Tian Zhao Masters Project Presentation Wed Feb 8 at 3:00 PM

Tian Zhao, a Master of Science candidate in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, will present his Masters Research Project (MATH 5P99) titled When does the sum of 4 Fibonacci numbers equal a power? on Wednesday, Feb. 8, 2023 at 3 pm in TH149.


The aim of this work is the study of Diophantine equations using linear forms in logarithms and algebraic techniques. I was  particularly interested in solving the Diophantine equation of when a sum of 4 Fibonacci numbers equal a power of an integer. I will begin my talk by establishing some preliminary results. I will show how using linear forms in logarithms and techniques from algebraic number theory to solve Fn_1 + Fn_2 + Fn_3 + Fn_4 = 6^a.