ABA Practicum

Practicum Student Evaluations

DUE DATE: As indicated by your professor.

Preparing for Practicum in 2024/25?

Please review the Student Supervisor Information Package.

2024/25 ADST 5P73 Ethics and Professional Conduct I / ADST 5P76 Ethics and Professional Conduct II / ADST 5P78 Ethics & Professional Conduct in Research and Practice in the Behavioural Sciences


ADST 5P73 / ADST 5P76 / ADST 5P78 STUDENTS – submissions must be completed by TBA.

Students are strongly encouraged to submit all required practicum documentation/forms by the first week of August/December to avoid any difficulties.


Please note: Students who are in both paid and unpaid practicums are required to complete both forms below – only 1 copy of the Pre-Placement Field Trip Due Diligence Checklist is required.

Paid Practicum Placements

Student receives wages from their placement employer and are treated as any other worker employed by the placement employer. Student has an employee contract with their employer that outlines the responsibilities of the employer and the student/employee. The student also requires a practicum agreement that outlines practicum site/supervisor and practicum student responsibilities in addition to the employer/employee contract. 

Unpaid Practicum Placements

Students receive no funds from their placement employers (may be receiving stipends, honorariums or expense reimbursements). A practicum agreement must be in place outlining practicum student and practicum site/supervisor responsibilities.

Students in Paid Practicum Placements

Students in Unpaid Practicum Placements

If you require additional information about whether you qualify as a paid or unpaid practicum student, please contact Julie Koudys, Clinical Coordinator at adspracticum@brocku.ca.


ADST 5P73/5P76/5P78 Student Agreement


Application for Supervisor Reimbursement Form

Students paying “out of pocket” for BCBA supervision, please complete the Application for Supervisor Reimbursement Form pre-placement.


2024/25 ADS ABA Practicum Supervisor Registration

BCBA Supervisors who are willing to supervise practicum placements for ADS MA/MADS students in the 2024/25 fall and winter terms, please register here.

Additional Practicum Registration Request

Students interested in completing additional practicum courses outside of ADST 5P73/5P76/5P78, please complete the Additional Practicum Registration Request.