012BelickiSPForgiveness in two minds: Understanding forgiveness through dual-process theory
Skorska, Malvina2012BogaertSPAn investigation of the relations among sexual orientation, objective height, and height distortion
Zheng, Xin (Reno)2012SegalowitzBCNElectrophysiological investigations of the timing of face processing
Brook, Tina2011DaneLDThe form & function of aggressive subtypes: Relations with the goodness of fit between adolescent temperament
Desjardins, James2011SegalowitzBCNElectrophysiological constituents of the P100 & N170 ERP complex: Deconstructing the critical timing & robustness of face processing using ICA and robust estimation
Good, Marie2011WilloughbyLDExploring the development & psychosocial correlates of spirituality/religiosity across adolescence
Gosse, Leanne2011HaferSPRole differences in the perception of injustice
Green, Michelle2011DeCourvilleSPDispositional forgiveness & health in romantic relationships: An exploration of sex differences, actor effects, & partner effects
Hosker-Field, Ashley2011BookSPPsychopathy & aggression: Examining the role of empathy
Morrish, Jane2011Rose- KrasnorLDThe relationship between youth risk-taking behaviour and activity engagement
Ramey, Heather2011Rose- KrasnorLDYouth involvement in organizational decision making: The connection to youth initiative and organizational functioning
Stoner, Amanda2011DaneLDParent and peer factors relating to adolescent antisocial behaviour; Investigating the moderating role of temperament
Tays, William2011DywanBCNElectrocortical indices of cognitive control in working memory: Exploring the effects of proactive interference, cognitive load, and aging
Van Noordt, Stefon2011SegalowitzBCNHot cognition and activation of the medial prefrontal cortex: Self-regulating in contexts involving motivational pressures
Williams, Julia2011GoodBCNThe influence of arousal on moral decision making for individuals with or without mild head injury
Adachi, Paul2010WilloughbyLDThe relation between video game violence and aggression
Carre, Justin2010McCormickBCNSocial neuroendocrinology of competition
Desjarlais, Malinda2010WilloughbyLDNovices’ learning from the internet: An exploration of navigation behaviours, learner-related factors, and mental effort
Hamza, Chloe2010WilloughbyLDPerceived Parental Monitoring, Adolescent Disclosure, and Adolescent Depressive Symptoms; A Longitudinal Examination
Longfield, Danielle2010MondochLDThe influence of emotional body posture on adults’ and 8- year-olds’ perception facial expressions
Markovic, Andrea2010Rose- KrasnorLDPredictors of Shy Children’s Coping with a Social Conflict: Mediators and Moderators
Mathews, Iva2010McCormickBCNDevelopmental differences in locomotor responsiveness to amphetamine in rats
Michalica, Kerri2010HuntSPCreativity and the schizophrenia spectrum unveiled: The similarities and the differences
Milner, Catherine2010CoteBCNSleep and information processing in individuals who have sustained a traumatic brain injury
Molnar, Danielle2010SadavaSPThe light and dark sides of perfectionism: Implications for health and well-being
Perrier, Colin2010SadavaSPPosttraumatic stress disorder symptoms might be destroying your intimacy: A test of mediational models in a community sample of couples
Reker, Dana2010DaneLDRelation of temperament and authoritative parenting on subtypes of adolescent aggressive behavior
Short, Lindsey2010MondlochLDThe Development of Norm-Based Coding and Category- Specific Face Prototypes: An Examination of 5- and 8- Year-Olds’ Face Space
Stokes, Kirk2010ArnellBCNExtending the Irrelevant Sound Effect Beyond Serial Recall
Visser, Beth2010AshtonSPAn investigation of the Psychopathy Construct and its (Novel) correlates in non-clinical samples
Waters, Patti2010McCormickBCNThe immediate Enduring Effects of Corticosterone Administration on Anxiety-Like & Depressive Behavior
Weissflog, Meghan2010SegalowitzBCNBehavioural and neural correlates of emotion recognition as a function of psychopathic personality traits
Wheeler, Sarah2010BookSPThe convergence of psychopathy, self-rated vulnerability, and other-rated vulnerability
Zhu, Yingfang2010MartiniLDCognitive consequences of suppressing emotion: Effects of sex and emotional valence
Busseri, Michael2009SadavaSPInvestigating a dynamic modular framework for subjective well-being
Dale, Gillian2009ArnellBCNAn investigation of individual differences in diffusion of attention and the attentional blink
Danielidou, Liana2009BookPredictors of perception of prejudice and the role of group identification in international students
Dzyundzyak, Angela2009SegalowitzBCNElectrocortical responses in reward paradigms and their variation related to personality
Hatry, Alexandra2009MondlochLDInvestigating opposing aftereffects in 8-year-olds and adults
MacInnis, Cara2009HodsonSPPerceptions of intergroup bias: The roles of social projection and meta-stereotypes
MacLean, Mary2009ArnellBCNThe electrophysiological investigation into the influence of affect on the attentional blink
Purslow, Carol2009HuntSPDeath anxiety and experiences of transcendence: Peak experiences of skydivers
St. Cyr-Baker, Julie2009GoodBCNInvestigating the effects of arousal state on cognitive performance in individuals with and without mild head injury
Tan, Felicia2009Rose- KrasnorLDLiving between two cultures: Personality and adaptation in Chinese immigrant youth
Capuana, Lesley2008DywanBCNCortical & autonomic modulation of attentional control
Choma, Becky2008HaferSPWhy are people liberal? A motivated social cognition perspective
Costello, Kimberly2008Hodson“Re-humanization”: The role of human-animal similarity in reducing prejudice towards immigrants and non-human animals.
