Kelly Biagi

Assistant Professor

Hydrology; biogeochemistry; wetlands; ecosystem restoration/reclamation

Office: MC D423
905 688 5550 x 3864
Email: [email protected]

2023 – Present: Assistant Professor, Earth Sciences, Brock University

2021 – 2022: Post-doctoral Fellow, Toronto Metropolitan University; Supervisor: Dr. Christopher Wellen

Ph.D. McMaster University

M.Sc. McMaster University

B.Sc. Dalhousie University

2018 – Present: Founding Member, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee

2021 – Present: Committee Member, Farlain Lake Community

2017 – 2021: Co-chair, Canadian Young Hydrologic Society (CYHS)

ERSC 1P02 Plant Earth – Surface Processes

ERSC 3P91 Groundwater Hydrology

My research studies a variety of landscape mitigation practices with a focus on understanding the hydrological and hydrochemical impact of those practices

– How can we effectively restore the hydrological functioning of degraded ecosystems to improve our water resources?

Current Projects:

– Ecosystem reclamation in the Athabasca oil sands region

– Wetland restoration in the Niagara region

– Lower Great Lakes nutrient loads from headwater streams with the aim of understanding which mitigation strategies to target and where to implement them to limit excess nutrients

Approaches: Field and laboratory-based studies in hydrology and biogeochemistry. Hydrologic modelling and mapping

Ross, C. A., Moslenko, L. L., Biagi, K. M., Oswald, C. J., Wellen, C. C., Thomas, J. L., Raby, M., Sorichetti, R. J. (2022). Total and dissolved phosphorus losses from agricultural headwater streams during extreme events. Science of the Total Environment, 848, 157736

Biagi, K. M.*, Ross, C. A.*, Oswald, C. J., Sorichetti, R. J., Thomas, J. L., & Wellen, C. C. (2022). Novel predictors related to hysteresis and baseflow improve predictions of watershed nutrient loads: An example from Ontario’s lower Great Lakes basin. Science of the Total Environment, 826, 154023

*Authors share first authorship, contributed equally, and are listed in alphabetical order by surname

Clark, M. G., Biagi, K. M., & Carey, S. K. (2022). Optical properties of dissolved organic matter highlight peatland-like properties in a constructed wetland. Science of The Total Environment, 802, 149770

Biagi, K. M., & Carey, S. K. The hydrochemical evolution of a constructed peatland in a post-mining landscape six years after construction. (2021). Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 39, 100978

Biagi, K. M., Clark, M. G., & Carey, S. K. (2021). Hydrological functioning of a constructed peatland watershed in the Athabasca oil sands region: Potential trajectories and lessons learned. Ecological Engineering, 166, 106236

Biagi, K. M., & Carey, S. K. (2020). The role of snow processes and hillslopes on runoff generation in present and future climates in a recently constructed watershed in the Athabasca oil sands region. Hydrological Processes, 34(17), 3635-3655

Aubry‐Wake, C, Somers, LD, Alcock, H, et al. (2020). A new flow for Canadian young hydrologists: Key scientific challenges addressed by research cultural shifts. Hydrological Processes. 1– 6.

Biagi, K. M., Oswald, C. J., Nicholls, E. M., & Carey, S. K. (2019). Increases in salinity following a shift in hydrologic regime in a constructed wetland watershed in a post-mining oil sands landscape. Science of The Total Environment, 653, 1445-1457

Sterling, S. M., Angelidis, C., Armstrong, M., Biagi, K. M., Clair, T. A., Jackson, N., and Breen, A. (2014). Terrestrial liming to promote Atlantic Salmon recovery in Nova Scotia – approaches needed and knowledge gained after a trial application, Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss., 11, 10117-10156