
Lessons for Music Majors

Music Majors should see the Auditions page for more information.

Lessons as an Elective

Music Lessons – hone your performance skills with one-on-one lessons from expert pedagogues. Private lessons are available to students from any faculty across campus.

It is possible to take individual music lessons for credit. Audition for non-major lessons at the first-year level requires two contrasting pieces on your voice or instrument at about Grade V Level Royal Conservatory. Successful completion of an end-of-year jury gains you admittance to the next level of lessons for the following year (e.g. a successful jury at the end of first year lets you into second-year lessons.)
The following two credit courses are available:

MUSI 1-2-3-4F81: full credit lessons, including 60-minute lessons per week (24 weeks), weekly masterclass, weekly concert attendance September through April. Supplementary lesson fee is $1,780 (fees subject to change)
MUSI 1-2-3-4P82: half credit lessons, including 30-minute lessons per week (24 weeks), weekly masterclass, weekly concert attendance September through April. Supplementary lesson fee is $890 (fees subject to change)

Repertoire requirements
– Two contrasting pieces
– Classical style (as in no jazz or pop)
– Memorization is not required

– Piano accompaniment is not required for online auditions
– Optional backup piano track is suggested for instrumentalists, and highly recommended for singers
– If using a backup track, ensure that it is only the accompaniment in the recording, and that you are not singing on top of someone else’s voice
– If using a backup track, play the track on a device that is separate from the one on which you are recording your video
– If you choose not to use a backup track, we will be looking closely at consistency of intonation and rhythmic accuracy

Submission guidelines: Video
– Record your pieces in one take
– Upload to a shareable platform: onedrive, dropbox, google drive, etc.
– Or you may upload to YouTube as an unlisted video and share the link

Submission guidelines: Scores
– Send a PDF scan of your music
– include the piano accompaniment even if you are not performing with accompaniment
– Clearly label your music
– These copies are for reference only and will be destroyed after your audition

Email your submission to the Music Office at music@brocku.ca