Syed Ejaz Ahmed

Office Mackenzie Chown D408
905 688 5550 x3421

  • Professor of Math & Statistics
  • Fellow, American Statistical Association
  • Fellow, Royal Statistical Society
  • Elected Member, International Statistical Institute
  • Review Editor Technometrics
  • Editor & Associate Editor of Several Journals

Ejaz Ahmed is professor of Mathematics and Statistics in the Faculty of Mathematics and Science. Before joining Brock, he was a professor and head of Mathematics at the University of Windsor and University of Regina. Prior to that, he had a faculty position at the University of Western Ontario. Further, he is a Senior Advisor to Sigma Analytics (Data Mining & Research), Regina.

He is an internationally known scholar and an established researcher. My research interests concentrate on big data, predictive modeling, data science, and statistical machine learning with applications in many walks of life. His research has been supported by a variety of grants from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada since 1987, the Canadian Institute of Health Research, Ontario Centre for Excellence (OCE) and other sources throughout my academic career. Importantly, his NSERC grant was renewed in 2017 for another five years, with “Outstanding (O)” in all three categories. According to that year’s competition statistics, only two applications overall from ALL small universities received a ranking of “OOO” or higher.

Ahmed was awarded the prestigious Bualuang ASEAN Chair Professorship. The University of Punjab, the largest and the oldest place of higher learning in Pakistan, named one of the auditoriums in his name. His paper entitled “Nonparametric Regression Estimates based on Imputation Techniques for Right-Censored Data,” received the Grand Prize Advancement Award by the International Society of Management Science and Engineering Management. The paper was selected by an international awards member team spanning 11 countries.

His research achievements have been recognized with honours and awards, including the prestigious status of Fellow of the American Statistical Association, editor/associate editorship to influential scientific journals, adjunct/visiting professorships, and invited scholarly talks around the globe. He has supervised numerous PhD/Master students and Post-doctoral Fellows. He is an elected member of the International Statistical Institute and a Fellow of the Royal Statistical Society. He served as a Board of Director and Chairman of the Education Committee of the Statistical Society of Canada.

Ahmed authored several books and edited/co-edited several volumes and special issues of scientific journals. He is in the process of finalizing special issues of two different journals and Ahmed has been the Technometrics Review Editor for the past ten years. Ahmed was a member of the Board of Directors of the Statistical Society of Canada and Chair of its Education Committee and also the Vice President of Communications for the International Society for Business and Industrial Statistics and member of the “Discovery Grants Evaluation Group” and the “Grant Selection Committee” of the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. So far, he published approximately 200 research articles in scientific journals and reviewed more than 100 books and travelled the globe doing 200 scholarly presentation.

Funding from OCE and NSERC’s Engagement grant have allowed him to apply innovative strategies in a partnership with a local company in St. Catharines, Ontario, including data analysts, statisticians, and software developers.

He organized several international workshops and sessions in conferences around the world. Ahmed has been organizing the International Workshop on the Perspectives on High-dimensional Data Analysis since 2011 with national and international collaborators.

The research activity has given him a unique opportunity to train highly qualified personnel (post-doctoral fellows, graduate students, research associates, research assistants, and junior faculty members). He collaborated and mentored researchers from many universities, including Columbia, Yale and the University of Michigan. He co-organized 13th International Conference on Management Science and Engineering Management held in August 2019 at Brock university. The Conference led to new international partnerships addressing critical issues in this field in including data engineering, cyber security and data streaming.

He developed the Master of Science and Doctoral Program in Statistics and produced the first PhD student from this program at the University of Regina. He also established the undergraduate co-op program in Statistics and is developing the undergraduate program in Actuarial Science. This program is expected to receive financial support from the public and private sector. This is the first time such a program is being established in Saskatchewan. He founded the under graduate internship program in actuarial science.


Doctor of Philosophy, Carleton University
Master of Science, University of Guelph
Master of Science in Statistics, University of Karachi
Bachelor of Science (Honors), University of Karachi

Employment / Appointment

January 2018 — December 2022: Dean, Faculty of Math and Science, Brock University
January 2012 — December 2016: Dean, Faculty of Math and Science, Brock University
January 2012 — : Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Brock University
July 2002 — December 2012: Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Windsor
2017 — 2020: External Assessor, University of Malay, Malaysia
2016 — 2021: Honorary Professor, Shanghai University of International Business and Economics, Shanghai China
2015 — 2020: Guest Professor, Sichuan University, China
2014 — 2019: Adjunct Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, McMaster University
2014 — 2018: Adjunct Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Western University
2013 — 2018: Adjunct Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Regina
July 2002 — June 2007 / July 2008 — December 2012: Head, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Windsor
July 2009 — June 2010: Adjunct Professor, KFUPM, KSA
July 1999 — June 2002: Head, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Regina
July 1998 — January 2003: Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Regina
July 1993 — June 1998: Associate Professor (tenured) Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Regina
September 1989 — June 1993: Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Regina
October 1987 — August 1989: Assistant Professor, Department of Statistical and Actuarial Sciences, The University of Western Ontario
January 1987 — September 1987: Lecturer, Department of Statistical and Actuarial Sciences, The University of Western Ontario

Professional Experience

July 2016 — Present: Founding Member, Centre for Business Analytics, Brock University
July 2006 — Present: Member of the Field Institute (Research in Mathematical Sciences) Corporation
July 2003 — Present: Founding Director, Center for Statistical Consulting and Research, University of Windsor
July 2002 — Present: Head, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, the University of Windsor
November 2000 — Present: Senior Advisor, Sigma Analytics (Data Mining & Reserach), A Division of HJ Linnen Associates, Regina
July 2003 — June 2006: Adjunct Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Regina
July 2001 — June 2006: Adjunct Professor, Faculty of Mathematical Science, Lahore University
September 2000 — January 2003: Associate Faculty Member, Faculty of Engineering, University of Regina
July 2000 — June 2003: Founding Director, Centre for Statistical Consulting and Research, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Regina
July 2000 — June 2003: Member, Board of Directors, Institute for Computational Discovery, University of Regina
July 1999 — June 2002: Head, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, the University of Regina
July 1998— June, 2002: Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, the University of Regina
January 1999 — June 1999: Acting Head (part time), Department of Mathematics and Statistics
2000 — Visitor, Universite Marne-la-Vallee, France
1999 — Visitor, University of Vaasa, Vaasa, Finland
December 1997 — Distinguished Visiting Scholar, Department of the Statistics, the University of Calcutta, India (declined)
November 1997 — Visitor, CRM, University of Montreal
July 1993 — June 1998: Associate Professor (tenured), Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Regina
December 1997 — March 1998: Visiting Professor, Department Community Health Sciences, Aga Khan Hospital and University, Karachi
August 1996 — Visiting Faculty, Department of Statistics, University Kebangsaan Malaysis, Malaysia
May 1995 — Visiting Professor, Department of Statistics and Operation Research, University of Exeter, Exeter, England
March 1993 — Visitor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Bowling Green University, Bowling Green, Ohio, USA
April 1993 — June 1993: Visiting Professor, Department of Statistics, University of Karachi, Karachi, Pakistan
April 1991 — March 1992: Statistical Consultant, Saskatchewan Health, Government of Saskatchewan, Regina
September 1989 — June 1993: Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Regina
October 1987 — August 1989: Assistant Professor, Department of Statistical and Actuarial Sciences,The University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario
January 1987 — September 1987: Lecturer, Department of Statistical and Actuarial Sciences, The University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario



Honorary Rank of Fellow, American Statistical Association (2009)

 Citation: “For outstanding contributions to theoretical and applied statistics; for leadership in teaching statistical science; and for an extensive and significant service to the profession.

“Each year the Committee on Fellows can elect no more than one-third of one percent of the total ASA membership as Fellows. Individuals are nominated for the honor by fellow members and must have an established reputation and made outstanding contributions in some aspect of statistical work to be selected.”


Educational and Other Contributions

  • Developed the undergraduate program in actuarial science. This program is receiving substantial financial support from the public and private sector. This is the first time such a program is being established in the Province of Saskatchewan, Canada.
  • Established the Statistical Consulting Service
  • Developed the Master of Science and Doctoral Program in Statistics and produced the first Ph.D. student from this program.
  • Established the under graduate co-op program in Statistics.
  • Founded the under graduate internship program in actuarial science.
  • Developing an under graduate combined program in Biology and Statistics.
  • Developing an under graduate combined program in Economics and Statistics.
  • Management Experience
  • Participated in a Workshop on a delicate balance: leading colleagues, University of Regina, October 26, 2000.
  • Participated in a Workshop on Integrity, & Accountability in Research & Scholarship. SSHRC/NSERC, August 23, 2000.
  • Participated in a Workshop on Managing Disruptive or Dangerous Conduct in the University, University of Regina, March 24, 2000.
  • Participated in a Workshop on Special Needs, University of Regina, February 11, 2000.
  • Participated in first meeting of Chairs of Mathematics Departments in Canada, organized by Canadian Mathematical Society, Montreal, November 20-21, 1999.
  • Participated in a workshop on Chairing the Academic Department, organized by American Council on Education (ACE), Washington, DC, USA, June 22-25, 1999.
  • Participated in a workshop on Strengthening Department Leadership, organized by Saskatchewan Universities, Emma Lake, May 30 – June 2, 1999.
  • Participated in a workshop on Dealing With Difficult People, organized by Saskatchewan Universities, Regina, March 18, 1999.


Teaching Experience

I developed and taught graduate courses in consulting, computing and data analysis, multivariate analysis, mathematical methods for statisticians, large sample theory and statistical inference. I also taught courses in parametric estimation, data analysis, advanced computational statistics, categorical data analysis, experimental design, operation research, mathematical statistics, statistical methods, sampling theory with applications, and mathematical methods for statisticians at both undergraduate and graduate level.


Honours and Awards

  • 2017—2022: NSERC Individual Discovery Grant: 2, $43,000.00 per year ($215,000.00 in total),(Research continuously supported by NSERC since 1987, beginning of my academic career)
  • 2011—2016/17* : NSERC individual discovery grant, $28,000.00 per year ($140,000.00 in total),[*Deferred the 2015 instalment]
  • CIHR Sub-Grant (co-investigator): Traffic and Road Injury Prevention Program for Canadian Children (TRIP), $10,000.00.
  • 2017: $5,000.00 to organize a workshop on International Workshop on Perspectives on High-dimensional Data Analysis VII, funded by CIMAT 
  • 2016: $10,000.00 to organize a workshop on International Workshop on Perspectives on High-dimensional Data Analysis VI, funded by NSF
  • 2016: $10,000.00 to organize a workshop on International Workshop on Perspectives on High-dimensional Data Analysis VI, funded by CANSSI 
  • 2015: To organize a workshop on International Workshop on Applied Topology and Perspectives on High-dimensional Data Analysis IV, funded by PIMS, & NSF. 
  • 2014: To organize a workshop on International Workshop on Perspectives on High-dimensional Data Analysis IV, funded by BIRS 
  • 2013: $9,700.00 to organize a workshop on International Workshop on Perspectives on High-dimensional Data Analysis III, funded by PIMS 
  • 2012 – 2013: AUTO 21 TRIP Grant: $10,000.00
  • 2012: $6,000.00 to organize a workshop on International Workshop on Matrices and Statistics, funded by Fields 
  • 2012: $9,800.00 to organize a workshop on International Workshop on Perspectives on High-dimensional Data Analysis II, funded by CRM
  • 2011: $8,400.00 to organize a workshop on International Workshop on Perspectives on High-dimensional Data Analysis Fields Institute, Toronto funded by Fields Institute
  • 2011-2013: Member, NSERC Evaluation Group 1508
  • 2009: Performance Award, Faculty of Science, U of Windsor
  • 2009: Faculty Appreciation Award, U of Windsor
  • 2007 – : The Judge for the Technometrics Best Book Award
  • 2007: Visiting Research Scholar Award, University of Canberra, Australia
  • 2007: Field Institute (Research in Mathematical Sciences) Conference grant
  • 2006: OPUS, Faculty Award, organization of part-time students, University of Windsor
  • ISOSS-PSA Award (a certificate and a plaque) for the outstanding contribution to the subject
  • Several overseas travel grants
  • 2002: WCB, Saskatchewan ($150,000)
  • 2002: Special Issue of Pakistan Journal of Statistics in my recognition. Edited by Professor S. Provost (Canada), volume 18 (2), 143-321.
  • 2001: Actuarial Science program: Saskatchewan Government Insurance ($250,000)
  • 2001: Canada Life ($50,000), The Co-operators (\$100,000)
  • 2001: ISOSS Gold Medal in recognition of outstanding contribution to the development and promotion of statistical sciences
  • 1997: CRM Conference grant (with N. Reid)
  • 1991, 1996, 2001: NSERC Equipment (joint)
  • 1989: University of Regina President’s NSERC Fund
  • Elected Member, International Statistical Institute
  • Fellow, Royal Statistical Society, England


