Dr. Peter Landey

Associate Professor

DPhil (York, UK), PhD, MMus (Goldsmiths College, London), MM (SUNY, Potsdam), BA, BMus (Carleton)
905 688 5550 x3824

An Associate Composer of the Canadian Music Centre, Dr. Landey has received commissions from various Canadian ensembles including ArrayMusic, Toronto Dance Theatre, Ottawa Dance Theatre, Niagara Symphony and the Etobicoke Centennial Choir. His ballet “Alice Through the Looking-Glass” is produced annually in Tokyo. A specialist in 19th century music theory, his critical translation of Reicha’s Treatise on Melody and Fétis’ Treatise on Harmony are published by Pendragon Press for whom he is preparing a critical translation of Fétis’ Treatise on Counterpoint and Fugue. Professor Landey teaches music composition, theory, analysis, aesthetics of music, and Studies in Arts and Culture.