Martin J. Head

Distinguished Professor, Earth Sciences

Office: Mackenzie Chown D425
Lab: Mackenzie Chown D314
905 688 5550 x5216

Palynologist and stratigrapher with particular interests in: 1) marine dinoflagellates and all aspects of their record through the late Cenozoic, and 2) the formal subdivision of the Quaternary Period/System (2.6 Ma to present).

  • 2005–present: Professor of Earth Sciences, Brock University; Life Member of Wolfson College, University of Cambridge; and (since 2006) Full Professor (status only), University of Toronto.
  • 2002–2005: Affiliated Lecturer, Department of Geography, University of Cambridge; and Senior Member of Wolfson College, Cambridge.
  • 1999–2002: Senior Research Associate, Godwin Institute for Quaternary Research, Department of Geography, University of Cambridge; and Visiting Fellow of Wolfson College, Cambridge.
  • 1994–1995: Metcalf Fellow of Victoria College, University of Toronto, Canada
  • 1985–1999: Research Associate and Lecturer, Department of Geology, University of Toronto, Canada.
  • Chartered Geologist, The Geological Society, London
  • Ph.D. University of Aberdeen
  • B.Sc. Aston University

Visiting Appointments

  • Visiting Scientist, Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany, Lucknow, India (February, 2011).
  • Visiting Professor, Université Claude Bernard, Lyon, France (February, 2003).
  • Visiting Professor, Assuit University, Egypt (December 1996)

Internal Activities

  • 2006–present: Departmental Webmaster.
  • Chair of the Department of Earth Sciences, Brock University, 2008–2011.

External Activities

International and National committees and editorial boards (current)

  • 2016–present: Voting member of the ICS Subcommission on Stratigraphic Classification.
  • 2012–present: Chair of the ICS Subcommission on Quaternary Stratigraphy; voting Member since 2002.
  • 2010–present: Chair of the Canadian Stratigraphy Commission of the Canadian Federation of Earth Sciences.
  • 2010–present: Co-Convenor of the ICS Working Group on the Lower–Middle Pleistocene Boundary (voting member since 2002).
  • 2010–present: Chair of the Committee for Fossil Plants, International Association for Plant Taxonomy. Voting member since 2002).
  • 2007–present: Member of the CENEX Committee of AASP – The Palynological Society.
  • 2007–present: Full member of the Stratigraphy and Chronology Commission, INQUA.
  • 2015–present: Scientific Advisory Board Member, Boreas.
  • 2011–present: Editorial Board Member, The Palaeobotanist.
  • 2006–present: Editorial Board Member, Palynology.
  • 2004–present: Associate Editor, Journal of Paleontology.
  • 1999–present: Editorial Board Member, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology.

Selected past activities

Conferences, symposia and workshops (since 1998)

  • Instructor: Advanced course in Jurassic, Cretaceous, Cenozoic organic-walled dinoflagellate cysts: morphology, paleoecology and stratigraphy.  TNO/LPP Utrecht, The Netherlands, June 25–29, 2012.
  • Member, Scientific Advisory Committee.  DINO9: Ninth International Conference on Modern and Fossil Dinoflagellates, Liverpool, U.K., August–September 2011.
  • Instructor: Advanced course in Jurassic, Cretaceous, Cenozoic organic-walled dinoflagellate cysts: morphology, paleoecology and stratigraphy.  Urbino, Italy, July 17–21, 2009.
  • Head, M.J., Munsterman, D.K., and Verreussel, R.M.C.H.  A one-day workshop on Neogene dinoflagellate cysts.  Held in conjunction with the Advanced course in Jurassic, Cretaceous, Cenozoic organic-walled dinoflagellate cysts: morphology, paleoecology and stratigraphy.  Urbino, Italy, July 18, 2006.
  • Instructor: Advanced course in Jurassic, Cretaceous, Cenozoic organic-walled dinoflagellate cysts: morphology, paleoecology and stratigraphy.  Urbino, Italy, July 13–17, 2006.
  • Member, Scientific Committee, Joint Meeting of The Micropaleontological Society and APLF, Muséum national d’histoire naturalle, Paris, 3–7 October, 2005.
  • Member, Scientific Committee for the 11th International Palynological Congress, Granada, Spain, July 4–9, 2004.
  • Head, M.J., Masure, E., and Fensome, R.A.: Co-convenors. Dinoflagellate cysts and dinoflagellate biology. 11th International Palynological Congress, Granada, Spain, July 4–9, 2004.
  • Head, M.J. and Gibbard, P.L.: Co-organizers. Early-Middle Pleistocene transitions: the land-ocean evidence. International Conference, Department of Geography, University of Cambridge, April 4, 2003. (Sponsored by INQUA, QRA and the Godwin Institute for Quaternary Research.)
  • Beaudoin, A. and Head, M.J.: Co-convenors. The Palynology and Micropaleontology of Boundaries. Geological Association of Canada Joint Annual Meeting, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, May 26–29, 2002.
  • Head, M.J.: Course instructor. Late Cenozoic marine dinoflagellates. Universidad Nacional del Sur, Bahîa Blanca, Argentina, September 3–7, 2001.
  • Beaudoin, A. and Head, M.J.: Co-convenors and co-chairs, Palynology and Micropaleontology in Canadian Geoscience: New Frontiers and Applications. GeoCanada 2000, Calgary, Alberta, May 29 – June 2 2000.
  • Head, M.J., Grøsfjeld, K., Poulsen N.E. and de Vernal, A. Co-organizers for the Fifth Workshop on Neogene Dinoflagellates. Held under the auspices of the 6th International Conference on Modern and Fossil Dinoflagellates, Trondheim, Norway, 1998.
  • ERSC 1P01 Planet Earth
  • ERSC 2P03 The History of the Earth
  • ERSC 3P12 Stratigraphy
  • ERSC 4P50 Petroleum Geology
  • ERSC 5P33 Stratigraphic Palynology

Martin studies modern and fossil (especially late Cenozoic) marine dinoflagellate cysts for their intrinsic value in understanding the development of modern plankton, and for their utility in solving stratigraphic and palaeoecological problems. He maintains an association with the Quaternary Palaeoenvironments Group at the University of Cambridge.

Specific research interests and activities include

  • Palynology and the deep-sea record, particularly ODP Leg 105 (Baffin Bay and the Labrador Sea) and ODP Leg 144 (western Pacific) where he served as shipboard palynologist, and the North Atlantic DSDP Sites 603 and 610.
  • Eemian (last interglacial) dinoflagellates of the Baltic Sea, as part of the EC-Funded BALTEEM project.
  • Late Cenozoic dinoflagellates of the Black Sea, Mediterranean and Paratethys
  • High-latitude Cenozoic palynology (e.g. East Canadian Arctic, Spitsbergen, Alaska, Sakhalin Island: spores, pollen, dinoflagellates)
  • Plio-Pleistocene palynology (spores, pollen, dinoflagellates) of the southern North Sea basin
  • Dinoflagellate cyst record of the Early–Middle Pleistocene transition in the Mediterranean
  • Neogene dinoflagellates worldwide
  • Morphology, taxonomy and nomenclature of living and late Cenozoic dinoflagellates

Graduate student supervision and co-supervision

  • Stijn De Schepper (PhD, Wolfson College, Cambridge – graduated 2006)
  • Maria Papanikolaou (PhD, Wolfson College, Cambridge – graduated 2008)
  • Oliver Bazely (PhD, University of Cambridge – graduated 2010)
  • Sarah Farquhar (PhD, Emmanuel College, Cambridge – graduated 2008)
  • Sebastien Joannin (PhD, Université Claude Bernard, Lyon 1, France)
  • Ali Soliman (PhD, Karl-Franzens Universität, Graz, Austria – graduated 2006)
  • Manuel Paez (MSc, Brock University – graduated 2014)
  • Eva Fischer (MSc, Brock University – graduated 2011)
  • Kamalpreet Sihra (MSc, Brock University – graduated 2010)
  • Ida-Maria Jansson (MSc, University of Toronto, 2009)
  • Cédéric Van Renterghem (MSc, Ghent University – graduated 2011)
  • Jan Hennissen (PhD, University of Toronto – graduated 2013)
  • Masoumeh (Mehrsa) Mahdavijourshari (MSc, Brock University – graduated 2014)
  • Fernando Mantilla-Duran (MSc, Brock University – graduated 2013)
  • Saif El-Silwadi (MSc, Brock University – in progress 2014)
  • Walid Abomriga (MSc, Brock University – in progress 2014)
  • Mukudzei Dube (MSc, Brock University – in progress 2015)
  • Jens De Clercq (MSc, Ghent University – completed 2015)
  • Ese Balota (MSc, Brock University – in progress 2015)

Books, memoirs and special issues (since 1992)