  • Many scientific papers for various Journals

Workshop / Session Organizer

  • Member, Committee on Publication, American Statistical Association (ASA) – 2007 – Present
  • Co-chair, scientific & organizing committee — Workshop on International Workshop on Perspectives on High-dimensional Data Analysis V, U of Vitoria — funded by PIMS (2015).
  • Invited Session organizer, 8th International Conference of the ERCIM WG on COMPUTING & STATISTICS (ERCIM’11), London (2015).
  • Invited Session organizer, Statistical Society of Canada (SSC) Halifax (2015).
  • Chair, scientific & organizing committee, Workshop on International Workshop on Perspectives on High-dimensional Data Analysis IV, BIRS, Banff– funded by BIRS (2014).
  • Invited Session organizer, 7th International Conference of the ERCIM WG on COMPUTING & STATISTICS (ERCIM’11), Pisa, Italy (2014).
  • Invited Session organizer, International Symposium on Business and Industrial Statistics/ Conference of the ASA Section on Statistical Learning and Data Mining: Data Mining in Business and Industry (2014).
  • Chair, International Organizing Committee, the 22nd International Workshop on Matrices and Statistics, Fields, Toronto, (2013).
  • Organizer and Presenter, Roundtable Presentation, Perspectives on High-Dimensional Data Analysis, Joint Statistical Meeting, ASA Quality and Productivity Section Montreal (2013).
  • Scientific program committee member, 6th International Conference of the ERCIM WG on COMPUTING & STATISTICS (ERCIM’11), Senate House, University of London (2013).
  • Invited Session organizer, 6th International Conference of the ERCIM WG on COMPUTING & STATISTICS (ERCIM’11), London, UK (2013).
  • Chair, organizing committee, Workshop on International Workshop on Perspectives on High-dimensional Data Analysis III, UBC, Vancouver– funded by PIMS (2013).
  • Chair, organizing committee, Workshop on International Workshop on Perspectives on High-dimensional Data Analysis II, CRM, Montreal– funded by CRM (2012).
  • Invited Session organizer – Joint Statistical Meeting, San Diego (2012).
  • Invited Session organizer, Statistical Society of Canada (SSC) Guelph (2012).
  • Chair, organizing committee, Workshop on International Workshop on Perspectives on High-dimensional Data Analysis, Fields Institute, Toronto — funded by Fields Institute.
  • Invited Session organizer, 5th International Conference of the ERCIM WG on COMPUTING & STATISTICS (ERCIM’11), Oviedo, Spain (2012).
  • Scientific program committee member, 5th International Conference of the ERCIM WG on COMPUTING & STATISTICS (ERCIM’11), Oviedo, Spain (2012).
  • Scientific program committee member, 4th International Conference of the ERCIM WG on COMPUTING & STATISTICS (ERCIM’11), Senate House, University of London, UK (2011).
  • Organized an invited session on 4th CSDA International Conference of the on COMPUTIONAL and Financial ECOMETRICS (CFE’10), Senate House, University of London, UK (2010).
  • Program director/Chair, LOC, Canadian Math Society (CMS), winter Meeting, Windsor (2009).
  • Session Organizer, CMS winter Meeting, Windsor (2009).
  • Member IOC, 16- 19 th International Workshop on Matrices and Statistics, Portugal, Slovakia, China, Estonia, Poland (2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012).
  • Chair, LOC and member IOC, the 16th International Workshop on Matrices and Statistics, Windsor, (2007).
  • A roundtable meeting on empirical Bayes and shrinkage estimation, sponsored by SSC, JSM, Salt lake city (2007).
  • Co-organized (with G. Styan, McGill) an international conference on Southern Ontario Matrices and Statistics, Windsor. (2005).
  • Organized a Symposium on What are the chances: A mathematical perspective, Statistical and Related Fields Research Group (SRFRG), Regina (2001)
  • Organized a one-day scientific meeting on Statistics and Related topics, SRFRG, Regina (2001).
  • Organized an invited session on Practical Software Tools for Statistical Analysis, Annual meeting of Statistical Canada, Regina (1999).
  • Chaired a session, The 52nd Session of the International Statistical Institute, Helsinki, Finland (1999).
  • Co-organized (with D. Farenick and S. Kirkland) two invited sessions on Interaction between Statistics and Matrix Theory, Annual meeting of Statistical Society of Canada, Regina (1999).
  • Co-organized (with D. Hanson, G. Russell and M. Tingley) a workshop on Teacher In-Service, Annual meeting of Statistical Society of Canada, Regina (1999).
  • Co-organized (with N. Reid, U of Toronto) an international workshop on Empirical Bayes and Likelihood Inference, Montreal. CRM, University of Montreal sponsored this workshop (1997).
  • Organized and chaired a session, International Conference on EnvironMetrics, Italy (1992).
  • Chaired a session, International Symposium on Nonparametric Statistics & Related Topics, Carleton University, Ottawa (1991).
  • Organized and chaired a session, International Conference on EnvironMetrics, Wisconsin, Madison (1991).
  • Organized a Statistics Day, The University of Regina (1990).
  • Organized an International Decision Theory Day, The University of Western Ontario (1989).
  • Organized an Inter-University Seminar, The University of Western Ontario (1988).


Membership on Boards / Committees / Task Forces

  • Member, Math Review Task Force, Council of Ontario Universities (2005)
  • Member, Task Force on Faculty Recruitment, Renewal and Retention, U of R (2000-2003)
  • Local representative, Statistical Society of Canada (1999-2003)
  • Member, Local organizing committee, Annual meeting of Statistical Society of Canada, Regina (1999)
  • Focus group facilitators, Planning and Priorities committee, University of Regina (1998-99)
  • Co-chair, Chautaqua sub-committee, 25th anniversary, University of Regina (1999-2000)
  • Faculty of Science representative to Faculty of Arts (1998-2000)
  • Vice-President, Islamic Association of Saskatchewan – Regina 1993-94
  • Secretary, Pakistan Canada Cultural Association – Regina 1999-01
  • Secretary, Islamic Association of Saskatchewan – Regina 1992-93
  • President, Pakistan Canada Cultural Association Regina Inc. – 1990-92
  • President, Islamic Association of Saskatchewan – Regina 1994-96
  • Member, executive committee of University of Regina faculty association (1997-99)
  • Co-ordinator, Regina Urdu Language School – Regina 1992-97
  • Co-ordinator and Founding Member, Muslims for Peace and Justice – Regina 2001
  • Chairman, Mosaic Committee, Pakistan Canada Cultural Association – Regina 1997-98
  • Member, 25th anniversary committee, University of Regina (1999-2000)
  • Member, Member 25th anniversary logo contest committee, University of Regina (1999)
  • Chairman, Education Committee, SSC, 1995-1996,
  • Teller, Election Committee, SSC, 1996
  • Member, Education Committee, SSC, 1994-1995
  • Chairman, regional committee of Islamic Society of Statistical Sciences (ISOSS) for USA/Canada (1991)
  • Member International Organizing Committee for Islamic Countries Conference on Statistical Sciences (ICCS), Malaysia (1990)
  • Chairman, Canada Finance Committee for ISOSS (1988)
  • Co-ordinator, Co-op program in Mathematics and Statistics, University of Regina (U of R), 1997-
  • Faculty of Science representative to Faculty of Arts, U of R, 1998-1999
  • Executive Committee, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, U of R, 1995-1997
  • Public Relations Committee, Faculty of Science, U of R, 1994
  • President ‘s NSERC Committee, U of R, 1992-1994
  • Graduate Affairs Committee, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, U of R, 1989-1993
  • Faculty of Science representative to Faculty of Administration, U of R, 1991-1992.
  • Statistics Curriculum Committee, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, U of R, 1989-1991
  • Graduate Affairs Committee, Department of Statistical and Actuarial Sciences, The University of Western Ontario (U.W.O), 1988-1989
  • PhD Supervisory Committee, Department of Statistical and Actuarial Sciences, U.W.O, 1988-1989
  • Colloquium Chairman, Department of Statistical and Actuarial Sciences, U.W.O, 1988-1989
  • Joint Committee on Mathematics, U.W.O and Area Schools Boards, 1988-1989.


Consulting Activities

  • Statistical Analysis and Interpretation: Fetal Choroid Plexus: How Invasive Should We be? ( Regina General Hospital)
  • Statistical Analysis and Interpretation: Trends in the diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy-Does color Doppler imaging aid in the diagnosis (Regina General Hospital).
  • Prepared course description on quality control for continuing education purposes at the Laboratory & Disease Control Services Branch of Saskatchewan Health.
  • Responded to calls from CBC Television (Regina) for the calculation of the probability of winning the Coca-Cola Bingo paradox.
  • Appeared on CBC Television (Regina) clarifying the above calculated probability.
  • Explaining the steps of the labor force survey in Saskatchewan to a CBC Television (Regina) reporter.
  • Inference concerning correlation coefficient in non-linear regression for Environmental engineering.


A Sample of International Academic Visits 

  • Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, 2017
  • University of Florida, 2016
  • Stanford University, 2015
  • Sichuan University, China, 2015, 2016, 2017
  • Thammasat University, Bangkok, Thailand , 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017
  • Beijing Institute of Technology, China, 2015
  • Columbia University, 2012, 2014
  • City University, Hong Kong, 2014
  • Yale University, 2013
  • Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México, 2012
  • Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden, 2011
  • Three universities (in Istanbul , Izmir and Malatya) Turkey
  • Hunan University, Changsha, China
  • Renmin University, Beijing, China
  • Chineses Academic of Sciences, Beijing, China
  • King Khalid university, Abah, KSA
  • King Saud university, Riyadh, KSA
  • KFUPM, Dhahran, KSA
  • University of Canberra, Australia
  • University of Wollonong, Australia
  • University of Auckland, New Zealand
  • University of Queensland, Australia
  • Victoria University, New Zealand
  • University of Cyprus, Nicosia
  • University of Trento, Italy
  • Universidade Tecnica de Lisboa, Portugal
  • University of Tokyo, Japan
  • University of Tsukuba, Japan
  • Institute of Statistical Sciences, Japan
  • Kuwait University, Kuwait
  • University of Exeter, England
  • Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysis, Malaysia
  • Aga Khan Hospital and University, Pakistan
  • University of Vaasa, FinlandStatistics Canada


Public Lectures

  • Big Data Analytics, KFUPM, Saudi Arabia, October 2017
  • Writing a Research Proposal, Hamdan Bin Mohammed Smart University (HBMSU), Dubai
  • Environment, Energy, and Commercial Civilizations: Statistical Challenges and opportunities. International Conference on Environment, Energy, and Commercial Civilizations, Sichuan University, China, October 2015
  • Science Education: Preparing a New Generation for an Exciting (and challenging) Future. Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences, September 2016
  • Statistical and Machine Learning with Applications to Healthcare Data. Center of Excellence in Health System and Medical Research (CE-HSMR), Walailak University, Thailand, May 22, 2017


