News and events

  • Jeffrey Regier defends Chemistry Thesis

    When: January 10, 2017 – 9:00am – 12:00pm

    The Faculty of Math & Science announces Mr. Jeffrey Regier (Chemistry) Master of Science video conference thesis defence. Mr. Regier’s defence is scheduled for Tuesday, January 10th, 2017; at 9:00; in WH147. His thesis is titled Ligand Design for Metal-Organic Frameworks and Single-Molecule Magnets. His examination committee members are: Dr. Michael Bidochka, Chair; Dr. Stephen Loeb (University of Windsor), External Examiner; Dr. Melanie Pilkington, Supervisor; Dr. Theocharis Stamatatos and Dr. Paul Zelisko, Committee Members.

    Cost: $0.00
    Sponsor: Faculty of Mathematics and Science
    Contact: Beulah Alexander, 3115

    Categories: Events