DeBono, Anthony2008GoodBCNThe social consequences of mild head injury and executive dysfunction
Dobson, Jennifer2008MartiniSPMotives for suppressing positive & negative emotions
Kertesz, Rona2008CoteBCNInformation processing in sleep-onset insomnia: A test of the neurocognitive model
Mathewson, Karen2008DywanBCNAutonomic & electrocortical indices of performance monitoring and source memory discrimination in older and younger adults
Zheng, Xin (Reno)2008SegalowitzBCNWhat happens in the first 200 ms of word reading: ERP studies on visual word recognition with top-down and bottom-up approaches
Carre, Justin2007MuirBCNSalivary testosterone & cortisol: Role of athletic setting, game outcome & game location
Costain, Kelly2007Rose- KrasnorLDExploring exploration: Career identity development & temperament
Elms, Natalie2007MondlochLDAn investigation of the mechanisms underlying the other- race effect
Mathews, Iva2007McCormickBCNLocomotor sensitization & conditioned place preference for amphetamine in late adolescent & adult male and female rats
Smith, Brian2007CoteBCNA dose-response investigation of the attentional blink during sleep restriction
St. Pierre, Joel2007BrudzynskiBCNThe effects of Quinpirole on eliciting 50 kHz calls from the fat nucleus accumbens
Thomson, Kendra2007MondlochLDSensitivity to differences between posed & genuine facial expressions: Are children easily fooled?
Worth, Narnia2007BookSPPsychopathy and self-monitoring: Additive & interactive effects on self-presentation tactics
Anum, Adote2006SegalowitzBCNPredicting performance on fluid intelligence from speed of processing, working memory, & controlled attention
Dempsey, Julie2006HaferSPAn investigation of the emotion assumptions of just-world theory
Desjarlais, Malinda2006WilloughbyLDCan low domain knowledge be compensated for when using the Internet?
Fawcett, Catherine2006BogaertSPIndividual difference factors & men’s attraction to female body features
Pozzebon, Julie2006AshtonSPPersonality traits & personal values: An investigation into the importance of each in the prediction of behaviour
Rourke, Jessica2006BelickiSPTowards the development of a questionnaire of forgiveness-seeking motives & behaviours
Sangalang, Pierre2006HodsonSPI like my beer cold, my TV loud & my homosexuals flaming: Preference for stereotype congruency as a function of a situation by person interaction
Stewart, Tammy2006DeCourvilleSPExplorations & comparisons of actual, ideal & ought forgiveness definitions: A Q-methodological study
Zhao, Junru2006Rose- KrasnorLDImplicit self-theories of shyness: Predictors & correlates of preadolescence
Drover, Hilary2005SadavaSP“Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference”: Further exploration of attitude alignment in the context of close relationship dyads
Dyke, Danielle2005SegalowitzBCNIndividual differences in risk-taking and associate characteristics: A test of specificity in executive functions
Green, Michelle2005DeCourvilleSPStress, social support, and health risk behaviours as mediators of the forgiveness-health relation
Kennedy, Richard2005DaneLDEmergence of normative beliefs legitimizing antisocial behaviour in adolescents: The roles of monitoring, attachment, and temperament
Michalica, Kerri2005BelickiSPThe role of personality and situational factors in forgiveness
Sanichara, Sonia2005SegalowitzBCNERP evidence supporting a frontal hypothesis of ADHD
Santesso, Diane2005SegalowitzBCNElectrophysiological correlates of performance monitoring in middle and late adolescence
Snelgrove, Peter2005SadavaSPVulnerability to adverse consequences of drinking & problem drinker status as predicted by risky drinking behaviours, drug use sex differences, & affect: A test of multiple models
Stack, Holly2005Rose- KrasnorLDThe role of motivational systems in community service involvement: Initiating & sustaining factors & quality of experience
Tays, William2005DywanBCNAge-related changes in ERP’s associated with context- based and response-based interference
Visser, Beth2005AshtonSPBeyond g: Putting multiple intelligences theory to the test
Campbell, Kelly2004Rose- KrasnorLDMoral identity, youth engagement & discussions with parents & peers
Chalmers, Healther2004WilloughbyLDA comprehensive examination of adolescent gambling
Fogel, Stuart2004CoteBCNThe effects of simple procedural, cognitive procedural, and declarative learning on sleep
Ilios, Helen2004Rose- KrasnorLDParenting children with communication delays
Milner, Catherine2004CoteBCNThe role of daytime napping on sleepiness and cognitive function in 24-70 year olds
Molnar, Danielle2004SadavaSPAttachment and alcohol: Testing a motivational model of problem drinking
Campbell, Sherry2003Rose- KrasnorLDBeliefs about social development in parents of aggressive
Santamaria, Belinda2003DywanBCNPsychophysiological measures of the perception of facial identity and emotion in individuals with a traumatic brain injury