Public Awareness / Education 

  • Speaker, ISI Invited Panel on Leadership, ISI meeting, Rio, Brazil, 2015
  • Co-organizer, CMS Department Head Meeting, University of British Columbia, 2011
  • Co-organizer, CMS Department Head Meeting, McMaster University, 2010
  • Co-organizer, CMS Department Head Meeting, University of Saskatchewan, 2009
  • Member, Math Review Task Force, Council of Ontario Universities, 2005-2007
  • Participated in workshop on Academic Leadership, organized by University of Manitoba, held in Toronto, 2005
  • Active participation at Math Education Forum (Field Institute), 2003-2010
  • Founded and co-chaired the first three Chairs of Statistics Departments in Canada, Vancouver (2001), Hamilton (2002), Halifax (2003)
  • Presentation on Budget Planning at 5th meeting of Chairs of Mathematics Departments in Canada, Banff, 2003
  • Presentation on Strategic Planning at 4th meeting of Chairs of Mathematics Departments in Canada, Toronto, 2002
  • Director, Al-Hijra School Board, Windsor, 2002
  • Presentation on Retention and Recruitment of faculty at 3rd meeting of Chairs of Mathematics Departments in Canada, Ottawa, 2001
  • Participated in 16th Annual Department Chairs Colloquium, Managing and Growing Your Department in Washington, DC, organized by Board on Mathematical Science, November 9-10, 2001
  • Participated in a workshop on Faculty Recruitment in Competitive times, organized by University of Regina, October 2, 2001
  • Presentation on Co-op program in mathematics and statistics at 2nd meeting of Chairs of Mathematics Departments in Canada, Field Institute, Toronto, 2000
  • Participated in a workshop on Special Needs, organized by University of Regina, February 11, 2000
  • Judge, Qu’ Appelle Regional Science Fair, 2000
  • Judge, Regina Regional Science Fair, 2000
  • Participated in first meeting of Chairs of Mathematics Departments in Canada, organized by Canadian Mathematical Society, Montreal, November 20-21, 1999
  • Participated in a workshop on Chairing the Academic Department, organized by American Council on Education, Washington, DC, USA, June 22-25, 1999
  • Participated in workshops on Strengthening Department Leadership, organized by Saskatchewan Universities, Emma Lake, May 30 – June 2, 1999 and June 2001
  • Participated in a workshop on Dealing with Difficult People, organized by Saskatchewan Universities, Regina, March 18, 1999
  • An invited address to Raymore School Grade 12 students, organized by Innovators, 1999
  • Participated in the Teaching Development Center Instructional Technology Survey, 1999
  • Participated in the Focus Group organized by the University of Regina and the University of Saskatchewan Partnership program Technology Survey, 1999
  • Chief Judge for statistical projects, Canada Wide Youth Science Fair, 1997
  • Presenter of SSC awards, Canada Wide Youth Science Fair, 1997
  • Judge for Undergraduate Data Analysis Competition, 1997
  • Experience working with research grants applications (NSERC, SSHRC, OGS and other funding agencies)

