Diane Dupont

Professor of Economics
Associate Dean, Graduate Studies and Research, Faculty of Social Sciences

Office Location on Campus: Plaza Building Room 441
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 905-688-5550 ext 3129
Research Website: Canadian Water Economics

Ph.D., The University of British Columbia, (Economics. Fields: Environmental and Natural Resources and Public Finance)
MA, The University of Toronto (Economics)
BA (Hons), Carleton University (Economics and German)

About Diane:
Professor Diane Dupont is a Professor in the Economics Department at Brock University where she held the Chancellor’s Chair for Research Excellence from 2006-2009. The Canadian Water Network, SSHRC, CIHR, Health Canada, Environment Canada, and the Donner Foundation have funded her work. She works with researchers in other fields, as well as researchers across Canada, in the United States, England, and Australia.

Her current research program concentrates upon examining ways to encourage more efficient and sustainable use of water resources both on the supply and demand side. On the supply side, she is looking at factors that help to identify which water utilities operate most efficiently and sustainably. On the demand side, she has undertaken a number of non-market valuation studies to determine the value of good quality water as it relates to individuals’ perceptions of the health effects of tap water.

Professor Dupont was the elected Researcher representative to the Canadian Water Network Board of Directors (2010-2012). She is also a Member of the Board of Directors for the North American Association of Fisheries Economists and served as a Member (and Chair for one year) of the Scientific Advisory Committee for WorldFish Centre, Penang, Malaysia. Prior to that, she served as a Member of the Executive Council of the Canadian Economics Association and as a Member of the Social Sciences and Humanities Adjudication Committee (Economics). She has served as an Associate Editor for the Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Society and Natural Resources and is currently an Associate Editor for the Canadian Water Resources Journal, Water Resources Research, and Water Resources & Economics.

How does economics fit into sustainability/ESRC?
I am an environmental economist. I examine the relationships between economic activity and natural and environmental resources. In particular, I work in an area called non-market valuation, which means that I employ techniques to determine the values of goods/services that are not bought and sold in a market, for example, the value of ecosystem services. We need to know these values in order to ensure that we are using our scarce resources in such a way to make society as well off as it can be.


Renzetti, S. and Dupont, Diane P. 2015 “Water Pricing in Canada: Recent Developments” chapter 4 in Water Pricing Experiences and Innovations edited by A. Dinar, V. Pochat, and J. Albiac-Murillo. Springer International Publishing. Global Issues in Water Policy Series, Volume 9. Switzerland. Pp. 63-81.

Renzetti, S., Dupont, D. and Chitsinde, T. 2015 “An Empirical Examination of the Distributional Impacts of Water Pricing Reforms”. Utilities Policy. 34

Dupont, D., Price, James, and Renzetti, Steven. 2015. “Small Demands – How to Bring Water Demand Forecasting to Small Utilities” in Water Canada. April 17, 2015.

Baird, J., Plummer, R., Dupont, D., and Carter, B. 2015 “Perceptions of Water Quality in First Nations Communities: Exploring the Role of Context”. Nature and Culture. 10(2).

Renzetti, S., Brandes, O., Dupont, D., MacIntyre-Morris, T., and Stinchcombe, K., 2015 “Using Demand Elasticity as an Alternative Approach to Modelling Future Community Water Demand under a Conservation Oriented Pricing System: An Exploratory Investigation”. Canadian Water Resources Journal. DOI:10.1080/07011784.2014.985508.


Dupont, D., Walder, C., Bharadwaj, L., Plummer, R., Carter, B., Cave, K., and Zagozewski, R. 2014 “Drinking Water, Health Risk Perceptions and Choices in First Nation and non-First Nation Communities in Canada” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 11(6):5889-5903.

Dupont, D. P.  2014 “Rights-Based Management in Canada: Lessons from Two Coasts and A Centre” Marine Policy. 44:60-64.