  • Head, M.J., Gibbard, P.L. and van Kolfschoten, T. (eds.), 2015. The Quaternary System and its formal subdivisionQuaternary International383, 1–208.
  • Head, M.J. and McCarthy, F.M.G. (eds.), 2009. Special issue honoring the memory of Professor John H. Wrenn. Palynology, 33(2): 1–179.
  • Head, M.J. and Gibbard, P.L. (eds.), 2005. Early–Middle Pleistocene transitions: the land–ocean evidence. Geological Society of London, Special Publication 247, p. 1–326.
  • Beaudoin, A.B. and Head, M.J. (eds.), 2004. The Palynology and Micropalaeontology of Boundaries . Geological Society, London, Special Publication, 230, pp. i–vii + 1–355.
  • Marret, F. and Zonneveld, K.A.F. with contributions from de Vernal., A., Edwards, L.E., Esper, O., Harland, R., Head, M.J., Matsuoka, K., Matthiessen, J., Rochon, A., Targarona, J., Turon, J.-L., and Vink, A., 2003. Atlas of modern organic-walled dinoflagellate cyst distribution.Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 125: 1–200.
  • Head, M.J. and Beaudoin, A.B. (eds.), 2002. New frontiers and applications in palynology and micropaleontology: a Canadian perspective. Special issue of Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 180(1–3): i + 1–251.
  • Rochon, A., de Vernal, A., Turon, J.-L., Matthiessen, J. and Head, M.J. 1999. Distribution of recent dinoflagellate cysts in surface sediments from the North Atlantic Ocean and adjacent seas in relation to sea-surface paramaters. American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists, Contributions Series, No. 35, pp. 1–152, including 42 text-figs., 14 pls., and 3 Appendices.
  • Head, M.J., 1993. Dinoflagellate cysts, sporomorphs, and other palynomorphs from the marine uppermost Pliocene St. Erth Beds, Cornwall, southwestern England. The Paleontological Society, Memoir 31: 1–62, 19 pls.
  • Head, M.J. and Wrenn, J.H. (eds.), 1992. Neogene and Quaternary Dinoflagellate Cysts and Acritarchs. American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists Foundation, College Station, Texas, 438 p., 78 pls.

Research Articles (since 1998):

Most of the research articles listed below (and others) can be downloaded from ResearchGate.


  • Walker, M., Head, M.J., Berkelhammer, M., Björck, S., Cheng, H., Cwynar, L., Fisher, D., Gkinis, V., Long, A., Lowe, J., Newnham, R., Rasmussen, S., Weiss, H., 2018.  Formal ratification of the subdivision of the Holocene Series/Epoch (Quaternary System/Period): two new Global Boundary Stratotype Sections and Points (GSSPs) and three new stages/subseries. Episodes. [Published online]
  • Riding, J.B., and Head, M.J., 2018.  Preparing photographic plates of palynomorphs in the digital age.  Palynology 42(3): 354–365.
  • Ellegaard, M.E., Head, M.J., and Versteegh, G.J.M., in press.  Linking biological and geological data on dinoflagellates using the genus Spiniferitesas an example: the implications of species concepts, taxonomy and dual nomenclature.Palynology.
  • El-Beialy, S., Head, M.J., El Atfy, H., El Khoriby, E.M., 2018.  Dinoflagellate cyst evidence for the age and palaeoenvironments of the Upper Eocene–Oligocene Dabaa Formation, Qattara Depression, north Western Desert, Egypt. Palynology [Published online]
  • Mertens, K.N., Carbonell-Moore, C., Pospelova, V., Head, M.J., 2018.  Ceratocorys mariaovidiorumP.Salgado, S.Fraga, F.Rodríguez, P.Riobó & I.Bravo is a junior synonym of Pentaplacodinium saltonenseK.N.Mertens, M.C.Carbonell-Moore, V.Pospelova & M.J.Head. Notulae algarum No. 45, p. 1–2.
  • Mertens, K.N., Carbonell-Moore, C., Pospelova, V., Head, M.J., Highfield, A., Schroeder, D., Gu Haifeng, Andree, K.B., Fernandez, M., Yamaguchi, A., Takano, Y., Matsuoka, K., Nézan, E., Bilien, G., Okolodkov, Y., Koike, K, Hoppenrath, M., Pfaff, M., Pitcher, G., Al-Muftah, A., Rochon, A., Lim Po Teen, Leaw Chui Pin, Lim Zhen Fei, and Ellegaard, M., 2018. Pentaplacodinium saltonensegen. et sp. nov. (Dinophyceae), and its relationship to the cyst-defined genus Operculodinium and yessotoxin-producing Protoceratium reticulatum. Harmful Algae 71: 57–77.
  • Waters, C.N., Zalasiewicz, J., Summerhayes, C., Fairchild, I.J., Rose, N.L., Loader, N.J., Shotyk, W., Cearreta, A., Head, M.J., Syvitski, J.P.M., Williams, M., Wagreich, M., Barnosky, A.D., Zhisheng, A., Leinfelder, R., Jeandel, C., Gałuszka, A., Ivar do Sul, J.A., Gradstein, F., Steffen, W., McNeill, J.R., Wing, S., Poirier, C., Edgeworth, M., 2018.  Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) for the Anthropocene Series: Where and how to look for potential candidates. Earth-Science Reviews, 178: 370–429.
  • Suganuma, Y., Haneda, Y.,Kameo, K., Kubota, Y., Hayashi, H., Itaki, T., Okuda, M., Head, M.J., Sugaya, M., Nakazato, H., Igarashi, A., Shikoku, K., Hongo, M., Watanabe, M., Satoguch, Y., Takeshita, Y., Nishida, N., Izumi, K., Kawamura, K., Kawamata, M., Okuno, J., Yoshida, T., Ogitsu, I., Yabusaki, H., Okada, M., 2018.  Paleoclimatic and paleoceanographic records through Marine Isotope Stage 19 at the Chiba composite section, central Japan: A key reference for the Early–Middle Pleistocene Subseries boundary.  Quaternary Science Reviews, 191: 406–430.
  • Potvin, É., Kim, S.-Y., Yang, E.J., Head, M.J., Kim, H.-C., Nam, S.-I., Yim, J.H., Kang, S.-H. 2018.  Islandinium minutum subsp. barbatum subsp. nov. (Dinoflagellata), a new organic-walled dinoflagellate cyst from the western Arctic: morphology, phylogenetic position based on SSU rDNA and LSU rDNA, and distributionJournal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 65: 750–772.
  • Zalasiewicz, J., Waters, C., Head, M.J., Steffen, W., Syvitski, J.P., Vidas, D., Summerhayes, C., and Williams, M., 2018.  The geological and Earth System reality of the Anthropocene.  Current Anthropology, 59 (2): 220–223.


  • Zalasiewicz, J., Waters, C.N., Summerhayes, C.P., Wolfe, A.P., Barnosky, A.D., Cearreta, A., Ellis, E., Fairchild, I., Gałuszka, A., Haff, P., Hajdas, I., Head, M.J., Jeandel, C., Leinfelder, R., McNeill, J., Neal, C., Steffen, W., Syvitski, J., Wagreich, M., Williams, M., 2017.  The Working Group on the Anthropocene:  Summary of evidence and interim recommendations.  The Anthropocene, 19: 55–60.
  • Pellen, R., Popescu, S.-M., Suc, J.-P., Melinte-Dobrinescu, M.C., Rubino, J.-L., Rabineau, M., Marabini, S., Loget, N., Casero, P., Cavazza, W., Head, M.J., and Aslanian, D., 2017. The Apennine foredeep (Italy) during the latest Messinian: Lago Mare reflects competing brackish and marine conditions based on calcareous nannofossils and dinoflagellate cysts.  Geobios 50: 237–257.
  • Zalasiewicz, J., Waters, C.N., Wolfe, A.P., Barnosky, A.D., Cearreta, A., Edgeworth, M., Ellis, E.C., Fairchild, I.J., Gradstein, F.M., Grinevald, J., Haff, P., Head, M.J., Ivar do Sul, J.A., Jeandel, C., Leinfelder, R., McNeill, J.R., Oreskes, N., Poirier, C., Revkin, A., Richter, D. deB., Steffen, W., Summerhayes, C., Syvitski, J.P.M., Vidas, D., Wagreich, W., Wing, S., Williams, M., 2017.  Making the case for a formal Anthropocene Epoch: an analysis of ongoing critiques.  Newsletters in Stratigraphy, 50 (2): 205–226.
  • Hennissen, J.A.I., Head, M.J., De Schepper, S., and Groeneveld, J., 2017.  Dinoflagellate cyst paleoecology during the Pliocene–Pleistocene climatic transition in the North Atlantic.  Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 470: 81–108.
  • Head, M.J., Aubry, M.-P., Walker, M., Miller, K.G., and Pratt, B.R., 2017. A case for formalizing subseries (subepochs) of the Cenozoic Era.  Episodes 40(1): 22–27.
  • Zalasiewicz, J., Waters, C.N., and Head, M.J., 2017.  Anthropocene: its stratigraphic basis.  Nature, 541: 289.