Refereed Publications

  1. F. Fang, J. Zhao, S. E. Ahmed and A. Qiu (2020). A Weak-signal-assisted Procedure for Variable Selection and Statistical Inference with an Informative Subsample, final revision submitted to Biometrics.
  2. B. Yüzbasi, M. Arashi and S. E. Ahmed (2020). Shrinkage Estimation Strategies in Generalised Ridge Regression Models: Low/High-Dimension Regime. International Statistical Review, 1–23
  3. B. Yüzbasi and S. E. Ahmed (2020).  Ridge Type Shrinkage Estimating of Seemingly Unrelated Regressions: An Application on Economic Data from “Fragile Five” Countries.  Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 13(6), 131;
  4. Sadeghkhani, A., & S. Ejaz Ahmed (2020). On Predictive Distribution of K-Inflated Poisson Models With and Without Additional Information. Revista Colombiana de Estadística – Applied Statistics, 43, 1-10..
  5. Zareamoghaddam, H., Ahmed, S.E. and Provost, S.B (2020). Shrinkage estimation applied to a semi-nonparametric regression model.  The International Journal of Biostatistics, DOI: 10.1515/ijb-2018-0109
  6. Sadeghkhani, A., & S. Ejaz Ahmed (2020). The application of predictive distribution estimation in multiple-inflated Poisson models to ice hockey data. To appear in journal of Model Assisted Statistics & Application.
  7. S. Phukongtog, S. Lisawadi and S. E. Ahmed (2020).  Penalty, Post Pretest and Shrinkage Strategies in a Partially Linear Model. To appear in Communications in Statistics – Simulation and Computation.
  8. E. Yılmaz, S. E. Ahmed and D. Aydın (2020). A‐spline regression for fitting a nonparametric regression function with censored data, Stats, 3, 120–136; doi:10.3390/stats3020011
  9. S. Lisawadi, S. E. Ahmed and O. Reangsephet, (2020). Post estimation and prediction strategies in negative binomial regression model. To appear in International Journal of Modelling and Simulation
  10. O. Reangsephet, S. Lisawadi and S. E. Ahmed (2020). Adaptive Estimation Strategies in Gamma Regression Model. Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice
  11. S. Ejaz Ahmed, H. Kim, G. Yıldırım, and B.Yüzbaşı (2019). High-Dimensional Regression Under Correlated Design: An Extensive Simulation Study. Matrices, Statistics and Big Data, Springer, 177-190
  12. L. Li, A. N. Vidyashankar, G. Diao, and S. E. Ahmed (2019). Robust Inference after Random Projections via Hellinger Distance for Location-Scale Family. Entropy, 1-40.
  13. S. Ejaz Ahmed, K. Es-Sebaiy, A. Hussein, I. Ouassou and A. Snowdon (2019). An Efficient Estimation Strategy in Autoregressive Conditional Poisson Model with Applications to Hospital Emergency Department Data. Matrices, Statistics and Big Data, Springer,
  14. A. Sadeghkhani and S. Ejaz Ahmed (2019). A Bayesian Approach to Predict the Number of Goals in Hockey, Stats,
  15. D. Aydın, S. Ejaz Ahmed & E. Yılmaz (2019). Estimation of semiparametric regression mode with right-censored high-dimensional data. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation,
  16. T. Zhang, Y. Huang, Q. Zhang, S. Ma, S. Ejaz Ahmed (2019). Penalized Relative Error Estimation of a Partially Functional Linear Multiplicative Model. Matrices, Statistics and Big Data, Springer, 127-144
  17. A. Sadeghkhani, S. Ejaz Ahmed (2019). Bayesian Predictive Densities as an Interpretation of a Class of Skew–Student t Distributions with Application to Medical Data. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1001, Springer
  18. Y. Li, H. G. Hong, S. E. Ahmed, and L. Yi (2018).  Weak signals in high-dimensional regression: Detection, estimation and prediction. Journal of Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry,
  19. Mengyun Wu, Yaqing Xu, S. Ejaz Ahmed, Shuangge Ma (2018). Robust gene-environment interaction analysis using penalized trimmed regression Estimation of semiparametric regression mode with right-censored high-dimensional data. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation,
  20. Arashi, M., Norouzirad, M., Ahmed, S. Ejaz, and Yuzbasi, B. (2017).  Rank-based Liu regression. Computational Statistics, 33, 1525–1561
  21. S. Lisawadi, S. E. Ahmed, O. Reangsephet and M.K. Shah (2018). Simultaneous estimation of Cronbach’s alpha coefficients. Communications in Statistics – Theory and Methods.
  22. H. Chai, Q. Zhang, Y. Jiang, S. Zhang, S. E. Ahmed and S. Ma (2017). Identifying gene-environment interactions for prognosis using a robust approach. Econometrics and Statistics, 4, 105-120.
  23. S. Ejaz Ahmed, Hwanwoo Kim, Gokhan Yildirim, and Bahadir Yuzbasi (2017). High Dimensional Regression under Correlated Design: An Extensive Simulation Study. To be published, (S.E. Ahmed, Editor), Springer-Verlag.
  24. (DISCUSSION PAPER) X.Gao, S. E. Ahmed, Y. Feng (2017). Post Selection Shrinkage Estimation for High Dimensional Data Analysis. Journal of Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry. Stochastic Models Bus. Ind., 33, 97–120.
  25. (Rejoinder) X.Gao, S. E. Ahmed, Y. Feng (2017). Post Selection Shrinkage Estimation for High Dimensional Data Analysis. Journal of Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry. Appl. Stochastic Models Bus. Ind, 3, 131–135.
  26. Ejaz Ahmed, Hwanwoo Kim, Gokhan Yildirim, and Bahadir Yuzbasi (2017). High Dimensional Regression under Correlated Design: An Extensive Simulation Study. To be published, (S.E. Ahmed, Editor), Springer-Verlag.
  27. E. Ahmed and B. Yüzbaşı (2017). High Dimensional Data Analysis: Integrating Submodels. Big and Complex Data Analysis (Editor: S. Ejaz Ahmed), Springer, 285-304.
  28. K. A. Shah, S. Lisawadi and S. Ejaz Ahmed (2017). Merging data from multiple sources: pretest and shrinkage perspectives. Journal of Statistical Computation & Simulation. Published online.
  29. Zahra1, S. Lisawadi1, S. Ejaz Ahmed (2017). Meta-Analysis, Pretest and Shrinkage Estimation of Kurtosis Parameters. Communications in Statistics – Simulation and Computation.
  30. Rahman, J. Gao, C. D’Este and S. Ejaz Ahmed. An Assessment of the Effects of Prior Distributions on the Bayesian Predictive Inference (2016). International Journal of Statistics and Probability, 5.
  31. (INVITED PAPER) S. E. Ahmed and Yüzbaşı (2016). Big Data Analytics: Integrating Penalty Strategies. International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management. Published online.
  32. Al-Momani, M., Hussein, A. A., and S. E.Ahmed (2016). Penalty and related estimation strategies in the spatial error model, Statistica Neerlandica, Published online.
  33. E. Ahmed and M. Amezziane (2016). Shrinkage-Based Semiparametric Density Estimation. Statistical Methodology. Published online.
  34. R. Gel, V.Lyubchich and S. E. Ahmed (2016). Catching Uncertainty of Wind: A Blend of Sieve Bootstrap and Regime Switching Models for Probabilistic Short-term Forecasting of Wind Speed. Accepted for publication.
  35. Yüzbaşı and S. Ejaz Ahmed (2016). Shrinkage and Penalized Estimation in Semi-Parametric Models with Multi-collinear Data. Journal of Statistical Computation & Simulation. Published online.
  36. Hossaina, S. E Ahmed, Yi, G. Y., and Chen, B. (2016). Shrinkage and Pretest Estimators for Longitudinal Data Analysis Under Partially Linear Models. Journal of Nonparametric Statistics. Accepted for publication.
  37. Lisawadi , M. K. A. Shah and S. Ejaz Ahmed (2016). Model Selection and Post Estimation Based on a Pretest for Logistic Regression Models. Journal of Statistical Computation & Simulation. Published online.
  38. Hossaina, S. E Ahmed, K. A. Doksum (2015) Shrinkage, Pretest, and Penalty Estimators in Generalized Linear Models. Statistical Methodology, 24, 52–68.
  39. Yüzbaşı and S. Ejaz Ahmed (2015). Shrinkage Ridge Regression Estimators in High-Dimensional Linear Models. Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Management Science and Engineering Management Volume 362 of the series Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 793-807.
  40. E. Ahmed, I. Kareev, S. Suraphee, Andrei Volodin, Igor Volodin (2014). Confidence sets based on the positive part James-Stein estimator with the asymptotically constant coverage probability. Journal of Statistical Computation & Simulation. Published online: 2014.
  41. Fallahpour and S. Ejaz Ahmed (2014). Shrinkage estimation and variable selection in multiple regression models with random coefficient autoregressive errors. Statistics & Probability Letters, 92, 199-208.
  42. Ma · S. Liu and S. Ejaz Ahmed (2014). Shrinkage estimation for the mean of the inverse. Gaussian population. Metrika , 77, 733–752.
  43. Hossain and S. Ejaz Ahmed (2014). Shrinkage estimation and selection for a logistic regression model. Contemporary Mathematics, 622, Editor: S. Ejaz Ahmed.
  44. E. Ahmed, A. Hussein and Marwan Al-Momani (2014). Efficient estimation for the conditional autoregressive model. Journal of Statistical Computation & Simulation. Published online: 08 Apr 2014.
  45. Fallahpour and S. E. Ahmed (2013). Variable selection and post-estimation of regression parameters using qusi-likelihood approach.  Multivariate Statistics, T. Kollo (editor), 1-13, World Scientific: USA.
  46. Hossain, S. Ejaz Ahmed and H. A. Howlader (2012). Model selection and parameter estimation of a multinomial logistic regression model. Journal of Statistical Computation & Simulation. Online.
  47. E. Ahmed and S. Fallahpour (2012). Shrinkage Estimation Strategy in Quasi-Likelihood Models. Statistics & Probability Letters, 82, 2170-2179.
  48. M.E. Raheem and S. E. Ahmed and K. A. Doksum (2012). Absolute penalty and shrinkage estimation in partially linear models. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 56, 874-891.
  49. Hossain, S. and Ahmed, S. E. (2012).  Shrinkage and penalty estimators of a Poisson regression model. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics, 54, 359-373.
  50. E. Ahmed, M.H. Omar and A. H. Joarder (2012). Stabilizing the performance of kurtosis estimator of multivariate data. Communications in Statistics – Simulation and Computation, 41, 1860-1871.
  51. Hu, F. Liu and S. E. Ahmed (2012). Estimation of parameters in the growth curve model via an outer product least squares approach. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 108, 53-66.
  52. E. Ahmed and C. Nicol (2012). An Application of Shrinkage Estimation to the Nonlinear Regression Model. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 56, 3309-3321.
  53. E. Ahmed and S. E. Raheem, (2012). Shrinkage and absolute penalty estimation in linear models, WIREs Computational Statistics, 4:541–553.
  54. E. Ahmed, S. Hossain, and K. A. Doksum (2012). LASSO and shrinkage estimation in Weibull censored regression models. Journal of Statistical Inference and Planning, 12, 1273-1284.
  55. Chitsaz and S. E. Ahmed (2012). An improved estimation parameter matrix in multivariate regression model. Communications in Statistics — Theory and Methods, 41, 2305-2320.
  56. Chitsaz and S. E. Ahmed (2012). Shrinkage estimation for the regression parameter matrix in multivariate regression model. Journal of Statistical Computation & Simulation. 82, 309-323.
  57. Fallahpour, S. E. Ahmed and K. A. Doksum (2012). L1 Penalty and Shrinkage Estimation in Linear Models with Random Coefficient Autoregressive Errors.  Journal of Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, 28, 236-250.
  58. E. Ahmed and S.M.E. Raheem (2012) Positive-shrinkage and pretest estimation in multiple regressions: A Monte Carlo study with applications. Journal of the Iranian Statistical Society, 10, 267-289.
  59. Hussein, S. Ejaz Ahmed and S. Bhatti (2012). Sequential testing of process capability indices. Journal of Statistical Computation & Simulation, 82, 279-292.
  60. E. Ahmed, Muttlak, H. Al-Mutawa and M. Saheh (2012). Stein-Type Estimation using Ranked Set Sampling. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 82, 1501-1516.
  61. E. Ahmed and S. Chitsaz (2011). Databased Adaptive Estimation in an Investment Model. Communications in Statistics — Theory and Methods. 40, 3540—3554.
  62. Manoel Neto, Francisco José A. Cysneiros, Víctor Leiva and S. Ejaz Ahmed (2012). On New Parameterizations of the Birnbaum-Saunders Distribution. Pakistan Journal of Statistics, 28.
  63. Nkurunziza, S., and Ahmed, S. E., (2011). Estimation Strategies for the Regression Coefficient Parameter Matrix in Multivariate Multiple Regression. Statistica Neerlandica.
  64. Muttlak , H, S. E. Ahmed and M. Al-Momani (2010). Shrinkage estimation in Replicated Median Ranked Set Sampling. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 80, 1185-1196.
  65. A. Muttlak, S. Ejaz Ahmed and Marwan Al-Momani (2011).  Estimation using Two-Sample and Large Sample Theory in Ranked Set Sampling. Pakistan Journal of Statistics, 27, 241-256.
  66. E. Ahmed, T. Quadir and S. Nkurunziza (2010). Optimal Shrinkage Estimation. International Encyclopaedia of Statistical Science, M. Lovric (editor), Springer.
  67. E. Ahmed, E. Raheem and S. Hossain (2010). Absolute Penalty Estimation. International Encyclopaedia of Statistical Science, M. Lovric (editor), Springer.
  68. E. Ahmed, S. Chitsaz and S. Fallahpouri (2010). Shrinkage Preliminary Test Estimation. International Encyclopaedia of Statistical Science, M. Lovric (editor), Springer.
  69. E. Ahmed, A. Hussein and S. Nkurunziza (2010). Robust inference strategy in the presence of measurements error. Statistics & Probability Letters, 80, 726-732.
  70. Pathak, Jagdish, Hussein, Abdul Kadir, Sriram, Ram S. and Ahmad, S. Ejaz, On Measuring the Criticality of Various Variables and Processes in Organization Information Systems: Proposed Methodological Procedure (February 9, 2010). Informatica Economica, Vol. 14, No. 2, 2010.
  71. E. Ahmed and S. Liu (2009). Asymptotic theory of simultaneous estimation of Poisson means. Linear Algebra and its Applications 430, 2734–2748.
  72. Nkurunziza and S. E. Ahmed (2009).  Shrinkage Drift Parameter Estimation for Multi-factor Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Processes. Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, 26,103–124.
  73. Liu, S.E. Ahmed, and L.Y. Ma (2009). Influence diagnostics in the linear regression model with stochastic linear restrictions. Pak. J. Statist, 25, 647-662.
  74. Nkurunziza and S. E. Ahmed (2009). Testing Conversion Efficiency for Some Cyclic Predator-prey Populations. International Journal of Statistics, 9, 285-302.
  75. Q. Wang, L. Zhang, S.E. Ahmed and N. Aziz (2009). Renovated partial plots and hat matrix for censored regression model. Pak. J. Statist. 25, 631-645.
  76. E. Ahmed, K. Budsaba, S. Lisawadi and A. I. Volodin (2008). Parametric estimation for the Birnbaum-Saunders lifetime distribution based on a new parameterization. Thailand Statistician, 6, 213-240.
  77. E. Ahmed, A. I. Volodin and I. N. Volodin (2009). High order approximation for the coverage probability by confident set centered at the positive-part James-stein estimator.  Statistics and Probability Letters, 79, 1823-1828.
  78. Hossain, K. A. Doksum , and S.E. Ahmed (2009). Positive shrinkage, improved pretest and absolute penalty estimators in partially linear models. Linear Algebra and its Applications, 430 2749–2761.
  79. Wang and S.E. Ahmed (2009). Point estimation for multi-spectral distributed random matrices. Accepted for publication in Linear Algebra and its Application,430, 2581–2591.
  80. Bakilzi and S. E. Ahmed (2008). On the estimation of reliability function in a Weibull lifetime distribution. Statistics, 42, 351-362.
  81. Pathak, A.A. Hussein and S. E. Ahmed (2008). What E-commerce Audit Planners Should Remember: The top 10 Global CSFs for B2B Audit. Information System Control Journal, 1-4.
  82. Buhamra, N. Al-Kandarri and S. E. Ahmed (2008). Inference on effect size indices from several two-armed experiments. Accepted for publication in Statistical Papers.
  83. Lihua, An and S. E. Ahmed (2008). Improving the performance of kurtosis estimator. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 52, 2669-2681.
  84. Snowdown, A. W., A.Hussein, and  E. Ahmed (2008). Children at risk: Predictors of car safety seat misuse in Ontario. Accident Analysis and Prevention.
  85. E. Ahmed, S. Nkurunziza, and Liu, S. (2008). Improved Estimation Strategy in Multi-factor Vasicek Model. Statistical Inference, Econometric Analysis and Matrix Algebra:Festschrift in Honour of Götz Trenkler, Springer, 255-270.
