Articles tagged with: Seminar

  • Dr. Mosca Biological Sciences Seminar – Feb 18

    Join us for the upcoming Biological Sciences seminar (February 18 2022) with Dr. Timothy Mosca (title: “Synapse maturation and neurodegeneration: two sides of the same incredibly complicated coin?”


    Dr. Timothy Mosca, Assistant Professor, Department of Neuroscience, Vickie & Jack
    Farber Institute for Neurosciences, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, USA




    February 18th, 2022 at 12h00-13h00 EST via Microsoft Teams


    The exquisite series of events that underlies synaptic
    organization in the brain requires a symphony of
    molecular players that coordinate to achieve multiple
    goals. Synapses must find their correct target, make initial
    connections, and then importantly, allow those
    connections to undergo maturation to become robust and
    reliable functioning adult synapses. Though considerable
    work has studied the mechanisms underlying synapse
    formation, we know far less about the events between
    formation and adult function, namely, synapse maturation.
    This represents the time in which protein cascades take a
    synapse from a nascent to a full-fledged connection. In
    the Mosca Lab, we study the molecular mechanisms of
    how synapses mature. In this seminar, I will discuss the novel molecular mechanisms involving
    receptor cleavage that we’ve discovered to promote synapse maturation and discuss how we
    think these mechanisms serve as a bridge between neurodevelopment and neurodegeneration.
    By studying and learning how maturation occurs, we can more deeply understand how
    neurodevelopmental, neuropsychiatric, and even neurodegenerative diseases go awry when the
    basic steps of synapse development fail to occur properly.

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