Rules and Regulations

The purpose of the Rules and Regulations is to facilitate the safe and orderly conduct of all activities occurring relating to parking services on University Property. Anyone using Brock parking is subject to and is responsible for being aware of the Rules & Regulations.

Parking Services has the primary responsibility for monitoring all parking lots on University Property. The City of St. Catharines and Campus Safety Services may, at their discretion, also monitor and enforce the roadways, fire routes, loading zones, and accessible spaces on University Property.

Parking is enforced 24/7. All vehicles parked on University Property must have valid parking through the purchase of a permit or paid parking through HONK mobile. Additionally, the vehicle license plate must be oriented to face the laneway when parked.

The Parking Regulations (the “Regulations”) are authorized by the Board of Trustees of Brock University (the “University”) by virtue of the Brock University Act of the Province of Ontario. The Board of Trustees has delegated its responsibility for the implementation and enforcement of these Regulations to Parking Services.


The lands and grounds owned and/or leased by the University (“University Property”) are private property, and the University reserves the right to control motor vehicle access and driving on University Property. The University allows parking and driving on University Property only upon the terms and conditions set forth in these Regulations.

Parking Regulations apply to, but not limited to, parking at:

  • Main Campus and surrounding properties owned and/or operated and/or leased by the University.
  • Marilyn I. Walker School of Fine and Performing Arts
  • Brock Square (Space within the Plaza at Sir Isaac Brock Way and Glenridge)
  • 3401 Schmon Parkway
  • 130 Lockhart Drive
  • Canada Games Park

The purpose of these Regulations is to facilitate the safe and orderly conduct of all activities occurring on University Property relating to parking services, within the limits of available space. All persons using University parking facilities are subject to and shall make themselves aware of the Regulations.

Parking Services shall monitor all parking lots on University Property to enforce these Regulations. The City of St. Catharines and/or Campus Safety Services may, at their discretion, also monitor and enforce the roadways, fire routes, loading zones, and accessible spaces on University Property.

Parking is enforced 24/7. All vehicles parked on University Property must have a valid permit or paid parking, as noted by signage and/or designated map(s) online.

Failure to comply with these Regulations may result in fines; the withholding of a degree or grades; cancellation of parking privileges; immobilization and/or tow away and storage of the vehicle at the owner’s risk and expense.

The Regulations apply to all motorized vehicles, including but not limited to cars, trucks, vans, SUV’s, motorcycles, motor scooters, mopeds, and motorized bicycles, and are in effect 12 months of the year (including orientation, examinations, and recess periods).  Snowmobiles and all-terrain or off-road vehicles are not permitted on University Property.

Parking Services reserves the right to reduce or suspend parking privileges or services usually provided in certain areas, during labour disruption, emergency disruption, special events, maintenance, or any other unforeseen disruption. Permit holders may, in certain circumstances, be required to park in an area other than their normal parking lot. Parking Services will make every effort to accommodate permit holders and will attempt to give reasonable notice to permit holders of such circumstances.

Parking is permitted in designated areas only. No vehicle shall occupy a space in a parking lot other than within the limits set out by the lines, curbing, markers, or signs. Parking on hatched marks will result in being ticketed immobilized, towed and/or having parking privileges suspended unless the hatched area is specifically signed as a loading/unloading area.

Parking Services reserves the right to direct oversize vehicles and those with trailers to appropriate parking locations on campus where irregular sized vehicles can be accommodated. Additional parking costs may be incurred for oversized vehicles.

Persons who park in the designated pay-per-use areas, who by any means or method, fail to pay or avoid payment of the appropriate fees shall be ticketed, immobilized and/or towed. Vehicle license plates must be input correctly for a permit to be valid and payment must be valid for the entire duration of the parking session, starting from the time the vehicle is parked. Parking may only be used in the area purchased or the designated overflow lot, unless otherwise posted.

The University shall not be responsible for any damage or loss to a motor vehicle, or its contents, however caused. Any damage or loss should be reported to Campus Safety Services.

If a vehicle needs repair or service and cannot leave campus it is the owner or authorized operator’s responsibility to immediately notify Parking Services (during business hours) or Campus Safety Services (after business hours) and arrange for the vehicle to be removed from campus or risk being ticketed, immobilized and/or towed at the owner’s expense.

Students living in residence with a residence parking permit may park overnight in their designated lot(s).

There is no other overnight parking on Brock University campus from 2 am to 5 am unless by written permission of Parking Services.

Overnight parking is not permitted for campers, camper vans, RVs, and/or trailers.


Ontario Ministry of Transportation Accessible Parking Permit (APP) holders must display their MTO permit and have a valid Brock Accessible permit or HONK accessible permit to park in any accessible parking space.