  86. Snowdown, A. W., A.Hussein, L. High, L, Sttamler, J. Miller, L. Patrick and S.E. Ahmed (2008). The Effectiveness of a Multi-Media Intervention for Parents on Knowledge of Safety Seat Use for Children. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 23, 126-139.
  87. E. Ahmed, K. A. Doksum , S. Hossain, and Jinhong You (2007) . Shrinkage, Pretest and Absolute Penalty Estimators in Partially Linear Models.  Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics, 49, 435-454.
  88. E. Ahmed, A.A. Hussein and M. N. Goria (2007). Gamma Mixture: Bimodality, Inflexions and L-Moments. To appear in Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods.
  89. Pathak, S.Nkurunziza and  S. E. Ahmed (2007). General theory of cost minimization strategies of continuous audit of data bases. Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 26, 621–633.
  90. Buhamra, N. Al-Kandarri and S. E. Ahmed (2007). Nonparametric inference strategies for the quantile functions under left truncation and right censoring. Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 19, 189 – 198.
  91. Al-Kandari, N. M., BuHamra, S. S., and S. E. Ahmed (2007). Merging information for effect size estimation.  Journal of Applied Statistics, 34, 47-60.
  92. E. Ahmed, E. Saleh, A. I. Volodin and I. N. Volodin (2007). Asymptotic expansion of the coverage probability of James-Stein Estimators.  Journal of Theory of Probability and its Applications, 51, 683-695.
  93. Kozak, M., Gozdowski, D., Hossain, S., Ahmed, S.E., Laudanski, Z., Wyszynski, Z. (2006). Canonical correlations in studying grain yield and protein content as affected by yield components: An ontogenetic approach. Plant Breeding and Seed Science, 54, 17-27.
  94. E. Ahmed, A.A. Hussein and P. K. Sen (2006). Risk comparison of some shrinkage M-estimators in linear models. Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 18, 401-415.
  95. An L., S. E. Ahmed and A. Ali (2006). Tumor growth rate approximation-assisted estimation, Cancer Informatics, 2, 217-224.
  96. E. Ahmed, L. An, and S. Nkrunziza (2006). Improving the estimation of eigenvectors under quadratic loss. Calcutta Statistical Association Bulletin, 58.
  97. Ghori, S. E. Ahmed and A. A. Hussen (2006). Shrinkage Estimation of Gini index. Contribution to Probability and Statistic: Application and Challenges, World Scientific publication.
  98. U. Khan and S. E. Ahmed (2006). Comparisons of improved risk estimators of the multivariate mean vector. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 50, 402-421.
  99. E. Ahmed, R. Ghori, M.N. Goria and A. A. Hussain (2006). Merging Gini’s indices under quadratic loss. Statistica & Applicazioni IV 47-55.
  100. E. Ahmed and C. J. Nicol (2005). Shrinkage estimation of the dose for a given mortality (2005).  Journal of Applied Statistical Science, 14, 205-223.
  101. Al-Kandarri, S. Buhamra and S. E. Ahmed (2005). Estimating and testing effect size from an arbitrary population. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 75, 987-1001.
  102. S. E. Ahmed, A. I. Volodin, and A. A. Hussein (2005). Robust weighted likelihood estimation of exponential parameters. IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 54, 389-395.
  103. E. Ahmed, D. Li, A. Rosalsky and A. I. Volodin (2005). On the asymptotic probability for the deviations of dependent bootstrap means from the sample mean. Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics, 18, 3-20.
  104. S. E. Ahmed (2005).  Assessing process capability index for nonnormal processes. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 129, 195-206.
  105. Buhamra, N. Al-Kandarri and S. E. Ahmed (2004). Inference concerning quantile for left truncated and right censored data. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 46, 819-831.
  106. E. Ahmed and W. J. Krzanowski (2004). Biased estimation in a simple multivariate regression model. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 45, 689-696.
  107. U. Khan and S. E. Ahmed (2003). Improved estimation of coefficient vector in a regression model. Communications in Statistics–Simulation and Computation, 32, 747-769.
  108. E. Ahmed (2003). Pooling Component means: Making sense or folly. New Developments in Psychometrics, 443-449, Springer-Verlag: Tokyo.
  109. E. Ahmed and S. M. Khan (2002). Using several data to structure efficient estimation of intraclass correlation coefficients. Measurement and Multivariate Analysis, Springer-Verlag:Tokyo.
  110. E. Ahmed, R. G. Antonini and A.I. Volodin (2002). On the rate of complete convergence for weighted sums of arrays of Banach space valued random elements with application moving average processes. Statistics and Probability Letters, 58, 185-194.
  111. E. Ahmed (2002). Simultaneous estimation of coefficient of variations.  Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 104, 31-51.
  112. E. Ahmed, S .H. Sung and A. I. Volodin (2002). Mean convergence theorem for arrays of random elements in martingale type p Banach space.  Bulletin of the Institute of Mathematics, Academia Sinica, 30, 89-95.
  113. E. Ahmed and A. I. Volodin (2001). The complete convergence rates of rates of the bootstrap mean.  Data Analysis from Statistical Foundations, 207-213.  Editor:  A. K. M. E. Saleh, Nova:New York.
  114. E. Ahmed and M. H. Rahbar (2001). Inference concerning about a process capability. Applied Statistical Science V, 119-131.  Editors:  M. Ahsanullah, J. Kennyon and S.K. Sarkar, Nova:New York
  115. E. Ahmed, D. Li, A. Rosalsky and A. I. Volodin (2001). Almost sure lim sup behavior of bootstrapped means with applications to pairwise i.i.d. sequences and stationary ergodic sequences. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 98, 1-14.
  116. E. Ahmed, A. I. Volodin and A. H. Joarder (2001). Pretest estimation of eigenvalues of a Wishart matrix.  International Mathematical Journal, 259-272.
  117. E. Ahmed, T. C. Hu and A. I. Volodin (2001). On the rate of convergence of bootstrapped means in a Banach space.  International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, 25, 629-635.
  118. Ahsanullhand and S. E. Ahmed (2001). Bayes and empirical Bayes estimates of survival and hazard functions of a class of distributions.  Lecture Notes in Statistics, 148, 81-87. Editors: S. E. Ahmed and N. Reid, Springer-Verlag: New York.
  119. E. Ahmed, A. K. Gupta, S. M. Khan and C. J. Nicol (2001). Simultaneous estimation of several intraclass correlation coefficients.  Ann. Inst. Statist. Math.  53, 354-369.
  120. E. Ahmed (2001). Shrinkage estimation of regression coefficients from censored data with multiple observations. Lecture Notes in Statistics, 148, 103-120. Editors: S. E. Ahmed and N. Reid, Springer-Verlag: New York.
  121. E. Ahmed, R. J. Tomkins and A. I. Volodin (2001). Testing the homogeneity of parallel samples from lognormal populations with unequal variances. Journal of Statistical Research, 35, 25-33.
  122. E. Ahmed and A. K. Basu (2000). Least squares, preliminary test and Stein-type estimation in general vector AR(p) models. Statistica neerlandica, 54, 47-66.
  123. E. Ahmed and W. J. Braun (2000). Testing the homogeneity of tumor growth rates in several models. Stochastic Modeling and Applications, 3, 11-22.
  124. E. Ahmed and M. H. Rahbar (2000). Shrinkage and pretest nonparametric estimation of regression parameters from censored data with multiple observations at each level of covariate.  Biometrical Journal, 42, 511-525.
  125. E. Ahmed (2000). Point and interval estimation in the combination of bioassay results with unequal variances (invited paper). Biometrical Journal 42, 973-979.
  126. E. Ahmed and R. J. McIntosh (2000). An asymptotic approximation for the birthday problem. Curx Mathematicorm, 26, 151-155.
  127. E. Ahmed and W. J. Braun (2000). Testing the homogeneity of tumor growth rates in several models. Stochastic Modeling and Applications, 3, 11-22.
  128. E. Ahmed and R. J. Kulperger (2000). Simultaneous estimation of the means of exponential distributions. F. East. J. Theo. Stat., 4, 297-318.
  129. E. Ahmed (2000). Stein-type shrinkage quantile estimation. Stochastic Analysis and Applications, 18, 475-492.
  130. E. Ahmed (2000). Construction of improved estimators of multinomial proportions. Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods, 29, 1273-1291.
  131. E. Ahmed and B. Ullah (1999). Improved biased estimation in an ANOVA model. Linear Algebra and its Application, 289, 3-24.
  132. E. Ahmed and E. Saleh (1999). Estimation of regression coefficients in an exponential regression model with censored observations. Japan Journal of Statistics, 29, 55-64.
  133. E. Ahmed (1999). Simultaneous estimation of survivor functions in exponential lifetime models. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 63, 235-261.
  134. E. Ahmed and M. Ahsanullah (1999).  Testing and estimating signal to noise ratio. Applied Statistical Science, IV, 259-267.
  135. E. Ahmed, S. Aslam and I. Mohamamd (1999).  Inference concerning the hazard rate when life has an exponential distribution.  Proc. Seventh Stat. Sem. K.U.
  136. Li, D., A. Rosalsky and S. E. Ahmed (1999). Complete convergence of bootstrapped mean and moments of the supremum of normed bootstrapped sums.  Stochastic Analysis and Applications, 17, 799-814.
  137. E. Ahmed and E. Saleh (1999). Improved nonparametric estimation of location vector in a multivariate regression Model, Nonparametric Statistics, 11, 51-78.
  138. E. Ahmed and B. Ullah (1999). To pool or not to pool: The multivariate data.  Sankhya, 61, Series B, 266-288.
  139. Joarder and S. E. Ahmed (1998). Estimation of the scale matrix of a class of elliptical distributions. Metrika, 48, 149-160.
  140. N. Mahdi, M. Zafaryab and S. E. Ahmed (1998). Improved Prediction in Parallelism Problem. Pakistan Journal of Statistics, 14, 1207-147.
  141. E. Ahmed (1998). Improved pretest nonparametric estimation in a multivariate regression model. Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods, 27, 2391-2421.
  142. E. Ahmed (1998). Large-Sample Estimation Strategies for Eigenvalues of a Wishart Matrix.  Metrika, 47, 35-45.
  143. E. Ahmed, D. S. Bhoj and M. Ahsanullah (1998). A Monte Carlo study of robustness of pretest and shrinkage estimators in pooling coefficients of variation.  Biometrical Journal, 40, 737-751.
  144. E. Ahmed (1998). Improved estimation of the parameters of an autoregressive Gaussian process under uncertain restriction. A chapter in Nonparametric Statistics and Related Topics, 97-111. Editors: S.E. Ahmed, M. Ahsanullah and B. K. Sinha, Nova Science: New York.
  145. N. Mahdi, S. E. Ahmed and M. Ahsanullah (1998). Improved prediction: Pooling two identical regression lines.  Journal of Applied Statistics, 7, 63-86.
  146. E. Ahmed (1997). Asymptotic shrinkage estimation: The regression case.  A chapter in Applied Statistical Science II, 113-143.  Editor: M. Ahsanullah, Nova Science: New York.
  147. E. Ahmed (1997). To pool or not to pool the proportion in randomized response survey. Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods, 26, 2499-2525.
  148. E. Ahmed, M. Zafaryab and A. K. A. Katan (1997). Pooling slopes of several regression lines. Pakistan Journal of Statistics, 13, 79-86.
  149. E. Ahmed (1997). Improved R-estimation of regression coefficients. Journal of Statistical Research, 31, 53-73.
  150. E. Ahmed and R.J. Tomkins (1997). On pooling means from two lognormal populations with unequal variances. Journal of Applied Statistical Sciences, 6, 1-19.
  151. M. Kibria and S. E. Ahmed (1997). Shrinkage estimation for the multicollinear observations in a regression model with multivariate t disturbances. Journal of Statistical Research, 31, 83-102.
  152. Joarder and S. E. Ahmed (1996). Estimation of the characteristic roots of the scale matrix.  Metrika, 44, 259-267.
  153. E. Ahmed and V. J. Rohatgi (1996). Shrinkage estimation in a randomized response model. Metrika, 43, 17-30.
  154. E. Ahmed and T. N. Mahdi (1996). Improved prediction in a simple regression model. Pakistan Journal of Statistics, 12, 201-213.
  155. E. Ahmed and S. M. Khan (1996). On estimation of a set of binomial probabilities. Journal of Statistical Research, 30, 77-99.
  156. E. Ahmed (1995). A pooling methodology for coefficient of variation. Sankhya B, 57, 57-75.
  157. E. Ahmed (1995). Improved Shrinkage estimation of relative potency. Biometrical Journal, 37, 627-638.
  158. E. Ahmed and R. J. Tomkins (1995). Estimating lognormal mean using uncertain prior information. Pakistan Journal of Statistics, 11, 67-92.
  159. E. Ahmed (1994). Improved estimation in a multivariate regression model.  Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 17, 537-554.
  160. E. Ahmed, S. M. Khan and A. Khurshid (1995). Shrinkage estimation of the binomial proportion. Journal of Statistical Studies.
  161. E. Ahmed (1994). Improved estimation of the coefficient of variation.  Journal of Applied Statistics, 21, 565-573.
  162. E. Ahmed, S. M. Khan and M. A. Burney (1994). Estimating function of a parameter. Industrial Mathematics, 44, 15-21.
  163. E. Ahmed (1993). Pooling reliability functions. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 49, 85-101.
  164. E. Ahmed and E. Saleh (1993). Improved estimation for the component mean-vector.  Japan Journal of Statistics, 43, 177-195.
  165. E. Ahmed (1993). Pooling means under uncertain prior information with application to discrete distributions.  Statistics, 24, 265-277.
  166. E. Ahmed and S. M. Khan (1993). Improved estimation of the Poisson parameter.  Statistica, anno LIII n.2, 268-286.
  167. E. Ahmed (1992). Large sample pooling procedure for correlation. The Statistician (Journal of Royal Statistical Society, Series D), 41, 415-428.
  168. E. Ahmed (1992). Shrinkage preliminary test estimation in multivariate normal distributions. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 43, 177-195.
  169. J. Kulperger and S. E. Ahmed (1992). A bootstrap theorem for a preliminary test estimator. Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods, 21, 2071-2082.
  170. E. Ahmed and S. O. Badahdah (1992). On the estimation of the mean vector of a multivariate normal distribution under symmetry. Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods, 21, 1759-1778.
  171. E. Ahmed (1992). Asymptotic estimation of reliability in a life-testing model. Journal of Industrial Mathematics Society, 41, 7-18.
  172. E. Ahmed and S. M. Khan (1991). Shrinkage estimation in pooling data for arbitrary populations. Environmetrics, 2, 457-474.
  173. E. Ahmed (1991). To pool or not to pool: The Discrete Data.  Statistics and Probability Letters, 11, 233-237.
  174. E. Ahmed (1991). Combining Poisson means.  Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods, 20, 771-789.
  175. E. Ahmed (1991). Use of apriori information in the estimation of Poisson Parameter. Soochow Journal of Mathematics, 16, 185-192.
  176. E. Ahmed (1991). A note on the estimation of proportion in binomial population. Pakistan Journal of Statistics, 6, 63-70.
  177. E. Ahmed and E. Saleh (1990). Estimation strategies for the intercept vector in a simple linear multivariate normal regression model.  Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 10, 193-206.
  178. E. Ahmed and R. J. Kulperger (1990). Asymptotic confidence intervals from a preliminary test estimator.  Environmetrics, 1, 295-303.
  179. E. Ahmed and E. Saleh (1989). Pooling multivariate data.  Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 31, 149-167.
  180. E. Ahmed (1989). Estimation theory under uncertain prior information. Pakistan Journal of Statistics, 5, 211-228.
  181. J. Malik, N. Balakrishnan and S. E. Ahmed (1988). Recurrence relations and identities of moments of order statistics I: Arbitrary continuous distributions.  Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods, 17, 2623-2655.
  182. Balakrishnan, H. J. Malik and S. E. Ahmed (1988). Recurrence relations and identities of moments of order statistics II: specific continuous distributions.  Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods, 17, 2657-2694.