  • Zalasiewicz, J., Waters, C.N., Wolfe, A.P., Barnosky, A.D., Cearreta, A., Edgeworth, M., Ellis, E.C., Fairchild, I.J., Gradstein, F.M., Grinevald, J., Haff, P., Head, M.J., Jeandel, C., Leinfelder, R., McNeill, J.R., Oreskes, N., Poirier, C., Revkin, A., Richter, D. deB., Steffen, W., Summerhayes, C., Syvitski, J.P.M., Vidas, D., Wagreich, W., Wing, S., Williams, M.  2016.  Comment: Finney & Edwards article.  GSA Today, 27 (2): e36–e37.
  • Head, M.J., Fensome, R.A., Herendeen, P.S., Skog, J.E., 2016.  (315319) Proposals to amend Article 11.8 and its Examples to remove ambiguity in the sanctioning of dual nomenclature for dinoflagellates, and an emendation of Article 11.7, Example 29. Taxon, 65(4): 902903.
  • Fensome, R., Bijl, P., Grothe, A., Head, M., Sangiorgi, F., and Williams, G., 2016. (24502451) Proposals to conserve the names Selenopemphix against Margosphaera, and S. nephroides against M. velata (Dinophyceae). Taxon 65(3): 636637.
  • Special Committee on Registration of Algal and Plant Names (including fossils).  Members: Barkworth, M.E. (Convener), Watson, M. (Secretary), Barrie, F.R., Belyaeva, I.V., Chung, R.C.K., Dašková, J., Davidse, G., Dönmez, A.I., Doweld, A.B., Dressler, S., Flann, C., Gandhi, K., Geltman, D., Glen, H.F., Greuter, W., Head, M.J., Jahn, R., Janarthanam, M.K., Katinas, L., Kirk, P.M., Klazenga, N., Kusber, W.-H., Kvaček, J., Malécot, V., Mann, D.G., Marhold, K., Nagamasu, H., Nicolson, N., Paton, A., Patterson, D.J., Price, M.J., Prud’homme van Reine, W.F., Schneider, C.W., Sennikov, A., Smith, G.F., Stevens, P.F., Yang, Z.-L., Zhang, X.-C., and Zuccarello, G.C., 2016.  Report of the Special Committee on Registration of Algal and Plant Names (including fossils).  Taxon, 65(3): 670672.
  • Special Committee on Registration of Algal and Plant Names (including fossils).  Members: Barkworth, M.E. (Convener), Watson, M. (Secretary), Barrie, F.R., Belyaeva, I.V., Chung, R.C.K., Dašková, J., Davidse, G., Dönmez, A.I., Doweld, A.B., Dressler, S., Flann, C., Gandhi, K., Geltman, D., Glen, H.F., Greuter, W., Head, M.J., Jahn, R., Janarthanam, M.K., Katinas, L., Kirk, P.M., Klazenga, N., Kusber, W.-H., Kvaček, J., Malécot, V., Mann, D.G., Marhold, K., Nagamasu, H., Nicolson, N., Paton, A., Patterson, D.J., Price, M.J., Prud’homme van Reine, W.F., Schneider, C.W., Sennikov, A., Smith, G.F., Stevens, P.F., Yang, Z.-L., Zhang, X.-C., and G.C. Zuccarello, G.C., 2016.  (276279) Proposals to provide for registration of new names and nomenclatural acts.  Taxon, 65(3): 656658.


  • International Association of Plant Taxonomy, Committee on Fossils: Anderson, H., Batten, D.J., Cantrill, D.J., Cleal, C., Feist-Burkhardt, S., Fensome, R.A., Head, M.J. (Chair), Herendeen, P.S. (Secretary), Jaramillo, C., Kvaček, J., McLoughlin, S., Skog, J.E., Takahashi, M., Wicander, R., 2015. Proposal to treat the use of a hyphen in the name of a fossil-genus as an orthographical error. Taxon 64(4): 863.
  • Hennissen, J.A.I., Head, M.J., De Schepper, S., and Groeneveld, J., 2015.  Increased seasonality during the intensification of Northern Hemisphere glaciation at the PliocenePleistocene boundary ~2.6 Ma.Quaternary Science Reviews, 129: 321332.
  • Head, M.J., Gibbard, P.L. and van Kolfschoten, T. (eds.), 2015. Guest editorial: The Quaternary System and its formal subdivision.  Special volume of Quaternary International, 383: 13.
  • Head, M.J., and Gibbard, P.L., 2015.  Formal subdivision of the Quaternary System/Period: Past, present, and futureQuaternary International, 383, 435.
  • Head, M.J., and Gibbard, P.L., 2015. Early–Middle Pleistocene transitions: Linking terrestrial and marine realms. Quaternary International, 389, 746.
  • Popescu, S.-M., Dalibard, M., Suc, J.-P., Barhoun, N., Melinte-Dobrinescu, M.-C., Bassetti, M. A., Deaconu, F., Head, M.J., Gorini, C., Do Couto, D., Rubino, J.-L., Auxietre, J.-L., and Floodpage, J., 2015.  Lago Mare episodes around the Messinian–Zanclean boundary in the deep southwestern MediterraneanMarine and Petroleum Geology, 66: 5570.
  • Kazaoka, O., Suganuma, Y., Okada, M., Kameo, K., Head, M.J., Yoshida, T., Sugaya, N., Kameyama, S., Ogitsu, I., Nirei, H., Aida, N., Hisao Kumai, H., 2015. Stratigraphy of the Kazusa Group, Boso Peninsula: an expanded and highly-resolved marine sedimentary record from the Lower and Middle Pleistocene of central Japan. Quaternary International, 383: 116135.
  • Suganuma, Y., Okada, M., Horie, K., Kaiden, H., Takehara, M., Senda, R., Kimura, J.-I., Kawamura, K., Haneda, Y., Kazaoka, O., Head, M.J., 2015.  Age of Matuyama–Brunhes boundary constrained by U-Pb zircon dating of a widespread tephra. Geology, 43: 491494; DOI: 10.1130/G36625.1
  • Railsback, L.B., Gibbard, P.L., Head, M.J., Voarintsoa, N.R.G., Toucanne, S., 2015.  An optimized scheme of lettered marine isotope substages for the last 1.0 million years, and the climatostratigraphic nature of isotope stages and substages. Quaternary Science Reviews,111, 94106.


  • Hennissen, J.A.I., Head, M.J., De Schepper, S., and Groeneveld, J., 2014.  Palynological evidence for a southward shift of the North Atlantic Current at ~2.6 Ma during the intensification of late Cenozoic Northern Hemisphere glaciation. Paleoceanography, 28, doi:10.1002/2013PA002543.
  • Mertens, K.N., Takano, Y., Head, M.J., and Matsuoka, K., 2014. Living fossils in the Indo-Pacific warm pool: A refuge for thermophilic dinoflagellates during glaciations. Geology42:531534, doi:10.1130/G35456.1. GSA data repository item 2014187 (for online supplementary data). Also featured in Research Highlights,Nature, vol. 508, 24 April, 2014.
  • Miettinen, A, Head, M.J., and Knudsen, K.L., 2014. Eemian sea-level highstand in the eastern Baltic Sea linked to long-duration White Sea connection. Quaternary Science Reviews, 86: 158174.
  • Jansson, I.-M., Mertens, K.N., and Head, M.J., with contributions from de Vernal, A., Londeix, L., Marret, F., Matthiessen, J., and Sangiorgi, F., 2014. Statistically assessing the correlation between salinity and morphology in cysts produced by the dinoflagellate Protoceratium reticulatum from surface sediments of the North Atlantic Ocean, MediterraneanMarmaraBlack Sea region, and BalticKattegatSkagerrak estuarine system. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 399: 202213.
  • Wilkinson, I.P., Poirier, C., Head, M.J., Sayer, C., and Tibby, J., 2014. Microbiotic signatures of the Anthropocene in marginal marine and freshwater palaeoenvironments.  In: Waters, C.N., Zalasiewicz, J.A., Williams, M., Ellis, M.A. & Snelling, A.M. (eds), A Stratigraphical Basis for the Anthropocene. Geological Society of London, Special Publications 395.
  • De Schepper, S., and Head, M.J., 2014.  New late Cenozoic acritarchs: evolution, palaeoecology and correlation potential in high latitude oceansJournal of Systematic Palaeontology, 12(4): 493519; doi:10.1080/14772019.2013.783883.


  • De Schepper, S., Groeneveld, J., Naafs, B.D.A., Van Renterghem, C., Hennissen, J., Head, M.J., and Louwye, S., 2013. Northern Hemisphere glaciation during the globally warm early Late PliocenePLoS ONE 8(12): e81508. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0081508.
  • Mertens, K.N., Yamaguchi, A., Takano, Y., Pospelova, V., Head, M.J., Radi, T., Pieńkowski, A.J., de Vernal, A., Kawami, H., and Matsuoka, K., 2013. A new heterotrophic dinoflagellate from the north-eastern Pacific, Protoperidinium fukuyoi: cysttheca relationship, phylogeny, distribution and ecology. The Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology, 60: 545563. doi:10.1111/jeu.12058.
  • Head, M.J. and Harland, R., 2013.  A history of the international conferences on modern and fossil dinoflagellates, 1978 to 2011.  In:Lewis, J. M., Marret, F., and Bradley, L. (eds), Biological and Geological Perspectives of Dinoflagellates. The Micropalaeontological Society, Special Publications. Geological Society, London, p. 121.
  • Matsuoka, K., and Head, M.J., 2013.  Clarifying cyst–motile stage relationships in dinoflagellates.  In: Lewis, J. M., Marret, F., and Bradley, L. (eds), Biological and Geological Perspectives of Dinoflagellates. The Micropalaeontological Society, Special Publications. Geological Society, London, p. 325350.
  • Paez-Reyes, M., and Head, M.J., 2013.  The Cenozoic gonyaulacacean dinoflagellate genera Operculodinium Wall, 1967 and ProtoceratiumBergh, 1881 and their phylogenetic relationships.  Journal ofPaleontology, 87: 786803.
  • Head, M.J., Gibbard, P.L., and van Kolfschoten, T., 2013.  The Quaternary System/Period: current status and future challenges. Ciências da Terra, 18: 7780.
  • Radi, T., Bonnet, S., Cormier, M.-A., de Vernal, A., Durantou, L., Faubert, E., Head, M.J., Henry, M., Pospelova, V., Rochon, A., andVan Nieuwenhove, N. 2013.  Operational taxonomy and (paleo-)autecology of round, brown, spiny dinoflagellate cysts from the Quaternary of high northern latitudes. Marine Micropaleontology, 98: 4157.


