Refunds & Exchanges

Refund requests are no longer accepted after April 1st.

Refund Policy

If a refund is requested before April 1st, customers may receive a refund for any full-month(s) remaining on their permit. The refund request must be made before the 1st of the month to receive a refund for any full month(s) remaining.

A refund request must be submitted through the use of our refunds form.

Any permit refund requests submitted on, or after April 1st will not be issued a refund.

An administrative fee is applied for all refunds processed and is deducted from the amount to be refunded.

All 12-month annual permits are for an 8-month paid period with 4 months complimentary parking April 1 through to August 31.

Exchange Policy

Customers can exchange a permit where space is available in a desired lot, must request the exchange before April 1. The exchange can be requested by emailing

An administrative fee is applied for all exchanges processed.