Other Refereed Contributions

E. Ahmed and E. Saleh (1989). Pooling component-means. Recent Developments in Statistical and Actuarial Sciences. Editors: M. S. Haq and S. B. Provost. SciTex publications, 23-30.

E. Ahmed (1989). A graduate course in statistical consulting, computing and data analysis. Proceedings of First Islamic Countries Conference on Statistical Sciences. Editor: M. Ahmad, 1102-1111.


Non-refereed Contributions

1. S. E. Ahmed (2005). Approximation-assisted estimation of eigenvectors under quadratic loss. REs. Let. Inf. Math. Sci., 8,77-96.

2. S. E. Ahmed and W. J. Braun (1996). Tumor growth rate pretest estimation. Proceedings of the Fifth Islamic Countries Conference on Statistical Sciences, Volume 1, Invited papers. Brawijaya University, Malang, Indonesia (INVITED PAPER).

3. S. E. Ahmed and S. M. Khan (1995). Improved estimation in a randomized response model. Proceedings of the Survey Methods Section, Statistics Canada, 103-106.

4. S. E. Ahmed and Bashirullah (1993). Combining data sources in estimation. Proceedings of the International Conference on Establishments Surveys of the American Statistical Association.

5. S. E. Ahmed (1989). Use of a priori information in the estimation of binomial proportion. Bulletin of the International Statistical Institute. 47th Session, 47-48.

Scholarly & Scientific Presentations


  • Dec 4-7: (Keynote) 13th IMT-GT International Conference on Mathematics, Statistics and their Applications (ICMSA), Universiti Utara Malaysia, Sintok, Kedah, Malaysia
  • Dec 11: (Invited) Colloquium speaker, University of Malay, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  • Oct 11: (Invited) Colloquium speaker, KFUPM, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia
  • July 28 to Aug 2: (Keynote) The 11th International Conference on Management Science and Engineering Management, Kanazawa, Japan
  • July 9: (Invited) Colloquium speaker, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics
  • March 30: (Invited) Colloquium speaker, University of Windsor
  • March 20-23: (Keynote) The Fourth African International Conference on Statistics, University of Limpopo, South Africa
  • Feb 2: (Invited) Colloquium speaker, University of Regina
  • Jan 31: (Invited) Colloquium speaker, University of Calgary


  • Dec 2: (Invited) Colloquium speaker, University of Florida, Gainesville
  • July 12-15: (Keynote) Big Data Analytics: Tools, Tricks and Pitfalls. International Conference on Applied Statistics, Phuket, Thailand
  • June 19-22: (Invited) High Dimensional Data Analytics: Tools, Tricks and Pitfalls.  International Conference on Applied Probability, Toronto
  • May 20-21: (Invited) Big Data Analytics: Tools, Tricks, Pitfalls and Future Directions. Probability and Statistics Day, UMBC, Baltimore County
  • April 25-28: (Invited) Big Data Analytics: Tools, Tricks and Pitfalls. Marrakesh International Conference on Probability and Statistics, Marrakesh
  • March 16-18: (Invited) Penalty, Pretest and Shrinkage Strategies: variable selection and post estimation. XIV Escuela de Probabilidad Estadística, CIMAT, Guanajuato, Mexico
  • Feb 12: (Invited) Colloquium speaker, University of Florida, Gainesville


  • Dec 5: (Invited) Big Data Analysis. University if Technology and Management, Lahore
  • Dec 4: (Invited) High Dimensional Data Analysis. National College of Business Administration and Economics, Lahore
  • Dec 4: (Invited) BIG DATA, Punjab University, Lahore
  • Nov 29: (Invited) A Journey through Data to BIG DATA: A Statistician Perspective. CCSIS, Institute of Business Management, Karachi
  • Nov 28: (Invited) BIG DATA: Ideas, Tips and Tricks. Institute of Business Administration, Karachi
  • Nov 22-25: (Invited) Journey through Data to BIG DATA: A Statistician Perspective. The 25th Annual TIES Conference, United Arab Emirates University, Al Ain, UAE
  • Oct 22-25: (Invited) Environment, Energy and Commercial Civilization: Statistical Challenges and Opportunities. International Conference for Energy, Environment and Commercial Civilization, Sichuan University, Chengdu, China
  • Oct 9: (Invited) BIG DATA: Ideas, Tips and Tricks, U of Windsor
  • Aug 17: (Invited) High Dimensional Data Analysis: Making Sense or Folly, TDA and HDDA-V, University of Victoria
  • July 22: (Keynote) Features Selection and Post-Prediction, Ninth International Conference on Management Science and Engineering Management, Karlsruhe, Germany
  • May 25: (Invited) Model Selection and Post-estimation: Making Sense or Folly? IWMS-2015, Haikou, China
  • April 24: (Invited) BIG DATA: Variable Selection and Post Estimation, Michigan Institute for Data Science, U of Michigan
  • April 14: (Invited) Big Data Analysis: The Universe is not Sparse, BIG DATA, McMaster University
  • March 17-22: (Invited) Colloquium/public speaker, Big Data and Information Theory, Sichuan University, China
  • Jan 14: (Invited) Big Data Analysis: The Universe is not Sparse, BIG DATA, Fields Institute, U of Toronto


  • Dec 18-21: (Keynote) ICCS 13, Bogar, Indonesia
  • Nov 13-15: (Invited) Colloquium speaker, University of Texas at Dallas
  • Nov 6-7: (Invited) Colloquium speaker, University of Central Michigan, Mt. Pleasant
  • Oct 10-12: (Plenary Talk) AISC 2014 International Conference on Advances in Interdisciplinary Statistics and Combinatorics, UNC, Greensboro
  • Sept 24-25: (Invited) Two lectures- SEEM, City university, Hong Kong
  • Aug 11: (Invited) Statistics Symposium High-Dimensional Data and Related Issues, University of Calgary
  • Aug 8-10: (Invited) Workshop on International Workshop on Perspectives on High-dimensional Data Analysis IV, BIRS, Banff
  • June 9-11: (Invited) International Symposium on Business and Industrial Statistics/ Conference of the ASA Section on Statistical Learning and Data Mining: Data Mining in Business and Industry
  • June 2-3: (Invited) Time Series Methods and applications: the A.I. McLeod Festschrift, Western University
  • April 27 to May 2: (Invited) Recent Advances and Trends in Time Series Analysis: Nonlinear Time Series, High Dimensional Inference and Beyond, BIRS, Banff
  • April 13-15: (Invited) Colloquium speaker, University of Miami
  • March 24: (Invited) Colloquium speaker, University of Victoria
  • March 5: (Invited) Colloquium speaker, University of Northern Colorado, Greeley, Colorado
  • Feb: (Invited) Two lectures- Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México, Mexico City


  • Invited
    • Colloquium speaker, Carleton University and University of British Columbia
    • Joint Statistical Meeting, Montreal
  • Keynote
    • 2nd International Conference and Exhibition on Biometrics & Biostatistics, Northbrook, IL
  • PIMS Distinguished Lecture
    • University of Regina, SK


  • Invited
    • Colloquium speaker, UPM, Barcelona, Spain
    • Colloquium speaker, UCLM, Albacete, Spain
    • Colloquium speaker, University of Waterloo
    • Colloquium speaker, George Mason University
    • Colloquium speaker, University of Winnipeg
    • Colloquium speaker, University of Toronto
    • 5th International Conference of the ERCIM WG, Oviedo, Spain
    • Joint Statistical Meeting, San Diego
    • Statistical Society of Canada (SSC) Guelph
    • Conference: The International Society for Business and Industrial Statistics, Bangkok
    • IWMS-LINSTAT, Beldow, Poland, 2012
  • Panel Discussant
    • International Workshop on High Dimensional Data Analysis, CRM – Montreal
  • Plenary Speaker
    • Stochastic Models and Modern Probability, Kiev, Ukraine


  • Invited
    • Colloquium speaker, Agriculture University, Uppsala, Sweden
    • Colloquium speaker, University of Stockholm, Sweden
    • Colloquium speaker, Inonu University, Malatya, Turkey
    • Colloquium speaker, Miramar University, Istanbul, Turkey
    • Colloquium speaker, University, Izmir, Turkey
    • Colloquium speaker, Columbia University
    • Colloquium speaker, University of Manitoba
    • 4th International Conference of the ERCIM WG, London, UK <>


  • July: (Invited) LinStat, Portugal
  • June:
    • (Invited) IWMS, Shanghai
    • (Invited) Chinese Academy of Sciences
    • (Invited) Hunan university, Changsha, China
  • Invited
    • International Conference “Modern Stochastics: Theory and Applications II, Ukaraine
    • Conference: International Society for Business and Industrial Statistics, Slovenia
    • International Workshop on Perspectives on High-dimensional Data Analysis Fields Institute, Toronto. <>
    • Conference on Nonparametric Statistics and Statistical Learning, Ohio State University
    • 3rd International Conference of the ERCIM WG, London, UK


  • Oct: (Invited) Colloquium speaker: DePaul University
  • Aug 2-4: Inference Concerning in Multiple Multivariate Regression Models. IASC, 60thBzios, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  • July: (Invited) Colloquium speaker: University of Calgary
  • June:
    • (Invited) Seminar speaker: DePaul University
    • (Invited) Colloquium speaker: Concordia University
  • May: (Invited) Conference speaker: International conference on Nonparametric Methods for Measurement Error Models, Ottawa
  • (Invited) MAT-TRIAD 2009 –Będlewo, Poland, Polish Academy of Sciences


  • May: (Invited) University of Illinois at Chicago
  • April: (Invited)
    • Absolute Penalty Estimation Versus Shrinkage Estimation, University of Minnesota
    • Robust Inference Strategy for Process Capability Indices, American Statistical Association, Ann Arbor Chapter
  • March: (Invited)
    • Shrinkage, LASSO/LARSand Related Estimation Strategies in Partially Linear Models, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
    • Shrinkage versus LASSO/LARSMichigan State University, E. Lansing
  • (Plenary) Simultaneous Estimation of and Testing of Several Cronbach’s Alpha. 17thInternational Workshop on Matrices and Statistics, Portugal


  • Dec: (Invited)
    • Shrinkage and Lasso estimation strategies. King Saud University, Riyadh, KSA
    • Improved estimation strategies. King Khalid university, Abah, KSA
    • Shrinkage methods in partially linear model, Khalid university, Abah, KSA
  • Sept: (Invited) Shrinkage, Pre-test and Lasso estimation strategies in partially linear model. Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio
  • Aug: (Invited)
    • Lasso and related estimation strategies in semi-parametric model. Victoria university, Wellington, New Zealand
    • Lasso/Lars and shrinkage estimation for generalized linear model. University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
    • Lasso and related estimation strategies in partially linear model. University Wollonong, Wollongong, Australia
    • Improved estimation, University of Canberra, Australia
    • Parameter estimation for generalized linear model. University of Queensland, Australia
    • Shrinkage estimation of drift parameters of Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes. Workshop on recent Development in Finance and Applied Statistics, Australian National University and University of Canberra, Australia
  • July: (Invited) Empirical Bayes sequential estimation for finite population. First International Workshop in Sequential Methodologies, Auburn, Alabama
  • June: (Invited) Delineating the Effect of Misspecification in Partially Linear Models, DePaul University, Chicago
  • January: (Invited) Delineating the Effect of Misspecification in Partially Linear Models: Pre-testing, Shrinkage and Lasso. York University, Ontario


  • Sept: (Invited) Robust estimation of process capability indices. University of Oakland, Michigan
  • Invited: The Gini mean difference and process capability index. Fifth International Symposium on Business and Industrial Statistics, Lima, Peru


  • June: (Invited) Gini index estimation in k-sample problem. Gini Lorenz International Conference, Seina, Italy
  • March: (Invited) On the estimation of eigenvector. 14th International Workshop on Matrices and Statistics, Auckland, New Zealand
  • April (Invited)
    • Shrinkage estimation in a survival model. Victoria university, Wellington, New Zealand
    • Inference regarding Gini Index. UC mini workshop on statistics and applications, University of Canberra, Australia
  • Invited
    • Inference concerning the effect size. IASC World Congress, Cyprus
    • Risk-Reducing shrinkage estimation of Gini index. University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus
    • On the asymptotic probability for the deviations of dependent bootstrap means from the sample mean. Annual meeting, Statistical Society of Canada.  Saskatoon