  • Schreck, M., Matthiessen, J., and Head, M.J., 2012. A magnetostratigraphic calibration of mid-Miocene to Pliocene dinoflagellate cyst and acritarch events in the Iceland Sea (ODP Hole 907A). Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 187: 66–94.
  • Cita, M.B., Gibbard, P.L., Head, M.J., and The Subcommission on Quaternary Stratigraphy, 2012. Formal ratification of the GSSP for the base of the Calabrian Stage (second stage of the Pleistocene Series, Quaternary System). Episodes, 35(3): 388397.
  • Soliman, A., Ćorić, S., Head, M.J., Piller, W., and El Beialy, S.Y.  2012Lower and Middle Miocene biostratigraphy, Gulf of Suez, Egypt based on dinoflagellate cysts and calcareous nannofossilsPalynology, 36(1): 1–42.


  • De Schepper, S., Fischer, E., Groeneveld, J., Head, M.J., and Matthiessen, J., 2011.  Deciphering the palaeoecology of Late Pliocene and Early Pleistocene dinoflagellate cysts.  Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 309: 17–32.
  • Papanikolaou, M.D., Triantaphyllou, M.V., Platzman, E.S., Gibbard, P.L., Mac Niocaill, C., and Head, M.J., 2011.  A well-established Early–Middle Pleistocene marine sequence on south-east Zakynthos island, western Greece: magneto-biostratigraphic constraints and palaeoclimatic implications.  Journal of Quaternary Science, 26: 523–540.


  • Gibbard, P.L., and Head, M.J., 2010. The newly-ratified definition of the Quaternary System/Period and redefinition of the Pleistocene Series/Epoch, and comparison of proposals advanced prior to formal ratification. Episodes, 33: 152–158.
  • Special Committee on Electronic Publication (24 members including M.J. Head), 2010.  (203–213) Proposals to permit electronic publications to be effectively published under specified conditions.  Taxon, 59: 1907–1908.
  • El Beialy, S.Y., Head, M.J., and El Atfy, H.S., 2010Palynology of the mid-Cretaceous Malha and Galala formations, Gebel el Minshera, north Sinai, Egypt.  Palaios, 25: 517–526.
  • Gibbard, P.L., Head, M.J., Walker, M.J.C. and The Subcommission on Quaternary Stratigraphy, 2010.  Formal ratification of the Quaternary System/Period and the Pleistocene Series/Epoch with a base at 2.58 Ma.  Journal of Quaternary Science, 25(2): 96–102.


  • Gibbard, P.L. and Head, M.J., 2009.  IUGS ratification of the Quaternary System/Period and the Pleistocene Series/Epoch with a base at 2.58 Ma. Quaternaire, 20(4): 411–412.
  • Gibbard, P., and Head, M.J., 2009.  The definition of the Quaternary System/Era and the Pleistocene Series/Epoch.  Quaternaire 20(2): 125–133.
  • De Schepper, S., Head, M.J., Groeneveld, J.  2009.  North Atlantic Current variability through marine isotope stage M2 (circa 3.3 Ma) during the mid-Pliocene.  Paleoceanography, 24: DOI: 10.1029/2008PA001725.
  • Soliman, A., Head, M.J., and Louwye, S.  2009.  Morphology and distribution of the Miocene dinoflagellate cyst Operculodinium?borgerholtense Louwye 2001, emend.  Palynology 33(2): 73–84.
  • Popescu, S.-M., Dalesme, F., Jouannic, G., Escarguel, G., Head, M.J., Melinte-Dobrinescu, M.C., Sütő-Szentai, M., Bakrac, K., Clauzon, G., Suc, J.-P.  2009.  Galeacysta etrusca complex: dinoflagellate cyst marker of Paratethyan influxes to the Mediterranean Sea before and after the peak of the Messinian Salinity CrisisPalynology, 33(2): 105–134.
  • Ghasemi-Nejad, E., Head, M.J., and Naderi, M., 2009.  Palynology and petroleum potential of the Kazhdumi Formation (Cretaceous: Albian–Cenomanian) in the South Pars field, northern Persian Gulf. Marine and Petroleum Geology 26: 805–816.
  • De Schepper, S., Head, M.J., and Louwye, S.  2009.  Pliocene dinoflagellate cyst stratigraphy, palaeoecology and sequence stratigraphy of the Tunnel-Canal Dock, Belgium.  Geological Magazine 146(1): 92–112. Supplementary information available at:


  • De Schepper, S. and Head, M.J., 2008. Age calibration of dinoflagellate cyst and acritarch events in the Pliocene–Pleistocene of the eastern North Atlantic (DSDP Hole 610A).  Stratigraphy 5(2): 137–161.
  • Ghasemi-Nejad, E., Head, M.J. & Zamani, M. 2008.  Dinoflagellate cysts from the Upper Triassic (Norian) of Northeastern Iran.  Journal of Micropalaeontology 27: 125–134.
  • Head, M.J., Gibbard, P.L., and Salvador, A., 2008.  The Tertiary: a proposal for its formal definition.  Episodes 31(2): 248–250.
  • Head, M.J., Gibbard, P.L., and Salvador, A., 2008.  The Quaternary: its character and definition.  Episodes 31(2): 234–238.
  • Head, M.J., Pillans, B., and Farquhar, S., 2008.  The Early–Middle Pleistocene Transition: characterization and proposed guide for the defining boundary.  Episodes 31(2): 255–259.
  • De Schepper, S. and Head, M.J., 2008. New dinoflagellate cyst and acritarch taxa from the Pliocene and Pleistocene of the eastern North Atlantic (DSDP Site 610). Journal of Systematic Palaeontology 6: 101–117.


  • Head, M.J., 2007. Last Interglacial (Eemian) hydrographic conditions in the southwestern Baltic Sea based on dinoflagellate cysts from Ristinge Klint, Denmark. Geological Magazine 144: 987–1013.


  • Jiménez-Moreno, G., Head, M.J., and Harzhauser, M., 2006.  Early and Middle Miocene dinoflagellate cyst stratigraphy of the central Paratethys, central Europe.  Journal of Micropalaeontology 25: 113–139.
  • Sorrel, P., Popescu, S.-M., Head, M.J., Suc, J.P., Klotz, S., and Oberhänsli, H., 2006.  Hydrographic development of the Aral Sea during the last 2000 years based on a quantitative analysis of dinoflagellate cysts.  Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 234: 304–327.
  • Head, M.J., Lewis, J., and de Vernal, A., 2006. The cyst of the calcareous dinoflagellate Scrippsiella trifida : resolving the fossil record of its organic wall with that of Alexandrium tamarense. Journal of Paleontology 80(1): 1–18.


  • Matthiessen, J., de Vernal, A., Head, M., Okolodkov, Y., Zonneveld, K., and Harland, R., 2005. Modern organic-walled dinoflagellate cysts in Arctic marine environments and their (paleo-) environmental significance. Paläontologische Zeitschrift 79: 3–51.
  • Head, M.J. and Gibbard, P.L., 2005. Early–Middle Pleistocene transitions: an overview and recommendation for the defining boundary. In: Head, M.J. and Gibbard, P.L. (eds.), Early–Middle Pleistocene transitions: the land–ocean evidence. Geological Society of London, Special Publication 247, p. 1–18.
  • Head, M.J., Seidenkrantz, M.-S., Janczyk-Kopikowa, Z., Marks, L., and Gibbard, P.L., 2005. Last Interglacial (Eemian) hydrographic conditions in the southeastern Baltic Sea, NE Europe, based on dinoflagellate cysts.Quaternary International 130: 3–30.


  • Beaudoin, A.B., and Head, M.J., 2004. Drawing a line in the sand: identifying and characterizing boundaries in the geological record. In: Beaudoin, A.B. and Head, M.J. (eds.), The palynology and micropalaeontology of boundaries. Geological Society of London, Special Publication 230, 1–10.
  • Head, M.J., Riding, J.B., Eidvin, T., and Chadwick, R.A., 2004. Palynological and foraminiferal biostratigraphy of (Upper Pliocene) Nordland Group mudstones at Sleipner, northern North Sea. Marine and Petroleum Geology 21: 277–297.
  • De Schepper, S., Head, M.J., and Louwye, S., 2004. New dinoflagellate cyst and incertae sedis taxa from the Pliocene of northern Belgium, southern North Sea Basin. Journal of Paleontology 78: 625–644.
  • Louwye, S., Head, M.J., and De Schepper, S., 2004. Dinoflagellate cyst stratigraphy and palaeoecology of the Pliocene in northern Belgium, southern North Sea Basin. Geological Magazine 141: 353–378.


