Degrees offered

Three students in a practice room, 2 females to the left playing the flute and cello respectively. Male student on the right playing a guitar.

Choosing a Program

All prospective students applying to an undergraduate program at Brock must fill out the application through the Ontario Universities’ Application Centre (OUAC). More details can be found on our How to Apply page.

Bachelor of Music (BMus)

Comprehensive training for the future professional musician. Lessons and masterclasses on your instrument or voice are an integral part of this degree, as are core academic courses.

BA Honours in Music

Comprehensive education in all core areas of musicianship; lessons are optional, allowing you room to explore academic interests in music and related fields.

BA Honours Combined

The “Music and…” combination, where you mix Music equally with another subject of your choice; recent combinations chosen by our students include Music and French, Music and Mathematics, and Music and Applied Linguistics.

Learn more about Music

A female in an oversized green button up shirt, wearing slightly tinted glasses playing a saxophone. Two windows with blinds in the background.


Declare a concentration by completing six full credits in designated courses. The concentration options are:

  • Music Education
  • Music Therapy Foundations
  • Performance (BMus only)

Alternatively, you don’t have to declare a concentration at all, and can graduate with our popular and long-established comprehensive BMus or Honours BA degrees. This is a great choice for people who have a wide variety of musical interests and who wish to cast a wide net of musical experience.

A group of choral students in a recital hall, with a ukulele on a piano in the foreground

Music for non-majors

If you have some music background, the following ensembles and courses may interest you:

  • University Singers
  • Brock Community Choir
  • Wind Ensemble
  • Jazz Ensemble (Brock Big Band)

A. General Information

All Brock University music ensembles…

  • are open to all Brock University students
  • are open to members of the general public
  • require an audition (in early September)
  • run from September to April (during Fall-Winter Session)

Brock students may choose to register for credit, or participate for recreation.

B. Choral Ensembles

To participate in a university choral ensemble please see Sing at Brock!

C. Instrumental Ensembles

To participate in a university instrumental ensemble please see Play at Brock!

These include Choirs, Instrumental Ensembles, academic courses and lessons!

Plus: NEW four-credit Certificate Programs!

For more information see Courses for Non-Music Majors and contact us at
[email protected] or call 905 688 5550 x3817