Employees, Staff & Faculty who have temporary accommodation parking needs that do not have an Ontario MTO Accessible permit are advised to contact the Office of People & Culture to get approval for a short-term Brock Approved Permit (BAP) good for up to 6 weeks.

Students with temporary accommodation parking needs that do not have an Ontario MTO Accessible permit are advised to contact the Student Wellness and Accessibility Centre to get approval for a short-term Brock Approved Permit (BAP) good for up to 6 weeks.

All Persons who have accessible parking needs for longer than 6 weeks should obtain a temporary Ontario MTO Accessible permit for continued accommodation.

Designated loading and unloading spaces for the purpose of actively loading and unloading can be found at various locations on campus. These spaces are marked by signs and are the only areas in which loading/unloading is permitted. The vehicle must have the hazard lights on and follow the instructions on loading/unloading signage. Failing to abide by these regulations will result in ticketing, immobilization and/or towing.

EV charging stations are located throughout campus. In accordance with the Highway Traffic Act, vehicles parked in EV charging stations must be plugged in and actively charging at all times.

Those remaining with their vehicle for the duration of charging are not required to pay for parking. Vehicles without a driver present are required to have a valid permit and/or pay for parking via HONK in addition to the vehicle charging rates.

Parking permits are for the use of the person to whom they are originally issued, and valid only for the vehicle license plate(s) registered with Parking Services. Transfer by sale or exchange renders the permit invalid. Unauthorized use will result in permit cancellation, ticketing, immobilization and/or towing. Accounts submitting appeals with fraudulent, altered, void, or lost/stolen permits will be ticketed, immobilized and/or towed and will be reported to Campus Safety Services for further disciplinary action.

Parking permits shall not be issued to any Parking Services account with an outstanding balance. Outstanding balances must be paid in full prior to a permit being issued.

Permit holders may register up to two (2) vehicles under a single permit; however, only one (1) vehicle s permitted to park in the designated lot at a time. If parking for the additional vehicle is required, the second license plate must utilize one of the designated visitor lots on campus and purchase appropriate visitor parking in this lot.

Permit holders are responsible for making themselves aware of the Parking Regulations and shall be responsible for any violations and/or fees issued against any license plate(s) registered on their permit and/or account, regardless of the actual driver of the vehicle.

Permit holders must park in the authorized area(s) assigned by the permit. Parking in an unauthorized area will result in ticketing, immobilization and/or towing.

All 12-month annual permits are for a paid 8-month period, September 1 through to April 30, with 4 months complimentary parking, May 1 through to August 31.

All license plate(s) linked to any parking permits and/or hourly/daily payments are the account holder’s responsibility. By linking a license plate to an account/permit, submitting an appeal, or purchasing hourly/daily parking, the account holder claims responsibility for the vehicle license plate, along with any risks, expenses, tickets, damages caused by, fines and/or fees associated with the license plate.

Customers may request a refund for any full-month(s) remaining on their permit. The request must be made before the 1st of the month to receive a refund for any full month(s) remaining.

The request is made online at Once the refund is requested parking privileges are no longer valid.

Any permit refunds requested on or after April 1st will not be issued a refund.

A refund administrative fee is required to be paid before the refund is processed.

All 12-month annual permits are for a paid 8-month period, September 1 through to April 30, with 4 months complimentary parking, May 1 through to August 31.

Customers may exchange a permit for another lot if space is available. Exchange requests can be made by emailing [email protected]. The exchange administrative fee must be paid before the exchange can be processed.

The LPR system employed by Brock University is a third-party system that captures a photo of the license plate of each vehicle parked in a Brock University parking lot, streets on campus, or managed parking areas. The LPR system captures the location of the vehicle at specific times and dates associated with the vehicle and generates an alphanumeric version of the license plate number.

The photos taken by the LPR system are not of a resolution that would allow for the identification of vehicle occupants if present at the time the photo is taken.

The personal information described above may be combined with personal information already in the University’s possession, such as parking permit information.

Parking rules and regulations are enforced twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Parking on University Property is by permit or daily/hourly paid parking, unless otherwise noted by Parking Services. Regardless of free or reduced parking times, vehicles found in violation of the Rules and Regulations will be issued a ticket against the vehicle license plate. Violations must be paid in full within ten (10) business days from the date the ticket was issued, or parking privileges may be suspended or additional fees incurred. Payments can be made online at

In addition to any other fine, a vehicle may be immobilized and/or towed, and stored at the owner’s sole risk and expense. Towing may include relocation of the vehicle on University Property or removal from University Property.