  • Head, M.J., Borel, C.M., Guerstein, G. R., and Harland, R., 2003. The problematic aquatic palynomorph genus Cobricosphaeridium Harland & Sarjeant, 1970 emend., with new records from the Holocene of Argentina.Journal of Paleontology 77: 1159–1181.
  • Head, M.J., 2003. Neogene occurrences of the marine acritarch genusNannobarbophora Habib and Knapp, 1982 emend., and the new species N. gedlii. Journal of Paleontology 77: 382–385.
  • Head, M.J. and Norris, G. 2003. New species of dinoflagellate cysts and other palynomorphs from the late Neogene of the western North Atlantic, DSDP Hole 603C. Journal of Paleontology 77: 1–15.


  • Head, M.J., and Beaudoin, A. B. 2002. Palynology and micropaleontology in Canada – an introduction. In: Head, M.J. and Beaudoin, A.B. (eds.), New frontiers and applications in palynology and micropaleontology: a Canadian perspective. Special issue of Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology , 180: 1–4.
  • Head, M.J. 2002. Echinidinium zonneveldiae sp. nov., a new dinoflagellate cyst from the Late Pleistocene of the Baltic region. Journal of Micropalaeontology 21: 169–173.
  • Pospelova, V. and Head, M.J. 2002. Islandinium brevispinosum sp. nov. (Dinoflagellata), a new organic-walled dinoflagellate cyst from modern estuarine sediments of New England (USA). Journal of Phycology 38: 593–601.


  • de Vernal, A., Henry, M., Matthiessen, J., Mudie, P.J., Rochon, A., Boessenkool, K.P., Eynaud, F., Grøsfjeld, K., Guiot, J., Hamel, D., Harland, R., Head, M.J., Kunz-Pirrung, M., Levac, E., Loucheur, V., Peyron, O., Pospelova, V., Radi, T., Turon, J.-L., and Voronina, E. 2001. Dinoflagellate cyst assemblages as tracers of sea-surface conditions in the northern North Atlantic, Arctic and sub-Arctic seas: the new ‘n = 677’ data base and its application for quantitative palaeoceanographic reconstruction. Journal of Quaternary Science 16(7): 681–698.
  • Head, M.J., Harland, R., and Matthiessen, J., 2001. Cold marine indicators of the late Quaternary: the new dinoflagellate cyst genusIslandinium and related morphotypes. Journal of Quaternary Science 16(7): 621–636, 3 pls.


  • Head, M.J., 2000. Geonettia waltonensis, a new goniodomacean dinoflagellate from the Pliocene of the North Atlantic region, and its evolutionary implications. Journal of Paleontology 74(5): 812–827, 6 pls.
  • Riding, J.B., Head, M.J., and Moorlock, B.S.P., 2000. Sedimentary provenance of the Upper Pliocene Crag Group, Norfolk based on reworked palynomorphs from the Ludham Borehole. Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association , London, U.K., 111: 161–171, 1 pl.
  • Westphal, H., Head, M.J. and Munnecke, A., 2000. Differential diagenesis of rhythmic limestone alternations supported by palynological evidence.Journal of Sedimentary Research (Section A) , 70(3): 715–725, 1 pl.


  • Westphal, H., Reijmer, J.J.G. and Head, M.J., 1999. Input and diagenesis on a carbonate slope (Bahamas): response to morphologic evolution of the carbonate platform and sea-level fluctuations. In: P.M. Harris, A.H. Saller, and T. Simo (eds.), Advances in Carbonate Sequence Stratigraphy: Application to reservoirs, outcrops and models. SEPM Special Publication 63. SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology), p. 247–274.
  • Head, M.J., 1999. The Late Pliocene St. Erth Beds of Cornwall: a review of the palynology and reappraisal of the dinoflagellates. In: Scource, J. and Furze, M.F.A. (eds.), The Quaternary of West Cornwall. Field Guide, Quaternary Research Association, Durham, U.K., p. 88–92.
  • Head, M.J. and Nøhr-Hansen, H., 1999. The extant thermophilic dinoflagellate Tectatodinium pellitum (al. Tectatodinium rugulatum ) from the Danian of Denmark. Journal of Paleontology 73(4): 577–579, 1 text-fig., 1 pl.
  • Head, M.J. and Westphal, H. 1999. Palynology and paleoenvironments of a Pliocene carbonate platform: the Clino Core, Bahamas. Journal of Paleontology 73(1): 1–25, 8 pls.


  • Fensome, R.A., Bujak, J., Dale, B., Davies, E.H., Dodge, J.D., Edwards, L.E., Harland, R., Head, M.J. and 7 others. 1998. Proposal to conserve the name Protoperidiniaceae against Congruentidiaceae, Diplopsalaceae and Kolkwitziellaceae (Dinophyceae). Taxon 47: 727–730.
  • Head, M.J. 1998c. Pollen and dinoflagellates from the Red Crag at Walton-on-the-Naze, Essex: evidence for a mild climatic phase during the early late Pliocene of eastern England. Geological Magazine 135: 803–817, 3 pls.
  • Head, M.J., 1998b. New goniodomacean dinoflagellates with a compound hypotractal archeopyle from the late Cenozoic: Capisocysta Warny and Wrenn, emend. Journal of Paleontology 72(5): 797–809, 5 pls.
  • Head, M.J., 1998a. Marine environmental change in the Pliocene and early Pleistocene of eastern England: the dinoflagellate evidence reviewed. In T. Van Kolfschoten and P.L. Gibbard (eds.), The Dawn of the Quaternary. Mededelingen Nederlands Instituut voor Toegepaste Geowetenschappen TNO 60: 199–225, 4 pls.

Recent talks and published conference abstracts (since 2000)


  • Kazaoka, O., Nirei, H., Aida, N., Kumai, H., Head, M.J., and Pillans, B.  The Chiba section, Central Japan: a potential Lower–Middle Pleistocene GSSP along the west Pacific margin.  34th International Geological Congress, Brisbane, Australia, 5–10 August, 2012.
  • Head, M.J. and Pillans, B., 2012.  The Early–Middle Pleistocene boundary: background and overview of potential Global Stratotype Sections and Points (GSSPs).  34th International Geological Congress, Brisbane, Australia, 5–10 August, 2012.


  • Head, M.J., 2011. Late Cenozoic dinocyst and acritarch biostratigraphy of the North Atlantic and adjacent basins.  Invited talk, Statoil, Bergen, Norway, 30 November, 2011.
  • De Schepper, S., Groeneveld, J., Naafs, B.D.A., and Head, M.J., 2011. The role of the North Atlantic in the mid-Pliocene glaciation of Marine Isotope Stage M2.  Salamanca conference, 2011.
  • Paez-Reyes, M., Head, M.J., Westphal, H., 2011. Neogene long-term paleoecological trends in the Bahamian Platform: A dinocyst perspective.  Ninth International Conference on Modern and Fossil Dinoflagellates, Dino 9, Liverpool, U.K., August 28–September 2, 2011.
  • Schreck, M, Matthiessen, J., and Head, M.J., 2011. A Magnetostratigraphic Calibration of Middle Miocene to Pliocene Dinoflagellate Cyst and Acritarch Events in the Iceland Sea (Ocean Drilling Program Hole 907A).  Ninth International Conference on Modern and Fossil Dinoflagellates, Dino 9, Liverpool, U.K., August 28–September 2, 2011.
  • De Schepper, S., Louwye, S., and Head, M.J., 2011. Pliocene to Early Quaternary palynology of the Bering Sea: initial results from IODP Site U1341.  Ninth International Conference on Modern and Fossil Dinoflagellates, Dino 9, Liverpool, U.K., August 28–September 2, 2011.
  • De Schepper, S., Head, M.J., Groeneveld, J., Fischer, E.I., Mathiessen, J., Naafs, B.D.A., and Hennissen, J., 2011. A multi-proxy approach for investigating Pliocene–Pleistocene North Atlantic environmental change and dinoflagellate cyst palaeoecology.  Invited talk. Ninth International Conference on Modern and Fossil Dinoflagellates, Dino 9, Liverpool, U.K., August 28–September 2, 2011.
  • Hennissen, J., Head, M.J., Groeneveld, J., and De Schepper, S., 2011. Plio-Pleistocene dinocysts (MIS G7–102) and foraminiferal geochemistry (Mg/Ca, δ18O) from the eastern North Atlantic.  Ninth International Conference on Modern and Fossil Dinoflagellates, Dino 9, Liverpool, U.K., August 28–September 2, 2011.
  • Head, M.J., De Schepper, S., Groeneveld, J., Fischer, E.I., and Hennissen, J., 2011. North Atlantic Current instability during the early Pliocene, a new method for elucidating the ecology of Plio-Pleistocene dinoflagellate cysts, and possible relevance for reservoir-scale biostratigraphy in oilfield development..  Invited talk.  University of Tehran, Iran, May 8, 2011.
  • Head, M.J., De Schepper, S., Groeneveld, J., Fischer, E.I., and Hennissen, J., 2011. Fluctuations in the North Atlantic Current during the Pliocene and Early Pleistocene, with particular focus on mid-Piacenzian cooling: results of a new proxy based on dinoflagellate cysts and foraminiferal geochemistry.  Invited talk.  National Centre for Antarctic and Ocean Research, Vasco-da-Gama, Goa, India, February 21, 2011; and National Institute of Oceanography, Dona Paula, Goa, India, February 23, 2011.
  • Head, M.J., De Schepper, S., Groeneveld, J., Fischer, E.I., and Hennissen, J., 2011. Deciphering paleoceanographic changes in the North Atlantic during the Pliocene and Early Pleistocene using a new proxy combining dinoflagellate cysts and foraminiferal geochemistry.  Invited talk.  Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany, Lucknow, India, February 14, 2011.
  • Head, M.J., 2011.  The Quaternary and its subdivision, with special focus on the Early–Middle Pleistocene boundary.  International Symposium on Type Section for Lower–Middle Pleistocene boundary.  Invited talk.  INQUA Subcommission on Quaternary Stratigraphy of Asia and Pacific Region.  Ichihara City, Chiba Prefecture, Japan, January 15–16, 2011.
  • McCarthy, F.M.G., Mahdavi, M., Kotthoff, U., and Head, M.J., 2011.  Lower to Middle Miocene palynology of the shallow New Jersey shelf: evidence of icehouse cooling.  Joint Northeastern/North Central Section meeting of the Geological Society of America in Pittsburgh, March 2011.