  • Nov: (Invited) Improved estimation in LTRC model. McMaster
  • Sept: (Invited)
    • Achievements through higher education. AMSC conference, Chicago
    • Estimating reliability functions, University of Southern Illinois at Carbondale
  • May (Invited)
    • Inference concerning for quantile for left-truncated and right-censored data. University of North Carolina
    • Estimating the parameters of Birnbaum-Saunders lifetime distribution, IISA, Athens, GA


  • (Invited) Assessing the process capability Index for nonnormal processes. 47th Annual Fall Technical Conference, El Paso, American Society for Quality, USA
  • (Invited) Four lectures on estimation strategies, University of Trento, Italy
  • (Invited) Two lectures on decision making, University of West Indies, Jamaica


  • (Invited) Pooling component means: Making sense or folly: International Meeting of the Psychometric Society, Osaka, Japan
  • (Keynote speaker) Improved Estimation. Seventh International Conference of Islamic Society of Statistical Sciences (ISOSS), Lahore, Pakistan
  • (Invited) Testing the homogeneity of process capability indices. Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Tokyo, Japan
  • (Invited) Pooling data: making sense or folly I. Kuwait University, Kuwait
  • (Invited) Pooling data: making sense or folly II. Kuwait University, Kuwait
  • Testing the Homogeneity of Process Capability Indices in k Arbitrary Populations. Annual meeting of Statistical Society of Canada, Burnaby, B.C.
  • (Invited) Simultaneous estimation of coefficients of variation. University of Tsukuba/University of Tokyo, Japan


  • (Invited) Application of shrinkage estimation in analysis of reliability and life-testing models. University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario
  • (Invited) Simultaneous estimation of correlation coefficients. University Laval, Quebec
  • (Invited) Improved estimation of regression coefficients in censored Weibull and extreme value regression model. Second International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability. Bordeaux, France
  • (Invited) Discussant, workshop on Data Analysis and Statistical Foundations, Field Institute, University of Toronto
  • (Invited) Application of shrinkage estimation in analysis of reliability and life-testing models. Universite Marne-la-Vallee, France
  • (Invited) To pool or not to pool: multivariate data. The International Conference on Measurement and Multivariate Analysis, Banff, Canada
  • (Invited) Strong limit theorems for bootstrapped means. Second International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability Bordeaux, France
  • An asymptotic approximation for the birthday problem. Annual meeting of Statistical Society of Canada, Ottawa
  • The complete convergence rates of the bootstrap mean. Annual meeting of Statistical Society of Canada, Ottawa


  • (Invited) Least squares, preliminary test and Stein-type estimation in general vector AR(p) models. Annual meeting of Statistical Canada, Regina
  • (Invited) To pool or not pool: Intraclass correlations coefficients. Department of Statistics, University of Florida, Gainesville, USA
  • (Invited) Inter divisional Seminar, Combining data from different investigations. Statistics Canada, Government of Canada, Ottawa
  • (Invited) Improved Estimation of survival function. Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of New Orleans, New Orleans, LA, USA
  • (Invited) Testing the homogeneity of process capability indices in $k$ arbitrary populations. The International Conference on Applied Statistical Science, Lawrenceville, NJ, USA
  • Construction of improved estimators of multinomial proportions. ICSA Applied Statistics Symposium, Washington DC, USA
  • Shrinkage estimation of regression coefficients in a regression model with censored data. ENAR Spring Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia (1999).
  • Improved estimation of characteristic roots in principal analysis. Tampere Matrix Workshop, Tampere, Finland (1999)
  • Improved estimation of regression coefficients from censored data. 52nd Session of the International Statistical Institute, Helsinki, Finland (1999)


  • (Invited) Improved nonparametric estimation. The International conference organized by International Indian Statistical Association, Hamilton
  • (Invited) Simultaneous estimation of reliability functions. The International conference in reliability and survival analysis, Northern Illinois University, Dekalb, Illinois, USA
  • (Invited) Shrinkage estimation in exponential regression model with censored data. Department of Mathematics and Statistics, of Sultan Qaboos University, Oman
  • (Invited) Stein-like Shrinkage estimation: From past to present. Department of Statistical and Actuarial Sciences, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario
  • (Invited) Improved estimation of regression coefficients in an exponential regression model with censored data. Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario


  • (Invited) Shrinkage estimation of regression coefficients in an exponential regression model with censored data. Workshop on empirical Bayes and likelihood inference, CRM, Montreal
  • (Invited) Shrinkage nonparametric estimation. Workshop for research in Statistics and Probability, Carleton University, Ottawa


  • (Invited) Two lectures presented at the International workshop on applied statistics, Malang, Indonesia.
  • (Invited) Two lectures presented at the Department of Statistics, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysis, Malaysia
  • (Invited) Inference strategies. Fifth International Conference of ISOSS, Indonesia
  • (Invited) Shrinkage Estimation. Malay University, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
  • (Invited) Two lectures, University of Karachi, Karachi, Pakistan
  • (Invited) Improved estimation of coefficients of variation. IASIO conference in honor of Professor C. R. Rao, Montreal
  • Asymptotic theory of simultaneous estimation of coefficients of variations. Institute of Mathematical Statistics Meeting in Pullman, Washington
  • (Invited) Improved simultaneous estimation of intraclass correlations. Department of Statistics, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba
  • (Invited) Shrinkage estimation of intraclass correlation coefficients. Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta


  • Improved estimation in randomized response model. Joint meeting of Statistical Society of Canada and Institute of Mathematical Statistics, Montreal
  • Improved biased estimation in regression model. The Fourth International Workshop on matrix methods for statistics, Montreal
  • (Invited) Pre-test and shrinkage estimation in a randomized response model. University of Exeter, Exeter, England
  • Randomized response surveys: touching the touchy questions. Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Regina


  • (Invited) Preliminary test and shrinkage estimation. Fourth International Conference of ISOSS, Lahore, Pakistan


  • (Invited) Large sample pooling procedure for correlation. Bowling Green State University, Ohio, USA
  • (Invited) Lecture series, University of Karachi, Karachi, Pakistan
  • Combining data sources in estimation. International Conference on Establishments Surveys of the American Statistical Association, Buffalo, USA
  • (Invited) Shrinkage estimation in a randomized response model. University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario
  • (Invited) Asymptotic simultaneous estimation of reliability functions. University of Winnipeg, Winnipeg, Manitoba


  • Improved estimation in a multivariate regression model. Annual meeting of the Statistical Society of Canada, Edmonton
  • Shrinkage estimation of relative potency. The joint meeting of Biometrics Society and Institute of Mathematical Statistics, Corvallis, USA


  • (Invited) Asymptotic simultaneous estimation of Poisson means. International Conference on Nonparametric Statistics \& Related Topics, Ottawa, Canada
  • (Invited) Pooling means from arbitrary populations. The International Conference on EnvironMetrics, Madison
  • (Invited) Lecture series, University of Karachi, Karachi, Pakistan


  • (Invited) Two lectures at the Conference on EnvironMetrics, Como, Italy
  • (Invited) On the asymptotic estimation of reliability function. Second International Conference of ISOSS, Johor Bahru, Malaysia
  • (Invited) Improved estimation for the component mean-vector in a 2p-variate normal distribution. Statistics Day, University of Regina
  • (Invited) Simultaneous asymptotic estimation of Poisson means. Inter-University Seminar, University of Saskatchewan
  • (Invited) Asymptotic discrete data analysis. University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario
  • (Invited) Shrinkage estimation of the binomial proportion. University of Karachi, Karachi, Pakistan


  • Use of apriori information in the estimation of binomial proportion. The 47th Session of the International Statistical Institute, Paris, France
  • Shrinkage estimation in simple multivariate normal regression model. International Conference on Recent Developments in Statistical data analysis and Inference, Nauchatel, Switzerland


  • Teaching statistical consulting, computing and data analysis. Special session of the annual meeting of the Statistical Society of Canada, Victoria
  • Estimation strategies for the intercept vector in a simple linear multivariate normal regression model. Institute of Mathematical Statistics meeting, Boston
  • (Invited) Pooling multivariate data. McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario
  • (Invited) Pooling multivariate data. University of British Columbia, Vancouver
  • (Invited) Pooling multivariate data. Memorial University of Newfoundland, St John
  • (Invited) Pooling Data. First International Conference of ISOSS, Lahore, Pakistan


  • On preliminary test and shrinkage estimation of the mean vector of a multivariate normal distribution in a two-sample problem. Institute of Mathematical Statistics meeting, Dallas

Books, Edited Volumes and Monographs 

  • E. Ahmed (Editor). Big and Complex Data Analysis: Statistical Methodologies and Applications. Springer, 2017.
  • E. Ahmed. Penalty, Shrinkage and Pretest Strategies: Variable Selection and Estimation. Springer, New York, 2014.
  • E. Ahmed (Editor). Perspectives on Big Data Analysis: Methodologies and Applications. Contemporary Mathematics, a co-publication of American Mathematical Society and CRM, 2014.
  • W. Mendenhall, R. J. Beaver, B. M. Beaver and S. E. Ahmed (2012). Introduction to Probability and Statistics, Third Canadian Edition, Nelson, Toronto.
  • E. Ahmed and J. Battaglia. Introductory Linear Algebra (2012), Pearson Education Inc, USA.
  • E. Ahmed and J. Battaglia. Essentials of University Mathematics (2012). Pearson Education Inc, USA.
  • E. Ahmed. Essentials of Statistical Inference, Planning and Data Analysis:  Basic Ideas, concepts and Applications, Nelson, Canada, 2012.
  • E. Ahmed. Essentials of Probability and Probability Models:  A Basic Course in Mathematical Statistics, Preliminary Edition 362 pages, Nelson, Canada, 2011.
  • E. Ahmed and J. Battaglia. Introductory Calculus. Pearson Education Inc, USA, 2011.
  • W. Mendenhall, R. J. Beaver, B. M. Beaver and S. E. Ahmed. Introduction to Probability and Statistics, Second Canadian Edition, Nelson, Toronto, 2010.
  • E. Ahmed and N. Reid (Editors). Empirical Bayes and Likelihood Inference, Springer-Verlag, Inc., New York, 2001.
  • E. Ahmed, M. Ahsanullah and B.K. Sinha (Editors). Nonparametric Statistics and Related topics. Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York. 1998.