Renzetti, S. and Dupont, D.P.  2013 “Household behaviour related to water conservation” Water Resources & Economics. 4:22-37.

Zhang, J., Adamowicz, W., Dupont, D.P. and Krupnick, A. 2013 “Assessing the Extent of Altruism in the Valuation of Community Drinking Water Quality Improvements” Water Resources Research. 49:6286-6297.

Bruneau, J., Dupont, D.P. and Renzetti, S. 2013 “Economic Instruments, Innovation and Efficient Water Use” Canadian Public Policy. 39(S2): 11-22.

Baird, J. Dupont, D., Heinmiller, T., Plummer, R., and Renzetti, S. 2013. Liquid Assets: Assessing Water’s Contribution to Niagara”. Report for WaterSmart Niagara.

Dupont, D. P. 2013 “Water Use Restrictions Or Wastewater Recycling? A Canadian Willingness To Pay Study For Reclaimed Wastewater” Water Resources & Economics. 1(1): 61-74.

Baird, J., Carter, B., Cave, K., Dupont, D., General, P., Lynt, C., Plummer R., and Varewyck, A. 2013 “Gaining Insights About Water: The Value of Surveys in First Nations Communities to Inform Water Governance” Indigenous Policy Journal. 23(4): 83-100.


Dupont, D.P.  and Jahan, N. 2012 “Defensive Spending On Tap Water Substitutes: The Value of Reducing Perceived Health Risks” Journal of Water and Health. 10(1): 56-68.

Dupont, D.P.  and Bateman, I. J. 2012 “Political Affiliation And Willingness To Pay: An Examination of the Nature of Benefits and Means of Provision” Ecological Economics. 75:43-51.

Day, B., Bateman, I., Carson, R., Dupont, D.P., Louviere, J., Morimoto, S., Scarpa, R., and Wang, P. 2012 “Order Effects and Choice Set Awareness in Repeat-Response Stated Preference Studies”. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management. 63:73-91.


Adamowicz, W., Dupont, D.P., Krupnick, A., and Zhang, J. 2011. “Valuation of Cancer and Microbial Disease Risk Reductions in Municipal Drinking Water: An Analysis of Risk Context Using Multiple Valuation Methods” Journal of Environmental Economics and Management. 61(2):213-226.

Renzetti, S., Dupont, D.P., and Wood, C. 2011. Running Through our Fingers. How Canada Fails to Capture the Full Value of its Top Asset. Written for the Blue Economy Initiative sponsored by the Royal Bank of Canada, the Canadian Water Network, and the Water & Duncan Gordon Foundation. 31 pp.


Dupont, D.P. 2010. “Fisheries Economics: Cutting a Broad Swath in the Field of Scientific Inquiry” Guest Editorial for Special Issue: Fisheries Economics. Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics. 54(3): 259-263.

Dupont, D. P. 2010 “Cost-sharing Incentive Programs for Source Water Protection: The Grand River’s Rural Water Quality Program” Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics. 58(4):481-496.

Dupont, D. and H. Nelson 2010 “Salmon Fisheries of British Columbia” Chapter 34 in the Handbook of Fisheries Conservation and Management edited by R. Q. Grafton, R. Hilborn, D. Squires, M. Tait, and M. Williams. Oxford University Press, New York. Pp. 458-470.

Dupont, D. P., Adamowicz, W.L. and Krupnick, A. 2010 “Differences in Water Consumption Choices in Canada: the Role of Socio-demographics, Experiences, and Perceptions of Health Risks” Journal of Water and Health. 8(4):671-686.

Dupont, D. P. and Renzetti, S. 2010. “The Value of Water: Understanding the Contribution of Water to the Canadian Economy” Final Report written for the Canadian Water Network and the Walter and Duncan Gordon Foundation. October, 2010. 49pp.

Dupont, D. P. 2010. “Bottle Matters” in Water Canada. November/December 2010. p.36.