  • Head, M.J., De Schepper, S., Groeneveld, J., Fischer, E.I., and Hennissen, J., 2010. Dinoflagellate cysts and foraminiferal geochemistry: a new combined proxy for environmental change in the Pliocene and Early Pleistocene of the North Atlantic Ocean.  Invited talk.  54th Annual Meeting of the Palaeontological Association, Ghent, Belgium, 17–20 December, 2010.
  • De Schepper, S., Groeneveld, J., and Head, M.J., 2010.  Unravelling the (palaeo)autecology of Pliocene dinoflagellate cysts.  54th Annual Meeting of the Palaeontological Association, Ghent, Belgium, 17–20 December, 2010.
  • De Schepper, S., Groeneveld, J., Naafs, B.D.A., and Head, M.J., 2010.  The role of the North Atlantic in the mid-Pliocene glaciation of Marine Isotope Stage M2.  54th Annual Meeting of the Palaeontological Association, Ghent, Belgium, 17–20 December, 2010.
  • Hennissen, J., Head, M.J., Groeneveld, J., and De Schepper, S., 2010.  Reconstructing western North Atlantic oceanic conditions during the mid-Pliocene MIS M2 (3.30 Ma): integrating palynology and foraminiferal geochemistry. 54th Annual Meeting of the Palaeontological Association, Ghent, Belgium, 17–20 December, 2010.
  • Paez-Raez, M., Head, M.J., and Westphal, H., 2010.  Cyclic alternations on the Miocene slope of a neotropical carbonate ramp: product of diagenesis or response to short term sea-level variations? AASP–The Palynological Society, 43rd Annual Meeting, September 29–October 1, 2010, Halifax, Nova Scotia.
  • Paez-Raez, M., and Head, M.J., 2010.  Tabulation reappraised for the dinoflagellate species Protoceratium reticulatum (Claparède & Lachmann) Bütschli 1885 and Operculodinium bahamense Head & Westphal 1999: phylogenetic implications.  AASP–The Palynological Society, 43rd Annual Meeting, September 29–October 1, 2010, Halifax, Nova Scotia.
  • Ćorić, S., Soliman, A. El Beialy, S.Y., Head, M.J., Piller, W., 2010.  Lower and Middle Miocene biostratigraphy, Gulf of Suez, Egypt based on calcareous nannoplankton and dinoflagellate cysts.  13th International Nannnoplankton Association Meeting, September 5–10, 2010, Yamagata, Japan.
  • De Schepper, S., Groeneveld, J., Naafs, B.D.A., and Head, M.J., 2010.  The role of the North Atlantic in the mid-Pliocene glaciation of Marine Isotope Stage M2.  10th International Conference on Paleoceanography, San Diego, CA, August 29–September 3.
  • Sihra, K.K., Head, M.J., and Stancliffe, R.P.W., 2010.  Integrating vitrinite reflectance, Rock-Eval pyrolysis, fluorescence microscopy, and palynology of the Athabasca Oil Sands, Kearl Lake, northeastern Alberta.  Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum (CIM), Conference and Exhibition, Victoria, B.C., May 9–12.
  • De Schepper, S., Groeneveld, J., Head, M.J., and Naafs, D., 2010.  Mid-Pliocene North Atlantic palaeoceanography based on palynology, planktonic foraminiferal Mg/Ca, and alkenones.  EGU Vienna, 2–7 May.


  • Fischer, E., Head, M.J., and Groeneveld, J., 2009.  Palynology and foraminiferal geochemistry of the Lower Pleistocene Olduvai Subchron (ca. 1.8 Ma) in DSDP Hole 603C, western North Atlantic.  AASP – The Palynological Society, 42nd Annual Meeting, September 27–30, Kingsport, Tennessee, U.S.A.
  • De Schepper, S., Head, M.J., and Groeneveld, J., 2009.  North Atlantic Current variability through Marine Isotope Stage MIS M2 (ca. 3.3 Ma).  Workshop on Pliocene Climate Change, 23–25 October, Bordeaux, France.
  • Head, M.J., De Schepper, S., and Groeneveld, J., 2009.  Unravelling the mysteries of Pliocene palaeoceanography in the North Atlantic using dinoflagellate cysts and geochemistry.  Dinoflagellate Tree of Life Minimeeting, May 28–29, Washington D.C.  Invited talk.
  • De Schepper, S., Head, M.J., and Groeneveld, J., 2009.  Pliocene stratigraphy and palaeoceanography of the eastern North Atlantic based on dinoflagellate cysts and geochemistry.  AGU, GAC etc. Joint Assembly: A Meeting of the Americas, Toronto, 24–27 May 09; Abstracts.
  • Head, M.J., 2009.  The Tertiary and Quaternary: their status, duration, and progress towards recognition as official chronostratigraphic units.  AGU, GAC etc. Joint Assembly: A Meeting of the Americas, Toronto, 24–27 May 09; Abstracts.
  • De Schepper, S., and Head, M.J., 2009.  New dinoflagellate cyst and acritarch taxa from the Pliocene and Pleistocene of the eastern North Atlantic.  International Workshop on Pacific Dinoflagellate Cysts: Morphology, Taxonomy, Distribution, and Ecology of Late Quaternary Dinoflagellate Cysts, 7–10 May, Victoria, Canada; Program and Abstracts, p. 11.
  • Radi, T., Head, M.J., Pospelova, V., Marret, F., de Vernal, A., Limoges, A., and Kielt, J.-F., 2009.  Dinoflagellate cysts in surface sediments from the northeast Pacific: ecological affinities and taxonomic considerations.  International Workshop on Pacific Dinoflagellate Cysts: Morphology, Taxonomy, Distribution, and Ecology of Late Quaternary Dinoflagellate Cysts, 7–10 May, Victoria, Canada; Program and Abstracts, p. 23.
  • Papanikolaou, M.D., and Head, M.J., 2009.  Indications of temporal water masses variability at the junction of Eastern and Western Mediterranean sub-basins (ODP Site 963) during the Middle Pleistocene Transition.  European Geosciences Union, General Assembly, 19–24 April, Vienna, Austria [Abstracts].
  • Papanikolaou, M.D., Triantaphyllou, M., Head, M.J., Platzman, E., and Gibbard, P., 2009.  Interplay between tectonics and eustasy on an uplifted Plio-Pleistocene marine sequence on Zakynthos island, Eastern Mediterranean.  European Geosciences Union, General Assembly, 19–24 April, Vienna, Austria [Abstracts].