A Sample of Books Reviewed (reviewed more than 100 books, monographs, volumes to date)

  • Mathematical Statistics and Limit Theorems, A Festschrift in honor of Paul Deheuvels, by M. Hallin, D.M. Mason, D. Pfeifer, J.G. Steinebach (Editors). New York, NY: Springer, 2015
  • Nonparametric Bayesian Inference in Biostatistics, by Riten Mitra, Peter Müller (Editors). New York, NY: Springer, 2015
  • Statistics of Financial Markets: An Introduction, Fourth Edition, by Franke Jürgen, Karl Härdle Wolfgang, Matthias Hafner Christian. New York, NY: Springer, 2015
  • Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis, Fourth Edition, by Wolfgang Karl Hardle, Leopold Simar. New York, NY: Springer, 2015
  • Linear Mixed Models: A Practical Guide Using Statistical Software: Second Edition, by Brady T. West, Kathleen B. Welch, Andrzej T Galecki. Boca Raton, FL: Chapman and Hall/CRC Press, 2014
  • Extremes in a Changing Climate: Detection, Analysis and Uncertainty, by Amir AghaKouchak, David Easterling, Kuolin Hsu, Siegfried Schubert, Soroosh Sorooshian. New York, NY: Springer, 2013
  • Mathematical Demography: Selected Papers: Second, Revised Edition, by David P.Smith, Nathan Keyfitz, Editors: Kenneth W. Wachter, Herve Le Bras. New York, NY: Springer, 2013
  • Spatial Microsimulation: A Reference Guide for Users, by Robert Tanton, Kimberley L Edwards. New York, NY: Springer, 2013
  • Advances in Statistical Bioinformatics: Models and Integrative Inference for High- Throughput Data, by Kim-Anh Do, Zhaohui Steve Qin, Marina Vannucci (Eds). Cambridge, NY: Cambridge University Press, 2013
  • Combinatorial Matrix Theory and Generalized Inverses of Matrices, by Ravindra B. Bapat, Steve J. Kirkland, K. Manjunatha Prasad, Simo Puntanen. New York, NY: Springer, 2013
  • Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications, by Nuno Pina, Janusz Kacprzyk, Joaquim Filipe. New York, NY: Springer, 2013
  • Advanced Decision Making Methods Applied to Health Care, by Elena Tanfani, Angela Testi. New York, NY: Springer
  • Statistical Methods for Spatial Planning and Monitoring, by Silvestro Montrone, Paola Perchinunno. New York, NY: Springer
  • Evolve- A bridge between Probability, Set Oriented Numerics and Evolutionary Computation, by Emilia Tantar, Alexandru-Adrian Tantar, Pascal Bouvry, Pierre Del Moral, Pierrick Legrand, Carlos A .Coello Coello, Oliver Schutze. New York, NY: Springer, 2013
  • Selected Works of Peter J. Bickel, by Jianqing Fan, Ya’acov Ritov, C. F. Jeff Wu. New York, NY: Springer, 2013
  • Defining the Spatial Scale in Modern Regional Analysis: New Challenges from Data at Local Level, by Esteban Fernandez Vazquez, Fernando Rubiera Morollon eds. New York, NY: Springer
  • Complex Models and Computational Methods in Statistics, by Matteo Grigoletto, Francesco Lisi, Sonia Petrone eds. New York, NY: Springer, 2013
  • Efficiency Measures in the Agricultural Sector: With Applications, by Armando B. Mendes, Emiliana L. D. G. Soares da Silva, Jorge M. Azevedo Santos eds. New York, NY: Springer, 2013
  • Effect Sizes for Research by Grissom, T and J. J. Kim, Technometrics, 2006
  • The Cambridge Dictionary of Statistics, 3rd Edition by B. S. Everitt, Technometrics, 2006
  • Math Refresher for Scientists and Engineers, 3rd Edition by J. R. Fanchi, Technometrics, 2006
  • Models for Discrete Data, Revised Edition by D. Zeltermann, Technometrics, 2006
  • Selected Statistical Papers of Sir David Cox, Volume 1: Design of Investigations, Statistical Methods, and Applications by D. J. Hand and A. M. Hertzberg (editors), Technometrics, 2006
  • Selected Statistical Papers of Sir David Cox, Volume 2: Foundations of Statistical Inference, Theoretical Statistics, Time Series and Stochastic Processes by D. J. Hand and A. M. Hertzberg (editors), Technometrics, 2006
  • The Art of Semiparametrics by S. Sperlich, W. Hardle, and G. Aydinli (editors), Technometrics, 2006
  • Applied Adaptive Statistical Methods by O’Gorman,T.,Technometrics, 2004

Editorships, Guest Editor, Co-Editor

  • Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, special issue, in preparation
  • Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, in preparation
  • Big Data and Information Theory. Special issue of International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management, (co-editor) special issue, 2016
  • Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, special issue 2014
  • Computational Statistics and Data Analysis (Co-Editor) Special Issue, 2013
  • Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, Special Issue, 2012
  • International Journal Statistical Sciences – 19 papers, 316 pages, 2012
  • Iranian Journal of Statistics, 2011
  • Arabian Journal of Mathematics (AJM), 2011-
  • Acta et commentationes Universitatis Tartuensis de mathematica, 2011
  • Pakistan Journal of Statistics (Silver Jubilee Issue) – 2 issues, 36 papers, approx. 600 pages, 2010
  • Linear Algebra and its Applications (Co-Editor) – 21 papers, 250 pages, 2009
  • Associate Editor, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis (CSDA), 2007-
  • Book Review Editor, Technometrics, 2006-
  • Associate Editor, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation (JSCS), 2006-
  • Guest Co-editor, Linear Algebra and its Applications, special Issue (forthcoming)
  • Associate Editor, Far East Journal of Theoretical Statistics, 1999-
  • Associate Editor, Pakistan Journal of Statistics, 1989-1992, 1996-
  • Editor, InterStat, 1995-
  • Associate Editor, Stochastic Modeling and Applications, 2001-2004
  • Associate Editor, Journal of Applied Statistical Science, 1997-2006
  • Canadian Correspondent to RSS News, 1997- 1999


Review Editor



Associate Editor / Member Editorial Board


A Sample of Referee Work

  • Journal of American Statistical Association
  • Journal of Royal Statistical Society
  • Australian and New Zealand Journal of Statistics
  • Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference
  • Linear Algebra and its applications
  • Psychometric
  • Test
  • Computational Statistics and Data Analysis
  • International Journal of Production Economics
  • Complexity
  • Advances in Environmental Research
  • Indian Association for productivity Quality and Reliability.
  • Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation
  • Official Statistics
  • Biometrical Journal
  • Statistical Papers
  • Far East Journal of Theoretical Statistics
  • Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods
  • Journal of American Public Health Association
  • Computer and Mathematics with applications
  • Brazilian Journal of probability and statistics
  • Mathematical and Computer Modeling
  • Pakistan Journal of Statistics
  • Journal of Industrial Mathematics
  • Many others

At Brock University

  • Revitalization of an undergraduate program resulted in numerous new enrollments. This program is generating over a million dollar in revenue since 2013
  • Joint undergraduate Gaming program with Niagara College and Faculty of Humanities
  • Improving the retention rate by implementing new strategies
  • Developed the Faculty Strategic plan, 2012-2013
  • Five-year equipment replacement plan
  • Encouraging transdisciplinary research activities and hiring
  • Enhancing research productivity by proving some funding from faculty budget
  • Establishment of Faculty of Math & Science Celebration of Excellence Awards
  • Establishment of Brock-Fields joint distinguish lecture series
  • Increase the Faculty’s (and University’s) reputation through enhanced marketing & communications efforts
  • Increased alumni engagement through a variety of strategic activities
  • Increased fundraising revenues at the major gift and leadership giving levels
  • Celebrating the Research/Teaching success, initiating award ceremony
  • Maintaining faculty and staff levels
  • Transparent prioritization budgeting resource allocation
  • Establishment of Math and Science Club
  • Serving on senate and a host of university committees


At the University of Windsor

  • Development of a unique joint graduate program with Oakland university, Michigan, USA
  • Senator on University Senate (2009)
  • Member of Executive Board for University of Windsor Faculty Association (2009)
  • Equity Assessor for University wide committee for tenure and promotion (2009)
  • Equity Assessor for hiring committee: VP Research, Dean of Engineering, AVP and other (2004-2009)
  • Development of the D. program in Mathematics (Approved by OCGS and university Senate)
  • Development of the Professional Master’s Program in Actuarial Science (Approved by Dept. Council)
  • Development of the Professional Master’s Program in Financial Mathematics
  • Renovated the Math and Stat Resource Center
  • Established the Undergraduate Instructional and Computational Research Lab
  • Secured and hired a new AAS faculty
  • Secured and hired Five tenure track faculty positions, plus one UFA (including graduates from MIT and Yale)
  • Secured and hired several limited-term faculty members
  • Secured and hired a new nine-month secretary
  • Hired administrative secretary
  • Doubling of SEU’s in first-year classes (double cohort)
  • Doubling the number of graduate students
  • Development of the undergraduate program in statistics (in progress)
  • Development of the undergraduate joint program in actuarial science (in progress)
  • Revitalization of Newsletter
  • Revitalization of Math and Stats Club
  • Revitalization of Departmental Seminar Series
  • Invited and organized 3 Faculty of Science Lecture Series


At the University of Regina

  • Developed the undergraduate program in actuarial science. This is the first time such a program is being established in the Province of Saskatchewan, Canada
  • Acquired funds from the industry for the Actuarial research program
  • Developed the Master of Science and Doctoral Program in Statistics
  • In addition, produced the first Ph.D. student from this program
  • Established the undergraduate co-op program in Statistics
  • Established the Computational Research and Instruction Lab
  • Secured and hired a new position of Lab Instructor
  • Securing two new positions for Actuarial Science program
  • Hired three faculty members
  • Founded the under graduate internship program in Actuarial Science (2001)
  • Developed the undergraduate combined program in Biology and Statistics (2000)
  • Developed an undergraduate combined program in Economics and Statistics
  • Established Centre for Statistical Consulting and Research (CSCR)
  • Established the Statistical and Related Fields Research Group (SRFRG)
  • Formed the Mathematics, Actuarial and Statistics Students Society (M.A.S.S.)
  • Major expansion and renovation of the department ($225,000)

Recent graduate students – Supervisor

  • E. Nartey – Completed MSc (2017). Present Position: Continuing
  • M. Atkinson – Completed PhD (2017). Present Position: Continuing University of Regina,
  • O. Reangsephet – PhD (2016). Present: Continuing
  • M. K. Ali – Completed PhD (2016). Present Position: Lecturer GC University
  • N. Zahar – Completed PhD (2016). Present Position: Assistant Professor GC University
  • B. Yuzbasi – Completed PhD (2015). Present Position: Assistant Professor, Inonu University
  • F. Yazdi– Completed MSc (2015). Present Position: PHD student, Simon Fraser
  • E. Opoku – Completed MSc (2015). Present Position: PHD student, Victoria
  • K. Krichel – Completed MSc (2015). Present Position: PHD student, McMaster
  • W. Li – Completed MSc (2014). Present Position: Consultant
  • H. Zareamoghaddam – Completed PhD (2014). Present Position: Continuing Western University
  • C. Huan – Completed MSc (2013).
  • M. Al-Momani – Completed PhD (2013). Present Position: Assistant Professor, KFUPM, Saudi Arabia
  • S. Fallahpour – Completed PhD (2012). Present Position: Statistician, Essex County Health Data Unit
  • S. Chitsaz – Completed PhD (2012). Present Position: Instructor, University of Windsor
  • S. M. E. Raheem – Completed PhD (2012). Present Position: Assistant Professor, U of Northern Colorado
  • M. Hussain – Completed MSc (2011). Present Position: Actuary, Bahamas
  • A. Sharif – Completed MSc (2008). Present Position: Ph.D. Student at UWO
  • M. Majumder – Completed MSc (2008). Present Position: Employed in USA
  • M. S. Hossain – Completed PhD (2008). Present Position: Assistant Professor, University of Winnipeg
  • Q. Tanvir – Began PhD (2007). Present Position: LOA/Statistics Canada
  • N. Mengish – Completed MSc (2007). Present Position: Unknown
  • J. Hu– Completed PhD (2007). Present Position: Associate Professor, Shanghai Finance University
  • A. Farooqi – Completed MSc (2007). Present Position: Grad student
  • L. An – Completed PhD (2007). Present Position: Statistician, Statistics Canada
  • M. Al-Khasawneh – Completed PhD (2006). Present Position: Assistant Professor, Qatar University
  • R. Ghori – Completed PhD (2006). Present Position: Asst. Director, Forest Laboratories, Inc.
  • G. Xiao – Completed MSc (2005). Present Position: Unknown
  • H. Chan – Completed MSc (2003). Present Position: Consultant
  • A. I. Volodin – Completed PhD (2002). Present Position: Professor, U of Regina
  • B. Khan – Completed PhD (1997). Present Position: Associate Professor, St. Mary University
  • S. M. Khan – Completed MSc (1993). Present Position: Lecturer, University of Winnipeg, Canada

Postdoctoral Fellow – Supervisor

NameYearTitle of research projectPresent position
A. Altaleb2000-2001Monte Carlo Markov ChainAssistant Professor, Syria
N. Al Kandari2004Improved EstimationAssistant Professor, Kuwait
M. Anwar2010 -Distribution TheoryAssistant Professor, COMSTATS, Pakistan
  • External Examiner for several Ph.D. dissertations in Canada, Australia, India, Hong Kong, Fiji and Malaysia among others
  • External Referee for several Academic Promotion/Tenure Cases (Associate and Full Professorships) in Canada, USA, New Zealand, Australia and others
  • External Referee for several NSERC Grant Applications
  • External Referee for several NSF Grant Applications
  • External Reviewer for several programs at both Canadian and International Universities