Voula Marinos

Professor, Child & Youth Studies
Past-Director, Forensic Psychology and Criminal Justice Program

Brock University Professor Voula Marinos.

[email protected]

Dr. Voula Marinos is a Professor in the Department of Child and Youth Studies and the first Director of the Forensic Psychology and Criminal Justice (FPAC) program. She holds a PhD in Criminology from the Centre of Criminology, University of Toronto. She completed a SSHRC postdoctoral fellowship at Queen’s University Law School. Her interdisciplinary and socio-legal research is currently focused on three primary areas: diversion of youth and adults from the formal court process; mental health, intellectual disabilities, law, and the courts; and plea bargaining and sentencing of youth and adults. She is a Member of the Canadian Centre for Lifespan Research at Brock University. She was part of the 3Rs Rights, Respect and Responsibility Research Team at Brock, committed to research on human rights for persons with intellectual disabilities. Much of her research involves interviews with criminal justice professionals and court observations. She lectures widely to criminal justice professionals, law students, and community-based organizations about her research and criminal justice policy. Dr. Marinos teaches courses in the department relating to youth law (CHYS 3P39), young offenders and youth justice (CHYS 3Q91), and sentencing and punishment of young offenders (CHYS 4P39).

  • court processes and criminal law
  • plea bargaining
  • criminal justice policy and reform
  • sentencing and punishment of young and adult offenders
  • diversion from the justice system
  • mental health, intellectual disabilities, and the courts
  • alternatives to imprisonment
  • Marinos, V., Whittingham, L., Jones, J., & Schneider, R. (2023). Forensic Neurodevelopmental Disabilities: A Perspective from Ontario, Canada on Pathways and Services. In J. McCarthy, R. Alexander, & E. Chaplin (Eds.), Forensic Aspects of Neurodevelopmental Disorders: A Clinician’s Guide (pp. 265-276). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/9781108955522.022
  • Marinos, V., Tardif-Williams, C., Zinga, D., Raby, R. & Pomerantz, S. (Eds.), (In press). Exploring Agency in Children and Youth: Expressions and Constraints. Alberta: Athabasca U Press.
  • Whittingham, L. & Marinos, V. (In press). The complexities of criminal responsibility and persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities: How can therapeutic jurisprudence help? In Frailing, K. & Perling, M. (Eds.), Justice outsourced: The therapeutic jurisprudence implications of judicial decision-making by non-judicial officers. Temple University Press.
  • Marinos, V., Stromski, S., Whittingham, L., & Griffiths, D. (Eds.). (2020). Persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities and the criminal justice system. NADD Press.
  • Marinos, V., Griffiths, D., Stromski, S., & Whittingham, L. (2020). Complexities and gaps in understanding persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities in the criminal justice system. In Marinos, V., Stromski, S., Whittingham, L., & Griffiths, D. (Eds.), Persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities and the criminal justice system (pp. 3-22). NADD Press.
  • Griffiths, D., Marinos, V., Jones, J., Jones, A., & Gilmore, M. (2020). Classification and identification of accused persons with intellectual disabilities in the criminal justice system. In Marinos, V., Stromski, S., Whittingham, L., & Griffiths, D. (Eds.), Persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities and the criminal justice system (pp. 23-52). NADD Press.
  • Marinos, V. & Whittingham, L. (2020). The complexities of criminal responsibility and persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities: How can therapeutic jurisprudence help? American Behavioral Scientist, 64(4), 1067 – 1080. https://doi.org/10.1177/0002764220956698
  • Raby, R., Pomerantz, S., Zinga, D., Tardif-Williams, C., Marinos, V., & Rousseau, C. (Eds.). (2019). Between, across, and beyond disciplinary divides: Conceptualizing, theorizing, and expanding “childhood” [special issue]. Journal of Childhood Studies44(3).
  • Raby, R., Pomerantz, S., Zinga, D., Tardif-Williams, C., Marinos, V., & Rousseau, C. (2019). Between, across, and beyond disciplinary divides: Conceptualizing, theorizing, and expanding “childhood” [special issue]. Journal of Childhood Studies44(3), 1-2. doi: 10.18357/jcs00019169
  • Marinos, V. & Whittingham, L. (2019). The role of therapeutic jurisprudence to support persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities in the courtroom: Reflections from Ontario, Canada. International Journal of Law & Psychiatry63, 18-25. doi: 10.1016/j.ijlp.2018.07.004
  • Marinos, V. & Gregory D. (2017). The tale of a youth guilty plea court & a youth mental health court in Ontario: How different are they in practice? International Journal of Therapeutic Jurisprudence, 2(1), 25-59.
  • Marinos, V., Innocente, N. & Goodwin-DeFaria, C. (2017). Giving voice: Prioritizing youth agency in criminal justice diversion. In Chen, X., Raby, R. & P. Albanese. (Eds.), The sociology of childhood and youth studies in Canada: Categories, inequalities, engagements (pp.256-74). Canadian Scholars’ Press.
  • Marinos, V., Griffiths, D., Robinson, J., Gosse, L., Fergus, C., Stromski, S., & Rondeau, K. (2017). Criminal justice professionals’ perceptions of challenges in the justice system for persons with intellectual disabilities. Criminal Law Quarterly, 64(1-2), 83-107.