  • De Schepper, S., Head, M.J., and Groeneveld, J., 2008.  North Atlantic Current variability through Marine Isotope Stage MIS M2 (ca. 3.3 Ma) during the warm mid-Pliocene.  Integrated Ocean Drilling Program, Workshop, Potsdam, February, 2009.
  • Paez, M., Head, M.J., and Westphal, H., 2008.  Long-term sea-level variations and diagenesis recorded on a Miocene subtropical carbonate platform as evidenced by palynological data, ODP Site 1007, Bahamas.  Joint Meeting of The Geological Society of America, 5–9 October, Houston TX.
  • El Beialy, S.Y., El Atfy, H.S., Head, M.J., El Khoriby, E.M., and Abu Zeid, R.H., 2008.  Palynology, palynofacies, paleoenvironments and organic geochemistry of the Upper Cretaceous in well GPTSW-7, north Western Desert, Egypt. Paleontological Society of Egypt. Abstracts of papers presented at the Eighth Annual Meeting, Cairo, Wednesday, April 9, 2008:p. 10–11.
  • Popescu, S.-M., Jimenez-Moreno, G., Bazeley, O., Boroi, S., Sorrel, P., Dalesme, F., Jouannic, G., Head, M.J., Klotz, S., Giosan, L., Lericollais, G., Ça?atay, N., and Suc, J.-P., 2008.  Mediterranean–Marmara–Black Sea connections during the last 20 ka.: palaeoenvironmental reconstruction in the context of global climate change and regional tectonic settings.  33rd International Geological Congress, Oslo, 6–14 August.  Abstract on CD-ROM.
  • Head, M.J., Gibbard, P.L., and Salvador, A., 2008.  The Tertiary: a proposal for its formal definition.  33rd International Geological Congress, Oslo, 6–14 August.  Abstract on CD-ROM.
  • Head, M.J., Gibbard, P.L., and Salvador, A., 2008.  The Quaternary: its character and definition.  33rd International Geological Congress, Oslo, 6–14 August.  Abstract on CD-ROM.105.
  • Head, M.J., Pillans, B.,and Farquhar, S., 2008.  The Early–Middle Pleistocene Transition: characterization and proposed guide for the defining boundary.  33rd International Geological Congress, Oslo, 6–14 August.  Abstract on CD-ROM.
  • Popescu, S.-M., Jimenez-Moreno, G., Bazeley, O., Boroi, S., Sorrel, P., Dalesme, F., Jouannic, G., Head, M.J., Klotz, S., Giosan, L., Lericollais, G., Ça?atay, N., and Suc, J.-P., 2008.  Mediterranean–Marmara–Black Sea connections during the last 20 k.a.: palaeoenvironmental reconstruction in the context of global climate change and regional tectonic settings.  Turkish Geological Congress, 26–28 March, Ankara, Turkey.
  • McCarthy, F.M.G., Krueger, A.M., Gregg, H.A., and Head, M.J., 2008.  Resting cysts of freshwater dinoflagellates in Severn Sound, Georgian Bay (North American Great Lakes): taxonomy, taphonomy, and paleolimnological applications.  Eighth International Conference on Modern and Fossil Dinoflagellates, Dino 8, Montreal, 4–8th May.
  • Fischer, E., and Head, M.J., 2008.  Late Pliocene dinoflagellate cysts from the Chillesford Church Pit, Suffolk, Eastern England.  Eighth International Conference on Modern and Fossil Dinoflagellates, Dino 8, Montreal, 4–8th May.
  • Soliman, A., Head, M.J., and Louwye, S., 2008.  Morphology and distribution of the Miocene dinoflagellate cyst Operculodinium ? borgerholtense Louwye 2001, emend.  Eighth International Conference on Modern and Fossil Dinoflagellates, Dino 8, Montreal, 4–8th May.
  • De Schepper, S. and Head, M.J.  2008.  Another abstract, Canal tunnel or MIS M2– check with Stijn for title.  Eighth International Conference on Modern and Fossil Dinoflagellates, Dino 8, Montreal, 4–8th May.
  • De Schepper, S. and Head, M.J.  2008.  Stratigraphic utility of new dinoflagellate cysts and acritarchs from the Pliocene and Pleistocene of the eastern North Atlantic.  Eighth International Conference on Modern and Fossil Dinoflagellates, Dino 8, Montreal, 4–8th May.
  • Farquhar, S.A., and Head, M.J., 2008.  Lower Pliocene dinoflagellate cysts from the Rossello Composite Section, and their statistical analyses.  Eighth International Conference on Modern and Fossil Dinoflagellates, Dino 8, Montreal, 4–8th May.
  • Paez, M., Head, M.J., and Westphal, H., 2008.  Preliminary Miocene dinoflagellate cyst and acritarch biostratigraphy of a subtropical carbonate platform: ODP Site 1007, Bahamas.  Eighth International Conference on Modern and Fossil Dinoflagellates, Dino 8, Montreal, 4–8th May.
  • Popescu S.-M., Suc J.-P., Clauzon, G., Melinte-Dobrinescu, M.C., Escarguel, G., Quilévéré, F., Sîrbescu, M.-L.C., Dalesme, F., Jouannic, G., Head, M., Süto-Szentai, M., Bakrac, K., Mertens, K., Vercauteren, D., 2008.  Mediterranean–Paratethys connections before and after Messinian Salinity Crisis.  French–Romanian scientific workshop: What happened in southern Romania and Black Sea when the Mediterranean Sea desiccated 5.6 million years ago.  February 29th to March 1st, 2008, Bucharest, Romania.
  • Escarguel, G., Popescu, S.-M., Dalesme, F., Jouannic, G., Head, M., Melinte-Dobrinescu, M.C, Süto-Szentai, M., Bakrac, K., Clauzon, G., Suc, J.-P, Mertens, K., and Vercauteren, D., 2008.  Galeacysta etrusca complex, dinoflagellate cyst marker of Paratethyan influxes into Mediterranean Sea, before and after the peak of the Messinian Salinity Crisis.  French–Romanian scientific workshop: What happened in southern Romania and Black Sea when the Mediterranean Sea desiccated 5.6 million years ago.  February, 29th to March 1st, 2008, Bucharest, Romania.
  • De Schepper, S., Head, M.J., and Groeneveld, J., 2008.  Evidence for on/off switching of North Atlantic Current during the warm Middle Pliocene.  Integrated Ocean Drilling Program, Workshop, Hannover, February, 2008. [Winner of Best Poster Award].
  • El Beialy, S.Y., El Atfy, H.S., Head, M.J. El Khoriby, E.M., and Abu Zeid, R.H., 2008.  Palynology, palynofacies, paleoenvironments and organic geochemistry of the Upper Cretaceous in well GPTSW-7, north Western Desert, Egypt.  AAPG.


  • De Schepper, S., Head, M.J. and Groeneveld, J., 2007.  Sea-surface conditions in the eastern North Atlantic spanning Middle Pliocene Marine Isotope Stage M2 ( c . 3.30 Ma).  Ninth International Conference on Paleoceanography , Shanghai, China, September, 2007.
  • Paez, M., Head, M.J., McCarthy, F.M.G., and Westphal, H., 2007.  Preliminary dinoflagellate cyst biostratigraphy of a Neogene subtropical carbonate platform: ODP Hole 1007C, Bahamas.  American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists, Ann. Mtg . (Panama), September, 2007.
  • McCarthy, F.M.G., Gregg, H.A., and Head, M.J., 2007.  Resting cysts of freshwater dinoflagellates in Holocene sediments from Georgian Bay (North American Great Lakes).  American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists, Ann. Mtg . (Panama), September, 2007.
  • Head, M.J., 2007.  Tracking the status and duration of the Quaternary – a resolution in sight?  CANQUA Annual Meeting, Carleton University, Ottawa, June, 2007.
  • Paez, M. and Head, M.J., 2007.  Neogene dinoflagellate cysts and palaeoenvironments from the low-latitude Americas.  Mapping the New Knowledges.  Graduate Student & Faculty Research Conference, Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, April 10–11.  Program and Abstracts, p. 21.
  • Ghasemi-Nejad, E., Head, M.J., and Naderi, M., 2007.  Palynology, palynofacies and evaluation of petroleum potential in the Kazhdumi Formation (Albian), South Pars Field, northern Persian Gulf.  Mapping the New Knowledges.  Graduate Student & Faculty Research Conference, Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, April 10–11.  Program and Abstracts, p. 15.
  • Head, M.J., 2007.  Petroleum in Canada.  Invited talk to the St. Catharines Public Library, Ontario, Canada.  February 15, 2007. [Reported in News@Niagara, vol. 37 (11), p. 6].
  • De Schepper, S. and Head, M.J., 2007.  Plio–Pleistocene dinoflagellate cyst biostratigraphy and palaeoecology of the eastern North Atlantic (DSDP Site 610, Rockall Trough).  Gemeinsames Kolloquium der DFG-Schwerpunkte: ICDP – International Continental Scientific Drilling Program – Deutschland und IODP – Integrated Ocean Drilling Program – Potsdam, Germany, March 19–21, 2007.


  • De Schepper, S., and Head, M.J., 2006.   Pliocene–Pleistocene dinoflagellate cyst biostratigraphy and palaeoecology of the eastern North Atlantic (Rockall Trough),  International Workshop on Dinoflagellates and their Cysts: Their Ecology and databases for Palaeoenvironmental Reconstructions.  Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland, Copenhagen, 10–12 November, 2006.
  • De Schepper, S., and Head, M.J., 2006.   New dinoflagellate cyst and acritarch taxa from the Pliocene and Pleistocene of the eastern North Atlantic (DSDP Site 610)  International Workshop on Dinoflagellates and their Cysts: Their Ecology and databases for Palaeoenvironmental Reconstructions.  Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland, Copenhagen, 10–12 November, 2006.
  • Head, M.J., 2006.  Marine palynology and evolution of the Baltic Sea during the Last Interglacial.  Invited talk, Palaeontological Society of Austria,  Karl-Franzens Universität, Graz, Austria, April, 2006.


