Experiential Learning

Learning through doing is at the core of experiential education, and the Faculty of Applied Health Sciences is home to some of the longest-running experiential learning opportunities for students at Brock.

Whether its through courses offered in the upper years of your degree or co-curricular programs outside of your courses, we provide you with opportunities to get practical experiences in real-life situations, make connections and build your professional network, and contribute to the community within Niagara and beyond. You’ll have a competitive edge when it comes to skill development, career readiness and job prospects.

A wide range of rewarding career-related experiences

Placements range from athletic injury management, to supporting children and youth participation in inclusive and adaptive physical activities. You can work with Brock athletes or help to provide seniors and individuals with spinal cord injuries, multiple sclerosis, and amputations with exercise programs specific to their individual needs.

Visit our Degree Exploration Guides to help you discover what you can do with your degree.

Community partners

The Faculty of Applied Health Sciences (FAHS) has 320 community partners dedicated to providing students with opportunities in experiential learning and research. Of our Faculty’s more than 4,000 undergraduate students, more than 75% of them participate in experiential learning prior to graduating. This added up to more than 380,000 hours of community service learning completed by FAHS undergraduate students last year. As a result, our students not only report a greater understanding of what they are learning, but also discover which passions will guide their future career paths.

On-campus experiential learning opportunities

Centre for Sport Capacity

Want to work in the sport industry?
The Centre for Sport Capacity (CSC) provides meaningful experiential learning to students while offering valuable support to community sport organizations in Niagara and beyond. With more than 50 community partners and opportunities that meet 12 experiential education categories, the CSC can find a fit for students to help grow their research, marketing, events and communications skills within the sport sector.

Brock Functional Inclusive Training (Bfit) Centre

Seeking a career in rehabilitation, medicine or health care?
Bridging academic and community health innovations, Bfit pursues multi-disciplinary research and provides supervised community exercise programs to improve health and quality-of-life in older adults, cardiac patients, amputees and individuals living with spinal cord injury, multiple sclerosis and Parkinson’s. Bfit offers students the opportunity to develop professional skills working with diverse populations in real-life situations.

Brock-Niagara Centre of Excellence in Inclusive and Adaptive Physical Activity (CAPA)

Want to help people with complex bodyminds?
CAPA engages in research on effective development of inclusive adaptive movement programs and offers activity programming for people experiencing disability. Experiential learning opportunities include individualized and group programming, sensory programming, de-escalation training, small-scale event hosting, program design workshops for community agencies, and consultative inclusive research design workshops.

Fit Link

Interested in pursuing a career in health or rehabilitation sciences?
Fit Link is a one-year co-curricular program hosted by the Bfit Centre that runs concurrently with students’ academic study. Fit Link offers opportunities for students to network with a variety of health-care professionals, volunteer at the Bfit Centre under the mentorship of registered kinesiologists, participate in industry-relevant skill-development workshops, and take part in individual career coaching and preparation for professional school applications. This program is designed to prepare you for allied health-related graduate programs and future employment opportunities.

Med Plus

Planning to attend medical school or pursue a health-related career?
Med Plus is a competitive, four-year, limited-enrolment program that runs concurrently with your academic studies. The curriculum includes skill-development workshops, volunteer placements, job shadows, observational visits, networking with industry professionals, mentoring, one-on-one career coaching and interview prep for professional school applications. This program will help you develop a competitive edge when applying to Medical School and other post-graduate programs and employment opportunities.

Experiential education administrative support fees

In order to provide these exceptional experiential education opportunities, the Faculty of Applied Health Sciences has implemented new fees beginning September 2024.

FAHS Experiential Education Administrative Support Fee

  • $50 fee charged to all full-time undergraduate students taking any program within the Faculty of Applied Health Sciences
  • $25 fee charged to all part-time undergraduate students taking any program within the Faculty of Applied Health Sciences

FAHS Practicum Administrative Support Fee

  • $200 fee for graduate students enrolled in GERO 5F99 Gerontological Practicum
  • $200 fee for graduate students enrolled in MPHA 5P21 Public Health Practicum II
  • $200 fee for graduate students enrolled in MPKI 5P01 Professional Kinesiology Practicum I
  • $150 fee for undergraduate students enrolled in SPMA 4F01 Sport Management Internship Project
  • $150 fee for undergraduate students enrolled in RECL 4F02 Internship in Therapeutic Recreation

Nursing Clinical Placement Administrative Support Fee

  • $125 fee for undergraduate students enrolled in NUSC 2P14
  • $125 fee for undergraduate students enrolled in NUSC 2P16
  • $250 fee for undergraduate students enrolled in NUSC 2P80
  • $250 fee for undergraduate students enrolled in NUSC 3P80
  • $125 fee for undergraduate students enrolled in NUSC 3P90
  • $125 fee for undergraduate students enrolled in NUSC 3P92
  • $250 fee for undergraduate students enrolled in NUSC 4D80
  • $250 fee for undergraduate students enrolled in NUSC 4F96
  • $250 fee for undergraduate students enrolled in NURS 4L03
  • $300 fee for graduate students enrolled in NURS 5L05

Learn more about experiential education at Brock by visiting the Co-op, Career and Experiential Education website.