  • Doob, A. N. & Marinos, V. (2016). Reconceptualizing punishment: Understanding the limitations on the use of intermediate punishments. In A. Manson, P. Healey, G. Trotter, J. V. Roberts, & D. E. Ives (Eds.). Sentencing and penal policy in Canada: Cases, materials, and commentary (3rd ed., pp. 369-70). Toronto, ON: Emond Montgomery. (Reprinted from “Reconceptualizing punishment: understanding the limitations on the use of intermediate punishments,” 1995, University of Chicago Law School Roundtable,  pp. 413-33).
  • Hyde, C., Marinos, V., & Innocente, N. (2016). What do meaningful consequences and fair and proportionate accountability mean to youth offered extrajudicial sanctions in Ontario? Canadian Journal of Criminology & Criminal Justice, 58(2), 194-220. doi; 10.3138/cjccj.2014.E33
  • Marinos, V., Griffiths, D., Fergus, C., Stromski, S., & Rondeau, K. (2015). Victims and witnesses with intellectual disability in the criminal justice system. Criminal Law Quarterly, 61, 517-30.
  • Varma, K. & V. Marinos. (2013). Three decades of public attitudes research on crime and punishment in Canada. Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice, 55(4), 549-62. http://dx.doi.org/10.3138/cjccj.2012.ES01
  • Hamelin, J., Marinos, V., Robinson, J., & Griffiths, D. (2012).  Rights and the justice system. In D. Griffiths, F. Owen, & S. Watson (Eds.), The rights agenda: An action plan to advance the rights of persons with intellectual disabilities (pp. 223-254). NADD Press.
  • Goodwin-De Faria, C. & V. Marinos. (2012). Youth understanding and assertion of legal rights: Examining the roles of age and power. International Journal of Children’s Rights. 20(3), 343-64. 10.1163/157181812X652607
  • Marinos, V. (2011). David C. May & Peter B. Wood, Ranking correctional punishments: View from offenders, practitioners, and the public [Review of the book Ranking correctional punishments: View from offenders, practitioners, and the public, by D. C. May & P. B. Wood]. Punishment & Society: The International Journal of Penology. 13(5), 637-39.
  • Marinos, V., Griffiths, D., Gosse, L.  Robinson, J. Olley, G. & Lindsay, W. (2008). Legal rights and persons with intellectual disabilities. In F. Owen and D. Griffiths (Eds.), Challenges to the human rights of persons with intellectual disabilities (pp. 124-54). Jessica Kingsley Publishers Ltd.
  • Marinos, V. & Innocente, N. (2008). Factors influencing police attitudes towards extrajudicial measures under the YCJA. Canadian Journal of Criminology & Criminal Justice. 50, 469-90. doi: 10.1353/ccj.0.0028
  • Marinos, V. (2006). The meaning of `short’ sentences of imprisonment and offences against the administration of justice: A perspective from the court. Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 21(2), 143-67. doi:.10.1017/S082932010000898X
  • Marinos, V. (2005). Thinking about penal equivalents. Punishment & Society: The International Journal of Penology. 7(4), 441-56 doi:.10.1177/1462474505057120
  • Marinos, V. & Griffiths, D. (2005). Persons with intellectual disabilities and their participation in the courtroom [Monograph]. National Judicial Institute.
  • Marinos, V. & Whittingham, L. (2019, July 23). Examining the complexities of criminal responsibility and persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities from a therapeutic jurisprudence framework [Paper Presentation]. International Congress of Law and Mental Health (IALMH), Rome, Italy.
  • Marinos, V. (2018, November 15). Negotiated justice in the Ontario criminal justice system: Views about plea bargaining from defence lawyers [Paper Presentation]. American Society of Criminology, Atlanta, GA, USA.
  • Marinos, V. (2017, October 14). Youth perspectives on youth justice [Paper Presentation]. Conceptualizing Childhood & Youth Conference, Brock University, St. Catharines, ON, Canada.  
  • Marinos, V. & Innocente, N. (2017, October 14). Youth perspectives on youth justice: Enhancing youth justice through justice-involved youth [Symposium ]. Conceptualizing Childhood & Youth Conference, Brock University, St. Catharines, ON, Canada. 
  • Marinos, V. & Whittingham, L. (2017, July 13). The accommodating court? Seeking procedural justice through a therapeutic lens for persons with intellectual disabilities within the criminal court process [Paper Presentation]. International Academy of Law and Mental Health Conference, Prague, Czech Republic. 
  • Marinos, V. (2016, June 4). Negotiated justice: Reflections from defence counsel in Ontario [Paper Presentation]. Canadian Sociology Association, Calgary, AB, Canada. 
  • Innocente, N., Marinos, V., & Goodwin-DeFaria, C. (2016, June 4). Giving voice: Prioritizing youth agency in criminal justice diversion [Paper Presentation]. Canadian Sociology Association, Congress, Calgary, AB, Canada.  
  • Griffiths, D. Marinos, V., Fergus, C. & Stromski, S. (2014, June 4). Dual diagnosis and the courts [Paper Presentation]. International Dual Diagnosis Conference. Miami, FLA.
  • Marinos, V. (Presenter) & D. Gregory. (2012, June 5). Balancing multiple objectives of youth justice: The tale of a guilty plea court & a youth therapeutic court in Ontario, Canada. [Paper Presentation]. Law & Society Conference. Honolulu, HI.
  • Youth Resources Niagara. Applied Research with CHYS 4th year undergraduate students.
  • Chair, Research Ethics Board, John Howard Society of Ontario.
  • Steering Committee, St. Catharines Youth Mental Health Court.
  • Member, Niagara Justice Collaborative, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health.
  • Volunteer, Fundraising Committee, George Hull Centre for Children and Families, Toronto.