  • Head, M. J., 2005. The (pen-)insularity of Scandinavia during the Last Interglacial. Niagara Peninsula Geological Society, 2005. (Invited talk).
  • Head, M. J., 2005. Hydrographic development of the Baltic Sea during the Last Interglacial. Quaternary Discussion Group, Godwin Institute for Quaternary Research, University of Cambridge, June 2005. (Invited talk).
  • Jiménez-Moreno, G., Head, M.J., and Harzhauser, M. 2005. Early and Middle Miocene dinoflagellate cyst stratigraphy of the Pannonian and Vienna Basins, central Europe. Geologic Problem Solving with Microfossils. SEPM Conference, March, 6–11, Rice University, Houston, Texas, USA. Program and Abstracts, p. 88.
  • De Schepper, S., and Head, M.J. 2005. Plio-Pleistocene dinoflagellates from DSDP Hole 610A, eastern North Atlantic, and biostratigraphic application to shallow marine environments. Geologic Problem Solving with Microfossils. SEPM Conference, March, 6–11, Rice University, Houston, Texas, USA. Program and Abstracts, p. 38.


  • Soliman, A., Head, M.J., and Piller, W., 2004. Palynology and dinoflagellate cyst stratigraphy of the Gharandal Group (Miocene), Kareem-30 borehole, Gulf of Suez, Egypt. 32 nd International Geological Congress, Florence, August 20–28, 2004.
  • Sorell, P., Popescu, S.-M., and Head, M.J., 2004. Hydrographic development of the Aral Sea during the past c. 1,500 yrs — preliminary results based on dinoflagellate cysts. 32 nd International Geological Congress, Florence, August 20–28, 2004.
  • Popescu, S.-M., Head, M.J., and Francois, L., 2004. Holocene Black Sea hydrography and vegetation history based on palynology. European Science Foundation, Assemblage Programme, Annual Meeting, Paris.
  • Popescu, S.-M., Boroi, S., Head, M.J., Caner, H., Lericolais, G., Ça∂atay, N., and Algan, O., 2004. A new chronology to Mediterranean-Black Sea connections during the last 14 ka BP. European Geological Union, General Assembly, Nice, France.
  • Sorell, P., Popescu, S.-M., and Head, M.J., 2004. Hydrographic development of the Aral Sea during the past c. 1,500 yrs — preliminary results based on dinoflagellate cysts. 32nd International Geological Congress, Florence, August 20–28, 2004.
  • Head, M.J., and Gibbard, P.L., 2004. Early-Middle Pleistocene transitions: a review of the land-ocean evidence. 32nd International Geological Congress, Florence, August 20–28, 2004.
  • Papanikolaou, M. and Head, M.J., 2004. Distribution of dinoflagellate cysts during the Early-Middle Pleistocene transition in the central Mediterranean Sea, ODP Site 963. 11th International Palynological Congress, Granada, Spain, July 4–9, 2004.
  • Soliman, A., Head, M.J., Piller, W. and El Beialy, S., 2004. Miocene dinoflagellate cysts from the Shukheir-1 borehole, Gulf of Suez, Egypt. 11th International Palynological Congress, Granada, Spain, July 4–9, 2004.
  • De Schepper, S., Head, M.J. and Louwye, S., 2004. New dinoflagellate cyst and incertae sedis taxa from the Pliocene of northern Belgium, southern North Sea Basin. 11th International Palynological Congress, Granada, Spain, July 4–9, 2004.
  • Soliman, A., Head, M.J., and Piller, W., 2004. Preliminary results on the Early-Middle Miocene dinoflagellate cysts, Gharandal Group, Gulf of Suez, Egypt. International Workshop on Dinoflagellate Cysts: promising markers of Mediterranean-Paratethys relationships, European Science Foundation, Eeden Programme, Université Claude Bernard-Lyon 1, France, April 17th, 2004.
  • Head, M.J., 2004. Dinoflagellate cysts of the Mediterranean region during the Late Cenozoic. International Workshop on Dinoflagellate Cysts: promising markers of Mediterranean-Paratethys relationships, European Science Foundation, Eeden Programme, Université Claude Bernard-Lyon 1, France, April 17th, 2004.


  • Popescu, S.-M., Head, M.J., and Lericollais, G., 2003. Holocene Black Sea environments according to palynology. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Seattle, USA.
  • Head, M.J., 2003. Dinoflagellate cysts and hydrography of the Baltic Sea during the Last Interglacial (Eemian, ca. 128–115 ka). American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists, Annual Meeting, St. Catharines, Canada, October, 5–8.
  • De Schepper, S., Head, M.J. and Louwye, S., 2003. Pliocene dinoflagellates from Belgium: sequence stratigraphic interpretations and refined taxonomy. American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists, Annual Meeting, St. Catharines, Canada, October, 5–8.
  • Head, M.J., 2003. Summary of dinoflagellate cyst research and closing remarks. Seventh International Conference on Modern and Fossil Dinoflagellates (Dino 7), September 21–25, Nagasaki, Japan. By invitation.
  • Head, M.J., 2003. Hydrographic development of the Baltic Sea during the Last Interglacial (ca. 130 ka) deduced from the dinoflagellate cyst record. Seventh International Conference on Modern and Fossil Dinoflagellates (Dino 7), September 21–25, Nagasaki, Japan. Invited lecture.
  • Louwye, S., Head, M.J. and De Schepper, S. 2003. Palaeoenvoronment and dinoflagellate cyst stratigraphy of the Pliocene in northern Belgium at the southern margin of the North Sea Basin. Invited lecture, Geologica Belgica Annual Meeting, Ghent, Belgium, 27th February.
  • Head, M.J., 2003. Dinoflagellates and their applications to late Cenozoic stratigrapy and palaeoecology. Invited lecture, Université Claude Bernard-Lyon 1, France; 26th February.
  • Head, M.J., 2003. Island Scandinavia: Eemian hydrography and the evidence from dinoflagellate cysts in the Baltic region. Invited lecture, Université Claude Bernard-Lyon 1, France; 19th February.


  • Head, M.J., and Louwye, S. 2002. Upper Cenozoic dinoflagellate cyst stratigraphy of the Southern North Sea Basin – a synthesis. AASP, TMS, NAMS Annual Meeting, University College London, September 12–15, 2002.
  • Louwye, S., Head, M.J. and De Schepper, S. 2002. Dinoflagellate cyst stratigraphy and palaeoenvironment of a shallow marine Pliocene sequence in northern Belgium (southern North Sea Basin). AASP, TMS, NAMS Annual Meeting, University College London, September 12–15, 2002.
  • Head, M.J.. 2002. Continental shelf deposits and subdivision of the Pleistocene. Invited talk at the INQUA Commission on Stratigraphy Workshop: the Subdivision of the Quaternary, July 13, 2002, Leiden, The Netherlands.
  • Head, M.J.. 2002. Baltic dinoflagellates of the Last Interglacial. Invited talk at Workshop on Mid-latitude Dinoflagellates, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, April 29-May 3, 2002.
  • Head, M.J.. 2002. Dinoflagellates and hydrography of the Last Interglacial (Eemian) at Licze, Poland and Peski, Russia. Invited talk at the BALTEEM Annual Meeting, Tvärminne Zoological Station, Finland, March 15–19, 2002.


  • Head, M.J.. Gibbard, P.L., and Grøsfjeld, K. 2001. Dinoflagellates and hydrography of the last interglacial (Eemian, Mikulino) in the Baltic Sea-White Sea region. Abstract Volume, p. 79. Baltic Sea Science Congress. Stockholm University, November 25–29, 2001.
  • Head, M.J.. 2001. Dinoflagellates and hydrography of the SW Baltic during the last interglacial (Eemian, ca. 130 ka). Palynology Group Meeting, British Micropalaeontological Society, University of Sheffield, March, 2001.
  • Head, M.J.. 2001. Dinoflagellates and hydrography of the southwestern Baltic Sea during the Eemian (Last Interglacial). Invited talk. Goldsmidt Lecture Series. Geological Survey of Norway, Trondheim, March, 2001.


  • Head, M.J. and Gibbard, P., 2000. Dinoflagellates from the Last Interglacial (Eemian) of Ristinge Klint, Denmark: evidence for elevated temperatures in the southwestern Baltic Sea. British Micropalaeontological Society AGM, Poster Session, University College London, November 2000.
  • Head, M.J. and Norris, G., 2000. Pliocene of eastern England dated by North Atlantic dinoflagellate cyst stratigraphy. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Reno, Nevada, November 2000.
  • Head, M.J., 2000. Listening to cysts—dinoflagellates of the late Cenozoic. British Micropalaeontological Society AGM, Invited lecture, University College London, November 2000.
  • Head, M.J. and Norris, G., 2000. Pliocene dinoflagellate cyst stratigraphy of the western North Atlantic, and its applicability to shallow marine deposits of eastern England. GeoCanada 2000, Calgary, Alberta, May 29 – June 2 2000.
  • Head, M.J. and Gibbard, P., 2000. Marine dinoflagellates and palaeoenvironments of the Last Interglacial (Late Pleistocene, Eemian) at Ristinge Klint, southern Denmark. Geoscience 2000, Manchester, U.K, 17–20th April, 2000.
  • Head, M.J., 2000. Late Cenozoic dinoflagellates—new kids on the block. Quaternary Discussion Group, Godwin Institute for Quaternary Research, University of Cambridge, January 2000. (Invited talk).


  • NSERC Discovery Grants (2006–2016, continuous)
  • NSF (named collaborator)
  • Imperial Oil (2009)