Santesso, Diane2003SegalowitzBCNElectophysiological correlates of temperamental approach and avoidance
Duff, Alison2002Rose- KrasnorLDMother-child relationship quality and collaborative problem solving
Hague, Leslie2002DiBattistaBCNRole of learning and growth hormone releasing factor in control of protein intake
Mathewson, Karen2002DywanBCNThe influence of age on the relationship between attentional control and vagal tone
Belbin, Wendy2001Rose- KrasnorLDAsymmetrical balance of power in preadolescents’ mutual friendships
Correy, Brenda2001HaferSPPerceived modifiability of self-blame attributions for negative life events: Implications for psychological & physical well-being
Holmes, Elizabeth2001WilloughbyLDA naturalistic observation of the play behaviour of children with autism spectrum disorders
Martin, Cory2001OgilvieBCNEMG detection of sleep onset compared to standard EEG measures
McKenzie, Tammy2001DiBattistaBCNCCK, dietary variety and food intake in rats
Smith, Debra2001DeCourvilleLDA five-factor model of grief: A Q-methodological study
Vaisanen, Esko2001Good & TysonBCNNon-invasive measurement of trigeminal nerve somatosensory evoked potentials
Atkinson, Christina2000BelickiSPInterpretation of music videos: An interactive relationship between medium and viewer
Kambouris, Irene2000SadavaSPUnderemployment and depressive effect: The moderating influence of coping styles
Newman, Kristin2000SadavaSPMotivational model of problem drinking for men and women
Qian, Jian2000PrestonSPReality status evaluation in mediated experience
San Cartier, Nancy2000BrudzynskiBCNThe role of the GABAergic system in the production of ultrasonic vocalization in rats
Stewart, Craig2000OgilvieBCNSubjective, behavioural, and electrophysiological measurements of the time-course and intensity of sleep inertia after a full night of sleep
Wintink, Amanda2000BrudzynskiBCNThe role of the dopaminergic system in the production of ultrasonic calls in adult rats
Cortese, Cathy1999Rose- KrasnorLDParental goals among Italian-Canadian & Canadian families & their connection to socialization practices & the quality of parent-young adult relationships
Ferlisi, Mary-Claire1999SegalowitzBCNSpeed of perceptual processing, spatial ability & executive functions underlying fluid intelligence in childhood & adolescence
Goertzen, Larissa1999Rose- KrasnorLDYoung children’s behavioral responses to the distress of others
Ralph, Roslyn1999Rose- KrasnorLDChildren’s rights and parenting beliefs: A study of attitudes, beliefs and emotions
Williams, Ben1999OgilvieBCNElectrophysiological analysis of the sleep onset period: A comparison between subjects with long-term insomnia complaints associated with mild traumatic brain injury & matched controls
Pailing, Patricia1998SegalowitzBCNPredictors of academic achievement & social competence in adolescence: Facilitation, inhibition & general cognitive processing
Scott, Pam1998DeCourvilleSPFactors affecting a woman’s decision to leave an abusive relationship: The theory of planned behaviour
Chevalier, Helene1997SegalowitzBCNGray’s motivational systems, inhibitory control & attention allocation: behavioral & electrophysiological correlates of behavioral inhibition & activation
Hopkins, Melonie1997DywanBCNPhysiological reactivity & the perception of emotional stimuli as they relate to social adaptive functioning after traumatic brain injury
Stoliar Ben-David,1997SadavaSPA model of personality & health: The perfectionism-health
Turner, Deborah1997NadonSPCognitive set, absorption & achievement as moderators of the perceptual closure effect in picture priming
Veenhof, Wilma1997DywanBCNERP & cardiovascular correlates of source memory discrimination in older & younger adults
Oates-Johnson, Tina1996DeCourvilleSPWeight preoccupation, personality, & depression in university students: An interactionist perspective
Obertynski, Monika1996HaferSPThe effects of language complexity in a counterattitudinal appeal to laypeople
Alloway, Christie1995OgilvieBCNElectrophysiological quantification of sleepiness and the sleep onset period in normal sleepers and narcoleptics
Bernstein, Danny1995BelickiBCNAssessing the psychometric properties of dream content questionnaires
Lamarche, Carole1995OgilvieBCNA comparison of electrophysiological changes during the sleep onset period of psychophysiological insomniacs, psychiatric insomniacs & normal sleepers
Marsman, Ian1995SegalowitzBCNNegative & positive priming in poor and good readers: An ERP study
Miller, Fiona1995BelickiLDThe relation of attentional, emotional, & social regulation to cognitive competence, from infancy to school entry
Murphy, Tim1995OgilvieBCNAn electrophysiologicall examination of intentional & inadvertent sleep onset: The effect of intention on the sleep onset process
Murphy, Wendy1995Rose- KrasnorLDA social-cognitive model of monitoring as its relationship to behaviour in a naturalistic observation: Developmental & individual differences