Immobilization and/or towing may occur for, but not limited to, the following reasons:

  1. Unpaid violations
  2. Repeat offender and/or under suspension of parking privileges
  3. Obstructing traffic flow, parking maintenance or snow removal
  4. Parking in a fire route
  5. Creating a safety hazard
  6. Triple parking
  7. Parking on university roads, any walkway system, loading/unloading areas, landscaped areas, or areas with specific immobilization and/or tow warning signage
  8. Where the driver of a vehicle has failed to obey the directions of a member of Parking Services or Campus Safety Services, and the vehicle is parked in contravention of those directions,
  9. Deemed to be abandoned
  10. Parking illegally in a designated accessible parking space

Vehicles for which parking privileges have been suspended, or individuals for which parking privileges have been suspended or revoked, are not allowed to enter or park on University Property for any reason.

Parking privileges may be suspended and/or revoked for, but not limited to, the following reasons:

  1. Non-payment of fines
  2. Repeat violations
  3. Disregard of the Regulations
  4. Supplying false information to obtain parking privileges
  5. Refusal to provide identification as required through University policy
  6. Falsifying evidence to mislead parking appeals
  7. Misuse of parking permit
  8. By the determination of the Parking Appeals process
  9. Discretion of the Manager, Parking Services

Parking Services may escalate the individual listed under the vehicles responsibility to the appropriate department(s) for Code of Conduct review.

Parking Services may reinstate parking privileges provided:

  1. All outstanding fines and/or fees have been paid
  2. All requirements for reinstatement as laid out by Parking Services have been met

Parking ticket appeals must be made within ten business days from the date of issuance listed on the parking ticket. After ten business days ticket appeals will not be accepted and the parking fees will be considered uncontested and must be paid.

All parking appeals can be made online at using the ticket number, or by signing into the online self-serve portal.

Please include the following information about your appeal:

  • why you think the parking violation should be voided and/or varied,
  • limit your appeal to the space provided in the online form (500 characters max),
  • attach any evidence that supports your case (ie. a photo of valid paid receipt or permit).

Grounds for appeal that will be considered are:

  • The ticket was issued incorrectly.
  • The ticket was issued despite a paid receipt or permit existing (evidence must be submitted with appeal).

Parking ticket appeals will only be considered when contact information is accurate and filled out in full. The following contact information is required:

  • First and Last Name
  • Phone Number
  • Email Address
  • Mailing Address

By submitting a parking ticket appeal, the applicant is making a declaration they hold responsibility for the vehicle and/or license plate listed on the appeal and therefore considered the implied owner.

Parking ticket appeals will be responded to within ten (10) business days to the email listed on the Parking Services account.

All parking ticket appeals will be reviewed by the Coordinator, Customer Service & Enforcement. If the ticket was issued by the Coordinator, the appeal will be escalated to the Supervisor, Enforcement & Technology Service. If the Supervisor, Enforcement & Technology Services issued the ticket, the appeal will be escalated to the Supervisor, Parking Services. If further escalation is required, the Manager, Parking Services will review and provide the final decision.

The decision of the appeal by the Manager, Parking Services is final and fines are considered due when the decision is rendered. Once a decision is rendered, the ticket must be paid within 10 business days or be at risk of late fees.

Rules, regulations, fines, fees and penalties may be updated from time to time. It is the account holder and/or owner’s responsibility to keep themselves apprised of any changes.

Parking with no valid permit or receipt$40.00
Obscuring or altering a license plate$40.00
Parking in a reserved space$50.00
Parking in a premium/reserved lot or space without a valid permit$50.00
Parking in a hash-marked area/non-designated area$50.00
Displaying a prior violation notice$50.00
Parked during prohibited hours/exceeding posted time limit$50.00
Parking on layby/road opposite flow of traffic$50.00
Obstructing roads, traffic, loading areas, sidewalks, dumpsters or building entrances/exits$50.00
Parking on landscaped areas$50.00
Parking with no plates mounted$75.00
Parking in a closed lot$75.00
Multiple vehicles parked at once using the same permit (1 ticket per car - unappealable)$75.00 (per vehicle)
Parking a vehicle on university property with excessive fines$75.00
Obstructing EV charging station$125.00
Displaying a fraudulent permit/receipt$150.00
Falsifying evidence or proof of payment to mislead the appeals process$150.00
Parking in a fire access route and/or obstructing a fire hydrant (unappealable)$150.00
Parking a suspended vehicle on university property$150.00
Parking in and/or obstructing a designated accessible parking area$300.00
Permit Exchange Fee$15.00
Permit Refund Fee$25.00
Immobilization (Boot) Application Fee$75.00
Boot Tampering (Attempted Removal or Driving) Fee$100.00
Boot Damage/Theft/Replacement Fee$300.00
On Campus Tow Relocation$125.00 + HST
On Campus Tow Relocation Admin Fee$35.00
Off Campus Tow (charged by tow company, paid to tow company by vehicle owner when picking up vehicle)as per tow company fee schedule
Off Campus Tow Admin Fee$50.00